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Official WrestleMania Thread Official WrestleMania Thread

08-18-2009 , 02:31 AM
Raw was OK this week I guess...

I definitely liked DX putting Legacy over, at least today. There is precisely zero chance that they do the job to them at the PPV, but I also like that they've moved Legacy away from Orton a bit. I guess if the rumor about pushing DiBiase as a babyface for The Marine 2 is true they'll have to figure out something to do with Cody without future endeavoring him.

The Mickie-Gail botchfest was just painful. You'd think two of the actual wrestlers WWE has on the Divas roster would know how to work a match better than that.

Hornswoggle needs to be cut out like last week. Is he even over with the kids? The only people who would have been entertained by the Home Alone bit are people who weren't even alive when it was released. I guess Macaulay Culkin needed the appearance money? Agree with others saying that giving Swagger and MVP 30 seconds was just terrible - MVP as a babyface is incredibly generic, and those two could actually work a good match, so let's just have Swagger get DQ'd in the corner as soon as the match starts.

No doubt SmackDown is the better product right now - here's hoping they can stretch Jeff and Punk a while longer and find some good way to work Matt back in.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-18-2009 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I guess this should go in spoilers. News on the commentary team of TNA:

West is gone. Taz is in as a permanent colour commentator alongside Tenay
That's a downgrade imo.

The Mickie-Gail botchfest was just painful.
OMG this. WTF happened there.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-18-2009 , 09:38 AM
I know that others have said it - but it's just so terrible that Cena gets RKO'd (some people are left lying there for minutes after an RKO) and then gets up and demolishes both Jericho and Show, all while showing NO effects of just being hit with the world champs finisher.

Also - glad to see that Miz is still around with his new attitude, I really enjoy his work.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-18-2009 , 10:05 AM
Downgrade? Seriously? I consider it an absolutely huge upgrade and its not even close.

Btw, im gonna go out on a huge left field limb here and say DX is going to put Legacy over at Summerfest. I know, Hunter has no history of helping out younger stars in the ring, but DX has nothing to lose but Legacy really needs a win because right now they are past paying their dues and are getting into career jobber status.

DiBiase as a face should be easy enough to pull off, the trouble is they are going to have to sacrifice Cody in most scenarios to really get him going. I dont like the dudes chances of surviving into next year.

Whilst i just cant see it happening now, the plan was to turn DiBiase face around December and have him feud with Orton for the WWE belt. The trouble is they have given DiBiase zero credibility with how they have constructed the Legacy story.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-18-2009 , 10:09 AM
I thought the booking in the main event in general was lolbad. Jericho/Show had been hyped as an unstoppable combination of two hungry, elite wrestlers, then they basically job both of them to Cena for no reason.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-18-2009 , 10:24 AM
So who was at fault for that (first) finishing botch in the Divas match? Mickie's obviously P.O.ed at the end, but I can't tell if she's mad at herself or Gail.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-18-2009 , 06:54 PM
Apparently Gail took a huge head bump off a missed crossbody which was why the match fell apart.
Full match, 4:44 was where she took the knock

She obv couldnt remember spots and was knocked loops so Mickie had to improv the match from that point in and she has gotten massive heat for how it came off, both from guys like Vince and the other Divas.

They dont think GK picked up a concussion.

Fwiw, looking it over, it looks like Mickie was pissed because Gail sandbagged the leaping DDT and didnt sell the roundhouse kick - so she used her two finishers and got nothing.

The heat was how she got the pin (basically a forearm was all she hit) and how she reacted after the pin. Expect her to drop the title soon unless she somehow begs through to get another chance.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-18-2009 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by trevorwc
I know that others have said it - but it's just so terrible that Cena gets RKO'd (some people are left lying there for minutes after an RKO) and then gets up and demolishes both Jericho and Show, all while showing NO effects of just being hit with the world champs finisher.
Terrible yes but not from a business standpoint. How do you think Hogan managed to have a career for so long? they are trying to do with Cena what they did with Hogan (make him invinsible) and frankly it works and brings money in.

Everyone knows that Hogan is a no good son of a b|tch that was totally unprofessional and refused to job to anyone and would not sell. Cena is different.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-18-2009 , 10:19 PM

From a business standpoint - I get that Cena is big business. It's just interesting how time changes your perspective. I was 10 in the late 80's when Hulk beat Andre, Macho, Warrior, etc and I was a HUGE Hulk fan. And I agree that there trying to do the same bit of invincibility with Cena, it's just that at 30, I look at it a little different and realize how stupid and impossible the shtick is.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 01:27 AM
Going back to the Hogan mold seems terrible after their big stars last decade (Austin, The Rock, to a lesser extent Foley) weren't ever really the no-selling types. Austin got over huge not by being invincible to finishers, but by outright refusing to give up while in the sharpshooter at WM 13. That type of "I won't submit no matter what" toughness is believable to put over. If this was directly after Hogan's prime, this Cena invincibility nonsense might make is, it just seems stupid after they shifted gears to a more believable model of putting their main event faces over.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by trevorwc
And I agree that there trying to do the same bit of invincibility with Cena, it's just that at 30, I look at it a little different and realize how stupid and impossible the shtick is.
correct and you have to realize that you and i are not the demographic the wwe cares about. The invincibility shtick works as proven by Hogan's career. From a business standpoint you can't blame the wwe. Having an invinsible face is a proven winner.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 01:59 AM
What was Mickie supposed to do at that point? Kim couldn't take the DDT and she sold the kick.

The worst botch I can remember was when Jericho botched a RKO in a tag match (RKO Y2J while he's got someone in the Walls) and they just redid the spot and nothing happened to either one.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 02:15 AM
Mickie griping around the ring pissed instead of selling that she was happy with the win does seem like it would draw heat.

It makes no sense for Mickie to be unhappy about her win from a kayfabe standpoint.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Mickie griping around the ring pissed instead of selling that she was happy with the win does seem like it would draw heat.

It makes no sense for Mickie to be unhappy about her win from a kayfabe standpoint.
1)Her finisher got 'blocked', that a reason to be mad.
2)Curtain Call,Montreal,Tough Enough/Celebrity Wrestling,Mr McMahon blown up finished off kayfabe
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 02:58 AM
The worst botch I can remember was when Jericho botched a RKO in a tag match (RKO Y2J while he's got someone in the Walls) and they just redid the spot and nothing happened to either one.
Seriously? It just came off like Orton lost his grip or some nonsense, and they repeated the spot and it went fine. A lot of guys get seriously injured, those are botches.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Scary_Tiger
Seriously? It just came off like Orton lost his grip or some nonsense, and they repeated the spot and it went fine. A lot of guys get seriously injured, those are botches.
that's pretty ****ing funny
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 03:12 AM

this one's pretty bad...though i don't know if u can really call it a botch as these are inherently risky anyway
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
1)Her finisher got 'blocked', that a reason to be mad.
2)Curtain Call,Montreal,Tough Enough/Celebrity Wrestling,Mr McMahon blown up finished off kayfabe
Mickie is a face in a match for her title and she acted like a heel in just a random match. When the DDT was "countered", she should have done something like her lariat takedown or some kind of schoolgirl rollup because its clear Gail is out of it and not following the program. She snap went to her second finisher which completely relies on the other person selling it, then compounded this error with just using a forearm shot to finish it after Gail had "countered" the spike DDT and no sold the kick.

The finish looked terrible, her reactions afterwards were worse (just smile, grab the belt, pose on a turnbuckle then raise Gails hand at the same time as the ref raises your hand in victory, its not hard).

Fwiw, up to the missed crossbody i thought it was a good match, esp by diva standards. But Mickie was clearly nervous from the opening bell and made errors on really basic stuff, she was having an off night from the start but no one will remember the great spots in that match (the double drop kick and the rolling round the ring stuff was fun for a couple examples off the top of my head).

The biggest heat im sure she got was from the other divas in the company. This was a really key match to moving the womens belts to being proper belts defended in proper matches instead of the random every blue moon title match with random tag matches every week that kill the crowd.


As for botches, i cant find the vid on youtube but there is an awesome one where flair goes to slam someones head into the ring steps, but he taps him on the back of the head and forgets to push his hands down, so its like he just tapped him on the head and the other dude insta slammed his own head into the steps. Was a pure comedy moment.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Scary_Tiger
Seriously? It just came off like Orton lost his grip or some nonsense, and they repeated the spot and it went fine. A lot of guys get seriously injured, those are botches.
I'm sorry, my memory is better now, this is the worst. (3:10 mark)

But what's Jericho thinking kayfabe wise there? "Hmm, Randy just tried to RKO me and missed, I'll just keep this locked on while he bounces off the ropes and....*RKO*"
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]

As for botches, i cant find the vid on youtube but there is an awesome one where flair goes to slam someones head into the ring steps, but he taps him on the back of the head and forgets to push his hands down, so its like he just tapped him on the head and the other dude insta slammed his own head into the steps. Was a pure comedy moment.
Is that not Steiner vs Christian on the side of the ring?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Majour
Is that not Steiner vs Christian on the side of the ring?
Steiner tries to slam Christian on the steps, but Christian slams himself into the ring and then they do it right
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Majour
Is that not Steiner vs Christian on the side of the ring?
Maybe. Been a while since ive seen it.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
I'm sorry, my memory is better now, this is the worst. (3:10 mark)

But what's Jericho thinking kayfabe wise there? "Hmm, Randy just tried to RKO me and missed, I'll just keep this locked on while he bounces off the ropes and....*RKO*"
Jericho broke the hold and turned towards Randy but got RKO'd anyways.

I love how in that match at the end she kicks out but they call it a three count anyways.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
I'm sorry, my memory is better now, this is the worst. (3:10 mark)
This site has a ton of stuff you guys might enjoy .
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
08-19-2009 , 05:44 PM
