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07-06-2023 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by -capeeKo-
Tyvm, and yes 2/5 at RW is a must move but they rarely get 2 or more tables going other than on weekends. For instance, on Monday they got one going but after a few players got short & wanted to move back to 1/3 they just reduce the stakes to 1/3 to oblige the half of the table that was complaining when other folks wouldn't play short.

As far as comps, you get nothing hourly but a big $60 comp in the following calendar month if you play 40 hours in the previous one. Sure it works out to $1.5/hour but IMO its pretty difficult/annoying to get 40 hours in unless you're local & okay with sitting in some bad games. Genting/RW are extremely nitty at the Catskills property & their rewards system isn't synced w/ other RW properties (I get weekday room comps + dinner credits in LV but they aren't recognized here).
Ok thanks that's what I thought, I don't really like must moves too much. I think people should have the option to switch tables if they don't like it, or if they're getting crushed instead of being stuck at one bad table and yeah rather than keeping the tables balanced the MM usually breaks as players get moved over if there's no one left to replace them.
08-06-2023 , 04:11 PM
2-5NL runs almost all the time, and often 2-2 PLO. Bigger NL games sometimes run, but you are generally better off going to PARX for bigger games. The play in the 1/2NL and the 2-2PL tends to be more conservative with less wild gambling than PARX, but that does not make those games tough. The 4/8 limit game runs during the day Monday-Thursday when there is a high hand promotion, and of course that game has an advantage for high hand.

As for restaurants, Urban Table, which used to be Emeralds Burgers, is really good. The Steelworks is decent American food with a lunch buffet. Emeralds Chop House used to be really really good. However, now it is just Chop House, apparently with different management and cooks, and not at all good for the price. The Chinese restaurant in the food court is better than the sit down Chopstix, which is decent but way overpriced.
11-27-2023 , 01:25 PM
I'm still getting 5 to 10 dollars free play every time I play poker, and as long as you use it up that day you'll have another one by the next day. Most everyone I've mentioned it to here are unaware. I downloaded the Wind Creek app and can see it added on there every day I play which is a good bonus on top of our small hourly but I always cash out at least 5 (if I'm up 5 I don't continue to play it) and a lot of times I've won 20 or more (my biggest was around 550). It's very rare that I lose it all. I play the one dollar wheel of fortune located near the entrance in front of the asian restaurant and using my machine selection strategy I rarely don't cash out a win.

Last edited by Playbig2000; 11-27-2023 at 01:31 PM. Reason: pics
12-09-2023 , 04:04 AM
Whats the min max buy in at 1-2, 2-5, 5-10????
12-09-2023 , 12:06 PM
300, 1000, 3000
12-09-2023 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by samuelwong
300, 1000, 3000
Interesting- didnt know that. Ty. Assuming min is 80%
12-09-2023 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by swagurrrr
Whats the min max buy in at 1-2, 2-5, 5-10????
1/2 $100-$400
2/5 $200-$1000
5/10 $500-$3000
12-10-2023 , 11:23 AM
This room has declined overall in my opinion over the past year since the opening of the new room. Just overall action is lacking, specifically at the 1-2 games. It’s rare you find a good game here anymore, room is filled with tight regulars with little to no action at most games. I’ve sat multiple sessions were there isn’t a single rebuy at the table for hours. Just wandering if anyone who plays here often has noticed a drop off in game quality?
12-10-2023 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by MsrPA
This room has declined overall in my opinion over the past year since the opening of the new room. Just overall action is lacking, specifically at the 1-2 games. It’s rare you find a good game here anymore, room is filled with tight regulars with little to no action at most games. I’ve sat multiple sessions were there isn’t a single rebuy at the table for hours. Just wandering if anyone who plays here often has noticed a drop off in game quality?
I play in the 1/2 at least a few hours a week and I don't see it being full of tight nits. Jus play in the 2/5 game if you wanna see action people were going all in blind every hand, straddling every hand, every pot is raised and it runs deep where everyone has over 2K.
12-20-2023 , 08:44 PM
WOW I just got another $10 and now this?


(They don't even realize I don't stand a chance to upgrade my card with poker only but I'll take it)

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12-21-2023 , 08:33 AM
Played a quick 2-2plo session yesterday…

The new room is nice. Nicer than the rest of the place.
01-01-2024 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by MsrPA
This room has declined overall in my opinion over the past year since the opening of the new room. Just overall action is lacking, specifically at the 1-2 games. It’s rare you find a good game here anymore, room is filled with tight regulars with little to no action at most games. I’ve sat multiple sessions were there isn’t a single rebuy at the table for hours. Just wandering if anyone who plays here often has noticed a drop off in game quality?
The entire casino has declined overall in the last few years, not just the poker room. I play here regularly just because it’s the closest option to where I live in NJ. But I think I may start taking the extra few minutes drive to parx or even borgata. During the week it’s like going to home game. The “omc” regulars pretty much run the room. Just this Tuesday, I’m waiting for a new game to open about 10am, they call 9 names from the list, 5 of the older guys (who are all regulars) come over and I hear the one guy say “we are waiting for another table to open so we can all play together” WTF?!?!? Just stay home and play with no rake if that’s the case.

As for the rest of the casino, it’s filled with the most degenerate annoying people. The homeless bums hanging around begging for money, the non gamblers sleeping in the food court area. Security doesn’t give a damn. I’ve never seen more people standing over your shoulder at a table game then I have at this place, and when you ask the pit boss or dealer to ask them to sit down and play or walk away, they don’t say a word.
01-01-2024 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by pocket300
The entire casino has declined overall in the last few years, not just the poker room. I play here regularly just because it’s the closest option to where I live in NJ. But I think I may start taking the extra few minutes drive to parx or even borgata. During the week it’s like going to home game. The “omc” regulars pretty much run the room. Just this Tuesday, I’m waiting for a new game to open about 10am, they call 9 names from the list, 5 of the older guys (who are all regulars) come over and I hear the one guy say “we are waiting for another table to open so we can all play together” WTF?!?!? Just stay home and play with no rake if that’s the case.

As for the rest of the casino, it’s filled with the most degenerate annoying people. The homeless bums hanging around begging for money, the non gamblers sleeping in the food court area. Security doesn’t give a damn. I’ve never seen more people standing over your shoulder at a table game then I have at this place, and when you ask the pit boss or dealer to ask them to sit down and play or walk away, they don’t say a word.
I've been playing here regularly since it opened with 12 tables, and yes we used to get poker rates for hotels which was at least a 30 dollar discount, now we get nothing but I still get 5 or 10 dollar free plays every day with some cash outs of over 30 dollars so that all goes towards the rakeback and it's on top of the 70 cents we make an hour.

The people hanging around there all day take the buses from NYC (not PABT) only to sell their vouchers and hang around till it's time to leave. The NYT did a story about them a few years ago. I've also seen one of them, a short elderly fat asian laday red-handed grab someone's ticket that they just printed out from a machine. They drew my attention while I was walking right bye them when the lady was saying "give that back to me, give it back" while having a tug of war with the ticket. I got it back for the lady then alerted the closest security guard I could find who was near the cage. He was holding an empty birdcage while I was pointing her out to him, but he claimed he couldn't leave his spot and radioed his dispatcher only to watch her run away. He didn't seem too surprised by it either, the look on his face looked like he was saying "oh no not another one".

With regards to letting players watch low limit table games, they're not gonna chase people away because they want the players to watch then eventually come in and play (I was a casino manager on a boat, so that's just coming from their perspective).

The 1/2 regs that play in the morning are just there to pass their time and have fun while playing together but you don't have to sit in a game that you don't like, just go on the list for a new game or ask for a transfer to another one, they're good about table changes which is pretty much the only reason I play there, the only other room close to me has a 2/5 must move so I'd rather not have to drive an hour only to be stuck in a horrible game.

Today in the 2/5 game a player was going all in almost every other hand for about 5 to 6 hundred, half the times it was a blind all in pre, and in another game people were extremely loose passive with a lot of 35 dollar opens going 5 or 6 ways but I've sat in my share of tight horrible 2/5 games over the past week but I always transfer right out of them.

I think their biggest mistake when they re-opened was not going to 1/3 like Borgata and Parx did and keeping it at 1/2 just to satisfy the aforementioned players. I think a 1/3 with a 500 dollar max and a raked 2/5 game for 1500 would have drawn in a lot more people that are instead going to Parx for a their 1/3 game.
01-02-2024 , 09:18 PM
The "endless commute" hasn't changed much in 10 years
01-07-2024 , 12:28 PM
Today's tournament has just been cancelled. Only had 5 people register.

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01-08-2024 , 01:02 AM
I deleted a couple of posts that had pics of players. A reminder, no identifying info of a player is allowed itt and photos just make the cut of identifying info.
01-30-2024 , 09:37 PM
I usually get $10 but this $5 free play got turned into a quick $70 = free dinner !!

02-04-2024 , 01:35 PM
I e.o.'d yest, won $27 in free play and got another one for today already


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02-05-2024 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
I e.o.'d yest, won $27 in free play and got another one for today already


Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

but how much did you lose?
02-06-2024 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by MuchoGood
but how much did you lose?
Zero, I don't play slots I only play the daily free play.
02-27-2024 , 03:11 PM
So I have been going to Wind Creek on occasional Friday nights(once or twice a month) after 8pm. I typically only play 1/2 NL there. I found that sometimes despite calling in ahead of time for a seat that I would have to wait over 1.5 - 2 hours before I get to sit down. All 20 tables are in use. I get that there is a $400 promo high hand per half hour from 8pm-12 midnight and it’s a Friday night but these wait times can be really unbearable sometimes. I wish that the poker room allowed up to 30 tables. I wonder how the 2/5 games are during these times . I assume there may be a similar wait at 2/5 because they only run around 2-3 tables.
02-27-2024 , 05:55 PM
If you're able to arrive before 7 it will make a world of a difference. Personally I wouldn't wanna arrive at 8pm on a Friday if I can help it but that's just me.
02-28-2024 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
If you're able to arrive before 7 it will make a world of a difference. Personally I wouldn't wanna arrive at 8pm on a Friday if I can help it but that's just me.
Thanks. How are the 2/5 games on Friday/Saturday nights? Good action,loose players?
02-28-2024 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by natureboy
Thanks. How are the 2/5 games on Friday/Saturday nights? Good action,loose players?
All of the above
02-28-2024 , 10:49 AM
sorry to start a conspiracy theory...

but has anyone else noticed guys with phones on the table ledge that they aren't using for regular phone stuff (never see them pick it up to text, call, skip a song, etc) all angled so the top is pointing at the center of the table... and they always have big stacks? i've run into 3 of these guys that i've noticed so far. none of them are getting wildly out of line nor being obvious (so maybe i'm just being paranoid) but i watched them all build big stacks by calling down bluffs with mid/weak hands in heads up pots... and way too consistently... like hands where a guy who's playing tight all night will often get into a bloated pot with a low pocket pair and call or a bottom pair.

i'm suspicious of something on these large clunky phones.

i've only noticed it at wind creek. i don't play here often (i play wherever i'm traveling too.. i live in florida).

let me know if anyone else observes some consistently suspicious play with a large cell phone pointed towards dealer.
