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2013 Money in the Bank PPV 2013 Money in the Bank PPV

07-14-2013 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by Smarty 2.0
To be fair, they can probably introduce a Bryan vs. Cena feud somehow without the briefcase.
sure they can

but they won't
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-14-2013 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by EMc
Well edit when we see them but overall this is a gentlemans community and that should be enough.
I'm not expecting malicious kind of things, but after 5 or so posts that allude to "X is going to win" people might get the idea.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-14-2013 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by cab4656
Orton is such a weird case. He has "the look," he has the history of being a champion, he has one of the most over finishers today or maybe ever, he's solid in the ring, but he is somehow just.... boring. I don't understand it.
nothing to get, really. i have never seen any wrestler pushed as hard as orton with as little mic ability as orton. if orton had punk's delivery and ability on the mic he'd be bigger than cena and it honestly wouldn't be close. but he doesn't so he sucks
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-14-2013 , 11:05 PM
Isn't Orton on his final strike? I always assumed that he wouldn't get this kind of opportunity again.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-14-2013 , 11:06 PM
Bryan is definitely so over he doesnt need the case. But, the same can be just as easily said of anyone in that match (except Christian and Kane) including Orton who can be thrown into any title match ever and no one will second guess it cos he is like an over 9000 time world champ or whatever.

Even if the point of booking was to make Bryan take on Perfectish first before moving up to the title scene soon after then just do the same thing but have him take the win at the end anyway so he doesnt need to care about the IC title and can just feud for pride and honour.

And if the point of Orton winning is to set up a full heel turn, first good ****ing luck cos he already wrestles and promos like a heel, and second why didnt he do anything more heelish in the match.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-14-2013 , 11:09 PM
Yeah, I don't see how you can turn Orton heel. He basically did nothing to turn face. The fans made him a face and WWE just went with it. He doesn't do much different other than pander to the crowd occasionally.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-14-2013 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
Isn't Orton on his final strike? I always assumed that he wouldn't get this kind of opportunity again.
Yeah. But then wellness strikes arent a "real thing". Jeff Hardy was going to win the WWE title right after his third strike if he had signed a contract extension. There isnt actually a governing body or anything, its just a PR exercise so they can say they are doing something.

Orton got more heat for going on record after they announced his second strike saying that he didnt care and it just meant he could take his wife on holiday.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-14-2013 , 11:16 PM
My favorite match of the night wasn't even on the PPV.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-14-2013 , 11:35 PM
The Wyatts debuting before the PPV is so weird since they weren't on the card. Unless they plan on having Kane/Taker vs the Wyatt Family at SS I have no idea why they wouldn't have saved the debut for tomorrow.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-14-2013 , 11:57 PM
Yes I believe the Wyatts vs Kane/Taker. Which I dont know where that will go storyline wise...

I just dont see how they are going to use the Wyatt's? Like have them acting as a cult so taking the midcarder/undercarder level talent and "guiding" them so to speak lol. To get them over with the fans? Mehh not a fan of that idea...

Well their debut was sick!

Randy Orton O/U heel turn: Tomorrow night a Raw? Just do it already! Who else thought Orton completely tore his ACL when he fell off the ladder?

That last match was so obvious.

RVD had no shot at winning. He was just there due to it being in Philly and to do some high flying stunts.

CM Punk aint winning since he is already a top tier talent in WWE and dont need MITB contract to get title shot

Shaemus NOBODY LIKES HIM, Had no shot of winning

Daniel Bryan is SOOO over that I thought he was going to win either him or Orton. But he doesn't need the contract yet he is doing great just as he is IMO. But would like him to get he strap sooner rather than later.

and Randy Orton he was slowly dying right before our eyes. Yea the 2 strikes already probably hurts him with creative and storylines but he paid his dues the past 2 years IMO and its now or never give him his shot again make him heel. Bring back the Punt Kick and let him go wild....That was one of the better tilte reigns when back in 08' I believe. With Orton, Rhodes and DeBiase, Had some of the best story lines and some crazy moments on Raw with the Punt Kicks LOL (Cena's Dad and Vince)

Overall was a good PPV and the Pre match was one of the better matches.

Uso's should be champs. Not a fan of The Shield being the TT Champs.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-14-2013 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by cab4656
Last couple years MITB has been a stellar PPV. This year not so much. Maybe I had unrealistic expectations. But nah, I think they just booked it wrong.
It was still good imo.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-14-2013 , 11:58 PM
bryan v axel at summerfest is such an unbelievable waste of bryan. it's so bad i would have actually preferred an h feud

if it were one of the smaller ppvs, w/e, give the young guy a push, fine, but a big 4 ppv with bryan on the cusp? nonsense. especially when it becomes harder and harder to find room to put him on the top of the card between boreton, supermanretains.jpg, punk and bork
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 12:37 AM
where the f are the wyatts?
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 12:47 AM
At least the smackdown mitb was awesome, the Cody/Sandow feud should be good. Swagger and Cesaro were really good and I'd like to see more from them as a team, it's to bad that the WWE doesn't have a face tag team that is a legitimate threat (although the usos have a shot) to feud with them.

Perfect Jr. sucks, it's crazy that they're committing to him the way that they are, dude gets 0 reaction no matter what he does and he's so boring in the ring. It's really unfortunate considering all the good midcard heels that could be getting that push.

AJ/Kaitlyn wasn't bad, but it's just too difficult to get into a divas build these days because they can't say more than 3 words without pausing during a promo.

Speaking of people who can't work the mic, lol at Orton winning. Booking 101 dictates a Bryan victory there so his push doesn't stall out. We'll see how that goes.

I liked the Zig/ADR match abd I was ok with the ending. Hopefully they build it better for SS so it's easier to get into the match. I love ADR's ring work especially with Zig.

Cena is so bad, lol wwe for making his character so unbearable.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 01:15 AM
What would of been cool was to have Mark Henry "TWSM" tottally distroy John Cena and hurt him so badly but still haven Cena win and have him barely be able to stand and like have a "storyline" injury (Knee or w.e) then then MITB winner (Randy Orton) cash in right after the match so Cena would have to wrestle again "injured" and in pain from his ass whoppin by Henry.....

usually at MITB they have the winner of one of the briefcases come out after one of the championship matches to get a crowd pop but they didnt do that this year.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 01:35 AM
heres the preshow with the tag team match for anyone who missed it

2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 04:21 AM
So I guess I'll be staying away from betting sites from now on if I don't want something spoiled.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 05:57 AM
Guess I won't bother downloading this, it seems as disappointingly bad as Payback was surprisingly good.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 06:41 AM
TN you should def watch the preshow and first mitb.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 06:42 AM
RVD required staples in his head, image from his Twitter in spoiler tags:
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by True North
Guess I won't bother downloading this, it seems as disappointingly bad as Payback was surprisingly good.
Pre-show match and blue briefcase match are confirmed awesome.

The rest of the matches weren't bad, but the booking ranged from at best confusing and at worst terrible.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 10:53 AM
Holy ****, i figured out who TradeOC is.

This is from an E-fed I used to be a part of, esentially it was set up as someone presenting the show in text format in a forum setting, and then there would be random people commenting about the show afterwards.

"thanks for the shout out, tho its pretty funny that you think i like to read

tonights show is a mixed bag for me, there were several parts that i loved and really enjoyed and all the matches were good and all the segments were good, but methinks this was a little disappointing. "the cool edge" with rusty cooledge is a great idea for a talk show segment because rusty brings the speakrate but the set was lackluster and reminded me of if carlito's cabana and jericho's highlight reel had a baby, why are they're palm trees and a television, you can't watch television on the beach, poor decision by the misguided pga managment

thier was too much of the heels getting beaten up tonight, i'm used to things happening in a certain way and when that changes it is confusing to me, and i don't like being confused i would give this show only a 9/10

what i liked

- rusty cooledge speaking, as afloormentioned
- brian genius is also pretty funny but his hair makes him look like a queer
- brandon ob'rien comeing back was unexpected an i liked seeing him again since we didnt see him last week, and i think a hardcore match would be cool for pga to do i want to see brandon obrie'en put lester jackson throughout a table
- koala bear kid's bump through the wall of the barn had great bumprate even though you could tell they softened his blow with the mud on the outside
- the tournament matches look okay i guess but there should be more cruiserweight guys against cruiserweight guys for higher-paced matchups

what i didn't liked

- why the f*ck do you bring in christopher daniels from tna and roh only to job him out like that to guys in puppet costumes what was that, christopher daniels has great workrate and we didn't even get to see it because of a guy in a rafter playing air guitar who the fu*k writes this shi* is it freddy prince jr
- iron horse is just another hoss they will put over talented wrestlers from power pro
- ben crane is a horse and boring, enough with the jobber squashes they need to put him up against a talented man
- b. armstrong ruby shouldnt be able to decide stuff on the fly like that
- aj rupa takeking the loss again is a shame they shouldv'e had a hoss in the match to take the pinfall against rusty colledge to make him stay over with the fans as well as ajay rupa being over with the fans, you can get them over if you push them
- ari richter what is his gimmick supposed to be

all in all a terrible show"
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Dylan
This seems like the type of thing that would be in the comments part of a YouTube video.
Rivers kept failing me last night until I just gave up so I saw almost none of the show, but this was the best comment of the thread. Well, this and blastoff's talk about burying finishers when a roll-up got kicked out of.
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 12:01 PM
ppv definitely only got worse from the start

tag match obviously oustanding. blue box match was great. divas match wasn't bad at all for what it was

miz/axel was forgettable

ryborg/y2j was ******ed

adr/ziggler was a decent match with a stupid finish. much better ways to go about the same thing (aj "accidentally" hitting ziggler with the belt with the ref distracted for instance woulda been 100x better)

the less said about cena rising above the odds and the 900th edition of "CAN HE FIREMAN CARRY THE BIG GUY AFTER FAILING TO DO SO 10 TIMES IN THE MATCH?!" the better

red box match was a colossal disappointment considering both the talent they had in the match relative to the quality of the match and the storylines it setup. i'm even more annoyed now than i was last night knowing summerfest will have bryan and axel. boreton with the red box is almost as bad as fella with teh red box. punk/bork should be fun though
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
07-15-2013 , 12:04 PM
i'll say this though: boreton winning MITB could work if they do it right. in theory it should be boreton turns heel, wins the belt at some point runs with it and the reign ends with bryan beating him (preferrably at WM after bryan wins the rumble as the co-main event with cena vs *insert part-timer.* that trajectory should be awesome

but since it's the wwe, it's more likely though that baptist preacher cena holds the belt for 6 more years though
2013 Money in the Bank PPV Quote
