Originally Posted by dinesh
mod: I am sick and tired of having to deal with this pointless trolling bullshit in this thread. Latt and I are going to discuss how to handle and whether bans will be warranted. Any further continuance of this dumb argument before then will result in bans. Thank you.
Thanks to everyone for complying with this moderator request over the past few days. I'd like to give this community an update.
Lattimer and I agreed to ban one participant in this thread. It's important to note that this wasn't because of the content or tone of his posts (though toward the end he did make some posts which would definitely have been deleted), but rather because he was a previously banned poster who created a new account to avoid the ban.
We have no plans for any additional bans, infractions, etc. here.
Having said that, I want to remind the community of a few rules here in CCP and Venues & Communities:
1. The Golden Rule. Just be nice, and treat everyone with respect.
It’s really that simple. When discussing a topic and you happen to disagree with another poster’s position, state your alternative position and the facts that support it. Do not attack the poster personally, or use unnecessarily derogatory or demeaning language to make your point.
So skip the insults, and keep the conversation friendly. We want to encourage people to ask questions and give their opinions. We want to encourage debate, but not in a “you must be wrong and I must be right” atmosphere.
5. The Avoid These Types of Posts Rule.
(1) No-content posting. No-content posting is not permitted. Please make sure that your posts contribute positively.
(2) Posts that attack another poster rather than address the issue of the thread. This includes rude, insulting, or snarky comments that add nothing to the discussion but rather seek to ridicule, demean or embarrass another poster.
(5) Trolling. Trolling is not permitted. A troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. [...] Don’t be a troll.
6. The Help Keep CCP Beautiful Rule
The first level of effort in keeping the atmosphere of CCP an inviting one is the posters themselves. Most importantly, don’t make inappropriate posts yourself. Think before you post. Next, help enforce the community’s standards. If you see a post that you feel violates the guidelines listed above please use the Report Post function located below a poster's statistics to the left of the post to notify the moderators.
If you are not clear on the above rules for this forum, please read them again. The full set of rules is here:
Posters are allowed to have opinions about the room that you do not share, whether positive or negative. You are welcome to combat these arguments with your own. Keep it friendly and about the facts or the topic.
You are not permitted to attack, insult, use derogatory or demeaning language, or otherwise ridicule other posters. Over the past several months, there have been numerous violations of this rule in this thread.
Future violations may result in immediate infractions or bans - I am done giving warnings about this.
If you see someone post something in violation of the forum rules, do not respond in kind. Do not attack them. Do not compare them to other posters who you have previously clashed with. Do not try to impress us all by uncovering their true identity in other places or in real life. Doing any of these things will result in moderation action being taken against you.
Instead, please use the report post button, on the bottom left of the post. This will notify Lattimer and I, and we will investigate and take appropriate action.
To help with the concern that the thread can be taken over by negative nellies who just shout loudly with negative (or positive) opinions, but have no evidence to back up their ridiculous claims, I offer the following:
There is one somewhat unwritten guideline I have about axe-grinding, which I consider to be a form of trolling. We err on the side of allowing posters to state their opinions here, but no one wants to hear the same person make the same complaint over and over again, especially if it is not a mainstream view of the community. As a rough rule of thumb, I would say it would be OK to restate such an opinion once every 3-6 months, assuming one is not being engaged on the topic by other posters (if there is a friendly dialog, then of course more frequent posting on the topic is acceptable). If a poster is clogging up the thread with the same complaints over and over (particularly if they are not adding any new or timely evidence to their claim), please use the report post button to notify us moderators, and we will evaluate and have a chat with that poster if we think it necessary.
Hopefully the above makes sense to everyone, and we will not have future problems here in this thread.
If you have any questions, please post them in the moderation discussion thread in CCP (
https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/2...sting-1532632/), or less desirably, in a PM to Lattimer and/or me.
Last edited by dinesh; 01-28-2020 at 03:11 PM.