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Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH)

04-20-2015 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Beet Farmer
Exactly....and yes I understand the sarcasm here. If I did not check these boards I would have no idea of the buy in changes. Horseshoe does a terrible job of communicating changes and promos to players. They just assume that everyone reads Bravo on a daily basis.
I think this is where the Shoe falls short. They change the buy in to generate action, yet people are still sitting down at the tables with the old max BI's and clearly had no idea it was changed. The Shoe needs to promote the changes. Maybe announce it every hour or every two hours.

Also, I really have no clue what you guys are talking about. I've played several times each weekend since the change and the action at 2/5 has never been better. Sure, they may not get 3-4 tables, but they weren't getting more than a table and a half when the max BI was 1k anyway. The past few times I've played the game got deep within an hour or two.

Don't get me wrong, I love playing deep, but if I have a choice between being 200bb deep with 7 regs or being 100bb deep with 7 fish, which do you think I prefer?
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-20-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by jumper425
Interesting dialogue, the changes for the 2/5 buy ins have been in place for less than 2 weeks, since the change I personally have been involved in 4 or 5 games that have started short, 5 or 6 players....all of us buying in for the max., none of the games broke, all were maxed out with 9 players in less than an hour, did a few of those players buy in for 200 or 300 ...sure, and some nights the games were better than others. no different than any other 2/5 games in any other poker room.

Expecting every 2/5 game to be like "Nautica", is living in a fantasy world. the play we experienced at Nautica is long gone

changing the buy-ins for 2/5 again and expecting the "Action" players to give up PLO, and return to NL Holdem is also a pipe dream.

I really don't care whether the buy-ins are 200/500 or 300/1K, personally I know the lower buy-ins have generated some new players I have not seen before.

be it a very small sample
Most of the time that the game ran At old buy in , we would have several random players no one has seen before.

Plo is a fun game if you get the right type of players and deeper buy ins.
There is actually slot of bluffing in plo, as most people won't call unless they have the nuts.
Shoe plo is usually good at night. During the day you get the tight crew, that doesn't buy in deep, and it's like watching paint dry.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-20-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by 3bet4life
Hello fellow 2+2'ers. I will be coming up for a wedding in June. I will be at the ritz Carlton and was wondering does the horseshoe have free parking? I saw it was close to the shoe and figured I would just park there for the weekend( and sneek in a session while my wife was shopping lol). Any advice is much appreciated.
If you're staying at the Ritz, your car is already parked at the Ritz right? You can walk from Ritz to casino without having to go outside, it's connected via a mall (Tower City). You probably don't need to park, just find your way over.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-20-2015 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by TR3V
If you're staying at the Ritz, your car is already parked at the Ritz right? You can walk from Ritz to casino without having to go outside, it's connected via a mall (Tower City). You probably don't need to park, just find your way over.
I don't want to pay the 30 dollars or so that the ritz charges for parking. Was hoping to park for free at the horseshoe parking garage.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-20-2015 , 01:53 PM
The 2/5 game broke by 2am fri/sat night. The game by 7pm yesterday with 40k people downtown for the cavs playoff game. The game struggled to go in the afternoon during the week. Obv it is not running much more than the old game. Here's a scenario for you. What if they successful alienated a good potion of the regs of the old 1k cap game and they stop playing and there isn't enough new regs to compensate? There will be no game at all. What the game needs is to find a middle ground that appeals to all players. Something like making it 300-500 cap to start and instituting a 60% rule after the game has run for at least 2hrs. Also the room needs to run special promos for the game to encourage people to take shots and get people who got comfortable playing 1/2 to start playing 2/5 ago. Some of these shot takers will run good to start and become regs. Also people need to realize that if you buyin for 300 at 500 cap or 300 at 1k cap its the same thing. You're still playing 2/5 no limit with a 300 effective stack. Its not rocket science.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-20-2015 , 04:28 PM
Buying in for $300 at a 100bb max game and buying in for $300 at a 200bb max game actually ISN'T the same thing. The game played much bigger when it was a 200bb max game - lots of 3betting/4betting light and raising wars between regs. When a 1/2 player shot takes with $300 and sees this stuff happening or gets caught in the middle of it, he's not likely to stick around too long.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-20-2015 , 05:01 PM
PLO ruined the no limit games. Sorry but that's a fact. It wasn't the 1k buyin. The fish look at the two games and think that PLO is more fun and allows them to gamble more. NL is boring to them now. If the PLO wasn't ever introduced then the 2/5 NL would have 2-3+ games going all the time just like it used to IMO. As long as PLO runs the NL won't. That's just the reality of it. As for the whales from Nautica, IMO the casino table games took them away from poker. Degenerates want to lose or win money fast and the table games allow that. Those whales were replaced but once again they're gamblers so they play PLO.

Last edited by Newkid08; 04-20-2015 at 05:06 PM.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-20-2015 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by speedynutt
The 2/5 game broke by 2am fri/sat night. The game by 7pm yesterday with 40k people downtown for the cavs playoff game. The game struggled to go in the afternoon during the week. Obv it is not running much more than the old game. Here's a scenario for you. What if they successful alienated a good potion of the regs of the old 1k cap game and they stop playing and there isn't enough new regs to compensate? There will be no game at all. What the game needs is to find a middle ground that appeals to all players. Something like making it 300-500 cap to start and instituting a 60% rule after the game has run for at least 2hrs. Also the room needs to run special promos for the game to encourage people to take shots and get people who got comfortable playing 1/2 to start playing 2/5 ago. Some of these shot takers will run good to start and become regs. Also people need to realize that if you buyin for 300 at 500 cap or 300 at 1k cap its the same thing. You're still playing 2/5 no limit with a 300 effective stack. Its not rocket science.
You are spot on about alienating a portion of the player pool who preferred the larger buy-in. I am a 2/5 regular who played 15-25 hours a week since the casino opened. The last few months it was getting harder and harder to justify driving to the casino during the week to play in a game that might only run for a few hours if it even ran at all. However, the 1k buy-in still made it worth the trip and worth giving up my evening even if the game only lasted for a few hours. But now with the game being a 100bb, there is zero chance that I would want to risk driving down to the casino and giving up a night with my family to play in a 100bb game full of nits that may only run for a few hours if it all.

Sure I'll still play on the weekends (probably one day a week compared to the 2-3 days that I have been playing)....but I rarely even look at bravo on weekdays now since the the game switched back to a 100bb cap.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-20-2015 , 11:19 PM
In my opinion there are several factors that have made the games the way they are in Cleveland. There are definitely economic factors, fish moved on to craps, slots, etc. Also fish aren't as stupid as a lot of you think they are. They know who all the winning regs are and when they see 4 or 5 in the game they don't want to play either. PLO has had a big impact on the 2/5 game IMO. I hope all the 2/5 regs stop coming....that's better for me. I'd rather not see them transition to PLO. Poker is constantly changing and the landscape in Cleveland right now requires you to be a good PLO player. Shouldn't professional players be skilled in all games so they can play the best game available? I agree that the buyin changes suck but you have to adapt to the situation. it's still beatable....just not for the win rate you had before.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-21-2015 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by Heavyc819
They know who all the winning regs are and when they see 4 or 5 in the game they don't want to play either. PLO has had a big impact on the 2/5 game IMO. I hope all the 2/5 regs stop coming....that's better for me. I'd rather not see them transition to PLO.
I didn't want to be the one to say it but it sums up my feelings as well.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-21-2015 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Sandbag
I didn't want to be the one to say it but it sums up my feelings as well.
But let's be honest if you ever want to earn enough money playing poker to make a living (not living in your mom's basement money) you cannot be playing 2/5 cap or 1/2 plo.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-21-2015 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Sandbag
I didn't want to be the one to say it but it sums up my feelings as well.
Many of the 2-5 regs are not strong PLO players, and will not be able to make the transition because they're just not that good.

I can only think of one or two former 2-5 regs that successfully transitioned to PLO, all the others I can think of have the mentality of "this is a stupid game", but in reality their poker skills don't go far beyond nitting it up.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-21-2015 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyBasketball
But let's be honest if you ever want to earn enough money playing poker to make a living (not living in your mom's basement money) you cannot be playing 2/5 cap or 1/2 plo.
Yeah but if you wanna make a living playing poker why the f*** would you do it in Cleveland?
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-21-2015 , 11:43 AM
Some of the old regs and I don't play 1-2 plo , because it's very similar to the 2-5 cap
With a lot of people buying in for 100$, and constant hit and running , it makes the game boring and slow.
Some time the game gets deep when the players stick around, but for most part it's very hard to make good money at that game.
Fwiw I played the 2-5 plo only when that game ran 1.5 years ago.
The 2 games don't compare.
If they did something like Pittsburg , where they make the buy in 200-1k
Or make 2 games 1-2 where buy in is 100-200 and 1-2-5 200-1k the game would be much better.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-21-2015 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Sandbag
Yeah but if you wanna make a living playing poker why the f*** would you do it in Cleveland?

My thoughts exactly.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-22-2015 , 10:46 PM
Wednesday night and there are 2 tables and a list for 2/5. That new BI really killed the game...
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-26-2015 , 03:25 PM
So thinking of making trip from pittsburgh for the 1500 tourney.
What are people thoughts on turnout etc?
Also where should i stay? I want to be close but dont want to pay 250 a night when ill hardly be in the hotel room. Also are there any discounts with a players club card. Any info would be appreciated.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-27-2015 , 11:00 AM
I am also considering playing this tournament. Does anyone know how the payout is structured?
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-27-2015 , 11:46 AM
Following up with the previous two posts - are main event packages included in this? For some reason I thought there were but can't find anything now.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-27-2015 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by RastaMonsta786
So thinking of making trip from pittsburgh for the 1500 tourney.
What are people thoughts on turnout etc?
Also where should i stay? I want to be close but dont want to pay 250 a night when ill hardly be in the hotel room. Also are there any discounts with a players club card. Any info would be appreciated.
I'd take a look at the Hampton Inn on E 9th. You're a little under a half mile from the casino but it is definitely walking distance - I stay here all the time for Indians games and go to the Horseshoe and never had any problems. Weekends it'll usually run under $150 per night.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-27-2015 , 12:42 PM
Played the $500 yesterday. Well run tournament and liked the structure. I think they should have a min dinner break after 12 levels of at least 30 minutes..but really not a big deal. Unfortunately went out 32nd, but it was nice to play a well run decently attended tournament here in Cleveland. Had 140 runners.

Still wish the big one next week was $1,000 instead of $1,500 like Cincy was last month...but with the amount of seats they are giving away, seems like they should get over 400 for this tournament.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-27-2015 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by jasonjason
Following up with the previous two posts - are main event packages included in this? For some reason I thought there were but can't find anything now.

I haven't heard anything about main event packages for the $1500 tournament. I know they have an $1100 satellite to the main event on the last Saturday of the month, and smaller satellites to that tournament on the other Saturdays. But those are the only seats I'm aware of at the moment.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:18 PM
Here is a link to the structure for the $1500 Quarterly:
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-28-2015 , 02:23 AM
The structure for this $1,500 is one of the best I've seen for the price range. I am hoping for at least ~350 players. Some out of towners should come in to boost the prize pool.

Last edited by BJballs; 04-28-2015 at 02:28 AM.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
04-29-2015 , 08:53 AM
Anyone know if they will have the mayweather fight on anywhere in the casino?
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
