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Detroit Detroit

07-07-2012 , 06:16 PM
No! You want to support my charity at BBT! "These are not the droids you're looking for.."
lol... too far

Plus, the last time I was there it wasnt very busy

But you never know, maybe you will see me up there
There were 30+ at the 4pm before I left at 10 till 4. Will tweet the status when I her there
Detroit Quote
07-07-2012 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
He took exception that I use a 4 syllable word he did not know. He thought I was insulting whatever school system he sporadically attended.

His greatest sin was that he didn’t have much money to donate to my student loans.

you showed him what's what. cheers, old bean.
Detroit Quote
07-07-2012 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
The more Turdzilla posts the more I'm on the other guys side.
Sorry, It's my birthday and I balancing before I enter Pon Farr.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
I hate to say this but Snookers is prob the best place for tourneys. They always have a ton of people registered.

The Sunday $100 use to be a consistent MTT... not sure how big it is anymore tho.
Yea that was one of the first places I checked but its close to a hr drive for me and my car is awful on gas mileage.

I was looking at places closer to my neck of the woods, northville downs and places around Wayne County.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 01:44 AM
So i thought the tournament started at 7pm today. Opps. i registered an hour late. Sat down and kept folding.

I Raised w AK and tried to trap a aggressive player in seat 4. he ended up check folding to me. "Ace high good he says?" i just smiled.

he kept playing alot of hands as well as the other players. I jammed AK on seat 4 a couple more times and could tell he wasn't pleased. The table started to get upset. Very next hand seat 4 limps in like usual and seat 8 raises. I look down at AK again. i have 33,900 and think for a minute. 700/1400 i decided to jam. Seat 4 sighs and folds flipping over the Queen of spades. Seat 8 calls for almost his entire stack. He flips over AQsuited. I am happy until i see the flop. GG me.

i walk around for about 15 minutes to decide if i want to play cash. I pretty much have 1 bullet. i sit down with $120 and commence Operation folding. I get some pretty good reads and realize there is 2 at most competent players. One who is on my right but seems to be really spewy. Only guy who is capable of making a move is on my Right and he is terrible. Everyone is pretty much weak passive.

I pick up AKof hearts and call an abnormal raise of $16 preflop. Biggest raise was $12 so far. flop comes 10s 9c 6s. I check and to my surprise 5 other players check. turn is king of spades and i am not sure what to do. i make a mistake and check as does the rest of the table. 8 hearts hits the River and i think it is possible i have some value so i bet $25. BB calls and says" your probably good here" i flip my hand over and he says "straight" I can only get mad at myself for misplaying my hand.

Very next hand 5 players limp and i am on the button with Aces, i make a big raise. Not sure how much. but utg +1 Reraises and everyone folds. I jam w no fold equity and he calls with 44. i double up and am sitting with $160+

a few orbits go by and i pick up 6s6d. Everyone limps and i just complete and we see the flop 6 handed. flop comes 642 rainbow and i lead out. Everyone folds except an older lady in seat 3. she seems pretty happy about her hand. Turn comes the worst card in the deck. 3 of clubs on the turn and i am pretty much unhappy as it gives alot of small suited cards like 45 and 57 a straight.
Not sure if this was a mistake but i check the turn to see what see does. she thinks for a while then checks. At this point i think she doesn't have a straight. I assume she has an over pair to the board or maybe some strong hand, where she doesn't like the turn card.
I lead the River for value when the Jack of clubs hit, totally preparing to puke if she raises. i bet $37 as a value bet/ blocker bet. And she tanks. i start to think to myself "am i really going to fold here?
She starts thinking and i could see that heart heart is racing. I start to think that the raise is coming. Her chest turns red as i imagine her blood starts to race threw her veins. I can only think that in some weird way i am beat and start thinking "Am i really going to fold here?
Eventually she tanks and just calls. I think "whew". She flips over 22 and i instantly go DJK:fLJKSJFJSJDFJJDFKKKK in my head as i feel like the 3 cost me some value.

a few hands later i pick up KK in the small blind and i isolate some guys $14 all in. he has A7 and flops an ace on the flop. which i am fine with as i lost the minimum.

i wait a few hands pick up some more chips w 9Tdd then decided to leave a winner. I think building my confidence for live is pretty important. Pretty happy to leave the cash table with $112 profit for 2 hours.

i would like to play the tournament tomorrow but i don't have the roll for it. I would love to have Jose back me for this one but whatever. I guess i will grind online. I am really happy how i played today and hopefully i can grind my roll back up.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by Burdman2321
Yea that was one of the first places I checked but its close to a hr drive for me and my car is awful on gas mileage.

I was looking at places closer to my neck of the woods, northville downs and places around Wayne County.
the electric slick has the biggest tourneys in our area. they're generally low-stakes, but they get huge turnouts.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
the electric slick has the biggest tourneys in our area. they're generally low-stakes, but they get huge turnouts.
Yea i was looking at Canton trip Kings and Northville Downs, would u say there tourneys are good/bad?
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 02:52 AM
Lost some money playing the RxR at snookers yesterday but I'm not discouraged by that, playing the hundo there today.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by Burdman2321
Yea i was looking at Canton trip Kings and Northville Downs, would u say there tourneys are good/bad?
i'd rank them slick > downs > kkk

the slick has the biggest turnouts in the west for their tourneys, and those tourneydonks spill over into the ring games, with a lot of buying and rebuying short. downs have good tournaments, a little over 1/2 the size of comparable electric slick tourneys, and they've got a special kind of old**** hopeless gamblor that's there for both poker and the otb. i've only been to kkk once and the money changers were so incompetent it made me wanna flip tables over and scream at the people in a rage.

i like that NVD tourneys generally start later in the day and usually go to around 1am. and their website is readable.

Last edited by ScreaminAsian; 07-08-2012 at 03:38 AM.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 03:49 AM
haha awesome, I'm a bit burnt out of Cash games in general and I'm just looking for some close tourneys, I looked up cadas and snookers and never knew how far they were from Livonia.

I'll have to check electric out, i was looking over KKK and Downs while i was at my homegame today a bit but electric has got my attention now with the good words.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 04:11 AM
fwiw if you're in livonia docs is in a pretty easy location to get to and has amazing cash games. i've never played a tourney there cause their big weekly is on a ****in sunday lol, but there's a $100 tourney there today, and i imagine the weak-ass players who toss around loads during the week will play it.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
fwiw if you're in livonia docs is in a pretty easy location to get to and has amazing cash games. i've never played a tourney there cause their big weekly is on a ****in sunday lol, but there's a $100 tourney there today, and i imagine the weak-ass players who toss around loads during the week will play it.
Yea i played cash there a few times, wasn't full stacked and didn't play well, and im busto college kid so I'm looking for smaller buy in ones. But i love all the help
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 02:07 PM
anyone that has played at the Doc's "deep stack"... (thinking of going today...)

-how many players do they usually get?
-not really a deep stack, right? they only have until 1:30am or so...
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 02:56 PM
FYI there is no more deep stack tourney at Doc's on Sunday nights. They said it's been "months" since they had it. Umich poker still has it listed...

going to the Electric Slick for the 4 pm $55 buyin..
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by boutrous11
FYI there is no more deep stack tourney at Doc's on Sunday nights. They said it's been "months" since they had it. Umich poker still has it listed...

going to the Electric Slick for the 4 pm $55 buyin..
Good luck sir. I may play Taylor Lanes this Friday.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 09:01 PM
ugh so frustrating top ten stack w 99. [2d 5c 9h] against KQ for a top ten stack on Merge.
*** TURN *** [Jd]
River wait for it
*** RIVER *** [Th]

down to last tournament w top three stack. I possibly might go and play up at 4Aces In Roseville. Is that place still open?
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 10:38 PM
AK<KJ and KJ in a merge donkament for top stack and two bounties but still a bit from money. No doubt that site is rigged or has super users...

I'll be playing some pokers this friday. Probably head to MCC again but have been thinking of checking out some of the other charities other than Big Beav Tav and Shark's club in Howell. I'll have to check out tournament times and such, but based on location and sheer numbers I'm thinking Electric Stick.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by Burdman2321
Yea i was looking at Canton trip Kings and Northville Downs, would u say there tourneys are good/bad?
electric stick has huge fields. Due to this, their structure is sicko fast so they can finish by 2am. NVD has smaller fields, but their structure is a bit slower. Final Tables are avg of 10bb stacks, but if you play correctly you can do very well. I would say I am ITM about 40% of the time with ~100 tournaments played at NVD.

Also Mondays NVD has a 6max tourney and NOBODY there knows how to play 6max.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 10:49 PM
Lies! I know 2 people that do. Myself and another. But you are right, almost no one plays 6 max tourneys optimally there. Its great.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 10:52 PM
hah. I used to be a huge reg up at NVD, but my work schedule switched to nights so I dont get up there to often anymore. You play strictly tourneys up there or cash as well? I was a huge cash palyer up there up until about 6-7 months ago.
Detroit Quote
07-08-2012 , 11:34 PM
i used to play a good amount at NVD cash games. but since starting to play later, i just head to MCC so dont have to be done by 2 am.
Detroit Quote
07-09-2012 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by GoingBroke777
i used to play a good amount at NVD cash games. but since starting to play later, i just head to MCC so dont have to be done by 2 am.
the golden time between 1 and 1:45 in the AM is something to behold, though. all the action players ramp up the action to try to win all their money back soon cause time's running out!

worth splitting up your night between 2 cardrooms. i feel like i always end up seein something special.
Detroit Quote
07-09-2012 , 12:32 AM
Why do I ever buy in short? Dusted off the equivalent of two buyins in three "sessions" today (pre-tourney, post-tourney and post dinner). Buying in for $200 each time would've helped play postflop today #imstillafish
Detroit Quote
07-09-2012 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by BananaJammers
electric stick has huge fields. Due to this, their structure is sicko fast so they can finish by 2am. NVD has smaller fields, but their structure is a bit slower. Final Tables are avg of 10bb stacks, but if you play correctly you can do very well. I would say I am ITM about 40% of the time with ~100 tournaments played at NVD.

Also Mondays NVD has a 6max tourney and NOBODY there knows how to play 6max.
Thanks for the advice, i plan on playing one this week most likely, what do they usually play like? tight? aggro donks stuff haha.
Detroit Quote
07-09-2012 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
the golden time between 1 and 1:45 in the AM is something to behold, though. all the action players ramp up the action to try to win all their money back soon cause time's running out!

worth splitting up your night between 2 cardrooms. i feel like i always end up seein something special.
yea for sure those are great times when they tell you only hour left or what every, also got to love the guys wanting to do show downs for 50-200 dollars. I've hit a 50 dollar show down with 6-8 people couple times to bring me back to even or positive for the night so not going to complain.
Detroit Quote
