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Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI)

02-02-2016 , 12:36 PM
What's buyin cap for 5/10?
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-02-2016 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by The Apex
What's buyin cap for 5/10?
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-02-2016 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by chester cheetah
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-03-2016 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984

its 200-1000
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-03-2016 , 08:39 AM
My bad, sorry
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-06-2016 , 04:01 PM
As my buddy told me, everything sucks here, including the players. This such a horribly ran room. Everything stupid said in this thread i experienced frequently in an 8hr session. If fxwds was 90 more miles away, id still drive there. 2/5 at fxwds is like 5x better there because of the 5/10 running at TR. Everything, and all the bs that is at TR as stated in this thread is 100% true. Never again...
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-06-2016 , 04:12 PM
Lol. Bye
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-07-2016 , 04:08 AM
Isn't it good to have bad players? I cant wait to play here
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-07-2016 , 06:41 AM
I cant comment on the 1/2 as i play 2/5. Fxwds 2/5 player pool is horribad just as TR's. But the play is alot worse, bigger pots and a whole lot more $$$ on the tables at fxwds.

Here is a list why TR poker room is a dump, bare in mind i play 2/5 only.

-horrible buyin structure of $100-$500, lol buyin 20bb like wtf
-no bravo/no phone aheads = 30 min wait if lucky during busy times
-you have to alert the floor of a seat change to swipe you through
-dealer has to alert floor to change any amount of $
-dealer has to alert floor if a chip from the pot or a players chip goes into the dealer rack
-dealer has to periodically count the deck with the floor to make sure there is 52 cards every 2hrs i think
-90% of the dealers suck and are clueless/dont pay attention and are slow as hell
-pay same rake as fxwds but no bbj
-no phones is actually enforced
-live band with blaring music directly next to the designated area for poker
-show ur hand in a hu pot it is auto-mucked, i literally was in shock hearing this.
-players constantly tanking in the most black and white spots
-players constantly taking forever on their action. Ive never experienced so few hands per hour for such small pots
-waitstaff could be better

Here is whats nice about the TR poker room, my first and only good impressions.

-the décor
-the chairs
-the tables
-the cards
-the chips
So beyond the initial wait and that ridiculous music i was initially pumped. Then the nonsense came...

Have fun at that unorganized lousy joke of a poker room. I threw my PC in the trash as ill never go back there, ever. There is no hype. I hate the drive to or from fxwds and TR is almost exactly half the trip, but im all set. Ill drive to fxwds with a happy face from now on.

Last edited by Snow Seer; 02-07-2016 at 06:47 AM.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-08-2016 , 02:26 AM
Look if you wanted to write a manual on how to open a poker room as cheaply as possible Twin River would be a good model, so in response so your list

No Bravo. why do they need Bravo? They spread 5 different games, you don't need Bravo to list what is running or lists of interest? Foxwood's has at least 20 variety of games running, a good feature of Bravo. They don't really care about tracking players play or point accumulation for offers, another good feature of Bravo, they don't need it for fills, A good feature on Bravo which Foxwood's does not use is when someone leaves a table and the dealer takes him out, the desk could see an empty seat and send someone to a floor to fill it. Filling empty seats is not much of a priority. So any cost to get Bravo, is an expense they don't need/want.

The dealers need a floor for everything is comical. When in fact if you really need a floor for a poker decision you're taking a big chance they will rule in what is what a true rule is supposed to be and not "this is how we do it here"

I think the dealers will improve over time, but unless they start keeping their own, they will be more interested in what's going on everywhere else, but not running the game.

Foxwood's as of mid last week are enforcing the no phone policy as well. The dealers are getting written up for allowing players on the phone. Something to do about a bbj getting filmed and posted somewhere.

I posted a story about a hand where it was heads up and showing cards that was not ruled that way and afterwards the floo came back and told us that rule. Someone is going to get killed if they rule that way.

What do like about the chairs? They don't slide. You can't get up without tripping over them, or them falling backwards onto the floor?

Counting the cards every two hours? The generation of shufflers is antique and the closeness of the tables are so close, I'm surprised they have not had an issue with individual cards being passed from table to table. Like the dogs having cards in their paws painting.

One thing that is horrible is the lighting. On certain tables its so bad you cant tell the suits from one another. They go in all different directions. It's like what it would be if lights could have ADD.

We were talking at Foxwoods this week about the possibility of TR to expand. I guess they could but why would they do that? Do you think they would prefer 16 tables filled with listed over 50 names on each list and the potential some might wander over to blackjack craps or slots while they wait, or 32 tables with 6 empty and no lists?
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-08-2016 , 10:32 AM
Someone is going to get killed?
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-08-2016 , 11:01 AM
You are all babies.

Cry me a river (twin?) go make our drive to Foxwoods. And find something to complain about there.

Let me ask ever play in a home game? Never any drama there right? Lmao. I'll take twin river and its flaws. And super juicy games. Any day. Thanks for making one more seat available. No one is ever happy
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-08-2016 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by todd789
Someone is going to get killed?
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-08-2016 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by bmoney
You are all babies.

Cry me a river (twin?) go make our drive to Foxwoods. And find something to complain about there.

Let me ask ever play in a home game? Never any drama there right? Lmao. I'll take twin river and its flaws. And super juicy games. Any day. Thanks for making one more seat available. No one is ever happy
Were newborn babies because we find a number of things absurd about the room? Get a grip man. I never played at a crappy homegame with dramatical nonsense so i guess i got lucky, horrible comparison either way on your part.

The 1/2 + 5/10 may be better than fxwds, but in no way shape or form is the 2/5 even close to how good the 2/5 at fxwds. But as far as the 5/10 goes it plays 100bb less so the only good thing about it is the big player pool full of clueless players.

Compqred to TR, there is nothing to complain about at fxwds, not a damn thing.

I will repeat this stupid rule, your hand is auto-mucked in a hu pot if open shown. Lol are we playing poker or not? Welcome to TR and the semantics...
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-08-2016 , 02:42 PM
If you need to show your hand heads up to get your desired result. You need to rethink your poker ability lmao
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-08-2016 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by RhodyGuy
Yes figuratively

I like the room too, easy 30 mile drive. But I think they could have done a little better setting up the room, and floor with more poker experience. Let the current floor get more accustomed to a poker room as opposed to table game experience where they came from.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by bmoney
If you need to show your hand heads up to get your desired result. You need to rethink your poker ability lmao
Did i ever state i was involved in a hand where i showed my hand hu? I simply stated it was a rule. A stupid rule.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-08-2016 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Snow Seer
Did i ever state i was involved in a hand where i showed my hand hu? I simply stated it was a rule. A stupid rule.
No I was speaking in general terms

Why is it a dumb rule if it will not effect how you play?!
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-08-2016 , 05:28 PM
I'm not sure, but I think it's more common than not to be able to show card(s) at heads up. So if a regular player knows this rule, and gets in a heads up with the majority that don't know this rule, they could go into the tank, then ask for other player to see one card. If the unknowing player obliges, the one knowing the rule would be awarded the pot.

As an aside, what if the first player bets $300, other player gets him to show card, screams dead hand, how do you rule the bet? The second player did not call the bet, he only got the first player to lose on a technicality
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-08-2016 , 05:44 PM
THen those plyers are grade a douche bag angle shooters lol
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-08-2016 , 06:02 PM
And that's why I figuratively say someone in the room will get killed. If you are spreading 5-10 nl, and lose a multi K pot on a technicality that in most poker rooms would never declare your hand dead, some might not take that so kindly.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-10-2016 , 07:47 PM
I like this room so far. Could be better run, but holy hell the players are awful. Like real bad.

That's what I look for in a room
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-11-2016 , 09:55 PM
Including me tonight hahaaaaa sigh
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-12-2016 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by gotf
And that's why I figuratively say someone in the room will get killed. If you are spreading 5-10 nl, and lose a multi K pot on a technicality that in most poker rooms would never declare your hand dead, some might not take that so kindly.
Floor tonight said exposing a card heads up will result in warning, then an hour away from table, but will not kill a hand.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-12-2016 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by hansmolman
I like this room so far. Could be better run, but holy hell the players are awful. Like real bad.

That's what I look for in a room
Meh. I agree the action is great, but everything else about the room is severely lacking. Also it's new poker room syndrome, the action is supposed to be great. We'll see in a few months if it stays this way. My guess is no.

I just hate playing here right now. I live 15 min away and my business is 5 min away, so I thought I'd be there 5 days a week enjoying myself, but I'm not

Too many awful rules and inexperienced/uncaring staff. Tons of examples posted in this thread so no need to rehash them. They have a long ways to go, and not alot of time to do it in with MA rooms on the horizon and CT rooms actually stepping it up in response to Twin.

With all that said, I still go to Twin 1-2 times a week because it is convenient and the games are a joke, but their rules are even more of a joke. The staff is getting better, but half of them are still clueless or don't care and we are now 3 months in.

I'm less hopeful about the room improving than my prior post. I now just accept Twin for what it is: A convenience casino that could be so much more, but probably never will be.

- Magic Man
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
