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Official WrestleMania Thread Official WrestleMania Thread

02-22-2010 , 08:47 AM
Just watching EC and have to post while I remember: LOL at Drew McIntyre entrance. I've never heard someone get less crowd reaction.
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02-22-2010 , 08:49 AM
Vicki Guerrero = heat magnet. I love it.

They could put her with ****ing Cena and get his ass over.
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02-22-2010 , 08:51 AM
LOL at the overuse of DDT as a finishing move. Guess its hard to **** up.
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02-22-2010 , 09:00 AM
Can we just have two hours of Punk on the mic for RAW tonight? Would be must see TV.
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02-22-2010 , 09:24 AM
Gotta say I'd be pretty displeased if I ordered the show. Didn't think it was that good.

Beginning EC was kind of lame. Need at least an RKO, though the Spike DDT on the metal was good.

What were there? Six matches? Four of which were junk?

Smackdown EC match was pretty good. Some nice spots. Not too much a fan of the ending, though it makes things a lot easier to do for WM.

Looks like this card for WM?

Jericho (c) vs. Edge
Botchtista (c) vs. Superman Jesus
HBK vs. Taker
Punk vs. Mysterio (?)
Some variation of Legacy vs. Orton (prob. Dibiase)
Prob. some scrub ass Drew McIntyre/Kane rematch
Miz-Show vs. Koolaide dudes?
Hart/Vince?? (Looks doubtful after the injury angle)
No MITB (?)
A worthless divas match

Seems like Morrison's got to be on the card in some variation (Mysterio/Punk/Morrison would be nice).

I mean the top end of the card is A+ but God, if they have no MITB, it's a goddamned joke. Prob. missing some stuff too but, oh well.
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02-22-2010 , 10:51 AM
Kofi has to be on in some point too.
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02-22-2010 , 11:18 AM
The car crash spot on last week's Raw pretty much told us that Hart isnt capable of a match in any way. Which isnt surprising.

There has to be something planned to replace MITB and get half a dozen wrestlers on the card. Like a Raw vs Smackdown tag match or some ****. Not having MITB made the card very lopsided and with just the 2 midcard titles they cant fill the card with talent like they normally do.

Also id expect Christian vs Ezekiel to be on the card. Both have been Smackdown drafted and they were the dark match last night so it seems they are still feuding as a holding pattern until after Mania and the draft when they will move on to other stuff.

Punk vs Mysterio is a lock given how they have booked them recently and that was a plan for them a couple months ago. Should be fun if they let Punk loose to rip on Rey's wellness suspension last year like was planned.

I know its just one match but Mania is gonna miss the MITB match and i cant see the actual PPV of it working as well. I mean it was a time when talent got a world title shot and boosted their career as the main eventers were busy main eventing, but with it being a PPV there is no reason a guy like HHH, Cena or Batista couldnt win it pretty much undermining the entire concept.
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02-22-2010 , 11:49 AM
MITB seemed to set the stage. I know it's been used early recently and it just gets the crowd amped up, imo.
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02-22-2010 , 12:38 PM

RAW tonight:
Edge says he's going to challenge Batista... Cena then comes out and says that he still needs his rematch since he was the champ. Something along the lines of "if Cena wins, he gets to face Batista and Edge has to go for the WHC belt" etc. Ends up with them making a match to see who the #1 contender is to face Batista. Cena wins and Edge challenges for the WHC on Smackdown.

WM card:
Jericho (c) vs Edge
Batista (c) (w/ Vince in corner) vs Cena (w/ Bret in corner?)
Undertaker vs Michaels
Legacy Triple Threat - Orton vs. Dibiase vs. Roades
Show-miz (c) vs. MVP and Henry
Punk vs Rey
Something to do with the divas

Can't think how to work the likes of HHH, Shaemus, Morrison, Kofi, McIntyre and Kane into it though... Hmm. I don't particularly want them to throw in a random HHH vs Shaemus match if it's not for anything or hasnt really got a story behind it.

Perhaps they can do something more with the WHC match? Maybe make it a 4-way and merge the Jericho vs Edge and Taker vs Michaels match into one... then free up a slot for HHH to have a match?
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02-22-2010 , 12:46 PM
w/o MITB I expect....
Cena (w/ Hart in Corner) vs Tista (w/ Vince in Corner) Possibly with Special Ref (WWE Title)
Jericho vs Edge (WHC Title)
HHH vs Sheamus
HBK vs Taker
Punk vs Rey (Mask vs Hair)
Orton vs Dibiase vs Rhodes (w/ Father's in their corners)
MizShow vs Cryme Time (Unified Tag Titles)
Mcintyre vs Christian vs Benjamin vs Kane (Fatal Four Way Ladder Match IC Title)
Kofi vs MVP vs Jackson vs Bourne vs Henry vs Ryder (Similar to the Match they had before, where it's 10 minutes and last pinfall wins the title)
Gail Kim/Maryse/Kelly Kelly vs McCool/James/Pheonix

10 matches too much? idk Gets pretty much in I think except Morrison/Hardy/Khali, but Khali isn't needed, Morrison can push the "injury" and can't be in, and Hardy just doesn't make a match? idk
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-22-2010 , 12:49 PM
- Multiple WWE sources are reporting that Vince McMahon has decided to go a different direction with the Bret Hart storyline and WrestleMania. Believe it or not, the plan as of this weekend was for Bret to win the WWE Title at WrestleMania.

The plan as of Sunday morning was to have either Batista or John Cena walk out of Elimination Chamber with the WWE Title, which obviously Batista won. This should lead to Bret Hart & John Cena vs. Vince McMahon & Batista at WrestleMania with the person who gets the winning pinfall will be new WWE Champion.

The angle has been described as something that would be a “feel-good title win” for Bret. A likely ending for the match would be for Bret to make Vince tapout with the Sharpshooter but that’s nothing confirmed.

Vince has gone back and forth on where they’re headed with Bret for WrestleMania a few times over the past month but as of this weekend, this was the plan.

If that happens i'll be pretty annoyed, just put Hart in the corners, he has no need to win the title, and clearly just vacate it after
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02-22-2010 , 01:05 PM
Yeah, honestly, i dont care what happens with the Vince and Hart Show right now.

Also, on these cards you guys are coming up with, its pretty much a lock that they will do Gail vs Maryse at Mania if they delayed it last night for that last minute abortion of a tag match. They will likely do something like Micky vs Beth vs Michelle (with whats her face) on SD.

So the card will be:

Batista vs Cena, with Vince and Bret involved somehow
Jericho vs Edge, Edge will start cutting a promo tonight, Jericho will interupt him and then Edge will spear him and challenge him
ShowMiz vs _____, I assume Team Terrible Ring Gear, but Cryme Tyme i can see too. Hopefully a fatal 4 way with Hart Dynasty too...
Punk vs Rey, plz dont make it hair vs mask, it locks in Rey will win and Punk's look is a part of how awesome SES is right now. They could...but wont...put SES in the tag match, right now i assume this 1v1 is the plan though since its been booked that way recently.
HBK vs Taker, this is going to have an awesome promo or two tonight. This could be the retirement match of one or both of them too fwiw, though with no noise on that recently i assume its not likely, or at least not promoted that way.
HHH vs Sheamus, you wanted to push him, now its your job to go out there and make him look good.
Miz vs MVP? Obv this means Miz is doing 2 matches in a night, but tag matches arent so bad, esp if its a multiway tag match and this is the only feud right now for the US title.
Drew vs Morrison, they have unfinished history and i cant see Kane vs Drew again. Maybe a three way with them however...
Gail vs Maryse, it needs to be done and Mania is a good stage to finally settle this long build.
Micky vs Beth vs Michelle

A lot of matches i guess, but i expect the card to be some combo of the above matches.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-22-2010 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by DonkOneMore
Believe it or not, the plan as of this weekend was for Bret to win the WWE Title at WrestleMania.
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02-22-2010 , 01:19 PM
I don't see them keeping ECW off the card completely, they're gonna be thrown in the IC/US title matches I think, and I see one of em coming from ECW and taking the title from Miz
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02-22-2010 , 01:22 PM
Who is team bad gear? barretta and croft?
also alot of these cards are missing alot of top guys. maybe they will do a random battle royal. I have a feeling they will still do mitb and do the ppv too.
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02-22-2010 , 01:29 PM
Bad gear = MVP/Henry I assumed
And I just have a feeling the midcard will be big matches, 4-way/6-way, to allow the ECW "signees" in
Although, how interesting would it be to have a Tag-Team match leading into it, where the ECW wrestlers are having 1-on-1 matches each week on SD/Raw, winner goes on one team, loser on the other. Then have them having a giant tag match, like 6 on 6, at WM, where they go back and forth on pins like Survivor Series. And each pin alternates, Raw, SD, Raw, etc, and the winner or last men standing choose which brand they go to? Seems too complex though lol
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02-22-2010 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by DonkOneMore
Bad gear = MVP/Henry I assumed
And I just have a feeling the midcard will be big matches, 4-way/6-way, to allow the ECW "signees" in
Although, how interesting would it be to have a Tag-Team match leading into it, where the ECW wrestlers are having 1-on-1 matches each week on SD/Raw, winner goes on one team, loser on the other. Then have them having a giant tag match, like 6 on 6, at WM, where they go back and forth on pins like Survivor Series. And each pin alternates, Raw, SD, Raw, etc, and the winner or last men standing choose which brand they go to? Seems too complex though lol
They wouldnt bother doing that with the draft like a few weeks after.
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02-22-2010 , 02:18 PM
I just can't see them having Bret win the belt. It almost sounds like someone putting out false rumors just to see how far they go, kinda like those emails about the Good Times virus and such.
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02-22-2010 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by HeroInBlack
I just can't see them having Bret win the belt. It almost sounds like someone putting out false rumors just to see how far they go, kinda like those emails about the Good Times virus and such.
Well we've had Vince, David Arquette and Sheamus all as champs so why not?
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02-22-2010 , 02:28 PM

HBK vs Taker, this is going to have an awesome promo or two tonight. This could be the retirement match of one or both of them too fwiw,
This doesn't seem right unless I'm reading it incorrectly (assuming loser force-retires?). Shawn obv won't win to make UT go 17-1 career at WM, which will obv be the main storyline. Shawn won't retire either since he's taking a heel turn and wouldn't ever leave as a heel. Plus he still has to feud with HHH. I suppose Taker could win and walk.
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02-22-2010 , 02:42 PM
with everything Taker has worked through in his career, I don't expect him to retire before going 20-0 at WM, though if he goes through with the hip replacement all bets may be off.

shawn talks retirement all the time but Vince always comes up with a $$$ figure that keeps him in the game.
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02-22-2010 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
This doesn't seem right unless I'm reading it incorrectly (assuming loser force-retires?). Shawn obv won't win to make UT go 17-1 career at WM, which will obv be the main storyline. Shawn won't retire either since he's taking a heel turn and wouldn't ever leave as a heel. Plus he still has to feud with HHH. I suppose Taker could win and walk.
Shawn's contract runs out at Mania and he is taking time off. If he doesnt retire (has has talked seriously about it) they are expect him to do a retirement tour from Summerslam (his expect return) to next year's Mania where HHH will prob give him his Flair-like send off.

Taker has also talked about retiring after this year's Mania and will also take time off after it.

Like i say we havent heard much noise on it lately so its unlikely, but its not out of the question. Esp with both looking at surgery to get them through the next 12 months as they are both working through constant pain. I mean last year Taker was said to have had to ice his knees for over a day after the Mania match just to be able to walk normally and Shawn had some serious back issues after the match too. Basically time is catching up and they are dropping to pieces, pretty much literally.

If not this year, i wouldnt be shocked to see them both go a year from now, though like amp says Taker going that extra bit to round it to 20 and 0 is somewhat likely depending on his body.
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02-22-2010 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
Well we've had Vince, David Arquette and Sheamus all as champs so why not?
Well, Vince gave himself the ECW belt to purposely discredit it and that worked.

David Arquette's reign in WCW inadvertently discredited that belt, but that wasn't Vince's doing.

And, Sheamus...

well I guess you could be right. haha.
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02-22-2010 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Shawn had some serious back issues after the match
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02-22-2010 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by HeroInBlack
Well, Vince gave himself the ECW belt to purposely discredit it and that worked.

David Arquette's reign in WCW inadvertently discredited that belt, but that wasn't Vince's doing.

And, Sheamus...

well I guess you could be right. haha.
Vince was WWe champ at one point too
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