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Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA

03-16-2015 , 08:05 PM
Geez, the amount of fear here of HP is hilarious to read. I am picturing a bunch of pimpl faced white kids from Malibu who are picturing Inglewood as Boys in the Hood or Menace II Society.

So many of you sound SO scary.

"black guys in the parking lot" HAHAHA. So bad. You guys are soft at best, and racist at worst. Literally scared of random black people in the parking lot. WTF. Go back to Anaheim, and never come back. WE ARE GONNA GET YOUUUU

Hollywood Park has security always watching, they have security always roaming, no one gets robbed at HP or in their parking lots, ever, ever, ever, ever. It just doesnt happen. Anyone in this thread who says it happened to a friend is lying.

Years back there would be a few fights in the poker room. That place hasnt had a problem in a long, long time.

It just sounds like a bunch of wet behind the ears white guys here are a little intimidated by having to see actual black people near them. Killers! Drug dealers! Aaah! Someone save me all black men are evil!

Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-17-2015 , 04:57 PM
Also I call BS on "poorly lit" parking lot. Again, this must be from someone who played there TEN YEARS AGO, but nope, the comment is from March 2015.

Anyone who has played at HP recently knows that the parking lot has stadium lighting. Its daytime light during the night.

it really annoys me to see this casual racism of scary white kids just pushing more and more BS to each other.

Yall should be ashamed of yourselves.
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-17-2015 , 05:35 PM
Glad you said it so I don't take the heat. I would have phrased it in a less inflammatory way, but agree with the sentiment. Prepare to be flamed.

This is why I tried to track down actual data on crime stats to show that the fears were over-inflated. But I failed at that, so people are just going to give you more anecdotes, and it's guaranteed that they won't be normalized to the total number of visitors that go through there.

Last edited by STinLA; 03-17-2015 at 05:48 PM.
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-17-2015 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by STinLA
This is why I tried to track down actual data on crime stats to show that the fears were over-inflated. But I failed at that, so people are just going to give you more anecdotes, and it's guaranteed that they won't be normalized to the total number of visitors that go through there.
The City of Inglewood (where Hollywood Park Casino is located) is safer than 22% of the cities in the U.S., according to Neighborhood Scout.

It's hard for me to know whom to believe when I read something. You hope people report the truth, but some individuals are deceitful and the observations of some other individuals are biased by their own fears and prejudices. (That's my opinion).

I have never had or seen a problem at Hollywood Park casino. I feel safe there and I feel safe driving to and from there.

Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-17-2015 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Buzz
The City of Inglewood (where Hollywood Park Casino is located) is safer than 22% of the cities in the U.S., according to Neighborhood Scout.
That means it's more dangerous than 78% of the cities placing it in the bottom quartile for safety, which is not a good place to be. But that is not really the correct comparison, because the crime that drags it down that low is likely not occurring in well-lit, well-trafficked places like the HP parking lot.

To be clear, I'm not claiming Inglewood, as a whole, is "safe" by any objective measure. But the vast majority of the violence is directed from one ******* to another, e.g., rival gang members, not at random people passing through.

What people who did not grow up in "bad" neighborhoods tend to believe is that crime is everywhere and rampant in those neighborhoods. In reality, the locals know what particular streets and blocks are problematic. If you're not from the area you don't have that level of detail so it may be rational on a certain level to treat the entire area as dangerous given the information gap, but that shorthand doesn't describe the real situation.

Last edited by STinLA; 03-17-2015 at 08:07 PM.
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-17-2015 , 09:42 PM
I play at HP and don't feel unsafe ever. I also valet park now, as a married man in his thirties who doesn't sweat the cost and values not worrying. However, Inglewood is not dangerous, generally speaking, and neither is HP. My initial question on this issue was about the games there and not necessarily safety issues, and I will say that the response that got us on this topic referred to them as "perceived" safety issues.
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-17-2015 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by AAmbass
I will say that the response that got us on this topic referred to them as "perceived" safety issues.
Yeah, that was my fault. To give a full answer I wanted to acknowledge, but not validate, that as a reason people don't bring up HP when discussing options for playing in LA. I feared this derail, but did it anyway.
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-18-2015 , 01:10 PM
I am sure I play at HP more than any of you. I also park in general parking and not VIP or valet. I have taken the long walk back to my car many many times, sometimes late at night with several G's in my pocket, always incident free.

Still, that doesn't change any of the facts I presented. It is a long walk, little to no security presence, and poorly lit in areas. and there is normally some black guys chilling out in the parking lot, although they are normally just smoking pot.
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-18-2015 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I am sure I play at HP more than any of you. I also park in general parking and not VIP or valet. I have taken the long walk back to my car many many times, sometimes late at night with several G's in my pocket, always incident free.

Still, that doesn't change any of the facts I presented. It is a long walk, little to no security presence, and poorly lit in areas. and there is normally some black guys chilling out in the parking lot, although they are normally just smoking pot.

Does 20/40+ go there or just 8/16?
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-20-2015 , 11:09 AM
Nope. Limit holdem 8/16 is the highest regular limit game.

I say regular because they will have random real big games (like 100-200 LHE or triple draw mixes) that run occasionally, but you will never know when they are gonna start unless you are on the list (or you are the whale the games start around)
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-27-2015 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I am sure I play at HP more than any of you. I also park in general parking and not VIP or valet. I have taken the long walk back to my car many many times, sometimes late at night with several G's in my pocket, always incident free.

Still, that doesn't change any of the facts I presented. It is a long walk, little to no security presence, and poorly lit in areas. and there is normally some black guys chilling out in the parking lot, although they are normally just smoking pot.
You are LYING. Its not poorly lit anywhere in the general parking lot. This is just a straight lie. Its dark near where the horse racing entrance is, because that place is now shut down. There is no parking over there. Its all cordoned off. No one is over there. There is no reason to be there. Next time I go Ill take a few pictures.

Its stadium lighting where all the parking is. The security is at the door and always roaming. There are cameras all over.

Additionally, why are you mentioning black guys chilling out? Why do they have to be black? What does their race have anything to do with them chilling out?

No one is out to get you, man. You create this fearful reality that does not exist. "Oh no the big angry hood black guys from all the movies and rap videos are watching me and are going to "jack" me! All my fears are coming true!"

You sound like the white woman who clutches her purse in the elevator when a black guy gets on. Its all about perception for people like you. You want to feel like this place is sub standard in protection. lighting and security because its in "Inglewood". But its probably one of the safest places in Inglewood.

I can't stop you from doing this, but I can call you out for it.

People that have sentiments like yours make it out in their mind that a kid walking with snapple back home MUST be up to no good and end up killing him pleading "stand your ground".

HPC is just fine. They arent going to let anything happen to you there. It does not mean that you shouldnt be alert, you should. Just stop being a paranoid racist. There is a difference.
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:38 AM
Long time female player who used to work @ HP and I have to say the way you men are talking is making me laugh hard. driving down century is not a big deal I used to do it every night when I worked the swing shift. I was more afraid of drunks on the freeway. If you don't like the parking lot just valet!

Sent from my SM-N910T using 2+2 Forums
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-30-2015 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Jellybeans
Long time female player who used to work @ HP and I have to say the way you men are talking is making me laugh hard. driving down century is not a big deal I used to do it every night when I worked the swing shift. I was more afraid of drunks on the freeway. If you don't like the parking lot just valet!

Sent from my SM-N910T using 2+2 Forums

You worked at HP? As a dealer or in another capacity? If as a dealer....I wonder if you are who I am thinking you are. Not many former female dealers who also played that would be on 2+2.....

Anyway, I totally agree with you 100%. Some of these replies are just hilarious. "Black guys in the parking lot", that guy said it twice and still thinks its okay. 'Murica.
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-30-2015 , 01:28 PM
Yes as a dealer but it was in 2005 and 2006. I agree there probably aren't any other female dealers who read this forum or LA players for that matter judging on how they play. I also found the casual racism offensive. In all my years of dealing and playing I treat everybody with the benefit of the doubt and as a human being until shown otherwise, but then again I have a big mouth and I'm not afraid to use it 😜
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-31-2015 , 05:04 PM
Enough about the safety. How are the games?
Los Angeles, CA Quote
03-31-2015 , 05:34 PM
Games are great but can get crazy with wild swings, you can just as easily lose 3 buy ins in an hour or end up cashing out with 4 racks. I think if you learn how to beat the games here you will beat any games in any other city. I love going to Vegas and playing LA style!
Los Angeles, CA Quote
04-03-2015 , 06:40 AM
Can someone provide a rundown of the PLO games that run in the LA area?
Los Angeles, CA Quote
04-05-2015 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Spicy
Can someone provide a rundown of the PLO games that run in the LA area?
What stakes you looking for?
Los Angeles, CA Quote
04-07-2015 , 05:44 PM
The games are super soft for the most part. Everyone is extremely easy to spot, everyone tells you who they are.

the losing regs, the guys out for fun, the quiet winning reg. Everyone is a call station. They will limp, limp, limp, call, call, call. So always go for max value and isolate, you will always get some idiot who call/check folds 75% of the time or call/check raises flops the other 25%.

Now, the main problem with these games are the rake. $6 per hand.

So the $40-100 games are unbeatable really because of the rake.

The 100-300 is obv better.

The $500 up is obv best.

All $6 rake on all tables.

Same kinds of players at each level too. No real change.
Los Angeles, CA Quote
04-14-2015 , 03:03 PM
^ this is true across all games of poker i'd say..

i stopped by HPC on my way home last night from the hustler tourney and at 11 pm there were two 100-300 buyin (3/5nl), two 300-500 buyin (5/5 nl), two 8/16 lhe games, and one 20/40 oe game going.

there was a security guard on foot and a patrol car that i saw around the parking lot as well as up top by the entrance. there was another guard or two at the entrance, and the parking lot is confirmed to be bright as day during nighttime - probably the best-list casino in los angeles.
Los Angeles, CA Quote
05-06-2015 , 05:33 PM
hay guys -- recently got the itch back to play some live pokers in the area but no clue where to go.

hustler seems like the best bet mostly because it's pretty close to me and has 50bb 1/2NL. not a big fan of buying super short like commerce, bike or HP. then again, if the games are worth it then i'm game. thoughts for a low limit NL LA newbie?

also - for low to mid level tournies (sub $200 BI) where do you guys like the most?
Los Angeles, CA Quote
05-06-2015 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by stratofortress
also - for low to mid level tournies (sub $200 BI) where do you guys like the most?
The rake is way too high on those.
Los Angeles, CA Quote
05-06-2015 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by STinLA
The rake is way too high on those.
What can I say...I'm a lowballer =/
Los Angeles, CA Quote
05-10-2015 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by stratofortress
hay guys -- recently got the itch back to play some live pokers in the area but no clue where to go.

hustler seems like the best bet mostly because it's pretty close to me and has 50bb 1/2NL. not a big fan of buying super short like commerce, bike or HP. then again, if the games are worth it then i'm game. thoughts for a low limit NL LA newbie?

also - for low to mid level tournies (sub $200 BI) where do you guys like the most?
The bike's summer series starting in about 2 weeks will have those buy in amounts.
Los Angeles, CA Quote
05-11-2015 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Razz pro
The bike's summer series starting in about 2 weeks will have those buy in amounts.
Yup, saw that. thanks.

Looks like bike for tourney, hustler for cash
Los Angeles, CA Quote
