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*** Official Wrestlemania XXX Thread *** *** Official Wrestlemania XXX Thread ***

04-07-2014 , 05:05 PM
wwe said taker suffered a concussion during the match and immediately went to the hospital afterwards.
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04-07-2014 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Mrtrebus
"WWE Diva Cameron had a wardrobe malfunction during the Divas match at WrestleMania 30.

During an exchange with Emma, her top completely came off, causing her to roll to the floor and not return to the match."
*** Official Wrestlemania XXX Thread *** Quote
04-07-2014 , 06:34 PM
Didn't see the Lesnar - Taker result coming at all. Can't say I'm that bothered though. The Undertaker has been a huge bore for the last few years. As sh"t as his matches are, the build up to them is even more clichéd, tedious, slow and drawn out. At least now we won't have to sit through any more segments of him standing and staring in silence. When's the last time the guy actually said or did something interesting? Definitely the most over-rated wrestler of all time. A solid mid carder at best IMO.

There are plenty of up and coming guys whose body of work over the year gives them a far more legitimate claim to a sweet WM spot than this guy. It must be sickening for guys like Ziggler to have to watch this garbage. The Undertaker has hogged the big stage for far too long. Time to retire already.
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04-07-2014 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Private_Snowball
Didn't see the Lesnar - Taker result coming at all. Can't say I'm that bothered though. The Undertaker has been a huge bore for the last few years. As sh"t as his matches are, the build up to them is even more clichéd, tedious, slow and drawn out. At least now we won't have to sit through any more segments of him standing and staring in silence. When's the last time the guy actually said or did something interesting? Definitely the most over-rated wrestler of all time. A solid mid carder at best IMO.

There are plenty of up and coming guys whose body of work over the year gives them a far more legitimate claim to a sweet WM spot than this guy. It must be sickening for guys like Ziggler to have to watch this garbage. The Undertaker has hogged the big stage for far too long. Time to retire already.
I actually agree with PS here. The Taker ten minute stroll to the ring annoyed me now. Its better to go out with a bang than slowly fade into ridicule with poor matches ie Flair.

He did his time and will certainly go down with the very best. He's a smart guy too and more than likely knew it which is why he jobbed last night. His time is most definitely over and its time to help pave the way for anew generation.

Lesnar can help lead that into the future.
*** Official Wrestlemania XXX Thread *** Quote
04-07-2014 , 07:10 PM
Yeah, I love breaking the streak for the same reasons. It was obvious during the match and build that the Taker streak formula had grown stale (arguably it did years ago) and it needed to end one way or another. I think WWE sensed that and used it to their advantage to create such a unique, shocking moment.

In general, I'm always a fan of building forward and doing the unexpected, and this did both of those things. I admire WWE and Undertaker for having the balls to go through with it. I've even come around on Lesnar being the right guy to do it, or at least close to the right guy -- you only get one shot at this, and if you waste it on someone without tons of credibility like Lesnar there's a huge risk of it looking like a total joke years down the line.
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04-07-2014 , 07:23 PM
i'm fine with the streak ending and lesnar being the one to do it, but it would've been so much better if it was actually a good match and if lesnar hadn't already lost to cena and hhh since his return. instead of lesnar being the unbeatable heel force that a megastar face needs to take down, he's just a guy that happened to get the best of the undertaker once

wwe will never have another opportunity like that, and it's disappointing they didn't get the most possible out of it.
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04-07-2014 , 07:38 PM
I think the WWE probably realized they just don't have a guy who the bump from breaking the streak could help. Basically for a guy to be over enough to credibly break it (and credibly feud with a guy who puts on one match a year) he has to be so over that a win wouldn't make that much of a difference.

Which still makes it odd that they ended it, because it becomes so clear that ending it was the point of ending it. Which I celebrate, but I'm not sure if grumpy Dids the guy who dislikes past prime main eventers he never saw at their peak is really your core audience.
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04-07-2014 , 07:41 PM
Should have done Cena heel, end of story
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04-07-2014 , 07:47 PM
Can't have 12 year olds crying.
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04-07-2014 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
Should have done Cena heel, end of story
They'll obv never do this until he's WELL past his prime a'la Hollywood Hogan, but they really would've wasted the Streak by feeding it to Cenawins. Let Cena go heel in the Bray match by fully going over to the Dark Side and let Reigns be the one to beat Taker.

Taker losing is fine, and after his last few years, pretty much a necessity, but Bork doesn't really get anything from it. He's old and as others have mentioned, has jobbed his last two major matches. Yeah, Reigns has an uncertain future, but rolling the dice on him becoming the next big thing for 10 years is better than knowing that Brock won't.
*** Official Wrestlemania XXX Thread *** Quote
04-07-2014 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
Should have done Cena heel, end of story
Don't think you can "end of story" this at all. That's an argument the requires some support.

I don't think it's nearly as easy to turn Cena as people tend to thnk. (Also making Bray turn face would be a big mistakes.)
*** Official Wrestlemania XXX Thread *** Quote
04-07-2014 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Don't think you can "end of story" this at all. That's an argument the requires some support.

I don't think it's nearly as easy to turn Cena as people tend to thnk. (Also making Bray turn face would be a big mistakes.)
Not being easy is another great argument for using the streak. And I think its great what they did, but just like Tanner I think they could have used a different person for max results. Its already a moment fans will remember forever, but add in the final Cena heel turn to it makes it over the top memorable.

Also as Tanner said, theyll do it when its passed relevancy anyways.
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04-07-2014 , 11:01 PM
any actual pics of camerons titties?
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04-08-2014 , 01:12 AM
I don't think Lesnar is necessarily that poor of a choice. He's only 35, but his MMA career has to be over, right? He can easily put in another 10 years in the WWE though, and this could be the type of accomplishment to keep him around.

The issue I have with it is more of a timing issue. To get a full payoff you have to push him to the top of the roster, but you can't have him take the title from Bryan right now either. I just don't know what you do with him going forward.

I didn't understand the dynamics in the Cena/Wyatt match at all. I wish they would have played it out with Wyatt going over at Mania and saving the "legacy" stuff for a rematch down the road.

Thought the show was good to great otherwise. The three people I'll remember about this show 10 years from now are Bryan, Lesnar, and Cesaro, which portends good things for three of my favorites on the roster. I think the booking has been a ton better since Royal Rumble than it was prior, but I'm still waiting out to see where they go with them before I give them too much credit for last night.
*** Official Wrestlemania XXX Thread *** Quote
04-08-2014 , 02:56 AM
Yeah, what Private Snowstorm or whatever his name is said I mostly agree with, but Undertaker the most overrated wrestler of all time? Don't know about that.
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04-08-2014 , 03:14 AM
Probably is. The amount of people who call him the best ever on wrestling forums is vomit inducing.
*** Official Wrestlemania XXX Thread *** Quote
04-08-2014 , 04:39 AM
He definitely belongs in the top 10 imo (7 on my list in between Austin and Savage fwiw).

Gimmicks have also always been a large part of wrestling and I think the fact that he is sooo far and away the best gimmick ever adds to his legacy.
*** Official Wrestlemania XXX Thread *** Quote
04-08-2014 , 05:21 AM
from Wade Keller:

Some of Undertaker’s closest friends were not told of the finish ahead of time last night. I reported last night in the Keller Hotline that a very, very, very small circle of people knew going into last night that the Streak was ending, and I’m told additional departments were told on a need-to-know basis no sooner than was absolutely necessary. The finish was not called in the ring, though. As best as I’ve been able to gather from pieces of information from many sources, Taker decided in recent weeks that this was it. He had indicated to people that his body was telling him during his prep for this match in Texas that his body had given all it could. It cannot be stressed enough how brittle and beat up his body is. He put on a brave face, but privately made it clear to a very small circle that there would be no next year.
Can't be bothered to bring up the post where I said this decision happened during him training. Not surprised, to say the least.

I don't think it's ever been brought up on this board how he trains. He flies his opponent in and they practice the match for a week getting everything perfect.

Also, UT on SCSA podcast next. Should air in 2-3 weeks.

Last edited by .isolated; 04-08-2014 at 05:22 AM. Reason: props to the dead man
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04-08-2014 , 09:10 AM
The best way to end the Streak would have been a nice retirement party for Undertaker last April and a HOF induction last Saturday night.
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04-08-2014 , 10:38 AM
Why do people keep mentioning Bryan going over clean? Do faces usually cheat against heels?
*** Official Wrestlemania XXX Thread *** Quote
04-08-2014 , 10:40 AM
Well, it's certainly not unheard of. And usually HHH does something for himself to save face. The idea is mostly that he got put over about as strongly as possible in that first match.
*** Official Wrestlemania XXX Thread *** Quote
04-08-2014 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
The best way to end the Streak would have been a nice retirement party for Undertaker last April and a HOF induction last Saturday night.
Taker would have considered that selfish IMO. He's old school, and old school wrestlers go out by falling on their swords.

If he wasn't going to wrestle again, I don't care what anyone says ... that was the right move. Undertaker losing created a special moment and a feeling I'm not sure anything else can recreate. And now Lesnar becomes an even bigger deal, as will the next guy to take out Lesnar ... hence, Taker's passed his heat on so the business can prosper, which is what the man undoubtably wanted.
*** Official Wrestlemania XXX Thread *** Quote
04-08-2014 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Voodoo Tatum
Taker would have considered that selfish IMO. He's old school, and old school wrestlers go out by falling on their swords.

If he wasn't going to wrestle again, I don't care what anyone says ... that was the right move. Undertaker losing created a special moment and a feeling I'm not sure anything else can recreate.
I agree with this. Took me some time to digest it and come around, but I'm completely on board with what they did now.
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04-08-2014 , 11:30 AM
Bovada lost some $ on Taker losing:
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04-08-2014 , 11:33 AM
Just re-watched Taker vs Lesnar and noticed that the titantron made it look like Lesnar and Heyman were walking back into hell as they left. Looked very nice.
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