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09-08-2021 , 09:02 PM
Thoroughly enjoyed that segment. Also down for this feud and MJF/Wardlow breakup
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09-08-2021 , 09:12 PM
I liked that too. I wish I liked Ruby's last name better. I realize they couldn't just roll with Riott, but Ruby Riott was far better than Ruby Soho as a stage name.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-08-2021 , 09:13 PM
Same, but whatcanyado.

At least we can depend on JR to call her that sometimes.
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09-08-2021 , 09:15 PM
I do like the theme a lot. I bought that Rancid album back in HS on the strength of that song (though it had other good stuff too). It just feels hacky to name her after a song.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-08-2021 , 09:21 PM
AEW should sign the one man thrill ride
The AEW Thread Quote
09-08-2021 , 09:22 PM
You know what, the more I think about it, I actually dig Ruby Soho.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-08-2021 , 09:29 PM
In for the end.

I know Mox/Suzuki has happened before, but I'm excited.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-08-2021 , 09:34 PM
I'm guessing that nobody will pull Cole aside and explain to him that crowd-pleasing catch phrases are for babyfaces only.

I mean, they're for ****ing nobody, but realistically, there should at least be some standards if they have to happen all damn show.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-08-2021 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I'm guessing that nobody will pull Cole aside and explain to him that crowd-pleasing catch phrases are for babyfaces only.
See also: pandering with "AEW is the best, guys."
The AEW Thread Quote
09-08-2021 , 09:40 PM
That theme isn't doing it for me.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-08-2021 , 09:42 PM
Surprised that they seem to be setting up to moon-push Danielson harder than Punk.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-08-2021 , 09:46 PM
Adam Cole's theme.

Also surprised Bryan's at the top before Punk.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-08-2021 , 09:49 PM
Execute whoever cut off Kaze Ni Nare.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-08-2021 , 10:03 PM
That was way too short.

Massive fumble by AEW.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-09-2021 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
That was way too short.

Massive fumble by AEW.
Think they cut short the match due to the eye injury.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-09-2021 , 12:26 PM
Disappointing main event. Maybe if they put it on earlier they get more time but I understand Mox getting the last match in his hometown. Should've just shaved 5 minutes off Dustin/Black and given it to Mox.

Surely AEW won't give Cody his win back on the 22nd. Right?
The AEW Thread Quote
09-09-2021 , 07:13 PM
PWI interview with Kenny is fantastic:

Wrestlinginc did a nice writeup.

One bit I'd love to highlight,

“The wrestling community can sometimes be toxic, and I hate seeing it in sports. I hate seeing it in video games, and music and movies, where you have fans divided so passionately. People feel like they have to choose a side, and they feel that once they choose that side, they have to defend that side with every fiber of their being. This isn’t the NHL. This isn’t the NBA. This isn’t the NFL. We aren’t teams playing in the same league.

“We’re all wrestlers, and a lot of us are, regardless of who we represent or who are working for, a lot of us still feel like we’re family. I have friends not only in AEW, but I have friends in New Japan. I have friends in Impact. I have friends in WWE. I know it sounds crazy. I have friends there, and guess what, I want them to succeed. I still keep in touch with them. I don’t want you to wish ill, or wish harm or wish death upon them, as my fans, and I don’t think that the opposite is true either.”

Omega spoke more on the vision that he hopes to see as a reality. He explained why he doesn’t think it’s a waste of time to try to change people’s minds away from tribalism.

“It’s like saying a broad statement like, ‘I wish for world peace,’ and it’s like, how do you even attain that? That’s impossible,” Omega stated. “That’s naïve, but as unrealistic as it is, I’m still taking steps because I don’t think it’s wasted effort, and I think as long as fans, little by little, see that there’s a wrestling world that is a better place with all of our companies and our top talents working together, then maybe slowly but surely and maybe I won’t be around to see it.

“Maybe I’ll be long gone, retired, maybe even dead, I don’t know, but maybe there will be a world where, even just for one show a year, we get talents that work together on an incredible super show to show everyone the greatest talents of the world doing what we love to do and showing the beauty and the peak art form that is professional wrestling, which includes all styles, which is also why I did things challenging things like lucha libre.

“It’s why I did challenging things like deathmatches. People don’t expect that from me, but I want to show that there is an art form behind it and that there is beauty in it and you can tell a story. And I love to see a world where everyone is accepting to all of those and can find appreciation in all of those.”
A good listen/read, however you consume it.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-09-2021 , 07:22 PM
I’m still taking steps because I don’t think it’s wasted effort,
The AEW Thread Quote
09-09-2021 , 07:30 PM
So, you just didn't read the immediately preceding sentence?

Dude wants to make the wrestling world better for everyone. It's way beyond grumpy Cornette for someone to argue against that.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-09-2021 , 07:37 PM
More bits:

Kenny says it's "night and day" to the feeling of reaching #1 status twice. He never thought a foreigner from New Japan, someone like him, could ever reach number 1 and be recognized by a Magazine which is read by primarily North American viewers. It really took him by surprise.

"Wow. It left me feeling very shocked and very humbled. And I'm, to this day, just incredibly appreciative to have accomplished so much with that company and with such an incredible cast of talent and crew."
"All the time it's most important for me, rather than to wanna make the fan boo the bad guy, cheer for the good guy... I want much more layers than that to what I present that in a story." Whether it's a month buildup or even if it's just that single match, to the best of his ability he wants to elicit these different emotions from you. Laugh, cry, be happy. His reasoning is the following:

"Chances are, in any one show you're going to see 5 matches. 6 matches. in a PPV you might see 10, 12 matches. If your goal as a wrestler is just to make someone cheer or boo you and that's it? Well then you're just doing what everyone else is striving for. And I think that's what maybe differentiates a top flight athlete, and a top flight professional wrestler, to your average professional wrestler. And that's not to say that you always have to do that because everyone has a role on a professional wrestling card. But myself who's being thrust into these main event scenes, I feel the onus is on me to have more of a wide variety of emotions that you feel throughout the span of a long, storied main event."
"Hey, if me being number one isn't your style... I implore you to just supporting wrestling. I feel too in a lot of ways, I'm not the best. You know, maybe I am in certain areas, or maybe I was to a certain amount of people. But if the best is someone else to you and they're you're number one... that's great. But please keep supporting the people that are supporting professional wrestling and I'm just glad, you know, physical media like this and these podcasts exist to help spread the word of global professional wrestling, again, has no borders. PWI, it covers it all. And that's sort of a world I want to exist in. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity and thank you fans for being a part of it."
The AEW Thread Quote
09-09-2021 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
So, you just didn't read the immediately preceding sentence?

Dude wants to make the wrestling world better for everyone. It's way beyond grumpy Cornette for someone to argue against that.
I did read it. And I'm not arguing against it. It would be lovely if such a thing could occur. But of course the lunacy of corporate loyalty is going nowhere, as much as I would like to personally devote my life to knocking on doors and aggressively bullying every single person worldwide into agreeing to never fanboy or fangirl a corporation ever again for as long as they live. (And, if I had enough time, talk them out of participating in inane meme chants.)

I was really just saying he's waxing poetic about an impossible dream. It's a perfectly nice sentiment.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-09-2021 , 07:48 PM
The AEW Thread Quote
09-09-2021 , 08:02 PM
That is an excellent tweet.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-10-2021 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by JohnBoyWWFC
Think they cut short the match due to the eye injury.
Not a chance. This was a clear case of time mismanagement. They didn't even bring Suzuki out until about :47, then cut off Kaze Ni Nare. The production team blew this one, full stop.
The AEW Thread Quote
09-10-2021 , 10:34 PM
Justin Roberts can win me over by altering his announcement of "Britt Baker DMD" so as to **** up the sing-along.
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