Originally Posted by PardoG
This is in conflict with the record gaming revenue they posted in the first week and the subsequent revenues they have posted each week since. Also - don’t forget that college isn’t even back in session yet! Just wait until all these college kids and especially the rich international ones (and their parents) roll back into town. It’s going to get even busier.
No it actually has nothing to do with their released revenues no matter how many time this gets erroneously repeated as these were July numbers when the place was rocking. One Friday in July at 8pm had 17 2/5’s, 6-7 5-10’s, and 3-4 higher NL games. Last night as I posted above the numbers WERE significantly less. The 1/3 players who are responding that this isn’t true doesn’t affect them as the 1/3 games are still bountiful with I believe 30 of them running last night.
Back to poker - what is the obsession with the 5/10 games being bad? Like I want to know where, except maybe Florida and the Commerce in CA on the weekends are the 5/10 games good? They are horrible in Vegas and any 5/10 game I’ve ever played in there is maybe 1-2 spots at best and usually I am one of them! Overall, 5/10 NL + games are pretty much dead outside of private games. No matter what people want to say NL is tough these days at any meaningful stake. And to say there are “5 to 6 grinders in every 5/10 game” uhhh yeah. That’s been like everywhere since like a long time bud.
I take it you haven’t been in the MGM, Chasers, or Twin 5/10 games over the past two years. It’s comically bad here to the extent of players moving UP to 10/20 in the hopes of a whale arriving or feasting on scared money.
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
I counted, via the app, at 11:30 and they had 60+ tables going. Bullshit to your 39. Even right now at 4am they have 27 going
My numbers were per Poker Atlas at the time I posted and there were 53 games running. Isn’t this an 88-table room?