Given the recent discussions about germs and hand washing, and my expertise in the area ( I thought I'd post my tricks to not getting sick while playing poker during cold and flu season
1) Never touch anything above your neck with your unwashed hands. This is very difficult to refrain from doing at first; however, over time it can be ingrained in your psyche. They key is if you don't touch your face (particularly your nose, eyes, or in your ears) you don't give the germs on your hands a place to enter your body. If you have an itch on your face, scratch it with your shirt, or wash your hands before scratching.
2) If you do eat at the casino, if at all possible do so while not simultaneously playing, as that way you can wash your hands beforehand and not need to touch cards or chips while you eat. If you insist on playing and eating at the same time, wash your hands before you start to eat and either only use utensils or use one hand to eat and the other to touch chips/cards.
3) Using Purell is fine, except you need to use it correctly. If you put purell on your hands and then touch the Purell bottle afterwards, bingo you just got germs back on your hands. The way to do it right is to squirt the purell into the palm of your hand then deftly close the bottle and put it away all before you then rub in the purell. It's not as easy as it sounds but once you get the hang of it it'll be second nature.
4) If you're sitting "in the line of fire" of someone who's coughing, try to get a table change. Yes, in some cases coughing isn't indicative of someone who's still activeily sick, but no need to take chances.
5) Drink plenty of fluids
6) Shower and change clothes when you get home
7) Don't touch your phone unless you've first washed your hands or properly (see #3 above) used Purell
8) Wash your hands upon entering and exiting the bathroom. Yes, it's extra effort but a "belt and suspenders" approach to avoiding getting sick is worth it.
9) Wash your hands after you change in your chips and have put your money away, as that way you don't get germs from your hands on your car
That's most everything that comes to mind.