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A PPV's on tonight apparently A PPV's on tonight apparently

06-05-2017 , 05:56 AM
That post is kind of dumb even if you don't like Joe's style. You seem to dislike anything "smarks" like just because smarks like it. Bray/Finn has been teased since the night Finn returned, the Heyman thing was just done to put him over. Rollins/Reigns doesn't seem jeopardized either.

It wasn't just some guy who started the "Joe is a great wrestler" trend, Joe being a great wrestler started it. If you watch his body of work and disagree then we just have very different opinions on what makes a good wrestler. I mean if all you watch is people's work in WWE then you're getting a very small sample.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 06:00 AM
Samoa Joe was great. Check out his entire 19 month ROH title reign in 03/04 (that includes his 1 hour draw 5* match with Punk) along with his 5* match vs. Kobashi in 06. When people said they wanted Joe, I don't think they realized how much he's slowed down. Now he seems to be just going off name recognition because I don't think many are impressed with his NXT run or what he's done so far on the main roster.

When people say they're hyped about Joe/Brock it's because they envision a match like Joe/Kobashi which is honestly one of the best American matches I've ever watched. I do hope that's what we're going to get but I'm not counting on that, at all.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 07:03 AM
If Joe/Brock is an actual match, and not just Brock suplexing Joe the entire time, I expect it to be one of the better matches Brock has had since coming back.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
when did booker replace saxton?
During the Superstar Shakeup, Otunga moved from Smackdown to Raw and Saxton moved from Raw to Smackdown.

Otunga is out right now (I forget why) and Booker is his replacement through the summer.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 07:43 AM
Otunga was on the pre-show panel last night, so he's back around now.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 09:34 AM
OK, I looked it up. Otunga was out filming a movie. While he was back last night, he won't be on commentary until the end of summer. I don't know if they mean the technical definition of end of summer or the WWE definition of end of summer (Summerslam)

Guess I should mention that I only got a few minutes of the PPV (the Dean/Miz match). Will probably eventually watch the 5-man main event though.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 10:16 AM
I would expect joe/Bork to basically be the Roman/Bork WM match, which would be awesome

However I also expect the realistic best case scenario to be Roman shoehorned in to make it a triple threat cuz Vince doesn't want a senor joe summerslam main event and a realistic worst case to be joe losing the #1 contender slot outright to Roman, followed by joe costing Roman the title at SS leading to a feud between joe and Roman that ends in lol_roman_wins
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 10:22 AM
I think they just wanted Brock to win his first defense and decided Joe is the guy who can take the loss best while they bide time for the other guys. They'll probably build him up through Heyman promos and then have him go mostly toe-to-toe with Brock before losing, which will be pretty good for him despite the result.

I'm pretty convinced they're just saving Brock vs. Reigns for Mania.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
That main event was awesome. Told a great story, had a number of sweet spots, and legit felt like anyone could win. The ending was ****ing stupid though. Aside from the fact that they had a # of stories setup that woulda been better (Finn/Brock which they kinda teased with a Heyman promo a little while back and Joe/Bray vs Rollins/Roman for example) that they just threw away, Somoa Joe...kinda sucks. Just a huge blob with 0 charisma or mic skills. And terrible facial hair. Why do we like him again?

I'd like to meet the guy who starts these weird smark trends. I feel like that has to be it- like some super insider wrestling guy just was like woah Somoa Joe GOAT then everyone just repeated it bc they wanted to appear to be a smart wrestling fan and it took off from there. Bc I can't for the life of me fathom watching him attempt to talk or waddle around the ring spouting his "techinical" style and think he's this great wrestler. If this was sumo UFC he'd be killing it, but it's a tv show, and he is a terrible character who provides no entertainment.

But ya Lesnar Joe should be awesome!!!! And Roman sucks. **** that guy.
Well that is certainly a view point
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by ChachiArcola
Well that is certainly a view point
Saying Joe has no Mic skills lol
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 11:11 AM
Saying Joe has no charisma or mic skills makes me think that you may be mistaking him with Apollo Crews. Did anyone see him on the post show?

Joe vs Brock could be great if done right. The potential of a squash scares me. Brock only really sells for guys in their 50s.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 11:55 AM
I haven't been watching much but expected Rollins to win last night because he seemed to the guy best positioned to take a loss right now.

My expectation of 2017-2018 main event scene is for lesnar to beat the four non-reigns guys (and maybe strowman) and then drop the title to reigns at WM. I don't think lesnar can lose before WM because then it makes reigns win less impressive in kayfabe. I don't know how they keep reigns busy for a year though. How many times can he feud with strowman/bray/Rollins...
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 02:09 PM
I hate that Roman gets booed mercilessly for being pushed hard (when he hasn't been champ in over a year) yet Joe hasn't lost a match basically in his entire tenure and is being pushed to the moon and it's just a big jerkfest. Never thought I'd find myself being a Roman apologist but it's gotten ridiculous. He crushes it in ring every single match. Works his ass off.

And if you think Joe has good mic skills then idk what to tell you, you must be pre-disposed to like him or something. Every thing he says ("IM HERE TO BRING ABOUT CHANGE") is the same **** Kevin Owens said without the boot.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
Never thought I'd find myself being a Roman apologist but it's gotten ridiculous. He crushes it in ring every single match. Works his ass off.
I'm not sure that literally anyone in this forum disagrees with this.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 02:15 PM
I can't tell if you're just bagging on the Reddits of the world here or if you're implying that this board is basically another variation on the wrestling Subreddit. The latter would just be completely wrong. I don't think that I can identify a single reg here who just blindly subscribes to the broader IWC hivemind.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 03:01 PM
No I enjoy this wrestling forum a lot. Believe it or not I don't form my opinions based on what others think. But I am prone to being annoyed when I feel like there are hypocrisies or inconsistencies in viewpoints. Joes push being lauded while Roman gets showered with hate is a prime example of that to me.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I can't tell if you're just bagging on the Reddits of the world here or if you're implying that this board is basically another variation on the wrestling Subreddit. The latter would just be completely wrong. I don't think that I can identify a single reg here who just blindly subscribes to the broader IWC hivemind.
I like Bayley.

There. I said it.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
I hate that Roman gets booed mercilessly for being pushed hard (when he hasn't been champ in over a year) yet Joe hasn't lost a match basically in his entire tenure and is being pushed to the moon and it's just a big jerkfest. Never thought I'd find myself being a Roman apologist but it's gotten ridiculous. He crushes it in ring every single match. Works his ass off.

And if you think Joe has good mic skills then idk what to tell you, you must be pre-disposed to like him or something. Every thing he says ("IM HERE TO BRING ABOUT CHANGE") is the same **** Kevin Owens said without the boot.
What big wins does Joe have since he's been called up?
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 03:32 PM
Senior Joe works best when he's the bigger guy in the match because his power stuff looks much faster and cleaner, or in a match where he gets to work stiff. Bork can certainly qualify as a stiff worker when he wants to, but Bork is basically 2001 Kevin Nash when it comes to him wanting to work these days.

He did some pretty good work in NXT but he was also saddled with Balor and his reign of terror Dre a solid half a year which killed his momentum so hard.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 04:25 PM
I think the general consensus on here re Reigns is that he is solid in the ring, subpar on he mic, a casualty of terrible booking and unfairly treated by fans relative to his current work.
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06-05-2017 , 04:30 PM
That being said it's hard for any fan - smark or otherwise - to get behind Reigns due to how he's been presented by WWE, so the lack of support he gets isn't surprising.

He's supposed to be a good guy according to the announcers but frequently acts like a heel/cowardly. His character is bland and aimless. He is booked as a superman sometimes but other times looks incredibly weak. It's almost as if he has no niche fan base the way other superstars do. Even guys like Kalisto or R Truth or Breezango have niche fan bases
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06-05-2017 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
I think the general consensus on here re Reigns is that he is solid in the ring, subpar on he mic, a casualty of terrible booking and unfairly treated by fans relative to his current work.
I can get behind this, but I'm not sure Joe is where someone wants to pick their battle. Joe is clearly superior in his talking skills. I'm not sure how unpopular this is, but I'd get be more apt to get behind a push against Balor or Nakamura than Joe in terms of a Reigns comp.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 04:55 PM
Reigns is much better than solid as a worker and I'm not convinced his mic work is even bad anymore.

He is the worst booked talent in the WWE bar none and it's impossible to really get behind him in any capacity other than someone admiring an incredible talent.
A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 05:01 PM
If Reigns had turned heel by now the general consensus would be---wow, he's improved so much on the mic. He's a natural heel and his sound/style of brief arrogant declarations of greatness would play perfect.

A PPV's on tonight apparently Quote
06-05-2017 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Mat the Gambler
I like Bayley.

There. I said it.
She might be the only person in WWE who can compete with Reigns for worst booking. Unlike most of this forum, I think she is talented and could still be a star, but they completely mishandled her character with all of these angles about how she's child-like and stupid.
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