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Detroit Detroit

11-20-2012 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by otter
Is this the vote to allow places to combine charities or something else?
There's a number of proposals. The good ones would increase the amount of chips each charity can sell. Nothing about extending the 2 am curfew afaik.
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 12:59 PM
Even if the 2am law went away most places would close anyways since they can't serve alcohol after that point which is what the establishments need in order to make money since a lot of charities are in bowling alleys or with a bar/restaurant attached.

I wish it was like 4am for both charity poker and service of alcohol beverages but oh well.

The last hour is great action people are gambling it up hard chasing away. I'd love to know my 1am to 2am hourly rate it's got to be really good.
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 01:02 PM
Its a bit more docile than one might think at that time. By 1am there are usually 4-5 regs and one or two newbies all playing 1/2/5 with 2500 on the table.

I did witness a funny thing there the other day. We are all $400++ deep. Guy gets stacked in a $900 pot. Pulls out money, calls for $100. Kept talking about how he always plays deep when he can. Its not like he didn't have like 500+ on him. WTH is the point of buying in for 100.
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by otter
Is this the vote to allow places to combine charities or something else?
Yes and also to bump it up to 25k from 15k.
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 01:29 PM
Any updates on Cada's?
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 01:31 PM
Rumor has it the Black Friday tournament at Snookers will have antes! They tried it on the Friday night this past week I hear.
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 01:36 PM
So, no mandate on changing the opening/closing times/coffee expectations?
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by IDKMyBFFJill
So, no mandate on changing the opening/closing times/coffee expectations?
No, but I know a place with bad coffee and the stop dealing at 1:45 if that helps ya .
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 01:50 PM
Anyone play open face Chinese? I want to learn.
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Any updates on Cada's?
We heard from a well informed source at the mix game that it doesn't look good for any time soon. :-(
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Caveman921
Rumor has it the Black Friday tournament at Snookers will have antes! They tried it on the Friday night this past week I hear.
I think I get to play in that!
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 01:54 PM
I feel like last year me and gambit were at the bar in Cadas talking about the 25% revenue bill. Thats going to put a big hurt on rooms for sure if it gets through.
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
I think I get to play in that!
Indeed you do, thanks again!
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by BeerBottlez
Even if the 2am law went away most places would close anyways since they can't serve alcohol after that point which is what the establishments need in order to make money since a lot of charities are in bowling alleys or with a bar/restaurant attached.

I wish it was like 4am for both charity poker and service of alcohol beverages but oh well.

The last hour is great action people are gambling it up hard chasing away. I'd love to know my 1am to 2am hourly rate it's got to be really good.
I completely missed this post until now. I agree that many places rely on alcohol sales to survive and that 2am is a convenient closing time. However, take places like the Heidelberg and Trip Kings. The 'berg is located upstairs and could secure its own enterance/exit if so desired, with minimal/no effort. Trip Kings is in its own commercial retail space, so they don't have to worry about anything. Granted Heidelberg is only running one game at that time, but there aren't any games nearby, and is almost always hitting max rake. Trip Kings is a joke, but they have 1-2? tables or whatever game they are running at 2am most nights.
Then take Snookers. Didn't the original owners of Snookers sell the building to whoever owns the poker room a while back? A significant amount of their revenue comes from poker while the rest is from beer/food sales. I feel like most pots played between 2 and 4/5/6/7am would hit max rake anyway and that this might be enough to keep the doors open, even without alcohol sales. I wouldn't say no if they wanted to close the kitchen either.

Just a thought. I am not saying that every place should stay open, but a few in select areas would be really cool.
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Atarirob
I feel like last year me and gambit were at the bar in Cadas talking about the 25% revenue bill. Thats going to put a big hurt on rooms for sure if it gets through.
This is correct.

We were also getting hammered in the middle of the day too
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 02:50 PM
How about we all get to Snookers for breakfast at 9am before the tourney Friday?
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Caveman921
How about we all get to Snookers for breakfast at 9am before the tourney Friday?
What time do they open? 9?
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
What time do they open? 9?
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 03:09 PM
You obv do not do Thanksgiving right if you are hungry at 9 am the next day.
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
You obv do not do Thanksgiving right if you are hungry at 9 am the next day.
Or sober or awake or clothed
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Caveman921
Okay I will be there for breakfast.
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Caveman921
Yeah, but WTF? I thought at most places you couldn't use your electronics or notes during a hand.
but he's not really gaining any advantage. the skill necessary to properly use pokerstove is accurate range analysis, and as you know, everybody who plays the game is some level of bad at range analysis.

I'd allow it, but I'd also immediately call the clock on him. and I'd make beeping sounds. he should know the hell I had to go through when I was learning.
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 03:33 PM
It was nice playing with both purevida and slugger. The floor forgot to rack up my chips for dinner and when I got back I was picked up and my seat was gone. Just ended up leaving at that point.

I was glad to catch some run good. I think that QQ > AA hand was a cooler no matter who won the pot given the straddle and stack sizes. It was nice getting 2 PSB with quads as well.

It's hard to put into words how crazy that one orbit was considering the table wasn't too far out of the ordinary in terms of action. The average pot had was probably $700+. One lady went from $200 to $1300 in just a few hands with KK, QQ, and KK again.

Last edited by DreamIsDestiny; 11-20-2012 at 04:02 PM.
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
This is correct.

We were also getting hammered in the middle of the day too
Getting hammered in the middle of the day seems to be my best game.

BTW, im down for breakfast on friday. Plus i plan on having a goof of a time tomorrow at snookers. Can you register for the 7pm tournament at say noon tomorrow
Detroit Quote
11-20-2012 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by IDKMyBFFJill
I completely missed this post until now. I agree that many places rely on alcohol sales to survive and that 2am is a convenient closing time. However, take places like the Heidelberg and Trip Kings. The 'berg is located upstairs and could secure its own enterance/exit if so desired, with minimal/no effort. Trip Kings is in its own commercial retail space, so they don't have to worry about anything. Granted Heidelberg is only running one game at that time, but there aren't any games nearby, and is almost always hitting max rake. Trip Kings is a joke, but they have 1-2? tables or whatever game they are running at 2am most nights.
Then take Snookers. Didn't the original owners of Snookers sell the building to whoever owns the poker room a while back? A significant amount of their revenue comes from poker while the rest is from beer/food sales. I feel like most pots played between 2 and 4/5/6/7am would hit max rake anyway and that this might be enough to keep the doors open, even without alcohol sales. I wouldn't say no if they wanted to close the kitchen either.

Just a thought. I am not saying that every place should stay open, but a few in select areas would be really cool.
It's true a few rooms could definitely survive with the right amount of traffic to stay open but it gets to that area where only so many could do so. It's all about finding a comfortable medium and the state of Michigan probably feels it's 2am when alcohol cuts off.

I especially wish the law changed at least for weekend nights but it is what it is.
Detroit Quote
