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Detroit Detroit

01-06-2012 , 12:23 AM

I was just bored and figured this thread needed some pictures or something.

FWIW, ScreamimAsian posts better pics
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 02:03 AM

hey everybody!

after months of dedication to being a great 4L poster, you end up with a premium flickr account just loaded with semi-nude pictures of fine broads and memegenerators and stuff like this:

that's just a random sampling of my photostream while trying to find this wallpaper to give you, but i couldn't find it. that's how massive this photostream is. or it shows how little patience i have. and we'll never know which it is. but here's the wallpaper i was talking about (NSFW i think):
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 02:14 AM
Thanks... I am gonna use this one for sure!

Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 03:35 AM
i would play in a plo/plo8 rxr game if the game got going early. I have plans to watch the lions game at night.

Originally Posted by sevup
Trying to gauge if theres any interest in either a plo8 or plo8/plo rxr this saturday at Cada's.....reply either in the thread or pm if you think you might wanna play and which one...
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by sevup
Trying to gauge if theres any interest in either a plo8 or plo8/plo rxr this saturday at Cada's.....reply either in the thread or pm if you think you might wanna play and which one...
I am probably a no.

If that changes I will send you a PM
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 10:15 AM
Have to get back to you. Hoping to play in it.
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 10:29 AM
I'd prefer to play PLO8 straight up, but would be willing to play PLO/PLO8 if it gets more people in seats. That being said, I'm more than 50% likely to be absent due to potential plans to watch the game with a couple of friends.

On a semi-related note, the PLO8 game at Pampa's started a bit late (surprise!) but had a full table until 15 minutes to close. So, it looks like the recent drop in attendance was mostly due to the holidays and the game is back in full force. If this keeps up, any talk of moving the game will be moot. I'm starting to collect phone numbers from people so that M isn't the only person that can get people to show up.

Regarding M, he put on a show. Between singing and doing cartoonish voice imitations, I thought that a couple of players might hit him with a chair.
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by sevup
Trying to gauge if theres any interest in either a plo8 or plo8/plo rxr this saturday at Cada's.....reply either in the thread or pm if you think you might wanna play and which one...
I'm in for the PLO/PLO8 game at Cada's. Let me know what time.
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
I'm in for the PLO/PLO8 game at Cada's. Let me know what time.
My odds of playing just greatly increased
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 02:20 PM
Long Trip Report at Motor City (heater), Tuesday night

I arrived and sat down immediately at a must move 2/5 table. This table was uncharacteristically nitty, as I racked up my 100bb to sit down. Over the first hour as a result of this nittyness, I decided to expand my range a bit. 2 limpers in LP, I would get speculative hands like QT in BB and squeeze, 66 same thing, taking down $20 pots uncontested. By doing this over the first hour I grew my stack to about $570. I even raised with hands like 95 otb as the blinds looked uninterested 2 times.

A fairly rocky start

First hand that went past the flop for me: A7 in the BB. 2 limps, villain makes it $15 (lol) from the button. He has been really weak tight, and have seen him raise big with large pairs, and limp with KQo even in LP, so his range here is probably a mid pp or a suited broadway. I elect to call, fully expecting to be 4 ways. I normally fold my BB and only call with a much tighter range, but I flatted here as villains are literally only playing their hands and nitty.

Flop comes out 753 rainbow. I check, one of the limpers bets $25, Orgional raiser folds, and I flat. Turn is the 8 . I decide to set my own price and donk into him, to evaluate the strength of his hand. I bet $45, and he calls pretty quickly. I wanted to set my price and to charge hands like 86, 98, 78, 76, etc. and not have to face a likely $60 bet with less sense of his hand strength by c/calling or c./folding. River was a 2, and we checked it down. He shows up with 99 and scoops. This right here shows how weak some of the play was early. Villain was in MP and limped 99.

A couple hands later I pick up KK. There is a raise to 20$ by the same Weaktihgt player, I 3 bet to $65 and he quickly calls. I put him on a range squarely of 88-QQ and AK/AQ

Flop is decent, comes out 1082
Villain checks, I bet $85, he quickly calls. Turn is a nasty Q giving me little reason to commit. If I bet I am committed, and only 99 and JJ are hands I am getting real value out of, and he doesnt call unless he is live with a
I elect to check, river is a 9 he bets $130 and I fold with 100% certainty I am beat.

Leave the must-move table, and get card-racked

So I am stuck $200, NBD at 2/5. I add on 200 and sit down at the new table. I am in for $700 with about a $490 stack. I get 33 in MP. 1 limper, 2 people posting from LP and I just limp fully expecting for the people behind me to want to call a raise if I raised since they has $7 invested. So raising 33 here is for sure spew. 6 ways to the flop, and the flop comes out Q73 bink!
I lead out for $25, get 1 caller. Turn is the K I dont mind this card and my range looks more like Qx and his range is Qx or FD. I bet $65 and he immediately raises to $200. Bingo, I think he has Kx with that raise, maybe KQ or a cooler with 77. I crush most of his range, and shove overtop to get instacalled by K5 . 10 on the river and i instascoop at the new table. My stack is about ~1k.

I pick up 66 in the SB. UTG has been quiet so far, and raises to $10 not sure what to think of the small raise, but there is 3 callers and I call. Flop comes out K76 Bink!
Origional raiser bets $60, 1 call, and I c/raise to $270, essentially putting origional raiser all in. He has 77 and its set over set. Oops. He was literally so quiet that I can get away from bottom set if he has 180bb or more probably.

Stack dwindles back to break even $700, until I pick up TT in the CO. Hijack has been quiet, raising little. The times he has raised he played very straightforward, only betting his made hands. He raises to $15, and I am putting him on basically broadways. I elect to just call because the table is not playing too tough and I can bink a set or have showdown value on favorable flops. I call and 2 others call. Flop comes 842 checks to me, I bet $50. Button calls. Turn is the 3 I bet $100, he quickly calls. River is the 7 and we both check. I intended to call a river bet as only gutshots got there and busted FD was heavily in his range. He was definitly capable of bluffing. He showd 97 and mucked. Phew

I then get AQ UTG+2. There is a straddle of $10, so I make it $40. I get 2 callers, both competent but they are both OOP.
Action flop of 874
I love this flop because one of the villains is a bit on tilt, and this is a spot where both villains know I am TAG and wouldnt commit to $900 with an overpair on this board. So I decide to make a 1/2 PSB to give them a false sense of my fold equity to induce semi bluffs and made 1 pair hands. I bet just over 1/2 the pot, to $70 and get insta check/raised by one of the competent villains to $190. He has $600 back before the hand. I tank for a minute and shove. He calls. Turn is the 10 River a complete blank and I scoop with the NF. He mucks. Run good =)

Later I get 22 in the SB, and do what I do best, bink another set.
5 ways to the flop, flop comes 972 I lead out for $25 and get 2 calls. Turn is the 3 and I bet $100. He raises me to 300 with 200$ back. At this point I know I am way ahead. I think he has top 2 or some monster draw, because I saw him raise to $25 with 66, etc from MP earlier. This is the same villain that raised me earlier with K5 . I shove and he insta calls with 108 I hold up again!

This was the craziest hand of the night:

Just after I scooped with 22, I get AQ offsuit UTG and raise to $20, I get 2 calls. 1 from a weak tight and 1 from a player who played passive for 4 hours, but in the last hour has been spewy, bluffy, and really active as he is now stuck around $800.

Flop comes out AK5 rainbow. I lead out $40, and get 1 call from the spewy guy OTB. Turn is an offsuit 8
I decide to pot control and give him room to take a stab, as I am good here over 90% of the time. I think he 3 bets AK pre and bottom set is all I am really worried about. He bets $75, about 1/2 the pot and I call. River is a nice 3 for a blank. I decide a check is fine given his activity, but I wanted to get max value the times he has a smaller ace. I bet $150, a strong bet. He tanks for like 25 seconds and accounces a raise to my surprise.

He raises to $375, with all green chips (gross). I sit for about 3 minutes and get the clock called on me. I say to myself, this is what I get for playing this hand a bit unorthodox; but at the same time, I may have induced a desperation bluff by a guy who is forcing the issue. I say to myself, nothing makes sense, as my perceived range has AK in it, so his range here is so polarized. I think he only calls my strong-ish river bet with 2 pair seeing that AK is out there. My line is pretty strong, (bet, c/call and lead large OTR,) so its either bottom set on flop or air with Kx or JT/QJ. I decide I am getting a good price to call, and make the call. He insta mucks and said, NH.

I played it unorthodox, but believe I get max value from him given his current mental state. My night wouldnt have been so huge if I made the incorrect fold.

FWIW I had 33 in the BB. Couple hands later the same tilted guy makes it $25, and gets 1 call. I ended up making a super nitty fold since he was raising so wide pre, I was OOP and I didnt think I would neccessarily get paid if I connected, so less implied odds. I made the nitty fold, and of course I bink bottom set AGAIN!

Flop went T 8 3 rainbow. Here is the way the sequence of betting went, and you guys tell me if there was a chance I would have been actually coolered, bc his line looked really strong. Origional raiser bets $50, guy calls. Turn is K and he checks, caller bets $80, Origional raiser raises to $250 with no hesitation! I think I am either wayyyy behind or hes drawing absolutely dead on this board to my 33. The $50 flop cbet was really strong, and in the past we checked most whiffed flops.

All in all these were the large pots, and I was on a sick heater. My sets held up against other people's draws, I hit my flush in a huge pot, etc. I am very thankful that I have ran well over an 8 session sample size at 2/5 in the last month, as it has allowed me and my roll to continue to keep distance from 1/2. I know, this was Probably TL;DR, but thanks for all of you that took the time to read. What a way to start 2012. I won $2140 and seeing that my friend who is a really good player and I split 50/50 when we go together to reduce variance a bit, I won $1750 as he scooped a nice $1400 win

Last edited by Pay4Myschool; 01-06-2012 at 02:50 PM.
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 02:53 PM
Sick heater, bro. Your shove with AQhh is the kind of aggression that separates most passive players from winners imo. Relentless aggression is so hard to maintain. Except for the AQ hand where you made the nice call, I like how your not slow playing big hands and monsters and just building pots on every street. Great TR!
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 02:58 PM
What do you think about the 33 hand preflop? I know its nitty... Also, what do you think he had based on the action? I was very very curious
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
What do you think about the 33 hand preflop? I know its nitty... Also, what do you think he had based on the action? I was very very curious
Depends how deep he was at that time. I call if he has $300+. I know you and I disagree on the exact implied odds needed based on our discussion in my blog, but I'm starting to lean more towards your end of the spectrum.

On the turn this looks like KT. I don't think he bets that much on the flop defending KK on such a dry board. In his frame of mind I think you're ahead most of his range. You stack him, again. Wow, how sick would that have been.

Your session actually reminds me of one time I played at MGM where this guy was bragging to his table mate about how easy it was to win at 1/2 if you just wait to hit sets against people. He called oop when I 3 bet with KK, along comes the original raiser, and the flop comes K-9-3. Bragging villain checks, next guy bets half pot, I smooth call, get shoved on by bragging villain and he does this move like he's shooting pistols and whispers to his buddy, "like shooting fish in a barrel." Next to act folds AK (he showed after I called), and of course I call and stack villain who had 99. He got up and left without saying a word lol.
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 04:51 PM
Yeah, I was thinking AK or KT. He was $600 deep. I may have left $700 on the table results oriented (omgsh) and yeah, calling with 33 is probably better than folding pre, but being OOP along wiht a wider range makes this a faily unattractive set mining spot. Mathmatically this is an easy set mining spot.
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
I'm in for the PLO/PLO8 game at Cada's. Let me know what time.
Was thinking 6ish as normal but if it needs to be earlier for some that have lions plans then that works too... right now you and I are the only for sure's Omaha, probably need at least a couple more guarantees to show to have a chance of this running.
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 06:42 PM
Nice trip report Pay4MySchool. I haven't played for about a month so your post just got my psyched for some 2/5 tonight. Anyone else gonna be playing at MCC?
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 07:01 PM
^^^ slight chance I go tonight.
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by JoePo
Nice trip report Pay4MySchool. I haven't played for about a month so your post just got my psyched for some 2/5 tonight. Anyone else gonna be playing at MCC?
I'm sitting on table 12 right now. Playing 2/5 until 1 am
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by DreamIsDestiny
I'm sitting on table 12 right now. Playing 2/5 until 1 am
What seat I'm seat 7
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by JoePo
What seat I'm seat 7
I was in 10. I got moved to table 6 seat 9. Just had middle set in a set over set over set. Got it in on the flop vs bottom set and an overpair. Overpair hit on river.
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by DreamIsDestiny
I was in 10. I got moved to table 6 seat 9. Just had middle set in a set over set over set. Got it in on the flop vs bottom set and an overpair. Overpair hit on river.
Wow, three sets? That's nasty.
Detroit Quote
01-07-2012 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by DreamIsDestiny
I was in 10. I got moved to table 6 seat 9. Just had middle set in a set over set over set. Got it in on the flop vs bottom set and an overpair. Overpair hit on river.
^^This reminds me of a hand from the Mt. Pleasant limit holdem heyday...20/40 lhe game, flop comes something like 6 7 j rainbow and gets capped 3 ways....turn a blank, gets capped again with nobody just calling, all raising, seemed likely that it could be set over set over set the way the action goes on flop and turn....river pairs the 7, and the nice elderly gentleman on the button looks at the other two with a straight face and says "Don't bet guys, I've got it" or something simliar. Younger guy is first to act and looks at him puzzled, as he just turned jacks full , and bets , guy with bottom set realized he's beat and folds, elder gentleman with quads raises, gets reraised, then caps with quads. After the pot's shipped the player who folded bottom full turns to Mr jacks full and says "you dumb f***, he told you not to bet."
Was priceless to be there as jacks full and sixes full were adversaries that didn't care for each other, and were arguably the two best players in the room at the time. I believe Mr jacks full still plays at motor city regularly in the higher nl games and occasionally in the 5/10 plo at greektown. He's probably the best poker player I've ever played with in Michigan in 20 some years and I'm sure alot of you have played with him....His initials are T.T. and he used to sign up on the lists as "Montana banana". He may even post on here and might have something to add to my recollection of the hand.
Detroit Quote
01-07-2012 , 12:51 AM
That's me.
Detroit Quote
01-07-2012 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
Yeah, I was thinking AK or KT. He was $600 deep. I may have left $700 on the table results oriented (omgsh) and yeah, calling with 33 is probably better than folding pre, but being OOP along wiht a wider range makes this a faily unattractive set mining spot. Mathmatically this is an easy set mining spot.
I like where you're going with your game bro. But there's a fine line between being aggressive and spewey. I think you're diciplined enough and the fact that you don't tilt that you will never really worry about crossing into the darkside like I have.

I mean sometimes my logic in a hand is "this guys a pussy, I'm just going to shove it down his throat" That's some great high level thinking by me.
Detroit Quote
01-07-2012 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by Pharoah00
fine line between being aggressive and spewey...darkside...I mean sometimes my logic in a hand is "this guys a pussy, I'm just going to shove it down his throat"

Also, it's nice to know I'm not the only one in the asylum. Cheers.
Detroit Quote
