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Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread

03-27-2012 , 01:33 PM
I think you are probably overthinking it. This match was cobbled together at the last moment compared to the rest built over months because they werent even convinced they should have a divas match on the card and the decision had a split in creative debating this until right before they announced it.

They will just have a 3 minute match that goes basically the same as all diva matches, maybe with a shade of K2 vs Beth from last summer for another couple min in the middle.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 03:09 PM
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by dnkyhunter31
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 04:34 PM
Ladies and gentleman, I present to you:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
A hockey fan's guide to Wrestlemania

Courtesy of Down Goes Brown.

This is the happiest anyone has ever looked while wearing an Oilers jersey.

This Sunday is one of the biggest days on sports calendar, assuming you're willing to be generous with your definition of "sports". That's because it's time for another installment of Wrestlemania, the annual pay-per-view event that features the very best that the fine folks at World Wrestling Entertainment have to offer.

OK, Wrestlemania may not for everyone. But even if you're not a fan of professional wrestling, the overwhelming hype for each year's production can be hard to avoid. So if you're a hockey fan who's wondering what all the fuss is about, here's a quick guide to get you up to speed on the similarities and differences between Wrestlemania and the NHL.

Wrestlemania: If you see somebody wearing a sparkly silver jacket that spells out their name in bright flashing lights, you'll know that Chris Jericho has arrived for his match.
NHL: If you see somebody wearing a sparkly silver jacket that spells out their name in bright flashing lights, you'll know that Don Cherry has decided to wear something conservative that night.

Wrestlemania: If the crowd yells "What?" every time a person tries to speak, it's because they are using a traditional wrestling chant to attempt to interfere with the villain's train of thought.
NHL: If the crowd yells "What?" every time a person tries to speak, it's because the referee is announcing the results of the instant replay review using one of those microphones the league bought at Radio Shack in 1983.

Wrestlemania: The fans know that the fights are planned out well in advance, although everyone involved makes an effort to pretend that they're spontaneous and real.
NHL: John Tortorella and Peter DeBoer have no idea why everyone is staring at them right now.

Wrestlemania: The athletes can often be heard using catchphrases such as "Do you smell what The Rock is cooking" and "I am the Ayatollah of Rock-and-rollah".
NHL: The athletes can often be heard using catchphrases such as "We just have to take it one game at a time" and "Like I said, we just have to take it one game at a time".

Wrestlemania: Fans will occasionally scream in frustration when an obvious infraction goes unpunished despite it happening right in front of a referee.
NHL: Don’t be silly. That won't happen until the playoffs start in two weeks.

Wrestlemania: The three hours that you have to sit through before you get to the main event is known as "the undercard".
NHL: The three hours that you have to sit through before you get to the main event is known as "the national anthem at an Ottawa Senators game".

Wrestlemania: "19-0" is a reference to the Undertaker's record in Wrestlemania matches over the course of his career.
NHL: "19-0" is a reference to Milan Lucic's record in fights against Mike Komisarek.

Wrestlemania: The head of the organization is the villainous Vince McMahon, and his mere appearance or a mention of his name will often cause the crowd to erupt with boos, threats and personal insults.
NHL: Gary Bettman has asked Vince McMahon for tips on how he got so popular.

Wrestlemania: "You Can't See Me" is main event star John Cena's patented catchphrase.
NHL: "You Can't See Me" is the legal disclaimer printed on all Montreal Canadiens playoff tickets.

Wrestlemania: Zack Ryder, who proudly bills himself as being from Long Island, will be making an appearance in the ring.
NHL: Nobody from Long Island has managed to get anywhere close to a ring in decades.

Wrestlemania: "Go To Sleep" is the name of the finishing move of the reigning WWE Champion, CM Punk.
NHL: "Go To Sleep" was the league's official marketing slogan for the decade after the New Jersey Devils won their first Stanley Cup in 1995.

Wrestlemania: If you suddenly see flames everywhere, you'll know that wrestler Kane is about to make his entrance.
NHL: If you suddenly see Flames everywhere, you'll know that you fell asleep for a few weeks and woke up during the World Championships.

Wrestlemania: John Laurinaitis plays the role of the obnoxious general manager who constantly belittles everyone around him in an attempt to keep his job.
NHL: Gosh, no idea what that would be like, mutters the Toronto media.

Wrestlemania: If you see someone dramatically remove their elbow pad and toss it into the crowd, you are about to witness The Rock perform a move known as "The People's Elbow".
NHL: If you see someone dramatically remove their elbow pad and toss it into the crowd, you should tell Duncan Keith that he might want to try being a little more subtle next time.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 06:01 PM
wasn't there some bull**** last year when cole over lawler was like +700 then they decided that the ending reversal that gave cole the win didn't really count so they wouldn't have to pay out?
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by chicken10der
wasn't there some bull**** last year when cole over lawler was like +700 then they decided that the ending reversal that gave cole the win didn't really count so they wouldn't have to pay out?
lol wow if thats true

cole winning was what got me one out from the $$ last year fwiw
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by chicken10der
wasn't there some bull**** last year when cole over lawler was like +700 then they decided that the ending reversal that gave cole the win didn't really count so they wouldn't
have to pay out?
Yeah this is correct. They also declared Cena/Miz a draw since it originally ended in a double count out.

I'd be cautious if you're considering betting big money.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 10:41 PM
So if HHH loses but Undertaker has to be helped out of the ring while HHH declares himself the winner because of it, does that mean no action on the bet either?
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 08:44 PM
As far as Alberto Del Rio is concerned, original plans called for Del Rio to be a part of the 12 man tag match, however, WWE officials believe the match is "below him," and are planning something more dramatic for his eventual return. The feeling is that the tag team match at WrestleMania 28 is not fitting for a past World Champion who is in line for a big push in the coming months. It's being said that a possible feud with Randy Orton is being discussed for Del Rio at this time.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 08:56 PM
del rio's a 2-time champ, tho - miz only held it once. even though miz's one reign was twice as long as both of del rio's combined.

can't wait for his big return where he gets no crowd reaction and is instantly thrown right back into the main event scene for some completely illogical reason. it'll be kane all over again.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 09:23 PM
Meh at Miz Really?

The idea that Mark Henry isnt getting a push in the coming months is so goram dumb its unreal.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 09:26 PM
As far as Alberto Del Rio is concerned, original plans called for Del Rio to be a part of the 12 man tag match, however, WWE officials believe the match is "below him," and are planning something more dramatic for his eventual return. The feeling is that the tag team match at WrestleMania 28 is not fitting for a past World Champion who is in line for a big push in the coming months. It's being said that a possible feud with Randy Orton is being discussed for Del Rio at this time.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Meh at Miz Really?

The idea that Mark Henry isnt getting a push in the coming months is so goram dumb its unreal.
The word is that Henry is retiring soon.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 09:33 PM
Maybe but im sure they will be racing to get at least another year out of him, maybe offering a WM retirement match to sweeten the pot.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by teejayC
Yeah this is correct. They also declared Cena/Miz a draw since it originally ended in a double count out.

I'd be cautious if you're considering betting big money.
I think the max you can bet on graps is like $50.

CM Punk -200 is pretty juicy though. (Not counting the obvious free money play.)
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-29-2012 , 12:01 AM
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-29-2012 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by chicken10der
del rio's a 2-time champ, tho - miz only held it once. even though miz's one reign was twice as long as both of del rio's combined.

can't wait for his big return where he gets no crowd reaction and is instantly thrown right back into the main event scene for some completely illogical reason. it'll be kane all over again.
At least Kane gets a crowd reaction and use to be over. ADR has just been shoved down our throats and continues to get zero crowd reaction, I really don't know what people see in him.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-29-2012 , 12:25 AM
He had tonnes of crowd when he was working with Edge.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-29-2012 , 12:55 AM
i still have hope miz wont just be a part of that tag match fwiw.... could still be a swerve because everyone started talking about miz/rock/cena and so vince wants to add unpredictability.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-29-2012 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Dylan
At least Kane gets a crowd reaction and use to be over. ADR has just been shoved down our throats and continues to get zero crowd reaction, I really don't know what people see in him.
ADR is awesome on the mic and in the ring. I don't see what's to hate.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-29-2012 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by Dylan
At least Kane gets a crowd reaction and use to be over. ADR has just been shoved down our throats and continues to get zero crowd reaction, I really don't know what people see in him.
Hard to get a crowd reaction when two of the top three faces completely bury him for 4 months straight, don't let him get a single clean win over either of them, and just stand there during promos and say "LOL YOU'RE A FAKE RICH MEXICAN, HOMBRE".
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-29-2012 , 05:24 AM
I know the rumor has been denied, but I just can't not believe the HIAC match is setting up HHH/HBK for next year's Wrestlemania. It makes sense in so many ways. It is an easy out for Taker to win and for HHH to not lose clean. Not to mention Taker would be the guy who would "give his blessing" for HBK to take back his retirement promise. And I can't see HHH and HBK not wanting their last match to be against each other.

Heard the WWE is looking for some new year long hype matches for WM29. RAW after WM28 could be epic. Lesnar/Taker, HHH/HBK, Austin/Punk all with year long builds would be pretty great. Also read a rumor of Cena/Rock II on Rajah or something.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-29-2012 , 11:08 AM
Id bet that most of that is bull**** tbh.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-29-2012 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
I guess Ziggler won't get a push then.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
03-29-2012 , 11:15 AM
I like the idea of year long builds but I hate announcing the match a year ahead of time. Hogan/ Savage is a great example of how it should be done whereas a Rock/Cena type build is something I never ever want to see again.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
