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Detroit Detroit

08-27-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by scottyb007
Should we make a new thread for this game? Just a thought
Yes Please
Detroit Quote
08-27-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by bd1
Anybody play at MCC last night? My first time there in a while - I was on the 2-5. Interesting thing happened - I flopped trips against an obvious overpair and c/r flop, bet turn fairly big and the villain tanked for about 1 min or so - then some asian dude not in the hand gets all fired up and calls the clock. Villain gets annoyed and folds AA face up - but was seriously contemplating a call. Is this kind of thing standard at this place?
lol very standard. welcome to live poker, especially in detroit. it's unreal how many people don't have the first clue of poker etiquette, or any kind of manners.
Detroit Quote
08-27-2011 , 03:00 PM
@ twoblack9s, Lol @ HU with Roma...can you say "freeroll"
@ bd1, playing at MCC your lucky if they know when its there blinds or on them to act, etiquette is a far fetched hope Lol.
But this is also the reason MCC is easy money especially on $1/2
Detroit Quote
08-27-2011 , 04:38 PM
Jose, if you read this thread, and would actually like a HU game, I am sure that we could arrange something. Just PM me.
If you're just messing around, well, you aren't funny.
Detroit Quote
08-27-2011 , 05:54 PM
Geeeez Ladies.......

I went and played at Motor City yesterday. lol the play seemed better at snookers. I thought that Motor City had a tournament so i woke up and went to play thinking at 11am i might get to play a MTT.

Only thing they had was Sitngos which seemed to suck. 10 players play and only 2 get paid. Pretty sure me and 2black9s would clean these up. but i don't like 20% getting paid.
So i decided to play the cash game. the play was pretty lol, just like every where else. Altho i think the players Figured out i was a Nit and stopped Giving me action. (changed Gears weee!)

Should of walked out of MCC with $600+ but one Guy kept shoving his open ended straight draws and getting there. well +$250 isn't that bad.

So i guess i can start with my Trip report for the past week.
Of course i said i lost only 4 out of 30+ sessions and of course Jinxed myself.
had a couple -$5 and -$10 sessions which is pretty good considering i was card dead.
Went to Snookers a week ago and out of the 16 hands i played i only won 4 of them. i entered the 7pm Tournament which i have done well in. i 3 bet with AKs and guy four bet jams with 1k extra dead money in the pot. pot 7k+ and it was 3,100 to call (never folding) guy flips over AQdd and i have AK i am like weee until the flop brings Qhxx.
After the hand the guy say's "yea it was like a 50/50". i loled and was like"WHAT!"
then the other Kid to my left says "yea it was a 50/50 or something cause his Ace was Suited" i started to correct them but decided against it. i was a 69.734% fav.
So i get moved to another table and jam 10bb w QQ and run into KK. and again A Queen on the flop. so i am still in.
About 45 minutes later i pick QQ again and shove 10bb all in with no Fold Equity guy correctly calls w 99. and boom 9 on the flop,gg me gl everyone else.
decided to play Cash game and will talk about a couple of hands. wondering what your guys thoughts are.
Solid player (Anthony) sits to my right. we have become somewhat friends and talk alot about poker. He hangs out with a group of people that play alot at snooker. So far they seem to be the best players at Snookers that i have seen. very competent. There are some other players as well that are very good.
So i am on the button w AK and Anthony Raises to $10. I decided to just flat call in position. and everyone else folds. the flop comes 8K8 rainbow. Anthony bets $17 i decided to call. i figured he was making a continuation bet. Turn comes a brick ( 6 i think) and he fires out $25. And now i am like wtf. he should know i have some sort of a hand. (he is one of the rare players that is smart enough to slow down. I imagine he thinks about what the other players have just like i do or any good poker player should. So now i am worried.i start thinking he could have some sort of an 8 which is unlikely. or a hand like KQ or TT -QQ and is now double barreling turning his hand into a bluff. But for the most part i am thinking he is going for value for his hand. i start thinking AA. I decided to call and re-evaluate on the River. which comes a T. so the board is 8K86T. Now he fires out $50 or $60. i am baffled. i look at him and he seems pretty confident. i ask him "do you have AA?" he says "honestly no i do not" and i am pretty sure he is being honest. Any one folding here? Also i would like to add he has to atleast put me on a King here.
so i am getting killed i flop top two pair everyone else flops the straight. So this lady starts feeling sorry for me. ( i am not complaining i just take my beats instride usually saying "Nice hand"
so i loose a big pot to her and she takes $10 and ships it to me. i am like wtf. i try to return it to her and she says "no no please take it" i am like wtf and i try to return it back to her where she says nono i will not let you give it back to me. i Realize that i will eventually cause a scene if i don't take the money. Now i look at her hands and see she has a wedding ring on her finger. (later i find out that she is with her husband ,he is playing 2/5 and she is there for the first time having fun. they had a babysitter)
so later i get JTss and i am on the button so i decided to see a flop. the flop was JT9 and i honestly am not very happy about this flop. i was like please please Ten or a jack. ended up folding the River to her KQ and other guys 78. (good fold me) so she wins a huge pot and then again slides $10 back over to me. i try to refuse to take it and again she will have non of it.
What is the Proper etiquette on this? i didn't want to be rude, and have never had this happen to me before. Also i was getting coolered alot that day -$390. but felt like i played pretty well. i had to fold alot of two pair hands Top pair Top Kicker type hands. I think Most randoms would of lost alot more that day.

So i take a day off and decided to play at 4Aces on Gratiot and 13 mile road. And decided to play their tournament. As always i am late for registration. (i got there 11 minutes late.)
And i have to wait for 1 hour and a half. I decided to play Black Jack ( i have no idea how to play and have never won the 4 or 5 times i have played) so i ask how to play or strat from the other players and dealer and win +$34 weeee i guess.
I finally get into the tournament and buy in for $40. So young kid shoves every hand and says i want to gamble. i don't care about money and shows complete Garbage hands. he doesn't look at his cards and shoves. i have 88 and double up. actually knocking the kid out. (thanks buddy).
i get down to the final two tables and loose KK to A8. think i mentioned it before.
Also i bought in for $80 here and if i make the money it is only $40
So now i can comment on different tournaments from Snooker to 4 Aces.
Snookers has the better tournament hands down. reason being the buy in is usually cheaper but the first place prize seems to be more. i have been trying to pay attention the pay outs when i go to 4 aces. usually it is around $500-$600 it seems like. where Snookers prize pool will be around $800-$1000 and players will always begg for a chop.. Plus the buy in at Snookers is cheaper over all, unless you don't rebuy at 4 Aces which you will never win if you do not do this.
As far as starting chips you get approximately 11k at Snookers with a decent blind level in the begginng. towards the end tho average stack is 10bb which is fine. Just don't freak out. if you know your push fold like (2black9s and myself) you should do well.
Where 4 Aces you can rebuy and get alot of chips, it doesn't seem to matter as the dealers take the smaller chips out of play leaving people only with 5k and 10k chips. so when a player makes a bet into a 3k pot they usually throw out there 5k chips which bloat the pot needlessly. Which helps knock people out fast but makes it harder for the people who are more solid post flop players. ( i think you have to make your decisions on the flop more in this tournament) Also because you have more chips it doesn't help as the blinds at the end seem to double. 1k/2k, 2k/4k, forgot the next level but i know 5k/10k isn't to far behind. Also i would like to add that because these are both Charity poker rooms they both have to close at 2am.
I will say this, i Do think that 4 Aces trys really hard to make their players happy, Same with Snookers. Most of the Dealers at snookers are better then most of the places i have played at so far. At Snookers they don't try to Argue with the players like i seen Yesterday( 8/26) at MOTOR City. I do Think that 4 Aces has some really Good Dealers, but i would say it is 50/50. either they suck completely or are Pretty Good. Which is Fine As they seem to have the worst dealers in the Tournaments. Cash Game Dealers at 4 aces seem to be the better ones.
As far as snookers the Players there seem more competent, and may have read a book or two. where at 4 Aces there most likely has been no book reading. Both places Players seem to play their hands face up which is good if you flop a monster as you get paid off.
the tournament usually has the weakest players at Snookers. the better players play the cash games there.

I will also say this. lately it seems that there are better players playing at 4 aces. but it is a good mix, weak passive and Overly Aggressive players where you will get paid. and Competent players. Which is good if you can sit down at the table, which really hasn't been a problem after 9-10 pm but before you might have a hard time. Most cash games i have seen at 4 Aces is 3. and is always 1/2 $50-$200.
Also the only other problem there beside the wait staff is they seem to sell out of the 15k allowed by the state. I guess Each charity can only sell out 15k each night. i guess Snookers has Cars, Tigers, Boats, and Michigan. where 4 Aces only has one. Which seems to be a problem.
Also i would like to Add that Snookers has alot of Tables compared to Any Charity the i have played so far. The Staff are pretty quick at getting you drinks, and they do try to run a consistent poker room. Altho i don't like a few rules they always seem to enforce them.
And the best part of 4 aces is their tables (Nicest so far even tho i hate the wood part). i think they could renovate the place a little bit. Or maybe get a Carpet company to clean the floors. the crowd seems alittle bit rougher but that allows for a professional poker player to make some money. Also you will get alot of people who will short stack towards the end. The other night i had $450 infront of me and everyone else had less then $100. mostly everyone having $50 or less. i decided they would be shoving the flop most of the time and decided to go home after 2 hours. +$301 which helped with the ass whooping i got from Snookers from a couple nights before.

I hope i didn't Ramble on too much and made a enjoyable post. If you guys like it then i will continue. if not i will try to make it shorter.
Detroit Quote
08-27-2011 , 10:39 PM
Thanks for the TR. Enjoyed the comparisons. I think those two are some of the better run rooms in the area. I vote for shorter TRs.
Detroit Quote
08-28-2011 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Jose313
Hey everyone, great tournament series coming up as the WSOP circuit hits the Horseshoe Hammond October 13th. It's only 4hrs away (10min from Chicago) and the fields will be huge due to all the added Main Event seats they will be giving away in every tournament and satellite running. Event#1 has a $500k guarantee!!!
Check out the link and if a few guys are interested in splitting gas and room cost to save on travel expenses PM me.
Hey whats up! thinking about going to Chicago on Thursday and playing Event #1 on Friday. i am having trouble finding the blind structure for this Tournament. I probably will be staying with my Friend in Algonquin.
Detroit Quote
08-28-2011 , 01:25 PM
Blind Structure will be the same (I presume) as the other stops. You can click on Bossier City and get the structure there. They shouldn't vary, but if they do, I can't imagine it being by much.
Detroit Quote
08-28-2011 , 01:30 PM
It is looking like I (and maybe twoblacknines) will be headed to MCC today, around 5. Anyone interested in meeting or saying hi, please PM.
I might add what table/seat I'm at from my mobile, but that remains to be seen.
Detroit Quote
08-28-2011 , 07:22 PM
LOL @ twoblack9s
Actually just left MCC at 4:30 after busting the $120 in 12th.
I seen the Royal Flush suit of the day pretty high, did he really hit it? That's awesome!
GL guys!
Detroit Quote
08-28-2011 , 07:51 PM
yea he did actually hit. But now is playing craps with all of it, so we'll see if he walks away with anything
Detroit Quote
08-28-2011 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by twoblack9s
yea he did actually hit. But now is playing craps with all of it, so we'll see if he walks away with anything
some people just hate money lol.
Detroit Quote
08-28-2011 , 11:48 PM
How often does 2/5 run at MCC?
Detroit Quote
08-29-2011 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by eastern motors
How often does 2/5 run at MCC?
Roughly 24/7
Detroit Quote
08-29-2011 , 01:46 AM
Two Black 9s is contemplating retirement.
His text read: No more pokerz.
Detroit Quote
08-29-2011 , 03:16 AM
Played at Snookers. lolz Some dude had $650+ - maybe even $800. (He ended up walking home with nothing) Was a crazy Aggressive player who has talent. i ****ing hate the guy but was nerveless intrigued by his play. Guy 100% doesn't care about money. He Fought for every hand. And to his Right was a guy who didn't care about money either. Made for a crazy night. i was down $400-$500 ended up walking with $475. That table was insane at the end. i actually played like a ******* to try and win my money back. And for some reason my head hurts. I think i blew my processor in my head, or something seriously needs to be replaced.
Made Two big bluffs tonight. got away with one and other guy hero called w Ten high flush. ( Thought Check Raise on the River would look super strong. opps)
Was pretty card dead tonight in the $100 tournament. Any one else play at Snookers tonight?
Detroit Quote
08-29-2011 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by MJCASRoma
I did not play craps with it all, just most of it.
I did win 3247.04. Jeff is currently grinding 2/5. I wish he would tweet his stack, as I have his action.
Headed to Bellaire for a few days. Drinking and golf to happen.
I actually walked out more than I won from the BBJ.
I run goot.
Grats. Still waiting for the TR.
Detroit Quote
08-29-2011 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by the village idiot1
Played at Snookers. lolz Some dude had $650+ - maybe even $800. (He ended up walking home with nothing) Was a crazy Aggressive player who has talent. i ****ing hate the guy but was nerveless intrigued by his play. Guy 100% doesn't care about money. He Fought for every hand. And to his Right was a guy who didn't care about money either. Made for a crazy night. i was down $400-$500 ended up walking with $475. That table was insane at the end. i actually played like a ******* to try and win my money back. And for some reason my head hurts. I think i blew my processor in my head, or something seriously needs to be replaced.
Made Two big bluffs tonight. got away with one and other guy hero called w Ten high flush. ( Thought Check Raise on the River would look super strong. opps)
Was pretty card dead tonight in the $100 tournament. Any one else play at Snookers tonight?
Was this 1/2 or the 2/5 round by round? Grats on the come back.
Detroit Quote
08-29-2011 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by MJCASRoma
Two Black 9s is contemplating retirement.
His text read: No more pokerz.
After 10(?) straight losing sessions, an inability to play any games that TwoBlack9s likes and/or actually beats for a decent hourly due to a corrupt government, and TwoBlack9s starting a new job in a few weeks, TwoBlack9s is contemplating retirement.
Detroit Quote
08-29-2011 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by twoblack9s
After 10(?) straight losing sessions, an inability to play any games that TwoBlack9s likes and/or actually beats for a decent hourly due to a corrupt government, and TwoBlack9s starting a new job in a few weeks, TwoBlack9s is contemplating retirement.
Just say you're not gonna play until the next time you play. Worked for me.
Detroit Quote
08-29-2011 , 03:13 PM
Mini TR –Maverick’s Port Huron

I played 1/2 NLHE for about an hour last night at Maverick’s. I sat down with the max buy-in of $100 and I cover all players. Everyone at the table was bad including me.

First hand I played I was on the button and limped in with Q9 offsuit after 5 other players had limped. Mistake #1: limping in with the rest of the fish with crappy hands. We go to the flop 8-handed. Flop is 9-3-5. SB bets $6 (pretty standard for this table, and obviously super exploitable). Middle position, spewy villain who likes to bluff calls, and it folds to me. I make it $21. SB folds and MP calls. Turn completes a straight with a 7. Check/check. Mistake #2: I didn’t have a plan; I should have bet/ folded here, or given up on the hand. River is an 8. There is no flush possible on the board. MP bets $20 into a pot of $70 leaves himself $15 behind. Ugh. I call and he shows K9 offsuit. Mistake #3: I don’t believe the bad players when they value bet. Sure he could be betting J9 or worst… not.

I try not to repeat the same rusty mistakes, and finally pick up T9 of clubs. I raise one limper to $11. I get two callers, the big blind and the limper. Flop is 7 high. Checks to me, and I shove my remaining $39. BB thinks a bit and calls, limper folds, and we flip up our cards. I have two overs for pair draws, with a backdoor flush draw and a really thin backdoor straight draw since he has pocket 8s. Ten on the turn, and ship it! I double up.

Last hand I am involved in I get AA on the big blind. Seven limpers get back to me and I pop it up to $18. Everyone folds except aggressive young guy on the button. He’s probably the closest thing to a winning player at the table (not saying much with this group). Flop is A-3-5. I check, he shoves his remaining $30, and I snap call. He doesn’t show, but mucks on the river. I end up the night with a small win in an hour’s work, my first winning session since I went busto in Vegas.
Detroit Quote
08-29-2011 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
Just say you're not gonna play until the next time you play. Worked for me.
I'm not gonna play until the next time I play...
Detroit Quote
08-29-2011 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
Mini TR –Maverick’s Port Huron

I played 1/2 NLHE for about an hour last night at Maverick’s. I sat down with the max buy-in of $100 and I cover all players. Everyone at the table was bad including me.

First hand I played I was on the button and limped in with Q9 offsuit after 5 other players had limped. Mistake #1: limping in with the rest of the fish with crappy hands. We go to the flop 8-handed. Flop is 9-3-5. SB bets $6 (pretty standard for this table, and obviously super exploitable). Middle position, spewy villain who likes to bluff calls, and it folds to me. I make it $21. SB folds and MP calls. Turn completes a straight with a 7. Check/check. Mistake #2: I didn’t have a plan; I should have bet/ folded here, or given up on the hand. River is an 8. There is no flush possible on the board. MP bets $20 into a pot of $70 leaves himself $15 behind. Ugh. I call and he shows K9 offsuit. Mistake #3: I don’t believe the bad players when they value bet. Sure he could be betting J9 or worst… not.

I try not to repeat the same rusty mistakes, and finally pick up T9 of clubs. I raise one limper to $11. I get two callers, the big blind and the limper. Flop is 7 high. Checks to me, and I shove my remaining $39. BB thinks a bit and calls, limper folds, and we flip up our cards. I have two overs for pair draws, with a backdoor flush draw and a really thin backdoor straight draw since he has pocket 8s. Ten on the turn, and ship it! I double up.

Last hand I am involved in I get AA on the big blind. Seven limpers get back to me and I pop it up to $18. Everyone folds except aggressive young guy on the button. He’s probably the closest thing to a winning player at the table (not saying much with this group). Flop is A-3-5. I check, he shoves his remaining $30, and I snap call. He doesn’t show, but mucks on the river. I end up the night with a small win in an hour’s work, my first winning session since I went busto in Vegas.
Mistake number 1 is going to Mavericks....

Detroit Quote
08-29-2011 , 09:28 PM
If the 5/10 mix game is still going on Thursday, you can count me in.

I am just some guy who lurks the forums, but I'll be there around 7:00 to donate some money.
Detroit Quote
08-29-2011 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Simon Ritchie
If the 5/10 mix game is still going on Thursday, you can count me in.

I am just some guy who lurks the forums, but I'll be there around 7:00 to donate some money.
Awesome. I believe it is still on. Everyone confirm?
Detroit Quote
