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The AEW Thread The AEW Thread

04-24-2024 , 10:46 PM
Yooooo, that episode was fantastic.
The AEW Thread Quote
04-25-2024 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
This is hard for me to say as someone who this has been my favorite wrestler for like 20 ****ing years

But…I think I hate Chris Jericho
I don't think I've liked a single thing Jericho has done since about 2017.

He's been in the single worst storyline in the company for over half of his AEW run.
The AEW Thread Quote
04-25-2024 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
I don't think I've liked a single thing Jericho has done since about 2017.

He's been in the single worst storyline in the company for over half of his AEW run.
Drink it in, man
The AEW Thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:17 AM
The AEW Thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 12:39 PM
Ospreay vs Danielson gets 6.5 stars from Meltzer, his second highest rating of all time.
The AEW Thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 01:28 PM
Dynamite with their worst rating in over 6 months. Well deserved. It was pretty bad between the awful audio problems, having Swerve in a random match, making Swerve take the backseat to Jack ****ing Perry, and the best thing, having TYBs + Jungleboy Jack attack Tony Khan because of something that happened with a wrestler who doesn't even work in AEW anymore

I don't think anybody wants TYB's as the focal point of the show, even if they add Jack Perry and Okada...LOL. And people probably want TK on tv even less. But at least Omega's coming back next week.

Last edited by NJPW; 04-26-2024 at 01:33 PM.
The AEW Thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 01:33 PM
Swerve’s going to get the opening promo on Collision immediately following the NBA playoffs, probably the biggest audience lead-in of the year.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-27-2024 , 11:14 AM
The AEW Thread Quote
05-27-2024 , 12:39 PM
The AEW Thread Quote
05-28-2024 , 05:40 PM
Jesus Christ, just when I think AEW can't get any dumber with these spots. No wonder they need such a massive roster. Edge fractured his tibia on this.

What was this even supposed to look like if it went perfectly? I guess a splash, but that probably would severely injure Black (if not Edge too). I wonder if that was the plan, then right after jumping Edge had second thoughts and bailed on it.

Sadly, this is not even the dumbest instance of a 45+ year old man jumping off a steel cage. Macho takes that one, although I think his cage was made out of plastic.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-28-2024 , 05:46 PM
It’s pretty clear that Edge hesitated and ****ed it up, was plain as day during the show. Splash from the top of the cage is super standard in matches like these, so the pearl clutching from the IWC is laughable.

I don’t think you can really blame AEW for this— Sting was doing leaps just fine and is a decade older. Copeland simply hesitated and paid the price.

Last edited by whatthejish; 05-28-2024 at 05:53 PM. Reason: Some days, I can’t spell for ****.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-28-2024 , 06:13 PM
Anyway, the AEW belt holders are pretty insane right now and pretty much all are great workers.

Swerve, Ospreay, and Okada for the men. (Edge has TNT, but is ****ed now)

Only exception is ****ing Jericho, who has been in the worst match in like 25 consecutive PPVs, just go away dude. But that's only the FTW belt.

Women's belts with Storm and Moné.

Tag w/the Bucks and trios w/Bang Bang. Although I hope the latter drop soon as White should be in the title picture for a bigger belt.

All In card for Webley could be stacked, which they deserve after they turned out in droves last year but then AEW held back a ton of good matches.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-28-2024 , 09:30 PM
The spot was dumb as ****.

Why do something like that? ESPECIALLY if it's not the finish.

Would anyone have felt deprived if he did that off the top rope instead?

You already had the cool moment with Gangrel planned.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2024 , 06:27 AM
Also, wtf was up with this table. The leg breaks through the table and almost impales Big Bill.

The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2024 , 06:59 AM
The moment with Gangrel was anything but cool.
The AEW Thread Quote
06-26-2024 , 10:14 PM
The AEW Thread Quote
07-01-2024 , 11:34 AM
Stephanie Vaquer checks all the boxes. Hope to see her on the show again soon.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-01-2024 , 01:07 PM
Vaquer was definitely the highlight of the show for me with Swerve/Ospreay up there too. Mercedes looked terrible. I don't know if she was trying to match Vaquer's style or trying out a new moveset, but she was off with everything she tried.

Jericho's streak of being in the worst match on the card extends to 8 PPVs. Well done.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-03-2024 , 09:37 PM
This Dynamite has been freaking great. AEW storylines are honestly cooking right now.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-03-2024 , 10:24 PM
The AEW Thread Quote
07-11-2024 , 01:04 AM
The AEW Thread Quote
07-11-2024 , 01:31 AM
That was great and very shocking live
The AEW Thread Quote
07-11-2024 , 12:23 PM

I get where the guys who are the best pure wrestlers and want to do their own thing want to be in AEW, but I think MJF has to get the hell out of there.

The Adam Cole faction knocks him out for months. So obviously, he returns to... fight a bunch of mid-carders and then turn on one?

I get that Cole is out and Wardlow has been nowhere to be seen AGAIN, but then why the **** have Cole be the guy under the mask if you knew he was injured and were going to go NOWHERE with it? If MJF is fighting mid-carders, shouldn't it be that group?

Most wasted storyline since the Higher Power. This is Samoa Joe being kidnapped and then just never following up on it, TNA level bad.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-11-2024 , 01:11 PM
Did you watch the show last night? Feels like Max explained it well enough in his last couple promos.

It’s annoying the Cole stuff had to be put on ice, but there’s not much you can do when the guy has a freak injury and really difficult recovery.

As for him “getting the hell out of AEW,” where would he even go? There’s no room for someone like MJF in the WWE right now, not at the top anyway.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-11-2024 , 01:46 PM
It's clear that the guys who came from AEW to WWE have improved their creative dramatically (Pillman, Page, Cody so obviously, and even Shawn Spears, who is mostly a trainer now). Even Punk. AEW is the wrestling show. If you want to have great matches without much storyline, go there. MJF is more character than great worker. He would benefit from better story telling.

No I have not seen last night. I am behind. Again, they should have called an audible on the Cole thing. Why is any MJF turn wasted on a mid-carder though? It would be like Cody turning on the Miz or Otis. Save it for a while. Work your way into it and have him turn on a top guy eventually.
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