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Things horrible players do Things horrible players do

03-11-2013 , 11:42 AM
So far off the top of my head:

Mucking a chopped board straight when all-in (for roughly 70$)

Mucking an overpair in a $120 pot for $20 bet.

Calling a 4x pot bet with an OESD, gets there on turn, and stacks off $400 vs the bigger straight (T976, other person has J8 (and this is the same person that mucked the overpair for $20))
03-11-2013 , 11:50 AM
Repeatedly checking the nuts because "man, I thought you were going to bet there and I was gonna come over the top."
03-11-2013 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by serio562
A player leaves with racks of chips usually because he played well. As soon as the player leaves donkeys fight for the "lucky" seat.
this made me
03-13-2013 , 06:34 AM
People who prefere to not have chip runners cus "it's to easy to rebuy"

Seriously, I have never tipped a chip runner but I used to know a winning reg who did, which I think was one of his biggest leaks. Chip runners are trainee dealers its a great system for all.
03-13-2013 , 10:43 AM
People that berate other players after a bad beat.
03-13-2013 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by tskarzyn
People that berate other players after a bad beat.
Lots of good players do that too.
So tacky and so bad for the game yet its constantly done.
03-14-2013 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by tskarzyn
People that berate other players after a bad beat.
I couldn't hate that more. Never tap the glass. Never give a bad player any reason or further incentive to improve there game. That kind of immaturity can cost everyone money. Grow up and don't say word.
03-15-2013 , 07:47 PM
Great thread! But it has now become "everything that everyone does at the poker table is horrible." jk.
03-16-2013 , 04:44 PM
I'm fairly certain that this has been posted before but I have to reiterate for my own sake.

Last night in a fairly typical 2/5 game a new player joined the table who I had played with in the past only fleetingly. I thought he was pretty passive and generally very tight, but was OK enough to be a small loser maybe breakeven. But my opinion now has changed completely. We'll Call Winston.

I was in the BB when Winston raised to $20 at a fairly passive table, there were 2 callers to me when I saw AK clubs. Winston has bought in for the minimum of $200 and had call folded his way down to about $150 and change. So i was pretty confident in my hand and flipping vs most of his range for $150. I sensed both callers were weak and would fold to aggression. I raised to $90 fully intending on Winston putting the rest in the middle.

Of course he thinks and ponders and contemplates before finally counting out the calling chips, $10 at a time, and sliding them into the pot. Both cold callers quickly folded and it was heads up to the flop. Before the flop came down I grabbed a $100 chip and flicked into the pot fully expecting a rather quick call and sheepishly having to tell the table I only had ace high. The flop came out 9 6 2 no clubs. With my bet standing at $100 Winston looked at me, looked at the flop, adjusted his glasses, squinted off into space and then backt ot he flop. repeat this about 4 more times.

After committing about 3/5 his stack to the pot. Winston finally folds. FOLDS. Drawing comments from my neighbors and even one railtard who happened to watch the hand. I said nothing, dragged the pot and was just thinking WTF.

So yeah horrible players commit themselves preflop only to fold on the flop. For roughly 60% of their stack.
03-17-2013 , 04:01 PM
Last week I was getting ready to finish up a long 14 hour 1/2 session when this Middle Eastern guy sits down with like 150$ and says " This is my first time playing". He doesnt know that he has to post to play a hand or what raising/calling is.. and the dealer is clearly getting really frustrated with him.

A few hands in, he mistakenly raises to 15$ UTG and it folds to the BB who calls. Flop comes A35 rainbow, BB bets out 25$, Middle Eastern guy calls.. Turn is 8x, BB bets 50$ or so, Middle Eastern guy calls.. River is 4x, BB shoves all in, Middle eastern guy calls and BB instantly flops AK on the table, ready to collect the pot.. Middle eastern guy says " nice hand my friend " and rolls over 92 off suit, not knowing that he won the pot..

Easily the funniest thing I've ever seen at a poker table

Then later, there is a huge pot where the middle eastern guy is all in pre flop and the other two players were pretty deep and called and were still playing the hand.. Flop comes 2 2 J and the Middle eastern guy shouts " YES! " and shows J2 off suit, killing the action in the hand hahahaha
03-18-2013 , 08:49 AM
Had a guy fold on the river to a $30 bet (pot about $200) with a straight-flush on the board.
03-18-2013 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by donkatruck
Had a guy fold on the river to a $30 bet (pot about $200) with a straight-flush on the board.
Another who-was-the-horrible-player conundrum.
03-18-2013 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by eobmtns
Another who-was-the-horrible-player conundrum.
Lets have a vote?

Was it player A who made the initial bet?

or was it Player B who decided it time to fold?
03-18-2013 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by DefendTheCult
Lets have a vote?

Was it player A who made the initial bet?

or was it Player B who decided it time to fold?
At the time Player A made the bet, it was pretty universally established to the entire table that Player B is probably in the bottom 1% of poker players. So that has to be considered in Player A's defense.
03-18-2013 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by donkatruck
At the time Player A made the bet, it was pretty universally established to the entire table that Player B is probably in the bottom 1% of poker players. So that has to be considered in Player A's defense.

I thought you were player A. I am guessing Player A didn't show what he had after the fold?
03-18-2013 , 06:33 PM
There was 1 other player in the hand who called and chuckled. I was not in the hand. Both of them showed some kind of hand that became moot when the river brought the sf on the board.
03-19-2013 , 01:08 PM
[ ] knows what moot means
03-19-2013 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by trob888
[ ] knows what moot means
I think he meant "its a MOO" point.
Ya know...Like a cows opinion....Its MOO!
03-19-2013 , 07:34 PM
If a straight flush is on the board, any one with the next highest card of that suit would have the better hand. So folding to a bet might not be awful.

But you don't fold for $30 in a $200 pot.
03-19-2013 , 09:33 PM
Unless you have some reason to believe one of the other 2 players has a higher straight flush, it's 40-1 against, so why not shove for isolation.
03-19-2013 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by eobmtns
Unless you have some reason to believe one of the other 2 players has a higher straight flush, it's 40-1 against, so why not shove for isolation.
math is hard
03-20-2013 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Under_the_Radar
Playing $2/5 live tonight 3 of us took a flop that I raised to $20 from the button. I'm holding J8o.
The flop comes J84 two clubs, it goes ck, ck, bet $45, I ck raised to $110, fold, and a call. The turn brings a 2h, I leed out for $240.....a lot of hemming and hawing, playing w/ the chips, finally I say "I have a made hand and beat your flush draw, fold this one and you can have the next one"...more tank thinkin and chip tossing then makes the call. The river brings the 7 of clubs.....I KNEW this player was flush drawing, I even annoucned it, LOL....I'm thinking of how much to bet and not taking much time, maybe 15 seconds....all of sudden my villan slams her hand down, out of turn, showing me K3 of clubs and says " me you're Ace whatever of clubs!" LMAO I literally just starting laughing out loud! I couldn't control myself. She snaps at me "whats so funny!".
Feeling sorry for her I said, "first, it wasn't your turn to act, the action was on me, second, I check -nice hand, and third, I said I HAD your flush draw beat". Mucked my cards...see still didn't get it.
How did you check raise the flop then donk the turn if you were on the button? Did you mean that you raised from the small blind? Or you were in the cut off and the other person was OTB?
03-28-2013 , 10:01 PM
have the whole get up; glasses, headphones, hat, hoodie, card holder
04-03-2013 , 06:08 PM
Purposely not go to the bathroom (especially in cash games ) because they will miss one or two hands and those may have been the " the hands" of the night
04-05-2013 , 11:48 AM
Bet kk into trup qq

****ing moron
