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Money in the Bank 2014 Money in the Bank 2014

06-29-2014 , 11:00 PM
if anyone was long overdue for a push it's cena
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-29-2014 , 11:01 PM
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-29-2014 , 11:02 PM
John Cena is the best champ there is the best there was and the best there ever will be.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-29-2014 , 11:02 PM
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-29-2014 , 11:03 PM
Well, if they're going to recreate Rock/Lesnar from Summerslam 2002, what better person to stick in the Rock role than Cena?
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-29-2014 , 11:03 PM
So Heyman interrupts Cena at some point tomorrow?
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-29-2014 , 11:13 PM
I've said this many times but having a ****ty main event scene makes your entire product feel like it sucks. Big E vs. Rusev, opening tag, Briefcase MitB were all good but it felt like the ppv just sucked big time.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-29-2014 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dylan
lol this is what it says now: John Cena defeated The entire WWE roster including NXT with Chris Benoit
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-29-2014 , 11:56 PM
I just realized BNB wasn't there.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 12:05 AM
Just read the results for this. Seems like it was mostly forgettable outside of the two ladder matches, no?
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 12:16 AM
Half-decent show. Liked the tag title match quite a bit, liked the first MitB match, liked Big E-Rusev, sort of liked the Stardust/Goldust match. Thought the main event was fairly dull outside of a man-sized bump by Cesaro on that RKO that was awesome, but really the only unwatchable segment was Layla vs. Summer Rae.

Cena winning is correct if Bryan can't come back soon. I assume we're on deck for some terrible Cena-Orton match in three weeks, which will completely suck but I'd rather they do that than burn through a title shot for Wyatt or Cesaro in a spot where it's totally obvious that they lose.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Half-decent show. Liked the tag title match quite a bit, liked the first MitB match, liked Big E-Rusev, sort of liked the Stardust/Goldust match. Thought the main event was fairly dull outside of a man-sized bump by Cesaro on that RKO that was awesome, but really the only unwatchable segment was Layla vs. Summer Rae.

Cena winning is correct if Bryan can't come back soon. I assume we're on deck for some terrible Cena-Orton match in three weeks, which will completely suck but I'd rather they do that than burn through a title shot for Wyatt or Cesaro in a spot where it's totally obvious that they lose.
I think Orton is the favorite for 3 weeks from now, but I think Cesaro has a lot of % as well. Heyman talks about his client being champ, lolcena wins, insert Brock Lesnar for SS. I'd prefer them not put Cesaro in the R-Truth title match spot, but it'd make sense.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 12:22 AM
Yeah I know that Cesaro makes sense. I'm just hoping against it for long-term booking reasons even though it's a far better match than Cena-Orton Part 18.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 08:34 AM

Just watched it and I thought it was a pretty good PPV. I don't really mind any of the results even though they were predictable, I did think the Wyatts were going to win though. Starting to see why Dids likes Harper so much. The tag match and both mitb matches were pretty fun. Ambrose's pop was epic and the best moment for me.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 10:58 AM
usos/wyatts was very very good. sort of expected the wyatts to win so the unexpected finish made it that much better.

MITB match was very good but i really didn't like the ending sequence. i know we're often required to suspend belief in these matches but ambrose standing on top of the ladder with the briefcase in his hand waiting 2 minutes for kane to walk down the aisle was too much for me. rollins was awesome.

big e/rusev was pretty good. liked the ending, which impressively, made both guys come out looking stronger.

adam rose/sandow was a waste of time. adam rose gimmick is on its last legs. i just don't think he has "it"

divas gonna diva

stardust is pretty bad

main event was average. cena winning is whatever.

also lol @ vince trying his damnest to get a heel reaction on BO by having bryan make fun of him.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 11:01 AM
Everybody Suicide Dives and It's Awesome Every ****ing Time

Wyatts vs. Usos was awesome. I really liked that I had no idea who was going over, so I didn't have to turn off the part of my brain that roots for people. If I know that somebody I like is unlikely to win, I can still enjoy the hell out of a match, but that little bit of hope is missing. Here I could just be a full-on Luke Harper mark and live and die with each near fall. Awesome.

The Usos have kidna ****ed out their suicide dive spot, but I'll watch Harper's forever.

Hated the new theme for the Wyatts, preferrred the one from last week a lot more.

Can't Tell if Botch or Spot, but It Works?

There were a bunch of spots in the Paige match that looked like pretty big **** ups, but it just kidna worked anyway. Paige's DDT finisher was great.


I loved this way more than I should have. I briefly allowed myself to think ole' Paul could win. Instead he just demonstrated that Rose just has nothing in the ring and needs to go away ASAP.

Gotta think something good is coming for Sandow soon.

Holy Balls

Briefcase match was great. There were people bitching on twitter after the ME that the WWE doesn't put over new talent, and umm... no- this match was basically a Seth and Dean showcase and was fantastic.

I thought Dolph was going to win, and was surprised they didn't tease that more just because he was the most credible non SethDean guy in the match.

A better announce team could have done a lot more with Dean's "injury".

A Raw Match

I like Stardust a lot, Golddust is awesome. (The Dust Brothers name I can do without). Watching Cody in the ring I now think he was pretty deliberately working slower during their slump.

That said- this was a match we've seen many times before, we knew the result, and it just didn't feel special at all. Totally fine match, but it doesn't really hold up to the other stuff on the card.


I don't understand:

1- Why somebody thought Big E going full preacher was a good idea. It's awful.

2- Why this match happened now and not two months ago. Let Rusev work a longer match, he showed he can, but how does it serve him to struggle a bit more to beat a guy he's already basically squashed twice.

Match was pretty damn good, but ended up frustrating me a bit almost because it was.

Geometry Wars

Nope. Summer's pretty, but nope. The only response this is getting is just from people pre-programmed to react to people making out.

So now we can all go to bed a little earlier on Mondays

I'm kinda torn, because I really don't like watching John Cena and wanted anybody else to win. That said, I totally understand why he did (they need to feed somebody to Lesnar) and think a lot of the negative reaction to his victory is really dumb.

Cena having the belt means the parts of RAW I won't like will be in the last hour instead of the middle. It doesn't hurt anybody I do like, and again, it makes perfect sense. (and serves people like Roman/Bryan in the end, because they can take the belt off a Lesnar at Mania)

The WWE knows how we feel about Cena. They set up his confrontation with Roman for one of the bigger pops of the night. Cena's basically just shoot Randy Orton, the face of the company that they use to troll the audience.

The match itself was great. I liked the story of Randy and Kane, and that lead to Kane having an interesting kinda quality controlish role in the match where he could clean people and ladders out and it made sense that he wasn't trying to win.

I thought they did a good job of being different from the first match.

Only things I didn't like: Missing one really great "Cesaro is super strong" spot" and Bray's spider walk didn't work.

Let Me Sum Up

Overall I thought it was a very good PPV. The stuff I didn't like was much more about the booking than the work in ring. In ring this was very solid, and even though I didn't love all the results, I think it sets up some fun stuff moving forward.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 11:30 AM
i dont understand why kane is helping randy. thats more corporate than demon iyam. i thought the whole angle behind demon kane was that he was some uncontrollable and unpredictable monster
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 11:38 AM
That was just Stephanie transparently maintaining deniability about her kayfabe role in crippling Bryan I think.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I assume we're on deck for some terrible Cena-Orton match in three weeks, which will completely suck but I'd rather they do that than burn through a title shot for Wyatt or Cesaro in a spot where it's totally obvious that they lose.
I'm torn between these two ideas.

I agree that the former is much better long-term wise, but holy hell these next 3 weeks going to suck if that's the pathway they choose.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by imjosh
i dont understand why kane is helping randy. thats more corporate than demon iyam. i thought the whole angle behind demon kane was that he was some uncontrollable and unpredictable monster
I think they've done a pretty good job of building a story where Kane obviously IS under Steph's control and she's been behind his every action. I assume this is in part building to Brei/Steph at Summer Slam.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
I assume this is in part building to Brei/Steph at Summer Slam.
Oh yay.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by $5 Bill
I'm torn between these two ideas.

I agree that the former is much better long-term wise, but holy hell these next 3 weeks going to suck if that's the pathway they choose.
Honestly, if Lesnar is available, the route I would go is to main event NOC with Cena/Sheamus vs. Lesnar/Cesaro, building into separate singles title matches between the two pairings at SummerSlam.

But they've kind of destroyed tag team matches as main events by having Cena wrestle in them constantly on Raw.
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 11:49 AM
One point I forgot to make about the ME, and it's why Cena is so bad. Everybody else struggles to climb the ladder, and that's the setup for a ton of false finishes, Cena just zips up there and lol. It's really dumb, and just a sign of how awful the character is.

That said- I feel like y'all attach way too much meaning to who has the belt. There's 7+ hours of WWE programming on every week. Some is good, some is bad, but why does the bad stuff with Cena/the belt ruin your week any more than a Fandango segment? (yes, there's obviously more of it, but I don't get how you become a wrestling fan without a strong ability to roll your eyes and turn away when it's bad).

They still put Dean/Roman/Seth/Wyatts over big. There's a ton of new and interesting talent, and we're only stuck with Cena because they lost both Punk and Bryan unexpectedly. I just can't get that mad (especially when Cena is such an obviously transitional champ).
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by $5 Bill
Oh yay.
If it involves more Steph singing, I'm all for it
Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
06-30-2014 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
One point I forgot to make about the ME, and it's why Cena is so bad. Everybody else struggles to climb the ladder, and that's the setup for a ton of false finishes, Cena just zips up there and lol. It's really dumb, and just a sign of how awful the character is.

That said- I feel like y'all attach way too much meaning to who has the belt. There's 7+ hours of WWE programming on every week. Some is good, some is bad, but why does the bad stuff with Cena/the belt ruin your week any more than a Fandango segment? (yes, there's obviously more of it, but I don't get how you become a wrestling fan without a strong ability to roll your eyes and turn away when it's bad).

They still put Dean/Roman/Seth/Wyatts over big. There's a ton of new and interesting talent, and we're only stuck with Cena because they lost both Punk and Bryan unexpectedly. I just can't get that mad (especially when Cena is such an obviously transitional champ).
I'm fine with it as long as it ends with Brock destroying Cena at SummerSlam and not this again:

Money in the Bank 2014 Quote
