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03-14-2011 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
I would not stay at Two Trees. All of my free room offers include Two Trees but they also include all of the other rooms as well. I like MGM best. Great shower. Plus despite popular opinion, I enjoy the walk
When I booked, that was all that was available.
03-14-2011 , 11:56 PM
I sometimes prefer staying at TT when it's free. It's not as nice and luxurious as the GP or MGM, but it's a pretty good standard hotel. The main reason I like it is because sometimes I like to have the feeling of leaving the casino and not being there after a session, even though i'm next door, I for some reason can relax and sleep better because i'm not actually in the casino.
03-15-2011 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by runer
Haha sup man when are you making your rounds back here? I stopped playing there several months ago and have been playing regularly at the 5-10 at FW for close to 3 months now. Was forced to change my game up a ton (for the better) and it has definitely been profitable. Hope to see you around soon bro, hit me up.
Unfortunately, I probably won't be 'home' for a while. Busy with other non-poker related stuff. Too bad cuz my image at MS is CRAZY good.
03-15-2011 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by walkmyline
two trees is great not sure where all the hates coming from.
Haters gon' hate....

Nothing better than coming back from grinding all day( good or bad session)...and sitting at the Two trees bar, getting food off the late-night menu and then going back to the room for a relaxing banana session. Well there is definetely better things to do, but down in SouthEastern Connecticut its the nuts!!

C u Opening DAY!! Try to get to the EMC club, that's where I bartend!!
03-15-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by FOXWOODSnuts29
Haters gon' hate....

Nothing better than coming back from grinding all day( good or bad session)...and sitting at the Two trees bar, getting food off the late-night menu and then going back to the room for a relaxing banana session. Well there is definetely better things to do, but down in SouthEastern Connecticut its the nuts!!

C u Opening DAY!! Try to get to the EMC club, that's where I bartend!!
Ya Two Trees is fine. Last year I had a few minor issues with them but have stayed a bunch since.

EMC club is very nice. Assuming you are talking Fenway Park. I have been to a function there not during a game though... How did you land that gig?
03-15-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
So we need to coordinate schedules. I am usually only available Wed afternoon-Fri morning and Sundays. If I know in advance that we will have enough for a game, I can make a special trip down on Fri or Sat.

Tonight was busy for a Sunday. There were 6+ 2/5 games going for a bit. Seemed like everyone was trying to gamble it up before heading back home/work. I had someone call my 4 bet(KK) shove cold with 78s. I lost. Standard.
I think I was at that table - were you in the 8 seat, and lost to an asian kid in the 1 seat?

I was in the 4 seat from about 630-930
03-15-2011 , 03:15 PM
Staying at bellisimo for the first time.

Free rooms weren't available for a last minute trip before fpc.

Only rooms available were 150$+
03-15-2011 , 03:31 PM
Bellisimo isn't bad, esp for their rates and location

I've never stayed at two trees before...

I was just on the foxwoods website and noticed that burke increased their prices on just about everything on the menu...

Anyone else playing the sunday tourney?
03-15-2011 , 03:34 PM
I'm actually *trying* to get a room at TT on Thursday. I want to take Friday off, and they have MGM rooms available, but I'm not paying $85 for a mid-week room.
03-15-2011 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by 413AceKing
That would be monumental in my opinion. Foxwoods has way too many miserable lousy dealers who's income would be damaged with a keep your tip system. Hopefully it passes and many of those dealers hit the road or go crawling up to the blackjack and craps tables.
There are so many dealers who, if it were not for the current sytem, would not get any tips from me. I so badly want to skip a dealer when he sucks, but then i'm just screwing all the dealers over and that dealer does not really get punished. Same with when I want to tip the dealer a couple bucks for being especially good, I don't because he barely is affected by it overall. Now, I can gladly tip accordingly, good dealers will make more money, bad ones will make less, and players will be much happier once the rejects fade away!!
This is where the problem starts sometimes... I've been a dealer and i am a dealer... I've dealt all different casino games, and this is where sometimes dealers hate taking a poker class to deal the game... cause they hear how cheap and arrogant poker players are.
Our jobs are not easy, we get paid miserably so yes we live on tips. U mean to tell me even if you have an awful bartender or waitress at a restaurant you're not gonna tip for the bottle wine she served u? Poker Players really need to GROW UP sometimes, ya'll whine too much. Im all for foxwoods dealers keeping their own but in that room i dont trust any players that the dealers will make enough to survive. Gluck everyone!
03-15-2011 , 03:44 PM
re: keeping their own tips - I heard the vote needs 75% to pass. If that's true, it'll never happen. There are enough crappy dealers to shoot it down.
03-15-2011 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
Bellisimo isn't bad, esp for their rates and location

I've never stayed at two trees before...

I was just on the foxwoods website and noticed that burke increased their prices on just about everything on the menu...

Anyone else playing the sunday tourney?
Im playing the saturday 600$ what's the sunday?

I've stayed at two trees....I think it was my first time. Its ok....but id rather not stay again.
03-15-2011 , 03:57 PM
Who is actually voting? Is it all the pit dealers too or just poker dealers?

I don't care what they do but I will say there are a few pretty bad dealers there whether it be there attitude in general or just the way they run the games. If I win a nice pot I am tipping no matter who it is but that is just me.

I actually feel guilty when I win a ten dollar pot and don't throw them anything but if I win a few in a row I will. And if I win a pot that is well over 200 plus I am usually throwing a redbird their way.

If you guys win a nice pot at 1/2 like say 500 or 600 how much you throwing them? And does it really make a difference if the dealer is "bad" or not.

My biggest issue with any dealers is the ones who pitch my cards to me carelessly. I have never really run into many problems with how they run the games. It has happened obviously but a dealer mistake has never cost me much knock on wood...
03-15-2011 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by rizasutton
Im playing the saturday 600$ what's the sunday?
Sunday is the 400 FPC deep stack tournament. $400 for 20,000 chips 40 minute levels. If you bust Sat, you can play this on Sunday.
03-15-2011 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984

This is where the problem starts sometimes... I've been a dealer and i am a dealer... I've dealt all different casino games, and this is where sometimes dealers hate taking a poker class to deal the game... cause they hear how cheap and arrogant poker players are.
Our jobs are not easy, we get paid miserably so yes we live on tips. U mean to tell me even if you have an awful bartender or waitress at a restaurant you're not gonna tip for the bottle wine she served u? Poker Players really need to GROW UP sometimes, ya'll whine too much. Im all for foxwoods dealers keeping their own but in that room i dont trust any players that the dealers will make enough to survive. Gluck everyone!
What are you talking about? I completely agree with 413AK. I always tip because the tips are shared. But there are some horrid dealers at Foxwoods. There are good ones. The horrid dealers would probably suffer from a lack of tips and would be required to shape up. The good dealers would make more money. Why is this bad?

The comparison with waiter or bartender is not quite the same. A dealer mistake can cost $$$ to the player. If a waiter or bartender makes a mistake, it usually does not cost $ or as much money. Also, a complaint to the manager of the bar/restaurant can usually be +EV for the patron. A complaint to the floor about a dealer mistake is usually -EV or neutral.

Do you have another way that the horrid dealers can be eliminated or made to improve? It seems poker dealers keeping their own tips is a good system. It rewards good dealers and provides incentive.

I empathize with you about poor treatment by rude or cheap players. But don't think 413AK is one of those. That's a separate issue from keeping tips or not. Morons who want the deck washed or blame the dealer must be insufferable.
03-15-2011 , 06:39 PM
In the list of current games running that they now have on the website, each game is followed by an L H or M. Proabably will be obvious when someone tells me what it means, but I can't figure it out.

The list is very helpful, I noticed there is a plo8 game going already, and if I could get a room I'd be in the car already.

Heading down for the day tomorrow, will start a list for 1-2 plo and plo8, would also start one for 1-2 plo plo8 mix or 1-2 plo plo8 nlhe if they would let me. Hopefully we can get one of those games going!
03-15-2011 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by rizasutton
Im playing the saturday 600$ what's the sunday?

I've stayed at two trees....I think it was my first time. Its ok....but id rather not stay again.
It's the $400 NL deepstack. Same chips & structure, but just 40 min blinds instead of 50 mins for the $600. I'll be there for this Sun and for some of the other $400 ones. 75-150, 150-300 and 500-1k levels rule. Hoping the $400 Weds one caps out like it did for the WPF last year.
03-15-2011 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by gotf
In the list of current games running that they now have on the website, each game is followed by an L H or M. Proabably will be obvious when someone tells me what it means, but I can't figure it out.
They mean Low, Middle, High.

I THINK they breakdown how many dream points you get per hour at that game.
L - 1 point/hr
M - 1.5 points/hr
H - 2 points/hr
03-15-2011 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by BillyBoy5885
They mean Low, Middle, High.

I THINK they breakdown how many dream points you get per hour at that game.
L - 1 point/hr
M - 1.5 points/hr
H - 2 points/hr
This is correct.
03-15-2011 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984

This is where the problem starts sometimes... I've been a dealer and i am a dealer... I've dealt all different casino games, and this is where sometimes dealers hate taking a poker class to deal the game... cause they hear how cheap and arrogant poker players are.
Our jobs are not easy, we get paid miserably so yes we live on tips. U mean to tell me even if you have an awful bartender or waitress at a restaurant you're not gonna tip for the bottle wine she served u? Poker Players really need to GROW UP sometimes, ya'll whine too much. Im all for foxwoods dealers keeping their own but in that room i dont trust any players that the dealers will make enough to survive. Gluck everyone!

Wow thats pretty stupid logic there.
Listen, I play the game recreationally but, imagine things from the perspective of full time players and regulars. Do you think they enjoy working with a miserable dealer who can't be bothered to pay attention to his/her work? A dealer who sucks the fun out of a game with a poor attitude? A dealer who makes a lot of mistakes and does not really care to improve? Well poker dealers need to GROW UP and realize that tips are EARNED, not granted. Players are not required to tip the dealer anything, but do so because they are generous people who expect, and reward a quality dealer.
The bartender/waiter analogy is stupid. Look at it from a standard consumer/business angle, if your a customer you don't just blindly pay for lousy service, you say FU to the crappy business and find a better competitor. When it comes to poker dealers, some are great, some are in the middle, and some suck. I would love to have the ability to not pay the ones who suck so they either decide to do better or they find a new line of work. If the job is miserable and you live off of tips, well EARN the damn tips don't just expect them.

Now if this system was ever implemented, I would probably still tip the crap dealers a buck per pot, but the good ones would generally get 2, and often more for bigger pots (like I do at MS.) Right now I tip $1 no matter what at Foxwoods and would happily pay extra for some more good dealers!

Bottom line, if your a lousy dealer who can't be bothered to put any pride into your work, you do not deserve to get paid well, just as in any profession. Dealers who put in the effort to do the best they can and have a good attitude with the players at the table are the ones that should get paid.
03-15-2011 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by mrdasefx
Who is actually voting? Is it all the pit dealers too or just poker dealers?

I don't care what they do but I will say there are a few pretty bad dealers there whether it be there attitude in general or just the way they run the games. If I win a nice pot I am tipping no matter who it is but that is just me.

I actually feel guilty when I win a ten dollar pot and don't throw them anything but if I win a few in a row I will. And if I win a pot that is well over 200 plus I am usually throwing a redbird their way.

If you guys win a nice pot at 1/2 like say 500 or 600 how much you throwing them? And does it really make a difference if the dealer is "bad" or not.

My biggest issue with any dealers is the ones who pitch my cards to me carelessly. I have never really run into many problems with how they run the games. It has happened obviously but a dealer mistake has never cost me much knock on wood...
My rule of thumb on tipping is generally $1 per $100 in the pot I rake in. The pots I get involved in are pretty big for the most part, and there's no limit to how much I will tip; If I take a $10,000 pot down I am tipping the Dealer $100 bucks.

It drives me absolutely insane to see people who take in a huge pot and then throw a single dollar at the dealer. I have made it a point to berate these people and point out how cheap they are.

Oh, and I completely disagree with the dealer who says dealers should be tipped no matter what. There are some TERRIBLE dealers who have directly cost my money because they are too lazy or ignorant to do their job. I know who all of them are, and I refuse to ever tip them (Although I will compensate by overtipping the next dealer).

I am the first one to jump on someone's **** if they are being rude or disrespectful to a dealer, but I also expect the dealers to be efficient at what they do and not completely kill a game because of their ****ty attitude and terrible dealing.

Last edited by IOnlyPlayJunk; 03-15-2011 at 09:28 PM.
03-16-2011 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by IOnlyPlayJunk
It drives me absolutely insane to see people who take in a huge pot and then throw a single dollar at the dealer. I have made it a point to berate these people and point out how cheap they are.
I have to disagree here. I don't see, from a logical standpoint, how the size of the pot should affect the tip. The dealers are providing a service. That service should be the same whether you're playing 1-3 stud or 10-25 NL. The dealers should have no bearing on the outcome of the hand or the size of the pot. The pot size is dictated by your play and that of your opponents.

Tipping a dealer $5/pot would equate to $150/hour for a dealer who managed to eke out 30 hands/hour. That roughly equates to $300K/year for someone who works 40 hours a week. To me, that's excessive. (I recognize that many dealers may not get 40 hours/week.) Now, if you want to be generous with your tipping, I think that's fantastic but I would be more than offended if you berated me for not tipping enough. I strongly urge you to reconsider that approach.

As an aside, I already have a plan to over-tip the strong dealers at Foxwoods if the vote passes to keep their tips as a thank you for the service they have provided in the past.

Last edited by MainEvent; 03-16-2011 at 03:39 AM.
03-16-2011 , 05:08 AM
It's just the poker dealers voting. If the pit dealers were voting it would pass easily, but that isn't the case.
03-16-2011 , 07:16 AM
how often does the $1-2 plo8 go or the $5-10 stud hi? and where the cheapest dump motel u can stay at by the week for under $1000 a month on a busline that goes by foxwoods? might be up there in april. also i hope they dont object to me using my phone to browse the web while playing or id not like that too much. i do that in vegas all the time.
03-16-2011 , 07:40 AM
I don't think plo8 happens with any regularity. There's a small group that will play it and another, mostly different group that will play plo. Sometimes they compromise and a mix game goes. Having tournaments, like those starting in next week, will help.

5-10 stud goes daily.
