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2013 Elimination Chamber 2013 Elimination Chamber

02-18-2013 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I hope Cena puts some ****ing guts into this build so we can get Rock heel and get a "**** off back to Hollywood" chant going.

**** this "we are all awesome and rainbows happy times hehehe", make the title and the company mean something.
The interesting aspect here is, will the CM Punk fans - who are ordinarily so vehemently anti-Cena, but who were very vocal tonight - end up siding with Cena at Mania? I find it hard to believe that many of them will be in Rock's corner, as it's not usual for anyone to go ahead and support the guy who just beat their guy a month ago in dubious circumstances.

It was different last year because he'd just come back. Now that people are getting tired of him again and his presence is stepping all over Punk's success, maybe it'll rub off on Cena. I, for one, will actually be very glad to see Cena get the title back, assuming it happens - especially if we get more Punk/Cena afterwards.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:05 AM
I'm a pretty big Punk fan, and my loyalties will be somewhere between indifference and kind of rooting for Cena.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:05 AM
I guess third wheeling Twice in a Lifetime will be the only chance punk has at closing a WM in his career
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:05 AM
I'm in Cena's corner. Although Rock had every right to leave WWE in the prime of his career, I can't stand the fact that he makes out that he is back for us and because he loves the company. He is back for his ego and that is all, he doesn't give a **** about the fans. As much as people hate him Cena never walked out, and at least he is capable of putting people over even if it is a rarity. I know people would have been pissed if Cena beat Rock at last year's Wrestlemania, but Rock should have opted to go over. Hogan did it for him, why couldn't he do it for Cena? Ego.

Wouldn't surprise me if Rock somehow won at Mania and just vacated the title to give everyone the middle finger.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by PJo336
I have been presented 0 reason to watch WM thus far. Bravo vince
Most people would say Punk vs UT. However, I'm not one of those people. I'm really happy they didn't bury the shield despite the fact they've run their course and should be put in real matches against the Kofi's and Tensai's of the WWE. I still think they'll be gone very soon but I want to see them get a shot at some point in the near future.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S
He's the Crock. The Rock left in 2003.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:09 AM
I really doubt Rock cares about anything in this other than money. If he does, shame on him.

Last edited by .isolated; 02-18-2013 at 12:09 AM. Reason: re: Mr. Graham
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:09 AM
Only way Punk closes Wrestlemania is if he's a part of John Cena's entrance again like he was in 2006
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
EC match was very good.
Ah my stream was cutting out pretty hard during it too. I caught the very end and Henry destroying Orton. "Only good thing" was a mistake cause Henry destroying everyone is always fun
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Bob Graham
As much as people hate him Cena never walked out, and at least he is capable of putting people over even if it is a rarity.
He really doesnt though. He allows for some weird ass occurrence to cause a loss occasionally, but hes as bad as HHH in this regard

Originally Posted by .isolated
Most people would say Punk vs UT. However, I'm not one of those people. I'm really happy they didn't bury the shield despite the fact they've run their course and should be put in real matches against the Kofi's and Tensai's of the WWE. I still think they'll be gone very soon but I want to see them get a shot at some point in the near future.
We have not been presented with punk vs taker, you are guessing. All they have given the audience thus far is swagger vs adr and rock cena 2.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:22 AM
i do not think punk/UT (if it happens) will be remotely worth watching

1. when it comes to UT the story makes the match. the match already loses a TON of luster when you know beforehand there is no chance at all UT loses. the match loses even more luster when the build won't even come close to the build of the last 4 UT matches (honestly, 5 including edge) which is hilarious to think about when pitting UT against the biggest heel in the company
2. the match is going to suck. UT is 47 and, if reports are to be believed, has aged horribly since last year's match (which was, all things considered, pretty bad in a vacuum)
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:23 AM
Shield should pick up the tag straps off Kane and Bryan at WM and put Reigns in a match against Ryback in a lumberjack match. Give everyone a pay day, gets the team the titles, gives Ryback a dubya for the crowd and creates a logical reason why the Shield cant interfere this time.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by PJo336
He really doesnt though. He allows for some weird ass occurrence to cause a loss occasionally, but hes as bad as HHH in this regard
in fairness to cena there isn't much to suggest that's his fault. he's wanted to put people over, he's wanted to turn heel, but apparently that's not in the company's best interests

h just legit refused
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:37 AM
is it the rock's fault that he gets everything handed to him in wwe (srs question)
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Shield should pick up the tag straps off Kane and Bryan at WM and put Reigns in a match against Ryback in a lumberjack match. Give everyone a pay day, gets the team the titles, gives Ryback a dubya for the crowd and creates a logical reason why the Shield cant interfere this time.
Based on the booking since Rumble, isn't it pretty much a lock we get Kane v Bryan at WM?
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:38 AM
i very much doubt it

Last edited by StoppedRainingMen; 02-18-2013 at 12:38 AM. Reason: @zer0
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:38 AM
It's impossible to know. For some reason I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that money is his whole motivator, but he may be leveraging his position into superman booking too.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
in fairness to cena there isn't much to suggest that's his fault. he's wanted to put people over, he's wanted to turn heel, but apparently that's not in the company's best interests

h just legit refused
I dont believe for a second Cena has no booking control over himself enough to say how bout I dont put my foot on the rope or get attacked by 4 people
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by thehempy
Based on the booking since Rumble, isn't it pretty much a lock we get Kane v Bryan at WM?
Not given the booking of the EC match ending. I would have expected Kane to be involved in Bryan's elimination if this were so.

Its coming, but I think at this point it makes more sense to drop the titles at WM, split them with a match at the PPV after then move them off to their own feuds elsewhere.

Now, it making sense doesnt make it likely, but this is how I see it.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:46 AM
There would still be a pretty sizable difference between Cena failing to object to his super-strong booking, which is all we know him to do, and demanding super-strong booking, which we know HHH to do.

If Cena just passively accepts the Superman treatment I can't really blame him. It has to be helpful to his bottom line to be booked as nearly unbeatable.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by PJo336
I dont believe for a second Cena has no booking control over himself enough to say how bout I dont put my foot on the rope or get attacked by 4 people
Cena definitely has enough control over booking to stop the little things at least, for sure.

He can also change how he ****ing acts during and after matches. **** me hard he is terrible at selling the occasion let alone the moves people use on him. Losing a title match to Punk with his foot on the rope and then just walking away like it was another day at the office is terrible, just as bad as the various times he gets beat down for 10 minutes then insta gets up running around jumping at people for that ****ty shoulderblock thing etc.

Grinning at the camera in the Rock match to say "hey guys, you will hate this **** a lot" was about as bad as the match itself as it was booked and Rock's inability to do more than lounge around for 20 minutes during it.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 12:59 AM
Grinning at the camera in the Rock match to say "hey guys, you will hate this **** a lot"
i missed this, but it feels like it was called for
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 02:26 AM
Holy **** can't believe that they're giving Swagger a title match at WM.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 02:37 AM
There's a bunch of stuff that John Cena is bad at, one of which is selling, but putting other guys over has never been one of them. Feuds with Cena - almost all of which have involved beating Cena clean at some point - have been the making of a whole list of guys. Orton, Edge, RVD, Punk, Wade Barrett, Miz and ADR have all been elevated to top-tier status at one time or another through these feuds, and he's even made guys like Lashley, Umaga and Khali into passable stop-gaps while others were unavailable.

Yes, he's booked to never lose and that's terrible, and his actual acting when it comes to trying to look like he's in pain is usually terrible too, but it's laughable to accuse him of not putting people over. Let's not forget that many people in the business often say that wins and losses mean nothing. The guy hasn't had the title in over a year. He's not even remotely close to the same league as HHH in that respect, and it's equally stupid to expect him to object to himself being booked to win matches. He's not at the top of the company because he politicked his way there, he's there because he does what he's told and he does it well.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
02-18-2013 , 03:47 AM
Overall I liked the ppv. I think we might get Punk/Lesnar which could be awesome even if it does mean face Punk. At this point I'm most interested to see what they do with The Shield. All three guys are just so awesome, I really think they are all going to be a huge part of the WWE in years to come. I like the idea posted earlier by someone of having Reigns vs. Ryback and Ambrose/Rollins vs. Hell No at WM. I think that would be a very good use of the faction.
2013 Elimination Chamber Quote
