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Detroit Detroit

12-04-2011 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Atarirob
We had at least three people on our side of the table complain that they really want to play Omaha high because "its more of an action game" then they went busto a half hour later.

Ugh most stop drunk posting. Should read "he brings in loose action" and "I was stuck two buyins."
Lol that's ok Rob, some of us can read "drunk" pretty well. It was a good game and a good turnout, although the other end of the table fared better than Rob and I's end. Like Omaha said, it was good to see everyone again and meet a few fresh faces, we're gonna try and make it an every Saturday game and Joe has promised to play in it unless he's out of town. Should have a few more fresh faces next week as some expressed interest in playing but just couldn't make it last night. Tough beat Omaha, but in hindsight I think you played the hand well and got the money in good, just a bad result.
Look forward to seeing you guys again next Saturday.
Detroit Quote
12-04-2011 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
I'm on the button, and I look down at AAQ9. It was probably a little ambitious without a low draw, but I feel like I can take the pot down on the flop on a dry board, so I bump it up to $105.
The biggest problem is that you've pretty much announced that you have aces, so Joe knows exactly what you have. That said, you want to get heads up with this hand and you accomplished that. Unfortunately for you, he had a hand that matched up well with the flop and the rest pretty much played itself out.

Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
I don't know if anyone else noticed this, and maybe it's not cool to talk about it here, but whenever he had big hand he would act quickly, and he didn't here.
I noticed some other things, as well. He did mix up his timing, esp. when I was in the hand. I got into a couple of hands with him after the [995][K] hand when I mucked the A239 hand because I put him on a flopped boat and didn't catch a low draw on the turn. I got the sense that he would try to build on that hand by making some big bluffs. The first I came over the top on the turn with AAT2 and a [KT8][6] board and he folded. The 2nd hand I called him down with KK55 on a [A25][9][J?] board (river was checked) and he didn't have a low.

I think I was the big winner for the night. If not, I was right behind Cada. He had a mountain at point, but he began splashing big piles of chips when friends of his showed up in the last couple of hours and doubled up a number of short stacks, including one of his friends.

Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
Definitely looking forward to playing a mix of games on Dec. 17th.
I won't be able to make it. I'll be celebrating the Solstice at my mom's house that day.

Last edited by Dharzhak; 12-04-2011 at 02:19 PM.
Detroit Quote
12-04-2011 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Dharzhak
The biggest problem is that you've pretty much announced that you have aces, so Joe knows exactly what you have. That said, you want to get heads up with this hand and you accomplished that. Unfortunately for you, he had a hand that matched up well with the flop and the rest pretty much played itself out.
Since he has to put me on aces, don't you think the shove is pretty bad since he has to also put me on a low draw when he can't make a low? What if I had the ace of spades with a low spade, he'd be in trouble.
Detroit Quote
12-04-2011 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
Since he has to put me on aces, don't you think the shove is pretty bad since he has to also put me on a low draw when he can't make a low? What if I had the ace of spades with a low spade, he'd be in trouble.
Not really. Odds are, you don't have a suited A and the only thing you have going for you in that spot (with regards to the high hand) is the over pair.

Another point to be made, and this is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT consideration in a cash game, he can afford to be wrong. (There is, after all, a picture of him, holding bales of cash, on the wall 5 feet from where you were sitting.) If your opponent can afford to gamble, and you cannot, tread more carefully. In this case, you really didn't leave yourself an exit strategy. If your hand only plays one way, you should exercise pot control pre-flop. Had you just called pre-flop, you disguise your hand by having a wider range of possible hands and, when he raises you after the flop, you're not pot committed with 3/5 of your stack in the center of the table.

Last edited by Dharzhak; 12-04-2011 at 08:32 PM.
Detroit Quote
12-04-2011 , 09:40 PM
so cadas has the best structure in the area....anyone know when the next $100 tourny is?
Detroit Quote
12-04-2011 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by shipit586
so cadas has the best structure in the area....anyone know when the next $100 tourny is?
If I'm not mistaken they run them every Saturday, with Saturday Dec 17th having a larger ($250?) buyin at 1 i believe with Joe Cada and Dean Hamrick playing.
Detroit Quote
12-04-2011 , 10:28 PM
Some posts get deleted? Couldn't help but notice the thread is a page shorter than last time i looked.
Detroit Quote
12-04-2011 , 11:57 PM
alright cool ill probably go this saturday and check it out. anyone else going?
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Dharzhak
...I'll be celebrating the Solstice at my mom's house that day.
You celebrate the Solstice...

...on the 17th?
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by deuceFive25
Some posts get deleted? Couldn't help but notice the thread is a page shorter than last time i looked.
The posts that were deleted were from a user called "Cadas Poker Room". Obviously rooms having authorized representatives on 2+2 is a winning situation for 2+2, the room management, and the users. But because 2+2 is also a business, the site's owners have set up specific guidelines and an authorization process for those representatives. From the B&M Forum guidelines:

(6) Card room employees. Card room employees must become authorized representatives before posting information on their place of employment. Please contact Two Plus Two Advertising for more information.

The user "Cadas Poker Room" did not go through the proper process to become an authorized representative, so he/she was sent a message asking him/her to touch base with 2+2's advertising department before posting again. Please send me a PM if you have any other questions about this issue.
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
You celebrate the Solstice...

...on the 17th?
Given that I'll be at work on the 21st and out of the town the following weekend, yes. This will be for the usual gift exchange, etc. for families. No different than christians going to Grandparents or In-laws to do gift exchanges on days other than the 25th.

FWIW, my druidic grove will have religious services for Yule on Sunday, the 18th, which is typical. Generally less family demands on the weekend prior than the weekend after. While I work at Ford, which is *very* supportive of religious diversity, many others don't work for such understanding companies, making observances on the day of Yule itself not very practical.

On a humorous note, which my nickname obliges me to make, when I pray to the poker gods, I'm not practicing heresy. One of the benefits of being a polytheist.
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 02:56 AM
About to grind some drunk 1/2 at motor...anyone else here?
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
Does anyone play at Big Beaver?
I like to play with womenz beavers!

i Wish poker was ...

I wish poker was an inanimate object, Or better yet a person. So i could have someone to yell at or beat when i run bad. Like life poker is not fair and can be really really brutal. The other day i received a phone call from my friend Zheng (darkhawk 2000 from Quadjacks). He called me up asking if i was going to play poker that night, And basically i replied i was pretty much done with poker until December 17th.

To be honest i had no intentions of playing poker. i was totally content with watching my HBO series sunday night movies and going to be around 12ish.
And of course that changes.

2 free meals and 1 fat ass

Think of 2 Girls 1 cup except nobody gets **** on! So i am sitting at home with plans of sitting at home being totally boring and lame when i get a phone call. I pretty much have decided to stay home and give Poker the middle finger.
So I get a phone call and of course my plans change when i get a call on my 1980s cell phone from Jose. Jose and i talk for a little bit and he offers my fat ass a free meal if i come and hang out with him. Of course being a greedy fat ass i can't turn down a free meal so i hop into my car and drive out to Cadas and play their 7pm tournament.

I get there and eat dinner with Jose At this point i am pretty much happy with my free meal. I register the tournament with Jose and sit down at the opposite table of Jose in seat 9. I play pretty solid and play post flop poker as we are all pretty deep with these stacks. there are 14 entrants into this tournament. with only two people getting paid.

Play is mostly weak at my table and i try to take advantage of my table and get max value for almost all of my hands. Half the table is a bunch of stations with a couple of people who seem to be semi competent. I cooler the guy to my right 1 time which i ended up being his nemisis the whole tournament. I had a hand where i had AhJh and i flop the absolute nuts. I get more then a double up when AJ>AT on a AAJKT board which was pretty unlucky for him to have the 3rd nuts in this hand. After that it was pretty much easy street until the final table.

I look down at AKo and i am contemplating my raise size. BB shoves all in prematurely so i know that he will be shoving with his stack this hand. I look at his stack size which is 3,000+. i decided to raise from utg and i get calls from the Station in seat 1 and the other Station in seat 6. BB doesn't disappoint when he shoves opening up action for me to raise preflop. At this point i am tournament chip leader with over 41k and i elect to go heads up getting 4:1 and i shove. Seat 1 goes into a hissy fit and starts yelling at me for isolating. Then Seat 6 calls for 18k+ with 22 at 200/400. I am like wtf how do you call there. That thought quickly escapes my mind when i hit the Ace on the turn and i knock out 2 people. I cringe and thank the lady (in my head) for her (LOL) awsome hero call w 22.

Final table with chip lead

So we sit down and i get moved to seat 3 and i take an inventory of everyones stack. I first ask Jose what his stack size as i figure he is the best player at the table besides myself. Everyone Else will have to put in some work to earn my respect.

I tighten up to try and get some reads on the table and figure out pretty quickly that i am going to (as chip leader) tighten up my range as i have 2 people (maniacs) who are sitting to my left who are not going to make life easy.

I sit there and watch seat 5 raise every hand. i figure he is the best candidate to 3 bet but since he is sitting on my left that is going to be pretty hard. Also there is a crazy old lady who is completely insane sitting in seat 7. She is sitting with 2nd place chips and is playing every hand also. I strap on my seat belt knowing this is going to be one crazy ride.

I hate Gingers especially this one

I never knew why people could be so mean to Gingers. I mean i have never met a ginger that i never disiked. Actually i was attracted to alot of women with red hair. But today i found out why people actually don't like Gingers. It was seat 5! he literally raised Every hand. Off the felt i probably have a beer with the guy but on the felt i really don't want him to my left. He is a ****ing nut job.He make Jose look Howard Ledner. Super tight and Nitty. He is the Charles Manson of Poker. Raise/ reraise/ all in wtf **** my life. **** bemoaning having bad beats blah blah blah. I will take those any day over having Charles Manson on my left.

So i start adjusting to the table and tighten up. Manson raises for the 300th time again preflop and i get seat 6 and seat 7 calling as well as 1 other person i think. I look down from the blind and i look at 7s7d. I consider reraising here trying to thin the field but quickly realize i am only bloating the pot out of position. So i elect to call Manson's raise and see a flop. Flop comes K 7 ? rainbow. i check and Manson for some reason checks and so does everyone else. Ten hits the turn and i lead out. Charles Manson Jams on me and everyone else folds. I snap call only to see Manson showing 10 8 which he is drawing dead. (later he claims he had a flush draw but i believe there was no draw. which makes me believe he is crazy) I add to my enormous stack and am sitting on 160bbs at the final table. I guess it is nice to have a Easy button while playing poker.

Super system 3 by the crazy lady

Seat 7 takes over being an absolute nut case. she bets 12k into a 8k pot and is doing so almost every hand. I honestly ponder if she forgot to take her meds today and consider pulling her aside. She seems to have gone completely mad.

Jose must of been completely card dead. And when he had a hand he still had to contend with seat 7s antics. no matter what she would call all of his raises preflop out of positioin. which seems like it would be a poker players dream. Except She would mash POT x 2 button every time post flop. I would imagine it would be quite frustrating. Jose later on decided to make a steal from utg and shove with what i thought was 10bb stack and i look down at A2. i think i am somewhat ahead of Joses range but i don't want to double him up or put myself into a bad spot with Crazy lady behind me. i elect to fold and she calls with her suited K9. Unfortunately Jose looses that hand and gets knocked out. And we are now 3 handed.

The lady starts spewing money like crazy and i start to play back at her. I wither her down alittle bit when she starts going at it with seat 4. He plays quite well and gets her to double him up 3 times. She makes a huge mistake and again mashes POT x 2 button and knocks herself out when seat 4 traps w KK. Good Game Grandma. Make sure to take your meds!

An honest Abe

So i get heads up with what i think is best scenario for me. Abe is less aggressive then Jose and Grand Ma. i think i can play post flop and will make less mistakes. Abe offers a chop but i politely decline as i have the chip lead and there is only a difference of $100. Plus i have a 2:1 chip lead against a competent player who i think might be passive heads up.

I get into my usual heads up game and start beating up on Abe. He then thanks me for being nice to him and says he never gets to play heads up with a good player and says he looks forward to the challenge. We talk about every thing and i make Abe feel pretty comfortable and go play heads up for another 50 minutes or so? At one point Abe gets the chip lead when i out level myself and 4 bet with 10 2 on a 3 10 3 board. i quickly realize he has a 3 and don't put another chip into that pot.

i look down at my short stack and decide to push with Kh3h and i get snap called by Abe. He flips over KQ and i am like damn. the 2nd time i actually jam preflop which is my first time jamming light. And i have to be dominated. The flop brings me alot of hope when i comes Kc 3c Xc giving me two pair but i realize i am far from celebrating when the 4th club hits. i Quickly realize he has Qc and i now need a case King or a three to bail me out. I get lucky on the River when Ks hits and i double up. We play alittle while longer and i make a pretty sweet hero call and basically take the tournament down there.

Hey Mom look two free meals

I Win the tournament and talk to Abe for almost 2 hours. he Thanks me for taking poker and offers me a free meal. I politely decline but he insist. Due to the fact i reraised the turn with two pair i unknowingly allow him to fold an inferior hand. Which in a Big miracle allows him to get 2nd place.

So we talk for a while and as a amateur poker player he ask questions. I answer and we talk about life for a while. It was pretty cool to get out and meet some good people. I must thank Jose for the meal and i will buy your next time as well. I am pretty happy to be selling 50% of my action to Jose, that is if he doesn't change his mind.

Cadas food deliverers and will probably eat the steak next time as it looked good! i might grind a little bit before December 17th. If not then i will see you guys then.

later @vilageidiot1
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 11:28 AM
Grats on the score Village. Glad to see you finally run good.
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Dharzhak
Not really. Odds are, you don't have a suited A and the only thing you have going for you in that spot (with regards to the high hand) is the over pair.

Another point to be made, and this is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT consideration in a cash game, he can afford to be wrong. (There is, after all, a picture of him, holding bales of cash, on the wall 5 feet from where you were sitting.) If your opponent can afford to gamble, and you cannot, tread more carefully. In this case, you really didn't leave yourself an exit strategy. If your hand only plays one way, you should exercise pot control pre-flop. Had you just called pre-flop, you disguise your hand by having a wider range of possible hands and, when he raises you after the flop, you're not pot committed with 3/5 of your stack in the center of the table.
Yeah, I have to admit that my plan was probably conceived out of boredom. I agree bloating the pot pre was a bad idea when we are both 250bb deep, even with the dead money hanging out there.

Still, I disagree with you about his shove being good. What range that I have is he expecting me to fold with less than $200 behind on that board? Is he really value betting without the nut flush draw and without a low in a hand where even you admit he should have known I had aces, probably with a low?

I have to give props to Joe. It was his first time playing O8, and he really put a lot of us who have played this game before to some difficult decisions.

I had a good time that night despite the loss. Would play that game again.
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
Nice comeback, Rob. Were you referring to the game O8 or me lol? Why would they cry when they knew what the game was before they sat down!

Anyway, it was nice meeting Joker and seeing Sevup and you again. Was there anyone else there from this thread besides Gambit? Sorry if I didn't say hello.

For those of you scoring at home, here was my bust out hand against Cada: Joe and I both have about $500 in front of us; he covers. He raises from UTG+1 for $20. Before the hand he had been talking to K. to his right about how he was going to loosen up the table for them, and he was raising fairly often. I'm on the button, and I look down at AAQ9. It was probably a little ambitious without a low draw, but I feel like I can take the pot down on the flop on a dry board, so I bump it up to $105. Everyone else folds, and Joe calls.

Flop is Q65. Joe checks. Not exactly as dry as I would have liked, but I feel my only play is to continuation bet and try to take it down. I bet $200. Joe thinks for a little bit and goes all-in. Now I'm like, crap, did this plan go bad. I have less than $200 left. I don't think he has 55 or 66 here, so maybe he called pre with QQ, but I have the queen blocker, so that doesn't seem likely. I figured I was up against a flush draw and a low draw, although 56 is bad for me too. I don't know if anyone else noticed this, and maybe it's not cool to talk about it here, but whenever he had big hand he would act quickly, and he didn't here. Anyway, I call and things are better than I expected. He does have a flush draw, but no low draw. He shows KKJx. Turn is K river is a meaningless and good game to me.

Still had a great time watching the MSU game and getting to know some of the guys. Definitely looking forward to playing a mix of games on Dec. 17th.
Oh oh. Must move O8 out of nit camp. But would not 3bet good player or luckbox here. I sure Joe qualifies as one of these. Still, tough beat. See ya 17th.
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by networth
Oh oh. Must move O8 out of nit camp. But would not 3bet good player or luckbox here. I sure Joe qualifies as one of these. Still, tough beat. See ya 17th.
He's both. Very solid for his first time playing PLO8, and he definitely runs good and not just against me.
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 12:12 PM
newb here and glad to read some of the pages on Detroit poker. Recently had a visit at Cada's to check it out and seems like a nice place. The players were raving about the Reuben Sandwich. Cool that they are giving out free food to cash players. Stopped by last week and only had one 1/2 table going then went to snookers and they had 4. Do you guys think people will start to move? Or is it the old "if it aint broke" theory??
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 01:38 PM
I was convinced that players would migrate to the better structure (and in my opinion the better atmosphere) but my buddy said that The River's Sunday 1 p.m. had over 10 alternatives (and I think they have 6 or 7 tables).

I also saw a commercial on during the Packers-Giants game for The River. Weird.
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 01:53 PM
well we will see what is going to happen. Anyone playing this week? Silly question but have to ask.
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by layitdwn72
well we will see what is going to happen. Anyone playing this week? Silly question but have to ask.
I'm kinda new to the thread, but I'll be playing 2/5 at mcc on Tuesday. I've been going there often as of late. There are fish everywhere.
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 05:31 PM
Congrats village, hopefully we play together on Dec 17. Sometimes playing poker when not planned is better than planning ahead to play.

Last edited by Pay4Myschool; 12-05-2011 at 05:39 PM.
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by DreamIsDestiny
I'm kinda new to the thread, but I'll be playing 2/5 at mcc on Tuesday. I've been going there often as of late. There are fish everywhere.
weaktight fish. I'm playing there tonight, and thursday night.
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by layitdwn72
well we will see what is going to happen. Anyone playing this week? Silly question but have to ask.
Probably not anymore. Had 2 good days, 2 bad days. Might hit a tourney or 2 but who knows for sure.
Detroit Quote
12-05-2011 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
I was convinced that players would migrate to the better structure (and in my opinion the better atmosphere) but my buddy said that The River's Sunday 1 p.m. had over 10 alternatives (and I think they have 6 or 7 tables).

I also saw a commercial on during the Packers-Giants game for The River. Weird.
People may start to move a little bit, but people tend to go right back to their old hang out. I was in Snooker's over the weekend and they had 8 to 12 cash games each nite and the tournament's were full, same with the River Tournaments's full every day and a couple cash games going. Player's will check the new places out a time or two, but when u go and the cash game is broke at 12:30 u wont go back many times after that. Also why would you take your $30.00 buy in to play with 20 player's to try to win $200.00
1st. place when u can go top Snooker's or the River (or the Palace)with that $30.00 buy in and win $800.00 to $1000.00 for 1st place. Like trying to open a restaurant next to McDonald's, u not gonna get much business.
Detroit Quote
