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Detroit Detroit

01-04-2012 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by undrscr
Intro time.

Forum lurker for awhile... Moved back to Detroit after a 6 year absence. Played religiously at greektown before I moved, now back and could be considered a reg there.

Played at MCC for the first time today (50-200). Is it always that freaking busy? Played for a couple hours, ran into some other regs and a dealer from GT. Did well, ran good, made some hero moves. Cashed out up and now nitting it up in front of the tv.

Probably done with GT for a bit. Had a punch thrown at me the day before new years. Some drunk ass/loud mouth that I didn't verbally back down to... glancing blow, glad I noticed it coming because the dude had a good size advantage. Big floor dude had him out before I even realized what was going on.

Anyways. See some of you around. I'm usually lurking in a black hoodie, talking entirely too much at the table. I'm sure I've played with some of you already.

Welcome to the thread. Feel free to post whenever. The more active you are on here, the more fun you will have.

Good luck with the games downtown
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by crazyb16
Thanks. I'm here waiting and nothing is more tilting than waiting for a seat and watching the guy ahead of me on the list buy in for $40.
Nothing more awesome then sitting at the table and looking at a guy who buys in for $40
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
How did you end up doing last night? And why do you choose Monday nights to play down there?
I actually had the best night of my life, winning 2.1k. I went 50/50 with my friend who won 1400,so the end result was +1750 =)

I have pics but my phone is super old and not sure how to upload on this. And I chose some weekday nights because its what fits my schedule. The game has like no dropoff no joke
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
I actually had the best night of my life, winning 2.1k. I went 50/50 with my friend who won 1400,so the end result was +1750 =)

I have pics but my phone is super old and not sure how to upload on this. And I chose some weekday nights because its what fits my schedule. The game has like no dropoff no joke
Grats on the big score!! Were there multiple contributors? I always wonder about the type of table you need for big wins like that. You cashed out with 4+ buyins! TR?
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 12:52 PM
^^^^ I will give a TR, it will be a long one. I will give one by the end of week!
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
I actually had the best night of my life, winning 2.1k. I went 50/50 with my friend who won 1400,so the end result was +1750 =)

I have pics but my phone is super old and not sure how to upload on this. And I chose some weekday nights because its what fits my schedule. The game has like no dropoff no joke

Its always a cool feeling walking out of the casino after a good score.

Last edited by gambit8888; 01-04-2012 at 02:25 PM. Reason: MCC 5/10 time???
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 02:48 PM
Regarding the 5/10 question, I'm sure he's going to wait to have the bankroll for it. He just got to 2/5! Looking forward to the TR. Any of the other MCC regs in this thread top $2100 cash at 2/5? 420 bb ftw.
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 03:05 PM
must be nice to run good @ 2/5.
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
So the final table starts with 15 seconds left in the round. Blinds are 20k/40k. I have 260k and am first to act... I fold. We go on break after this hand.

So Im on break and watching some football and notice the clock had been paused. I walk back to the final table and am imformed that everyone is chopping????? What the ****? At this point I say "thats cool.. ever consider asking everyone first if they agree to this"?

At this point, a lady that made the final table ( we will just call her crack head lady) begins to beg me to agree. Literally BEGS!!!

Im pretty pissed about sitting there all night, making a final table and then not finishing it but I end up agreeing because its late and I have to work in the morning, plus I end up making +$200.

While waiting for the money, another gentlemen walks up and asks what is going on. He too was at the final tabel and wasnt asked either. Again, the crack head lady steps in and begs him also and he caves in.

Lame...Stupid... Waste of Time

-Dont play cards with crack heads.

Jesus Christ, this post tilts me so bad. I'm assuming it's the red-headed, cracked out looking lady that runs around the table when there's 15 left trying to get the whole room to chop. When I FT'd last week, she informed us that she had $240 into this $10 rebuy (although she said she had horses) and was pleading to chop 15 ways where we'd all get $200 or so. At one point when we were down to 10 she had 1 BB utg and still was obnoxiously trying to push the chop. She may be the reason I'll never go back.
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Jesus Christ, this post tilts me so bad. I'm assuming it's the red-headed, cracked out looking lady that runs around the table when there's 15 left trying to get the whole room to chop. When I FT'd last week, she informed us that she had $240 into this $10 rebuy (although she said she had horses) and was pleading to chop 15 ways where we'd all get $200 or so. At one point when we were down to 10 she had 1 BB utg and still was obnoxiously trying to push the chop. She may be the reason I'll never go back.

She is an older lady that sucks, and I mean S-U-C-K-S, at poker. She had the lowest stack when we started the FT. I regret agreeing to the chop because she recieved a hand out from all of us. She annoys the **** out of me and if I never talk to her again I would be happy.

It a shame that people like that go to Four Aces... I really do like the staff there and alot of my friends go there also. It just sucks having to deal with all the ****ed up random people.
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 04:18 PM
Not you, my man, just the fact that said lady single-handedly makes that room miserable and the fact that she's able to buy her way to the final table and then plea to breakeven is just so annoying. I typically only go there when I want to and/or am hammered and try to entertain myself for $10 for a few hours but it's people like her that make me rather stay away.
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Jesus Christ, this post tilts me so bad. I'm assuming it's the red-headed, cracked out looking lady that runs around the table when there's 15 left trying to get the whole room to chop. When I FT'd last week, she informed us that she had $240 into this $10 rebuy (although she said she had horses) and was pleading to chop 15 ways where we'd all get $200 or so. At one point when we were down to 10 she had 1 BB utg and still was obnoxiously trying to push the chop. She may be the reason I'll never go back.
lmao cause I know exactly who you're talking about. very loud and obnoxious.
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
Regarding the 5/10 question, I'm sure he's going to wait to have the bankroll for it. He just got to 2/5! Looking forward to the TR. Any of the other MCC regs in this thread top $2100 cash at 2/5? 420 bb ftw.
+ $2500 ... my first time ever playing 2/5 ... not just at MC but 2/5 in general. lol

I had a good week prior at the 1/2 game, playing everyday and cashing out over $1000 so I decided to try out the bigger game. Obviously pretty nervous at first but that went away within an orbit or so. Hardest part imo with regards to the move up from 1/2 is not letting bet sizes psychologically affect your play. i.e. i folded trips to a river bet of $175, which was approx. less than 1/2 pot, when in a 1/2 game I probably snap call. I played pretty tight early on but after a couple hours got impatient. I was sitting around 550-600 and straddled for $10. A couple of limpers when it gets to the btn who raises to 60. Now, I had noticed he had raised his btn the last few orbits and decided beforehand if he did this time around I would make a move. It gets to me and I have Q6o. I raise to 180, folds to him and he tanks. He eventually calls and i'm thinkin, oh ****, well it was fun while it lasted. I know that i have to shove regardless the flop which comes Q J 10 r. I shove, he tanks and eventually calls. Turn is a blank. River is a Q. I say I think i rivered you and show the Q. He shows KK and asks to see the other card and isnt too happy when I show. Ooohs n ahhs and fist bumps from my side of the table and just like that the tight image I had built up, dissolves. I got lucky, sucked out and ran with it the rest of the night.
Detroit Quote
01-04-2012 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
This thread has taken off to a whole new level so it almost needs to be a daily thing to keep up.
That's the truth for sure, even missing a day or 2 you have to go through a couple pages to catch up. 'Grats on your MCC score too!

Originally Posted by layitdwn72
anyone have any insight about the room at Vision Lanes in Westland?
In my area, yes, but I have not played there. I just finally ventured to Electric Stick last week.... still need to post a TR, I'll get around to it eventually. For now, about to be going to a friend's new house for a game.
Detroit Quote
01-05-2012 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by ollierye
+ $2500 ... my first time ever playing 2/5 ... not just at MC but 2/5 in general. lol

I had a good week prior at the 1/2 game, playing everyday and cashing out over $1000 so I decided to try out the bigger game. Obviously pretty nervous at first but that went away within an orbit or so. Hardest part imo with regards to the move up from 1/2 is not letting bet sizes psychologically affect your play. i.e. i folded trips to a river bet of $175, which was approx. less than 1/2 pot, when in a 1/2 game I probably snap call. I played pretty tight early on but after a couple hours got impatient. I was sitting around 550-600 and straddled for $10. A couple of limpers when it gets to the btn who raises to 60. Now, I had noticed he had raised his btn the last few orbits and decided beforehand if he did this time around I would make a move. It gets to me and I have Q6o. I raise to 180, folds to him and he tanks. He eventually calls and i'm thinkin, oh ****, well it was fun while it lasted. I know that i have to shove regardless the flop which comes Q J 10 r. I shove, he tanks and eventually calls. Turn is a blank. River is a Q. I say I think i rivered you and show the Q. He shows KK and asks to see the other card and isnt too happy when I show. Ooohs n ahhs and fist bumps from my side of the table and just like that the tight image I had built up, dissolves. I got lucky, sucked out and ran with it the rest of the night.
Not sure what it is, but the bets at the 2/5 dont scare me at all. The money value has not gotten to me and if anything, I am more aggro at 2/5.
Detroit Quote
01-05-2012 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
Not sure what it is, but the bets at the 2/5 dont scare me at all. The money value has not gotten to me and if anything, I am more aggro at 2/5.
2-5 is a much better game, most people who play 1-2 are in it for fun and don't gamble much.

1-2 is so much easier to reload then 2-5 is if you get stuck, well from my stand point!!! But a good run in 2-5 is 2-4k where the most I have ever won in 1-2 is 1500 or so give or take 200.

2-5 is such a great game when people buy in for 100bbs or are able to buy in deeper which is really better (hate to say a cap is better like 300bbs, because over that the game changes way to much, and people nut peddle)...
Detroit Quote
01-05-2012 , 02:01 AM
Yeah the deep games bother me. I've got a ton of practice (prob around 2 million hands) playing 100-200bb deep. The 5th and 6th bets 400bb deep are just soooo hard.
Detroit Quote
01-05-2012 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
Any of the other MCC regs in this thread top $2100 cash at 2/5?.
Detroit Quote
01-05-2012 , 03:41 AM
last 3 2/5 sessions included: top boat < quads, losing 2k pot pair + FD < FD, KK < J8 everything draw, AA < 86o on 56Qss, nut flush draw < set, set, oesd(lol), 2pair < everything, 0 sets
Detroit Quote
01-05-2012 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Welcome to the thread. Feel free to post whenever. The more active you are on here, the more fun you will have.

Good luck with the games downtown

Up in the burbs now - had to run out to my parents house. Might head to Cada's in a little bit to check it out. Do they have a 2/5 game there? See if I can get a little birthday luck rolling my way.

If anyone's there, I'll be in a black hoodie with black/white electric sunglasses. Come say hey and tell me I suck at cards.
Detroit Quote
01-05-2012 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by undrscr

Up in the burbs now - had to run out to my parents house. Might head to Cada's in a little bit to check it out. Do they have a 2/5 game there? See if I can get a little birthday luck rolling my way.

If anyone's there, I'll be in a black hoodie with black/white electric sunglasses. Come say hey and tell me I suck at cards.
they very rarely run 2/5.
Detroit Quote
01-05-2012 , 11:45 PM
Trying to gauge if theres any interest in either a plo8 or plo8/plo rxr this saturday at Cada's.....reply either in the thread or pm if you think you might wanna play and which one...
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 12:06 AM


Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 12:18 AM
Nice montage
Detroit Quote
01-06-2012 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by deuceFive25
Nice montage
Detroit Quote
