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05-29-2022 , 01:14 AM
I'm sure no-showing for a big PPV is going to help MJF in his contract negotiations with WWE.

He got signed for a pittance back in 2019 because AEW was a young upstart and MJF was relatively unknown. It sucks for him that he is now a national star, headlining the company's events and still getting paid like he's some random indy guy, while people like Punk and Danielson are making millions for the same amount of work. He has plenty of good options: Sign with WWE in 2024, re-sign with AEW in 2024, extend his contract with AEW now. Not sure what he is trying to accomplish by no-showing a PPV.

He is either getting bad advice or his ego is out of control. Cody was a founder of AEW and one of its biggest stars. AEW didn't skip a beat when he left. Same will happen with MJF if he leaves or quits. Knowing your worth also means realizing that you not the center of the universe.

And it's such a dick move to Wardlow as the guy who helped build up MJF for 2 years may now miss out on the biggest match of his career. The news of him no-showing the PPV will also likely overshadow most if not all the other matches that night, so he's screwing everyone over.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2022 , 03:24 PM
I may not watch this tonight tbh. I've been all in on AEW since the beginning, and while this card looks absolutely stacked on paper, I sit here really underwhelmed by the prospect of the PPV.

The card easily looks 3-4 matches too long, and short of MJF-Wardlow (which I guess isn't even 100% to happen), the builds for these feuds have been so subpar.

AEW is really starting to suffer from stuffing way too much into 2-3 hours of weekly television. The roster is too big and they want to get everyone visible every week and it just hasn't been working lately.

Hangman/Punk should be a top 3 match in AEW history, and it doesn't feel anywhere close to that for me. Tack on the seemingly inevitable outcome and I'm just lukewarm on it.

Obviously, the in ring wrestling will be very good, but I'm more of a hybrid fan that needs a good story to be invested.

Factor in a game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals is up against this, and I'm struggling to justify $50 on this one.

Anyone want to convince me I'm wrong?
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2022 , 04:08 PM
Imagine complaining about an absolutely stacked PPV for being too long. This is what AEW does. Yea, it’s a marathon— that’s what rewatching is for. I almost always revisit the main event again the following day/week.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2022 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
Imagine complaining about an absolutely stacked PPV for being too long.
I love peanut M&Ms. Force me to eat too many of them, I won't love them as much.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2022 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by redirkulous
I may not watch this tonight tbh. I've been all in on AEW since the beginning, and while this card looks absolutely stacked on paper, I sit here really underwhelmed by the prospect of the PPV.
This is almost exactly what I wrote on another forum. Action should be great but ppv feels like it's meh cause of the poor build.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2022 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by redirkulous
I love peanut M&Ms. Force me to eat too many of them, I won't love them as much.
No one is forcing you to do anything. Watch half tonight and half tomorrow.

(But I get what you’re saying)

Last edited by whatthejish; 05-29-2022 at 06:56 PM.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2022 , 07:07 PM
Sources say MJF vs. Wardlow is gonna be the opener.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2022 , 07:28 PM
I stopped watching the PPVs earlier this year because they are too long. After the 2nd hour I lose interest so it’s not worth watching if I’m not going to enjoy it. I have almost as much fun following along on the live blogs and on the forums and social media.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2022 , 07:51 PM
In the future, Hook should be the one to dethrone Wardlow.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2022 , 08:19 PM
Love that Hookhausen.

MJF on the stretcher A+++ lol.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2022 , 09:01 PM
Hathaway gunna be dynamite with Jade. And Athena’s debut! Lettttts goooo!
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2022 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by dmatz327
Really digging the rumor that Bivens is AEW bound to pair with Jade.

The AEW Thread
The AEW Thread Quote
05-29-2022 , 10:36 PM
The AEW Thread Quote
05-30-2022 , 12:42 AM
All around awesome PPV. I am sports entertained.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-30-2022 , 12:45 AM
Had a lul in the action but pretty fire once that JAS/BCC match started.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-30-2022 , 10:01 AM
Probably the worst AEW PPV imo. Really really dragged in the middle, could not be less entertained by the Owen. Darby and KOR got it back on track for me. Danielson is wasted in BCC. Need to rewatch Hangman/Punk as I was dead by the time it got up.

Britt and Cole winning the Owen is building towards something I’m sure, but could have had Darby or Dax v KOR and Toni/Jamie v Ruby.

Could not be more over the JE title reign, Hobbs and Starks going over was the play here.

Hope the dub gets back on track, they’ve lost me a bit over Q2 2022. Don’t think it’ll get better until after forbidden door. They can’t get ROH stuff off my TV soon enough.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-30-2022 , 10:56 AM
Early predictions for the next AEW world champ?

a) MJF
b) Wardlow
c) Adam Cole
d) Bryan Danielson
e) Eddie Kingston
f) One of the midcard ex-WWE guys (Malakai Black, Andrade El Idolo, Samoa Joe, Keith Lee)
g) Any former world or TNT champ (Jericho, Moxley, Omega, Page, Allin, Miro, Guevarra)
h) Anyone else currently on the AEW roster
i) Anyone NOT currently on the AEW roster
The AEW Thread Quote
05-30-2022 , 12:14 PM
MJF behind the scenes stuff is seeming pretty real, especially because they didn’t acknowledge any of it. Tony wouldn’t comment during the media scrum. It sucks, sounds like this is the last we’ll see of MJF for awhile.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-30-2022 , 02:02 PM
If MJF is out, that's a massive blow imo. His appearances are far and away the best stuff on TV.

Kinda glad Hangman's reign is over, it was going nowhere. To be fair to him though, most title reigns seem to be kinda meh. I'd kinda put Thunder Rosa in that camp, and the TNT belt has been a disaster.

Jade is the only one that's booked well, but she's beyond horrible in the ring. Couldn't even work a 6 minute match without forgetting spots. She's good for squashes and that's about it. Maybe Stat can take the belt off her at the next PPV.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-31-2022 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by NJPW
but ppv feels like it's meh cause of the poor build.
This was my takeaway as well.

MJF/Wardlow was obviously a great build, but that was basically it.

I'm not sure how you can F up a Punk/Page build, but it was underwhelming for how good those 2 can be on the mic.

Rosa/Deeb was an awkward build, not helped by the fact that neither can talk.

Owen Hart Tourney has just been weird from the get go. They never put over why we should care or what the stakes were. Then the Award Ceremony w/Martha was weird.

Tag belts and TBS builds were basically just the challengers showing up in the week leading up to DoN and saying "hey, give me a shot" "ok!" and that's it. KOR v. Darby was just them announcing the match out of nothing.

Hardys vs. Bucks could've been an awesome story w/the tag team of the past vs. tag team of the present angle, but just felt kinda rushed. They should've been building to it since Jeff arrived w/the Bucks wanting to test themselves against the former GOATs.

Sammy/Tay match was just weird b/c of the heel v. heel dynamic and not knowing if we're supposed to pull for Men of the Year, or what's really going on. Only plus is that hopefully it ends Sammy and Frankie in the title pic and we can get a fresh storyline, and I guess seeing Sammy kick Tay was kinda funny.

Jericho has been garbage since I've been watching AEW regularly (since Punk's debut) and House of Black stuff is whatever. I hate the factions and I would rather have PAC and Malakai Black on their own, competing for the TNT belt or something. Danielson was putting on bangers sometimes twice a week and now seems wasted in these dumb multi-way tags. At least the anarchy match ended up being one of the more entertaining.

All in all, Wardlow v. MJF was really the only match where we had any type of emotional investment, and as a result, even though it was just a glorified squash, it still felt like a great moment.

So while it was still a decent PPV, it ended up being my least favorite of the handful I've seen.
The AEW Thread Quote
05-31-2022 , 02:42 AM
Swerve Strickland is great. I hope to see a lot more of him in the future. Him and Keith Lee are a pretty good tag team atm. Ditto for Hobbs and Starks as a team and singles.

and yeah, Pac should be a singles guy. Dude's always a miserable brooding **** and he's a great wrestler. Not needed in a tag team. He should be upper-mid card and slotted in main events sometimes.
The AEW Thread Quote
06-01-2022 , 08:32 PM
The AEW Thread The AEW Thread The AEW Thread

Back the truck up for $JF

What a great segment.
The AEW Thread Quote
06-01-2022 , 08:52 PM
Promo of his life.
The AEW Thread Quote
06-01-2022 , 09:46 PM
That was crazy
The AEW Thread Quote
06-01-2022 , 10:51 PM

I appreciate the implicit admission in this tweet.
The AEW Thread Quote
