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02-03-2010 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by amplify
Orton is a huge babyface vs Sheamus only.

I'm actually glad the ECW name is being retired, I might like that show more if it's not called ECW.
Nah, he's been getting face pops against others. Personally, I don't want to see it but just saying
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-03-2010 , 01:59 AM
please be real.

santino sitcom rumors
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02-03-2010 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Finally the way to break up Legacy is going back and forth right now. Some want to face turn Orton and keep Rhodes and Dibiase heel. Others turn Dibiase face as was orig planned and keep Orton and Cody heel. Imo turning Orton face is beyond ******ed given how great a heel he is and surely that logic alone will win out?
Can Orton even work as a face? He was lolbad the last time.

Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
How is getting rid of ECW for a developmental league a solution to the higher ratings SyFy wanted? I mean at least we shouldn't have a bunch of jobber squash matches but WWE Superstars would make more sense to get switched to the ECW spot than FCW+
It sounded to me that it'd be the same:Raw>SD>>>ECW/NXT>>>>>>>>>FCW.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-03-2010 , 02:13 AM
hey where do you guys get your news from besides the observer? i always get it from
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02-03-2010 , 02:22 AM
wrestlezone, but they can be hit and miss.
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02-03-2010 , 02:25 AM
I wouldn't mind Orton if he did an anti-hero sort of thing where he just RKOed any face or heel that messed with him
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-03-2010 , 05:11 AM
I thought Orton was gonna smile, hug and apologize during the little Raw backstage thing.

That woulda helped put him over for a face turn.

My guess is, they are waiting for just the right moment. But it WILL happen by the time Wrestlemania ends...
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02-03-2010 , 05:12 AM
Also, Luke Gallows deserves a bump.

He's been an unheralded good worker for a long time...
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02-03-2010 , 06:20 AM
lordsofpain is still a good source of news/rumours
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02-03-2010 , 09:21 AM
Wrestling News World is the most reliable. They often dont get some breaking news because they check their sources but on the other hand they dont spread false rumours (Punk being relegated due to what he wears on tour is a great example of BS they didnt touch) and they break a lot of big stories before others precisely because they have sources in the companies.

+1 to Gallows. He needed a huge gimmick change and the straight edge stuff is a stroke of genius. Seriously its like everything Punk touches now turns to gold. He isnt an amazing worker in any way but he is a solid midcard guy and not a terrible big guy worker. I cant see him going much higher than he is now but riding on Punk coat tails will do him some good until that stable finally breaks up.

One thing to consider on giving Miz and Show the titles is Show is working in constant knee pain and Miz is the US champ. They just arent in a position to work both shows and defend the gold constantly unlike Punk and Gallows who seem to have zero health issues and are, in the case of Gallows, much more needing of the gold to get them over. Anyway like i say Punk is the most over heel right now from all the reports from live events and what ive seen on TV so id be shocked if they dont get strapped. The only X factor is if they want to do the match with Punk vs Rey at Mania which probably means they will be held off from the tag titles until after that. The thing with that plan however is they want to do a hair vs mask (meaning Rey wins by default) which will nerf a lot of the momentum the SES has right now with Punk jobbing to Rey who then needs to go have surgery anyway. Unless they will then turn the rematch into a retirement match of some kind like he did to Jeff last year...i dunno, its all speculation right now as even creative dont know what to do yet.

Re: ECW, i dont much care about the name. Not sure what it needs to turn around ratings but i suspect giving it less prestige by retiring its name and building it specifically to introduce new workers will do that. With half a dozen guys i can pick from the midcards of Raw and SD and booking control i reckon i could double the audience and elevate some guys to main event level however. The third brand just screams out for a competitive cruiserweight style belt. Kinda like WWE's own X Division.

Fwiw i think Orton being face turned is beyond terrible. He is a natural heel to the point i just cant envisage him working face. He is old school keeping in character outside of the arenas (which sometimes leads to fights and accusations of spitting at kids, lol) but he is so grossly over right now as a heel he doesnt need to be face turned. There are too many faces in the WWE as it is and its not like Cena where a change in character could make him fresher and more exciting. His entire gimmick right down to how he wrestles screams heel.

Finally i think Sheamus is having a good run right now. Someone mentioned that he hasnt had much in the way of clean wins over legit stars but the same can be said for Punk back on his first reign. Now i tend to agree he was pushed far too soon but they seem to have made the best of a bad situation and he seems to have a pretty bright future. I like his look down to the Casper tan (he goes to ridiculous efforts to stay that white btw) and his mic work is pretty damn solid. He could do with some more seasoning in the ring but thats something only time will fix. Provided he isnt nerfed i can see him having a great year once he finally gets to the point where he can get clean wins over guys like Orton.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-03-2010 , 09:31 AM
That terrible show being called "ECW" was blasphemy.
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02-03-2010 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by downgoesdown
hey where do you guys get your news from besides the observer? i always get it from is my spot. great site with news and articles, including the best ROH article every saturday.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-04-2010 , 07:48 AM
Smackdown spoilers in the following discussion:

Looks like Punk and Gallows won't win the Tag Team Titles considering Punk won his entry into the Elimination Chamber SD title match. I'd be the house on Show/Miz winning them Monday.

Also, Edge was booked as a face again, clearing the ring of Punk and Jericho before starting Taker down at the end of the program
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-04-2010 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by ajohnson16
Smackdown spoilers in the following discussion:

Looks like Punk and Gallows won't win the Tag Team Titles considering Punk won his entry into the Elimination Chamber SD title match. I'd be the house on Show/Miz winning them Monday.

Also, Edge was booked as a face again, clearing the ring of Punk and Jericho before starting Taker down at the end of the program
Him getting in the chamber doesnt preclude him getting the tag titles. There is no reason right now to think they will have a tag titles match on the Feb PPV. He got in the chamber because SD barely has 6 people at main event level and he is also that good.

Tbh him getting the Elim entry is less reason against Punk than Miz holding the US belt given he is also in a story with MVP, unless the goal is to have him drop the US title and keep the tag titles with Show. Either way with Show probably needing proper surgery on his knee that also counts against him right now.

I mean its all speculation anyway since i cant see any spoilers about whether they have made a decision or not right yet, but id still back Punk and Gallows over Miz and Show, but either id be more than happy with given it will continue the rise of Punk and the SES and the other direction continues building Miz to his inevitable world title opportunity.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-04-2010 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Him getting in the chamber doesnt preclude him getting the tag titles. There is no reason right now to think they will have a tag titles match on the Feb PPV. He got in the chamber because SD barely has 6 people at main event level and he is also that good.

Tbh him getting the Elim entry is less reason against Punk than Miz holding the US belt given he is also in a story with MVP, unless the goal is to have him drop the US title and keep the tag titles with Show. Either way with Show probably needing proper surgery on his knee that also counts against him right now.

I mean its all speculation anyway since i cant see any spoilers about whether they have made a decision or not right yet, but id still back Punk and Gallows over Miz and Show, but either id be more than happy with given it will continue the rise of Punk and the SES and the other direction continues building Miz to his inevitable world title opportunity.
why the **** did R-Truth get a spot in the EC too? Are they making it that obvious that someone's gonna come in and knock him out and steal his spot?

Also, I hope Big Show doesn't win the titles, ends up getting in a fight with Miz, and ends up turning face leading to a Big Show/Miz feud. It'd get Big Show back into a title picture, turn him face, and setup a great feud for Miz to push him even farther. Even if he doesn't turn face, just get him into something please, he keeps getting buried back into Tag Team shots, with random people now, and it's getting pretty meh.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-04-2010 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by DonkOneMore
why the **** did R-Truth get a spot in the EC too? Are they making it that obvious that someone's gonna come in and knock him out and steal his spot?

Also, I hope Big Show doesn't win the titles, ends up getting in a fight with Miz, and ends up turning face leading to a Big Show/Miz feud. It'd get Big Show back into a title picture, turn him face, and setup a great feud for Miz to push him even farther. Even if he doesn't turn face, just get him into something please, he keeps getting buried back into Tag Team shots, with random people now, and it's getting pretty meh.
For the spoilered bit:
R Truth is getting a bit of a push right now, he likely wont be amazing given the line up in the chamber but he is so over with the crowds that the company has decided there is nothing to do but push him regardless of his ring work not being up to what they want.

He is somehow straddling a weird line where he could be released or pushed for a world title match depending on how events all into place, but in all likelyhood he will be working the midcards after the draft for the IC or US title when Morrison and Miz are lifted up to main event status (finally).

I cant remember Show ever being a true face, but i could see it working. He needs a change in character because right now its a little stale imo.

Fwiw i like his spot right now on the roster. He has lost a fair bit of credibility with his work with Cena but could add tonnes of value helping elevate guys like Miz by working with or against them. Big Show acting as a friend and mentor to younger workers and developing the tag roster is much better than playing a monster heel who still jobs out constantly to guys like Cena and Hunter.

Fwiw i really like the direction the WWE has been going in this year with guys like Truth, Miz and Kofi being built up by guys like Punk, Show and Orton. Like 6 months ago Truth was a jobber who was hugely over, Miz was getting squashed by Cena and Kofi was stuck in the midcards with a dumb Jamaican gimmick and it was inconceivable the three of them could become world champs depending on storylines in the forthcoming 12 months.

Now it would be easy for at least one of them to get a run, esp with Rey, Taker, Show, HBK and Cena all looking for time off after Mania for rest and/or surgery.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-04-2010 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
For the spoilered bit:
R Truth is getting a bit of a push right now, he likely wont be amazing given the line up in the chamber but he is so over with the crowds that the company has decided there is nothing to do but push him regardless of his ring work not being up to what they want.

He is somehow straddling a weird line where he could be released or pushed for a world title match depending on how events all into place, but in all likelyhood he will be working the midcards after the draft for the IC or US title when Morrison and Miz are lifted up to main event status (finally).

I cant remember Show ever being a true face, but i could see it working. He needs a change in character because right now its a little stale imo.

Fwiw i like his spot right now on the roster. He has lost a fair bit of credibility with his work with Cena but could add tonnes of value helping elevate guys like Miz by working with or against them. Big Show acting as a friend and mentor to younger workers and developing the tag roster is much better than playing a monster heel who still jobs out constantly to guys like Cena and Hunter.

Fwiw i really like the direction the WWE has been going in this year with guys like Truth, Miz and Kofi being built up by guys like Punk, Show and Orton. Like 6 months ago Truth was a jobber who was hugely over, Miz was getting squashed by Cena and Kofi was stuck in the midcards with a dumb Jamaican gimmick and it was inconceivable the three of them could become world champs depending on storylines in the forthcoming 12 months.

Now it would be easy for at least one of them to get a run, esp with Rey, Taker, Show, HBK and Cena all looking for time off after Mania for rest and/or surgery.
I see that and all, but wasn't Kofi in the exact same spot last year? Up and coming, fairly big in the crowd, getting pushed, and just gets squashed like that? My gut says Batista or someone comes in and takes him out, I just don't see him in the EC, or even doing well in it. (Or CM Punk just totally squash him, that'd be awesome. Plus his age is such a downfall, why push him now? Keep him in the midcard i'd say

He's been funny before, and hinted the face turn before, it was definitely funny and I think he could be great, but who knows
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-05-2010 , 06:35 PM
re: kong

Following the altercation between herself and Bubba The Love and Sponge, we reported that TNA Knockout Awesome Kong asked TNA for her release from the company. is now reporting that TNA management denied Kong's request to be released from the company and she is still under contract with TNA. As a result of the release denial, Kong did not appear on the UK tour as advertised, but did agree to work a match for TNA the night after the altercation with Bubba.

It's also being said that the tension between Kong and Bubba has apparently been resolved following a meeting between Hogan, Kong, Bubba and Bischoff. It wouldn't surprise many to see this possibly turn into a TV angle in the future. As we exclusively reported after the incident, several TNA sources claimed that they wouldn't be surprised if the entire thing was provoked by Bischoff and Russo, so that it could be later used as an angle.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-05-2010 , 09:25 PM
TNA star Suicide (Frankie "Kaz" Kazarian) "allegedly" caught with his hands in the cookie jar (with pics) NSFW

There’s a wild story making the rounds about TNA star Frankie “Kaz” Kazarian, who wrestles as the masked “Suicide” character. Just weeks after Frankie Kazarian got married to TNA Knockout Traci Brooks, it has come out that Kazarian has been having an affair.

Earlier in the week, a person close to Kazarian and Brooks sent in nude photographs of Kazarian. The photos were taken by him, as he’s shown holding a camera in the pictures. We have also received a voicemail message Tracy Brooks left on the voicemail of the mistress.

The person who sent in the pictures and voicemails claims that Kazarian has been having an ongoing affair with a California-based porn star for the past 3 years and Tracy Brooks became aware of it very recently. A sex tape of Kazarian and his mistress is rumored to exist.

It’s interesting to note that last week, Brooks posted a bunch photos from her and Kazarian’s wedding on her Facebook page and made her profile picture a wedding shot of the two. She has since removed all pictures from the wedding and has made her Facebook page private.

Furthermore, Kazarian deleted his MySpace and Facebook pages earlier this week, though the Facebook account has since been reactivated. He wrote on Tuesday, “Tired, pretty banged up, but had a great tour. Most importantly home with my beautiful wife.”

Frankie Kazarian’s alleged mistress has been revealed. She is California based adult film star Lela Star.

As noted earlier, “a person in the know” sent in nude photographs Kazarian took of himself. They also sent in voicemail messages that Tracy Brooks left on Lela Star’s voicemail. The person claims that Kazarian has been having an ongoing affair with Lela Star for the past three years and that his wife, fellow TNA performer Tracy Brooks, only recently became aware of the cheating.

The longtime couple got married just a few weeks ago with many of their fellow peers in the wrestling industry in attendance.
pics NSFW
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-05-2010 , 09:57 PM
did anyone in this topic really wanna see those pictures? lol
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-05-2010 , 10:21 PM
Are they pics of him or the mistress?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-05-2010 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
Are they pics of him or the mistress?
why don't you click and find out?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-06-2010 , 11:26 AM
Lol, does he wear the Suicide mask in the porn vid?

I misread that twice btw, i read TNA star suicide was Kaz, not TNA star Suicide (played by Kaz). At first i was like holy ****, Kaz killed himself!

Anyway, i dont much care because Kaz is the man and Traci Brooks has weird tits. O/U on how many times Bischoff asked them to turn this into an onscreen story by bringing in the porn star for a one story contract?

Btw, anyone else catch Smackdown last night? I really loved it, they are really bringing it right now in WWE with a good PPV, Raw and SD this week. Its been a while since ive seen a full WWE show, usually just catching highlights of good matches and segments, but it was fun start to finish. R Truth dancing in the ring as the crowd popped huge for him after his match was hilarious and even the womens match whilst short was intriguing. TNA has been terrible recently but it seems what little competition they have brought has been improving the WWE, or at the very least the build towards Mania has.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-06-2010 , 12:52 PM
So I didn't watch Impact this week but I guess it must have been awful since none of you guys have commented on it
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02-06-2010 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]

Anyway, i dont much care because Kaz is the man and Traci Brooks has weird tits. O/U on how many times Russo asked them to turn this into an onscreen story by bringing in the porn star for a one story contract?
Kaz/Brooks vs Lela Star/Sean Morley?
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