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Is Adderall cheating? Is Adderall cheating?

02-24-2014 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by BWillie
If one was so inclined how could they get a prescription or acquire adderall? I havent used it since college, only used it my senior year to study and suddenly got straight As. I would imagine it would be very helpful for me in tournaments. I dont lose my focus in cash games but the constant eyeing of ppls vastly different stack sizes really wears on me. I go nuts if I dont know exactly how much ppl have at all times. Adderall would also make me not want to bash my head into a wall when I have to play short stacked.
Shrink. To the extent that one believes ADD is a disease, it is considered a life-long "affliction." I would say 90% of psychiatrists, being told exactly what you said in this post, would gleefully prescribe as much as this highly addictive Schedule II drug as you want. It is, truly, a brave new world.
02-24-2014 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by AJP187

We don't have adderall here in Uk, anybody know what would be our equivalent/version?
Well, chemically it would be amphetamine sulphate; however, I don't know what the deal is over in Europe regarding using this for ADD. One suspects British doctors are more sensible about this sort of thing.
02-26-2014 , 10:27 AM
I have ADD and I play better sober
