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Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI)

01-07-2016 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by TitoTimmy
am i wrong in thinking this
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-07-2016 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by TitoTimmy
dont call clock in a cash game period.

am i wrong in thinking this

Absolutely, categorically, completely, totally incorrect ESPECIALLY in a game where you're paying time instead of pot rake (although clearly that's not the issue here).

Some rooms have a rule that only a player not in the hand can call the clock and that seems alright.

If I'm in a room and I can call clock on my opponent and I think it'll get him to make a bad decision, I'm usually going to do it. Not always, but better than even money. I consider it part of the game.

And for the love of banana cream pie cheesecake, if I'm coughing up $7 per down, you bet your entire net worth that I'll call the clock if you take a trip around the world to make what should be an easy decision in what looks like a pretty simple spot. If we're playing PLO and it's a 3-bet pot pre and the flop comes AKTr, JESUS TITS THERE IS NO NEED FOR TOP SET TO GO INTO THE TANK WHEN YOU GET REPOTTED THE MATH DOES NOT LIE, EITHER STACKS ARE SHORT ENOUGH THAT IT'S LEGGO TIME OR YOU CAN'T PROFITABLY DRAW TO THE BOARD PAIRING THIS IS NOT ****ING ROCKET SCIENCE PLEASE JUST FIGURE IT OUT WHILE WE'RE YOUNG AND STOP WASTING MY TIME.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-07-2016 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by HiFi
I played there on Tuesday. This is what I saw:

People playing hilariously awfully.

A dealer who ignored repeated requests for the clock to be called when a player was tanking for probably 2 minutes. The clock was requested 3 times. The dealer didn't acknowledge or even look at the guy who called the clock. If she didn't know what it meant, she should have asked. Not knowing this is unacceptable.

Floor doesn't seem to have any idea what's going on.

Most dealers are slow. Almost all seem to mean well and try their best. Some don't understand how side pots work, or what the IWTSTH rule is.

If there is a bet and a shove, the betting remains open regardless of the size of the shove, as long as it is bigger than the original bet. I saw a player bet $70, another move all-in for $76, a call of the $76, and the original bettor was permitted to reraise. I've never seen this anywhere else.

I think it'll be decent once the kinks are worked out. It kind of sucks now.
I'm pretty sure I was yet he loser of this hand. The whole situation was ridiculous, that dealer was terrible, not terrible enough to be fired just needs to spend way more time dealing. The floor was no help for 5 minutes before the clock actually came in affect.

Was my first trip to the room, I agree with 27off sentiments
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-07-2016 , 01:41 PM
Do you think this 16 table room in RI will be sufficient enough when the Mass. casinos come to be? I haven't heard any plans for poker rooms at these venues but, I'd be surprised if we didn't see a new room or two at these casinos. Any thoughts?
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-07-2016 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by bmoney
from what I was CANNOT call clock on someone at TR
You can. In fact, I was in a hand there over the weekend where I was deciphering a call that would put me all in, after 30-45 seconds I hear the dealer ask someone not in the hand if he is calling the clock on me. Turns out he wasn't, (ended up screaming floor in the middle of the hand just to get a table change, but that's a different story of idiocy) but it underscores that the clock is indeed in play here.

I do think it'll still be slightly undersized when the Mass casinos open. Realistically, only Wynn would be directly competing with TR. MGM in Springfield likely won't be drawing people who regularly go to TR. As for Wynn, it would depend on the size, games offered, comps, etc. If TR doesn't work out its major kinks by the time Wynn opens in a couple of years, it'd get slaughtered by a combination of Wynn and the CT casinos inevitably upping their offerings. If it does, I think it would be successful among the RI, southern MA, and CT crowds who don't want to venture all the way into the city. Wynn's location isn't a terribly easy commute for people not already in or around Boston.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-07-2016 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by chester cheetah
I'm pretty sure I was yet he loser of this hand. The whole situation was ridiculous, that dealer was terrible, not terrible enough to be fired just needs to spend way more time dealing. The floor was no help for 5 minutes before the clock actually came in affect.

Was my first trip to the room, I agree with 27off sentiments

Oh you poor soul. That guy was a dick, too. You have to be a special kind of ********** to stack off to a 5-bet shove with a hand other than AA after tanking for YEARS, admitting that you knew you were behind, then celebrating by screaming, jumping out of your chair, dancing for several minutes like you just won a super bowl ring, and subsequently saying "well it was only $300 to call and that's not a lot of money to me."

I would be so pleased if you and I could be the founding members of The United Twin River Association of F*ck That Guy. If you want to get jackets made, please let me know your size and pitch a logo design.

But on topic, that entire situation was beyond unbelievable, the above-referenced jackassery notwithstanding. It should never happen anywhere.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-11-2016 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by gotf
Are you the Magic Man that has been playing the 2-5 plo on occasion at Foxwoods? If so we know each other.
Hi it is me.

Anyways, I think an assessment of the room is missing in your post. I'm not sure how qualified the floor is in making correct poker rulings. I don't know the poker background of any of the floor.
I'm starting to think my assesment of the room is a little off, too. =p

More than once people have told me a floor make a ruling again traditional rules of poker and was told that's how we do things here. That a problem in the sense of not getting the same ruling on the same problem one day to next
Yeah I became the victim of a 'that's how we do it' ruling tonight. Got picked up for the first time in my life. Left for 25 min, came back and played an orbit with a brand new dealer. Left for another 20 minutes. Came back my seat was filled.

Floor said the table claimed I was gone for over an hour. None of them mentioned the orbit I played, and even without the orbit I was less than an hour, but they wanted a more action player in the seat. I get it, but still expect the floor to go by their own system and not the players. I had no absent button after I returned and played my orbit.
I asked the floor exactly how many buttons I had, to which he responded 'You must have had several '

Then I asked if I could get my time back for the last round. Initially got a yes, then he picked up the phone and asked surveillance how long I was gone. Literally 10 seconds later he said, 'Nope, surveillance said you were gone for an hour.' I informed them to actually watch me play an orbit between the two breaks and got a reply of 'You shouldve told us you'd be gone.'

Sigh. Then the one floor around with actual poker room experience overheard and actually had my back, but the other floor who called surveillance wouldn't budge and give me any time back. And of course the whole table is silent and looking away because they know I got kerfuffled.

I personally I like the room too. The dealers will get better as time goes by
Yeah I'm trying really hard to like the room, but I still see alot of wrong things occuring a month into opening, and now having experienced one first hand definitely makes me less enthused about it as a serious operation going forward.

I still remain hopeful, but alot of these personnel are former pit and have never been inside a poker room. It's obvious many didn't get enough training, and I feel at times like I'm in an Atlantic City room minus all the amenities.

They can only get away with 'my way or the highway' incorrect rulings for so long before they will actually have to step it up.

Oh well. Still trying to enjoy the room. Want to take my 3000 hours from Fw last year and deposit them to this room, but they have a ways to go.

Gl to all,
Magic Man

Last edited by Dxfiler; 01-11-2016 at 01:41 AM.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-13-2016 , 08:49 AM
Played here for the first time on Monday (1-2 no limit). It was a very positive experience overall. Yes it takes a while to get into a game, but they were quick about filling empty seats.

Beverage service was awful BUT the sbarro is just a few feet away and gives free refills. It ends up being more convenient and cheaper if you're just drinking diet Pepsi or whatever.

The game was pretty soft even though it was a monday. Softer than the foxwoods Sunday game I was in recently.

The dealers all did a fine job. No complaints.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-16-2016 , 12:00 AM
What is the phone charging situation? Table USB?

Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-16-2016 , 07:26 PM
no phone charging from what i could see.

they went really cheap on the tables. the card shufflers can't detect missing cards so they need to manually check the decks every couple of hours.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-17-2016 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by funkyz
no phone charging from what i could see.

they went really cheap on the tables. the card shufflers can't detect missing cards so they need to manually check the decks every couple of hours.
the shufflers can detect a missing card, a couple of weeks ago one wasn't put in and the machine wouldn't complete the shuffle and showed a red light until it was replaced. that said you're right, the tables aren't of the best quality, but are acceptable and not in bad condition.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-17-2016 , 10:48 AM
That's interesting.

I've only played there once but they interrupted play for 10 minutes to manually check the decks. Staff said they're required to manually check them every two hours because the shufflers don't detect missing cards.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-17-2016 , 12:12 PM
I thought the tables and chairs are nice, as for the shufflers ...... Casino def duped by some slick salesmen. Building 19 quality...... Every one of them has repeated mechanical problems......obvious, casino got played
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-17-2016 , 02:12 PM
Went for the first time at 5:00 this past Tuesday. The 1-2 NLHE tables had immediate openings, the 5-10 Stud had an opening w/in 15 min and the 3-6 LHE had openings as well. Those were the three games being dealt in addition to 2-5 NLHE

During my time at the table, the dealers only made one mistake - the dude started to deal a flop in 7-Stud... he could have rewound correctly if he listened to the table, but did not. Nobody at the table was horribly bent out of shape over it and life moved on.

The stud table was very comfy, the chairs were fine, the dealers were fine, the floor staff was fine, the person taking names at the counter was fine, the players were fine. Beverages came around looking enough for the time of day.

My overall opinion? The room will be fine once it finds its level. People upset with the wait will drive the extra hour to one of the CT casinos and everyone will find that sixteen tables is a good number (especially if Taunton MA ever opens with a poker room.)
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-17-2016 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Peztastic
Went for the first time at 5:00 this past Tuesday. The 1-2 NLHE tables had immediate openings, the 5-10 Stud had an opening w/in 15 min and the 3-6 LHE had openings as well. Those were the three games being dealt in addition to 2-5 NLHE

During my time at the table, the dealers only made one mistake - the dude started to deal a flop in 7-Stud... he could have rewound correctly if he listened to the table, but did not. Nobody at the table was horribly bent out of shape over it and life moved on.

The stud table was very comfy, the chairs were fine, the dealers were fine, the floor staff was fine, the person taking names at the counter was fine, the players were fine. Beverages came around looking enough for the time of day.

My overall opinion? The room will be fine once it finds its level. People upset with the wait will drive the extra hour to one of the CT casinos and everyone will find that sixteen tables is a good number (especially if Taunton MA ever opens with a poker room.)
Glad you had a good experience, perhaps this means they're consolidating the number of games they're spreading. In recent weeks, they've been spreading as many as 6 or 7 different games across the 16 tables, helping to increase the astronomical wait times on the 1-2 and 2-5 list.

I agree that truly problematic dealers there are few and far between, no worst than most other rooms. Most are just inexperienced and some fairly basic training and protocol review would smooth things out easily. I would suggest you trying the room on a weekend day or evening and seeing how things are handled then before making a final judgment.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-17-2016 , 10:53 PM
Does anyone know the hours that the poker room is open, tomorrow, MLK Day?
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-17-2016 , 10:54 PM
With inexperienced dealers and floors, place is Angle City
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-18-2016 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by jjb511
Does anyone know the hours that the poker room is open, tomorrow, MLK Day?
I left there about 11:30 Sunday night. Earlier in the evening I asked if they would stay open through the night, was told no, closing at 4. Around 11 they announced over the loud speaker they would indeed be open with 9 tables running (at the time all 16 were in use, so it must have been a dealer issue with how many could come in at the last minute to cover 4AM until the expected noon opening) So the answer is they will be open now until Tuesday morning.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-18-2016 , 09:18 AM
Thanks, gtof.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-19-2016 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by gotf
I left there about 11:30 Sunday night. Earlier in the evening I asked if they would stay open through the night, was told no, closing at 4. Around 11 they announced over the loud speaker they would indeed be open with 9 tables running (at the time all 16 were in use, so it must have been a dealer issue with how many could come in at the last minute to cover 4AM until the expected noon opening) So the answer is they will be open now until Tuesday morning.
They found out at the last minute that Monday was a holiday?

The excuse of "ironing out the kinks" ring hollow with such inept planning and execution by management.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-20-2016 , 08:29 AM
they have finally put in the third man walking" rule
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-21-2016 , 07:46 PM
Does anyone know TR's policy on table changes? I've heard conflicting stories. I don't care about how many chips I can take, just to know if I can request to move to a specific table when a seat opens on it.
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-22-2016 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Mat the Gambler
Does anyone know TR's policy on table changes? I've heard conflicting stories. I don't care about how many chips I can take, just to know if I can request to move to a specific table when a seat opens on it.
yes you can...but be vigilant...yesterday I was first on the transfer list (2/5) and when a seat opened they filled it with a must mover first...I had to track down the floor and say woooah there pal...

Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
01-30-2016 , 02:00 PM
Does anybody know what the biggest NLH game they offer that is playing on a steady basis? How was it? What's the rake? Etc. Thanks to any info
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
02-02-2016 , 12:22 PM

7$ per 30min
Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI) Quote
