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**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** **Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread**

04-06-2013 , 08:03 AM
I should add Daniel Bryan to the list of guys I care about watching, but I'm completely confident in WWE's ability to **** things up for him going forward. It's not like they're going to put him with Cena after WM or anything.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by antidan444

The Rock
Ric Flair
John Cena
Bret Hart
Triple H
Andre the Giant
CM Punk
Ultimate Warrior
Mick Foley
Dusty Rhodes
Randy Orton
Razor Ramon

Gonna keep thinking this one through.
Bret v Punk would be a great feud and a better match
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by True North
I should add Daniel Bryan to the list of guys I care about watching, but I'm completely confident in WWE's ability to **** things up for him going forward. It's not like they're going to put him with Cena after WM or anything.
i hate to say this because i think DB is easily a top 3 talent in WWE right now, but i just don't see him as a long-term WWE main eventer due to his size. he can put on awesome matches with some of the small top-tier guys like Punk, but i think his size will always prevent him from being a champion for a significant period of time.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 10:11 AM
Bryan managed to get very over and WWE clearly sees him as a priority to get on TV a lot, so whether he ever spends significant time at the very top of the card or not we should get a lot more good stuff from him.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 10:13 AM
Like when HHH, Taker, Brock, Rock aren't around, the hierarchy as WWE clearly sees it is...

Group of other assorted top stars whose importance is virtually equal

Bryan's in that group and at worst I think he at least stays in that group.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 10:57 AM
WM 10 was the greatest WM imo.

Bret vs Owen. Bret v Yokozuna. Awesome.

Bring back prestige to the damn IC title. The Ramon - HBK ladder matches and Ramon - Jarrett matches were awesome.

I started watching about a month ago, after watching last nights smack down, its just meh.

Also, no interest in dropping $75 on WM29 on ppv.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 11:23 AM
A little Paul Heyman for your viewing pleasure

**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 11:59 AM
The IC title was so cool for so long. They exclusively put the belt on viable people from the time that I started watching in the late 80's until 1999. Kerry Von Erich was a miscalculation IMO but they realized that and took it back off him and back on Mr. Perfect after ~three months. And the problem wasn't that Von Erich couldn't have been a good IC champ; they just botched the push by shooting their load too early. Marty Jannetty never panned out but I think the talent was there and it was just him personally derailing his own career.

The list of champions is a who's who of great midcarders (and often future legends) along the way. You can sort of see where things go off the rails.

Rocky --> Owen --> Austin --> Owen --> Austin --> Rocky --> HHH --> Shamrock --> Venis --> Road Dogg --> Goldust --> Godfather

So Shamrock is a defensible reign, he was over and sort of good even if completely horrible on the mic, but putting the belt on the likes of Venis/Road Dogg/Godfather really cheapened it in a hurry. Of course there were some great wrestlers who held the belt after that, but basically it seemed like the seal was broken and they stopped caring as much who they put it on anymore. You see on the list that it goes back to the next wave of great ones like Jericho/Benoit/Angle, but then interspersed are the likes of Rikishi, Venis (again), Billy Gunn, Albert, Test.

If they're ever going to rebuild that belt again (and it seems doubtful that it will ever be close to what it was), they also need to be super selective again about who they strap.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 01:08 PM
Rhodes big show christian barrett seems like a good start imo..

I think its tough to bring it back to the old days now that the whc is the second best belt.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 01:18 PM
Do WWE PPVs always start so early? Website says 7pm.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 01:23 PM
it is FOUR HOURS (well five if you count the Facebook preshow ****.) so they had to start it at 7pm.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
Rhodes big show christian barrett seems like a good start imo..

I think its tough to bring it back to the old days now that the whc is the second best belt.
Yeah they haven't put it on anyone too bad in a while, Ezekiel Jackson was the last joke of a titleholder.

It's true that it's hard to make it as big as it was even if they wanted to since it's necessarily third fiddle now and they won't ever get rid of the big gold belt. Nor should they, its history is awesome also.

US Title was great in WCW but has been pissed on so hard that it really has no point in existing anymore.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 03:23 PM
Looks like I'm ahead of the curve, I quit watching like two months ago. Still gonna order this though because I'm an idiot (and HD >>> crappy river).
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 03:30 PM
I've only watched Raw sparingly and no SD at all, but I'm still of the opinion that tuning in monthly for PPVs is and will remain worthwhile even if the rest of it sucks. (That of course doesn't exclude the possibility of PPVs being total AIDS; some still will be.)
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 08:01 PM
Here @ the HofF. Crowd is hot. Big CM Punk chant breaking out...even a Brooklyn Brawler chant got going.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 08:05 PM
Hope it's a good time. Throw us a TR if it's TR-worthy. Would love to be at that.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 08:23 PM
Is HoF being broadcast anywhere?
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 08:47 PM
Not until Tuesday night on USA.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Bigdaddydvo
Here @ the HofF. Crowd is hot. Big CM Punk chant breaking out...even a Brooklyn Brawler chant got going.
Sofa king jelly.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 10:30 PM
I am in need of a wrestlemania poem to get me in spirit.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-06-2013 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by GSIZZ
I am in need of a wrestlemania poem to get me in spirit.
I think I might know a guy ...

**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by antidan444
Kinda disappointed no one has taken a crack at my two tough cuts off my WM matches list.
HHH vs Undertaker last year
Trish Stratus vs Mickie James at wm 22

I don't know if these would be ranked that high but I remember enjoying both of them which I can't say about that many matches
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 12:07 AM
He included HHH vs. Taker from last year.

I'm still pretty stumped as to what these were.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by CrazyLond
HHH vs Undertaker last year
Trish Stratus vs Mickie James at wm 22

I don't know if these would be ranked that high but I remember enjoying both of them which I can't say about that many matches
Trish and Mickie had one of my favorite all time women's matches of all time at 22.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
He included HHH vs. Taker from last year.

I'm still pretty stumped as to what these were.
I liked the Dibiase v. Savage guess from a few posts back but that was wrong too. Not sure what else there is.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
