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Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread

02-27-2018 , 02:46 AM
Sniped for the first time this draft. I’m still in Chicago working, but I’ll be home in about an hour. I’ll have my pick then
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02-27-2018 , 04:24 AM
Ok, mflip sniped my Rollins turn, so I’ll go with my backup. This was a turn that took place over the entirety of a PPV. At first it looked like the boss was incompetent, but at the end it was all part of his evil master plan. With my third pick I’ll take:


The WWF Championship has been held up when Austin, acting as guest referee between Kane and Taker for the title, counted both men out and declared himself the champ. Vince then stripped Austin and created the Deadly Games tournament which played out at Survivor Series 1998. On the road to this event Vince had told Rock that since he considered himself the People’s Champ, and Vince hated the people, he also hated The Rock.

Fast forward to the night of the event. Rock’s first round opponent wa supposed to be a returning HHH, but he wasn’t able to perform. Instead of winning by forfeit, Big Boss Man, who was a McMahon stooge, was ordered to face him. Rock won in seconds with a roll up. In the Quarterfinals against Ken Shamrock, Big Bossman again got involved by distracting the red, presumably so Shamrock could gain an advantage. Rock however was able to get in a low blow, but this didn’t put Shamrock away. Bossman then tossed his nightstick in the ring to Shamrock, but Rock appeared to intercept it and was able to use it to gain the victory.

In the Semis, Rock went up against Taker and was getting dominated. Just as Taker was ready to choke slam him, Kane came out. Taker then tossed The Rock to Kane who delivered his own choke slam causing The Rock to win by DQ. In the finals it the Corporation were all at ringside to witness Rock vs Mankind. Vince was looking nervous every time Rock was on top. As the match progressed Vince and Co. were getting more nervous until the finish. That saw Rock put Mankind in a Sharpshooter, and in a call back to the previous year’s Survivor Series, he called for the bell before Mankind submitted. It was then that Vince and Rock shared a hug and all was revealed as The Rock became the Corporate Champ.

This was really well done from start to finish, and the callback to Montreal was nice, especially since it was still fresh. Of course today it’s been done to death and should never show it’s ugly head again.
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02-27-2018 , 04:25 AM

Andre turns on Hogan before WrestleMania III
Savage turns on Hogan setting up WrestleMania V
Rock becomes the Corporate Champ at Survivor Series 1998
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02-27-2018 , 05:06 AM
Christmas night, 1982, NWA World Champion Ric Flair is putting his title on the line against "The Modern Day Warrior" Kerry Von Erich. This is a much-anticipated rematch after Flair narrowly escaped with the title after winning a two-out-of-three falls match in August by getting Von Erich disqualified.

The rematch would be a different story. First, the match would take place in a steel cage. Second, the fans would get to vote for a special guest referee/enforcer to keep Flair in line. They would vote in the newly arrived Michael Hayes. Hayes would have Fabulous Freebird teammate Terry Gordy guarding the cage door. The stage was set for the Dallas crowd to see their hero get a fair shot at the NWA World Champion.

The Von Erichs and the Fabulous Freebirds would go on to have one of the greatest feuds in wrestling history and carry the WCCW through it's peak years in the mid-1980's.
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02-27-2018 , 09:04 AM
I didn’t think there was anyway in hell that didn’t get back to me in the 4th round. Great pick
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02-27-2018 , 09:50 AM
CM Punk Turns Heel at Raw 1000


Ever since "The Shoot" Punk had been face. While the Summer of Punk started off great, over time his character became more and more stale. He started to become a watered down version of himself. He was cutting corny promos, and just wasn't the interesting Punk anymore. Even though he was the champ for over a year, he still took the backseat to Cena. Most notably, not main eventing WM, while Cena/Rock did. Then Raw 1000 happens. Earlier in the night the Rock came out and cut a promo with Daniel Bryan and CM Punk in the ring, and said he would win the WWE championship at the Royal Rumble. He acted like punk wasn't even there. I remember watching this thinking how could Punk just stand there and not say or do anything? Then during the main event the Big Show runs in and attacks Cena. Punk doesn't intervene. This leads to the Rock coming out and making the save. Then, Punk attacks the Rock. He clotheslines him, and hits him with the GTS. This leads to Punk turning heel, and the return of one of the greatest characters in years. His promos got better, his feuds got better, everything was better.
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02-27-2018 , 10:02 AM
HHH Turns Heel on Shawn Michaels


Shawn Michaels returned to WWE in 2002 as a member of NWO. As great as it was to see HBK back, he still was not wrestling. His run with the NWO, was less than great. Due to injuries and poor booking, the group broke up shortly after HBK's return. This lead Michales and HHH to bring back another group, DX. On Monday Night Raw, the arena went black, the music hit, the green lights appeared, and out walked the two like it was 1997. The crowd went crazy. It was the return of one of the biggest groups in WWE history. They got into the ring and did their famous pose. HHH got the mic and began to cut a promo, and then turned and hit HBK with a pedigree. The next week on Raw he would explain that he was in HBK's shadow for too long. Shawn had held him back, and he was not going to allow that to happen. He was the main event now. This led to Shawn making his in-ring return at SS and wrestling HHH. The match was incredible. It was as if Shawn had never been away. The two would feud for the rest of the year in a series of great matches, and this would mark the return of HBK's in-ring career.
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02-27-2018 , 02:16 PM
So happy to see the Freebirds/Flair/Von Erich cage match already on here.
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02-27-2018 , 05:57 PM
IIn 1983, two of the biggest challengers to the WWF Title were The Iron Sheik and Sgt. Slaughter. The Iron Sheik had a heated feud with Bob Backlund, whom he defeated to become WWF Champion, which he lost to Hulk Hogan. Sgt. Slaughter also had a high-profile program with then-Champion Backlund, although never winning the title. It appeared both men would be waiting in line for their shot at Hogan.

That altercation led to a brutal feud between Slaughter and Sheik that was instrumental in the rapid growth of the WWF. Slaughter became the second biggest face in the company over the course of the program. And, it all culminated with one of the most memorable matches from that time period.

Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Quote
02-27-2018 , 06:31 PM
I’m going to be working so I can’t do a write up but want to keep things moving. I’ll take Larry Zybszko turns on Bruno.

Can someone pm mflip for me
Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Quote
02-27-2018 , 07:14 PM
I'm here, will write-up and pick shortly.
Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Quote
02-27-2018 , 07:47 PM
With my fourth round selection I'm taking the other half of a double turn already picked. While the half already taken was a big more effective in the moment, this side of the turn is historically more important.

Mankind gets screwed by the McMahons and turns face


While the video rightly focuses on The Rock here, Mankind was the one turned face by this screwjob finish which would lead to two of the most important segments in WWF history.

As backstory, Mankind was in the middle of a really good heel run. He had a great feud with the Undertaker and one of the most famous matches in history
Good God Almighty! Good God Almighty! That killed him! As God as my witness, he is broken in half!
which led to Mick Foley getting a lot of respect from the fans for the for just how far he was willing to go putting his body and life on the line to entertain them. This also led to him transitioning his character into more of a broken down oaf and everyman type. He started trying to suck up to the boss and created Mr Socko during a McMahon hospital visit to cheer him up which the crowds ate up. Thus started McMahon's manipulation which would lead to his face turn.

Mr. McMahon created the hardcore title and gave it to Mankind as a gift at this point to really get him to buy in to McMahon being on his side. He then set up the Deadly Games tournament which appeared as though he was manipulating for Mankind to win. But in the finals against The Rock he swerved everyone with a new screw job finish to give The Rock the belt. But Mankind had never tapped out and getting screwed over by his boss cemented him as a fan favourite.

The chase was on and within a few short weeks, Mankind was responsible for the defining moment of the Monday Night Wars.

Mick Foley is going to win their World Title. Heh, that'll put a lot of butts in the seats
Boy was Schiavone right.

People tuned out of Nitro en masse to see Mankind win the WWF Title and Raw never lost to Nitro in the ratings again. A few months later Mankind was once again responsible for one of the highest rated Raw segments in history. "This is your Life"

In between there was the I Quit match and a really good feud with HHH.
Making this one of the most successful and important face turns and runs in WWE History.
Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Quote
02-27-2018 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Poncharello
I’m going to be working so I can’t do a write up but want to keep things moving. I’ll take Larry Zybszko turns on Bruno.

Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Quote
02-27-2018 , 10:07 PM
Dammit, mflip stole my pick.

Gimme a minute to think of which of my back-ups I want to use.

Will pick before the night is over.
Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Quote
02-27-2018 , 10:49 PM
Okay, I’ll go with this one.

The Rock becomes too damn popular to be a heel anymore

Both sides of the Survivor Series double-turn have been picked, so I won’t go over the history in too much detail. But The Rock’s heel turn didn’t even last six months.

During his feuds with Foley, Big Show and Austin in the beginning of 1999, The Rock would lay verbal “smackdowns” on his opponents. After being completely unable to get over as a face as Rocky Maivia, all it really took was for Rocky to start ****ting all over his opponents and the fans to get massively over. It’s a weird business sometimes.

The Rock lost the title to Austin at WM 15 and also the rematch at Backlash.
The next night on Raw, Shane McMahon comes out and blames Rock for not winning the title. Rock doesn’t like this at all. He threatens Shane, but a collection of Corporation members decide to give The Rock a beatdown.

Rock gets up as The Corporation is leaving and challenges Shane to a 1 on 1 match. Obviously it wasn’t 1 on 1.

All of the goons from earlier get into the ring and get their licks in. During the beatdown, fans start chanting “Rocky”. Rocky becomes a massive face whose popularity began to rival that of Austin.

Over the next several years, The Rock would get numerous WWF title wins and tag title wins with his frienemy Mankind. Having been given the opportunity to fully put his charisma on display, The Rock would become a mega-star not only in the WWF, but also Hollywood, and is now one of the most sought after action movie stars.

Mr Perfect face turn (1992)
Kevin Owens heel turn (2013)
John Cena face turn (2003)
The Rock face turn (1999)
Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Quote
02-27-2018 , 11:14 PM
Feels a bit uninspired to go back to this well, but I think that the value is here.

The Undertaker, the biggest monster heel in the company, stands up to Jake Roberts and becomes a huge babyface

Originally Posted by LKJ
The Macho Man and the Snake Do Round #2 on Saturday Night's Main Event

The two combatants lined it up again for their second televised singles match. This also wasn't a long war of attrition. In fact, it was even shorter than their Tuesday in Texas matchup, as this one clocked in at 5:25. Jake connects on a DDT, but doesn't go for the pin. He showboats, then waits and squares him up for a second one. Upon finally going for the second one, Savage counters and backdrops him over the top to the floor. Savage climbs the turnbuckle and jumps off with an axhandle that knocks Jake throat-first into the steel barricade. He returns Jake inside, climbs up once again, nails the flying elbow, 1-2-3.

Savage, not satisfied with just a win, heads up top and hits a second flying elbow. Then he goes and grabs the timekeeper's bell, but Jake is able to roll out of the ring and stagger away to safety before Savage can do even worse. Miss Elizabeth runs down and joins Savage in the ring for a celebration. As they have their feel-good moment in the ring, we are quickly reminded that there is evil in Jake Roberts that does not sleep, even after taking consecutive finishers. The camera goes back to the Gorilla position, where Jake is peering through the curtain at the celebration of Randy and Liz.

Roberts looks back at the camera and declares, "It's not over yet." Before we can find out what he means by that, Saturday Night's Main Event goes off the air…in America. But the Sky Sports feed persists, and shows what would become known the following week on Superstars. Jake continues, "I hope he got what he wanted. … It doesn't matter which one of them comes through the curtain…<indistiguishable>…I don't care which one." Part of the sentence got dropped, but the meaning is clear, as Jake prepares to strike with a steel chair. By now there's no more suspension of disbelief on what he would or wouldn't do; of course he would hit Liz with a steel chair.

Savage and Liz are coming down the aisle in a celebratory mood, blind to what's awaiting them. As they come through, Jake rares back, and…

The Undertaker seems to makes the save.

[To Be Continued]
Originally Posted by LKJ
Part 5: The Man in Black Takes a Stand

Whose Side Are You On?

Jake, who had not yet given a public reaction to the events at the end of Saturday Night's Main Event, was booked as Paul Bearer's guest on the Funeral Parlor. Bearer starts the interview by saying he wants to talk about Jake's history. Bearer begins recounting all the awful stuff that Jake has done to Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth, including the wedding reception incident that the Undertaker was very much a part of. Bearer phrases his historical recap judgingly until Jake finally breaks his silence and yells, "Shut up!" He continues, "Let me tell you something brother, I'm not here to be judged by you. Who needs to do some explaining is The Undertaker. I need to know just which side he's on."

Bearer tells Jake that he can ask Undertaker himself. The gong hits, Jake looks toward the entrance, and Undertaker emerges from the standing coffin behind him and walks up behind. Jake, startled, spins around…no harm, no foul. Jake: "You and I have a real problem. Now I'm standing here, and you need to tell me something face to face. Just who in the hell do you think you are, and whose side are you on? You tell me. Whose side are you on?" Undertaker silently looks at the urn and deliberates. Jake prods him for an answer. "Tell me. Tell me. Tell me whose side you're on." Undertaker finally speaks. "Not yours."

Jake is startled at first. Then he laughs. Then he grabs the urn from Paul Bearer. "Is this what makes you tick? Is this what you need in life?" He drops the urn into the nearby open casket. As Taker reaches in after it, Jake slams the lid on Undertaker's hand and seals it shut, trapping his hand there.

Bearer cries, "What have you done?!" Jake gives him something new to worry about, as he grabs Bearer and DDTs him on the stage. As long as he's sitting down, he kicks the urn away. Undertaker is trapped and helpless as this goes on.

Jake goes and grabs a steel chair, then lands a few shots on a prone Undertaker's back. Undertaker gets back up, Jake lands some more.

Undertaker gets back up again, and now summons the WIM to start dragging the casket with him while his hand is still trapped in the lid. Chair shots and kicks from Roberts, but Undertaker continues regrouping and stalking him, with Jake's strikes having no long-term effect.

With that, the most evil pairing in the company splits up, The Undertaker officially turns face, and Jake has his next feud. Soon after, The Undertaker vs. Jake Roberts is set for WrestleMania VIII.


The Snake Passes a Very Special Torch

Jake Roberts showed up to the Hoosier Dome with a job to do. I don't know the exact circumstances of why he was leaving, but this was to be his final match in the WWF; he would turn up in WCW later in the year. He certainly put on a fine swan song for the end of his primary run with the company. In any case, he was ready to go on this night.

First, he cuts another strong pre-match promo. Maybe not transcription-worthy, but certainly strong. The match, while not a technical classic, given that Jake wasn't anything great and The Undertaker was a pretty huge stiff at this point, was psychologically sound and told a good story. I've always enjoyed this match quite a bit for what it was. It was Undertaker's coming-out party as a top babyface. Jake's role, as the resident creepy babyface of the last generation, was to pass the torch to the resident creepy babyface of the next generation.

Taker goes for a Tombstone, and Jake counters into a DDT. Bobby Heenan celebrates, yelling, "He did it! He did it!" Jake stands up, signals to the crowd, and Undertaker sits up. Jake hits a short clothesline and another DDT. Instead of going for the pin, Jake goes out after Paul Bearer. As he gets a hold of Bearer, Taker sits up again and goes out after him. He grabs Roberts, lifts him over his shoulder, delivers a Tombstone that doesn't actually connect, and rolls him inside for a three-count and a huge pop.

A legend goes out on his back, and gives a nice rub in the process.
This was a well-executed face turn and obviously wildly successful for decades on end.

I select The Undertaker's 1992 face turn

Shawn Michaels 1992 heel turn
Jake Roberts 1991 heel turn
CM Punk 2011 face turn
The Undertaker 1992 face turn
Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Quote
02-28-2018 , 12:03 AM
I generally don't remember the early 90's as a great period for wrestling, but there certainly were some historic turns during that period. I'm still thinking of at least one more I'm hoping to see soon from around that period and a few from earlier. Hoping to see some more non-WWE stuff soon.
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02-28-2018 , 12:10 AM
Totally not related to this draft, but seeing that clip of Taker's Tombstone on Jake on the floor wants me to start a draft for most obviously fake wrestling moves/bumps ever. Even 12-year-old me was like, "Wow, his head wasn't even close to hitting the floor."

Andre "head-butting the post" against Hogan in WM 3 would be up toward the top, too.

Not up there: Shawn Michaels' superkick of the poor timekeeper during the WM 12 ironman match.

I'm bored and rambling. I'll let y'all get back to what we're all here for.
Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Quote
02-28-2018 , 12:14 AM
Is anyone who is not involved in the draft willing to hear my potential pick to see if it qualifies as a turn or not?
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02-28-2018 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by antidan444
Totally not related to this draft, but seeing that clip of Taker's Tombstone on Jake on the floor wants me to start a draft for most obviously fake wrestling moves/bumps ever. Even 12-year-old me was like, "Wow, his head wasn't even close to hitting the floor."
Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Quote
02-28-2018 , 09:31 AM
I’ll owe a writeup for this one, might not be until tomorrow.

”This is all your fault, HBK. This is what you wanna do? You started all this. The worst is yet to come.”

Round 4, Pick 7: Chris Jericho tosses Shawn Michaels into the obscenely expensive Jeritron 5000
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02-28-2018 , 09:34 AM
The Taker face turn was my backup if that wasn’t available, very good value.
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02-28-2018 , 09:56 AM
Double sniped, need some time now.
Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Quote
02-28-2018 , 10:20 AM
I think every pick this round has been very good.
Best Turns of All Time - Draft Thread Quote
02-28-2018 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Poncharello
Is anyone who is not involved in the draft willing to hear my potential pick to see if it qualifies as a turn or not?

You can pm me if you want.

Also I’m a bit late here but Daniel Bryan was definitely face for his match vs Cena at Summerslam.
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