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Playground Poker Club (Kahnawake, QC) Playground Poker Club (Kahnawake, QC)

04-18-2024 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by stoffmakers
It's easy enough to get a seat if it isn't full and it's your first time, after that depends on how they like you, if you give action, play fast, aren't a robot etc. Min buy in is 1.5k max is 10k or half of what you're down
Appreciate the info!
Playground Poker Club (Kahnawake, QC) Quote
04-19-2024 , 09:42 PM

complain all we want this is still better then most american casinos
Playground Poker Club (Kahnawake, QC) Quote
05-20-2024 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Joe-exotic69
As expected the 2-5 is becoming a lot tougher to beat, many of the worst 2-5 players have migrated to 1-3.

On average the 2-5 will consist of 1-2 top regs, 5-6 nit regs, 1 fish. From my experience maybe 1 out of 6 tables is beatable with the new rake structure.

Good job playground
I recently made my first trip to playground in almost a year, and second ever. The above was exactly my experience, and as a 2/5 player, I was quite disappointed. The action at 2/5 is noticeably worse than last year, and the tables are much reggier.

I much preferred the old, brighter, larger room with its high ceilings. The new third floor room is quite dimly lit with low ceilings which isn't a great vibe. The menu has also gotten slightly worse, with the carrot cake and cheesecake gone from the desserts.

However, it is still a positive experience, especially when compared to southern ontario. But is evident that the recent changes are not player friendly, and definitely moving things in the wrong direction.

I found it comparatively quite disappointing. I had been planning to make trips out there relatively frequently, maybe monthly during the summer. However, when factoring the drive and hotel costs, I am not sure it is really worth it over the average 2/5 game in my local casino.
Playground Poker Club (Kahnawake, QC) Quote
06-11-2024 , 07:56 PM
How are the PLO5 games there?
Playground Poker Club (Kahnawake, QC) Quote
