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Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE)

07-07-2010 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by cjay142
some of the 'regs' at 2/5 tip $5+ for each decent sized pot, a little ridiculous imo but w/e
How much are people buying in for at 2/5? are most going for the 1k max? I've been beating the 1/2 here pretty consistently but have never played in a 2/5 game before at any casino.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-07-2010 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by CSFurious
you must either be a chip runner or related to one

why should i tip anyone because of Delaware Lottery's f'ed up casino regulations?

also, why should i tip because Delaware Park chooses to pay their chip runner's piss-poor wages?

not my problem and i am not tipping chip runners unless i am on a huge winning streak
So you don't tip waitresses either because the f'ed up restaurant chooses to pay them piss-poor wages?
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-07-2010 , 06:38 PM

when i go to a sit-down restaurant i tip the server for doing a good job usually 20% on the pre-tax total

i also tip the lady who cuts my hair, the guys who towel off my car at the car wash, the pizza guy, the dealers at the craps/poker tables, the maids in A.C. who clean my hotel room, etc.

Delaware Lottery and Delaware Park have created the chip-running situation and i am not tipping any chip runners because the situation is completely unnecessary & due to Delaware's backward-ass casino regulations

your analogy is weak

Originally Posted by luvpoker4ever
So you don't tip waitresses either because the f'ed up restaurant chooses to pay them piss-poor wages?
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-07-2010 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by tjallen22
How much are people buying in for at 2/5? are most going for the 1k max? I've been beating the 1/2 here pretty consistently but have never played in a 2/5 game before at any casino.
the 2/5 tables have been hit or miss for me so far. ive been at a few tight tables with most stacks at or below 500, but i have been at one live table that was pretty deep
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-07-2010 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by CSFurious
Delaware Lottery and Delaware Park have created the chip-running situation and i am not tipping any chip runners because the situation is completely unnecessary & due to Delaware's backward-ass casino regulations
Don't blame the regs on Delaware Park... it is a state law, not the law of just Delaware Park. Dover Downs and Harrington are in the same boat.

Don't you think the new dealers have enough to worry about without rebuys/color ups? The newbies were scared to death the first weekend. The increase in speed and confidence is evident every time I go there.

Give regulations some time. Delaware has done a fairly good job in opening tablegames in such a short time frame. As the casinos operate on a full scale, I'm sure some things will get changed.

All some people are saying is that it is worth a few dollars to them to have someone get chips. It most certainly is for me.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-07-2010 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by PokerBeach
Don't blame the regs on Delaware Park... it is a state law, not the law of just Delaware Park. Dover Downs and Harrington are in the same boat.

Don't you think the new dealers have enough to worry about without rebuys/color ups? The newbies were scared to death the first weekend. The increase in speed and confidence is evident every time I go there.

Give regulations some time. Delaware has done a fairly good job in opening tablegames in such a short time frame. As the casinos operate on a full scale, I'm sure some things will get changed.

All some people are saying is that it is worth a few dollars to them to have someone get chips. It most certainly is for me.
plus, if you dont want to have people chip run for you... i just get up from the table and tell the dealer to hold my spot and go get them myself. i usually never miss a hand, maybe 1 hand max. and i always buy my chips at the cage beforehand.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-07-2010 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by daveopie
I played a 7 hour session at 3/6 LHE yesterday afternoon and I did an experiment - I kept track of how many hands I played. Dealers change every half hour, and here are the number of hands I played in each 1/2 hour dealer session: (2, 13, 12, 9, 13, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 14, 12) for 154 hands in approximately 7 hours, or an average of 22 hands per hour.

To verify, I wrote down every Big Blind I paid, and here is that sequence (9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 6, 6, 7, 8, 7, 9, 6, 9, 9, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10). All that proves is that I did not miss writing down many hands. Hey, it was something to do and it kept me from getting too bored - we did get down to 6 handed for a couple of times around the table before it filled up again.

Here is the strange thing - this was NOT the dealer's fault. We had 3 people who may never have playe poker before sitting at the table, all in a row. One guy NEVER knew how many chips to bet. He would stare at the board several times and then back at his cards before deciding, and then often try to check even though someone before him had bet. Others like to bet out of order. The dealers actually did a pretty good job at being nice and explaining the options to the new players, even though they had to say the same thing OVER and OVER and OVER. "Sir, you can check or bet 3."

What this made me realize is that at that table, the dealers were making AT MOST $22/hour, and probably under $20/hour due to a few forgetting to tip.

The first slow player I mentioned was also a truly terrible player. I couldn't decide if having a player that bad at my table was +EV or the fact that he alone was preventing me from playing an additonal 5 to 10 hands per hour was -EV. He donked off a bunch of cash, and I pulled in a nice chunk, so I guess it was +EV.

Thanks for that information. I must say that the count is low and much less than I would have expected. Every good room is going to look to get ALL the dealers to the 14 to 15 hands per half hour drop, because it affects the rake. I don't know this for sure, but I suspect that the better and faster dealers are working evening as that's when the room is fullest. But, if a dealer drops only 9 hands per half, he probably won't be dealing long. With the bravo board system, each dealer swipes his employee card as soon as they get in the box. The supervisor will have each dealers stats much like poker tracker gives on line players information on their game. If a dealer drops below 11 hands per down, I'm betting someone has a talk with him. I tip the dealer at every hand. Even if I get a walk on the bb. Many don't tip enough, but lucky for dealers, some tip really well. These guys make 6.50 per hour plus tips, but they can make a decent living dealing as long as the room is active, which this one has been so far.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-07-2010 , 09:28 PM
One last thing about hands per hour. At a 3-6 table, nothing is square, so that will slow the game down. Dealers love a 10-20 limit game or 5-10 NL game because they never have to make chancge to the pot. 3-6 limit and 1-2 nl because of the weird bets, will always play a little slower. 2-5 will sometimes play slower, because an entire minute can be used while a player makes a big decision. But, even the 2-5 nl game, if the betting isn't huge, the dealers can spread more hands per down. This room chooses to try to spread 3-6 horse and 1-2 plo hi or even hi low. The high low games are always the worst for the dealers because of split pots and other varibles. Dealers might only get ten hands out per down in those games. This house spreads them because it helps bring in players, but they don't make much money in the rake.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-07-2010 , 10:16 PM
Spent a few hours at a 3/6 table on Sunday, July 4. Saw my first angle shooter while playing at DP. Be on the lookout, although he's hard to miss. Older Italian gentleman with long stringy gray and white hair under an old FedEx hat. Had, um, hygiene issues. Also, a real grumper who pissed off everyone at the table.

Dude was so ridiculous it was almost funny. Would hide a stack of reds in one of his hands and go "all in" with his small stack of whites to try to minimize his potential losses. String bet attempts, bet fakes, hiding his cards to get people to act out of turn, waiting too long when the action was on him to get people to act out of turn, tried to short the pot. Ironically, he was a truly horrible player and he dropped probably $300 in about 2 hours.

Props to the DP dealers for continuing to call him out on his crappy behavior. Also, special props to one dealer who looked like he was 12 years old. The villain went on break and left some whites on the table but took his reds with him (not allowed, of course). We called it out to the kid, who called out the villain upon his return, called the floor when the villain refused to cop to the deed and the floor forced the issue made him rebuy for the amount we suspected he had in his hand. He went on tilt, made stupid plays and left shortly thereafter.

Also, props to the happy drunk dude in seat 8 who open folded in every hand where he went to the flop even when told he couldn't. It's the dumbest rule I've ever heard of. Maybe for 1/2 NL, but 3/6 LHE. C'mon. The only person you hurt is yourself when you open fold.

Oh, and thanks for the responses on the chip runner thing. I'm sure I'm seen by you guys as the cheap ultra-nit, but I play to win and I count every dollar. I buy my own chips at the window always so I don't have to deal with the chip runners. I also go to the beverage station. If you fine folks would like to waste your hard earned dollars on chip runners and waitresses when you have the option of taking 60 seconds and getting yer own stuff, feel free.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-07-2010 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by kenster5000
Also, props to the happy drunk dude in seat 8 who open folded in every hand where he went to the flop even when told he couldn't. It's the dumbest rule I've ever heard of. Maybe for 1/2 NL, but 3/6 LHE. C'mon. The only person you hurt is yourself when you open fold.
It's not.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-07-2010 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
It's not.
Concur strongly.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by Irish Lefty
I'm still hoping that a HORSE game goes off when I'm there. Who's up for trying to get one going around 7:00 this coming Tuesday, the 13th?
I will be there tonight most likely and will definitely be on the list for HORSE. Hoping the Thursday night thing happens.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by CSFurious

when i go to a sit-down restaurant i tip the server for doing a good job usually 20% on the pre-tax total

i also tip the lady who cuts my hair, the guys who towel off my car at the car wash, the pizza guy, the dealers at the craps/poker tables, the maids in A.C. who clean my hotel room, etc.

Delaware Lottery and Delaware Park have created the chip-running situation and i am not tipping any chip runners because the situation is completely unnecessary & due to Delaware's backward-ass casino regulations

your analogy is weak
Oh I see, so the chip runners need to be punished because the DE Lottery and DE Park created the situation by creating a few extra jobs that will keep a few extra people off of unemployment and welfare and of course your $1 chip is much better spent in a hand of cards. Makes perfect sense to me!
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 02:42 PM
Hey guys,

Does 2-5NL run daily? And if so, what time does it usually get going?
Looking forward to making the drive over and checking out the games.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 02:47 PM
The villain went on break and left some whites on the table but took his reds with him (not allowed, of course)
Are you sure this is not allowed? If I am forced to leave chips if I have to take a short bathroom break and return to find someone has walked off with one of my stacks, is the house going to reimburse me?
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by EightFoldPath
Are you sure this is not allowed? If I am forced to leave chips if I have to take a short bathroom break and return to find someone has walked off with one of my stacks, is the house going to reimburse me?
So far, Unless a player specifically asks for his seat to be reserved for X amount of time, if a player leaves the table with his chips, they consider the seat empty and fill it as soon as possible.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 03:07 PM
Just an interesting anecdote; I had my first experience with AA versus another AA in a 3/6 game at DP. I've had almost every other low-probability poker experience before: Set of aces versus set of kings, spike a miracle 4-of-kind to beat a big full house, etc. The best thing about my AA vs. AA hand was that it wasn't a chop. I won by catching a flush. Neither one of us put the other on aces. I thought the guy was chasing the flush because he never raised, even pre-flop. He put me on AK because the flop came with 2 kings and I kept betting. Who says aces never win in LHE?
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by EightFoldPath
Are you sure this is not allowed? If I am forced to leave chips if I have to take a short bathroom break and return to find someone has walked off with one of my stacks, is the house going to reimburse me?
You can't go south in a game (Take chips out of play) except to pay for a drink, tip or meal. If you're paranoid enough to want to carry them with you to the bathroom, which is weird, you have to bring them all back I guess. I've never seen anyone do that though.

If your chips go missing they'll go the cameras to figure out what happened and reimburse you for what is gone. It's their responsibility. I highly doubt anyone is going to steal from you unless they are desperate enough to risk getting banned or worse.

Just know what you have before you leave and make sure you have it when you get back.

I leave constantly to eat, pee, smoke, etc. Nothing has ever happenned.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 03:21 PM
I think you are really misinformed. I don't think any casino will make up your loss for chips left at a poker table, that was a rhetorical question.

I highly doubt anyone is going to steal from you unless they are desperate enough to risk getting banned or worse.
This is just LOL naive.

Which is why I make a regular practice of removing large denom chips from the table and just have a token stack of whites in my spot when I leave the table for a break. Call me paranoid, but I've never had the unfortunate experience of finding several thousand missing from my stack, and hoping the house can make something out on their bad cams.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 04:59 PM
This is just LOL naive.

Which is why I make a regular practice of removing large denom chips from the table and just have a token stack of whites in my spot when I leave the table for a break. Call me paranoid, but I've never had the unfortunate experience of finding several thousand missing from my stack, and hoping the house can make something out on their bad cams.[/QUOTE]

If you are really paranoid, all you have to do is count your chips & tell the dealer how much you are taking with you. The dealer should take note of that & you can take your chips anywhere you want to go. If you have been taking your large denom chips from the table, without telling the dealer, then the casino is wrong in letting you do it. You are playing table stakes & the chips can't be removed, once on the table.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 05:20 PM
is the room usually filled on weekday nights? should i call ahead of time?
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by EightFoldPath
Are you sure this is not allowed? If I am forced to leave chips if I have to take a short bathroom break and return to find someone has walked off with one of my stacks, is the house going to reimburse me?
Dealer and floor indicated that this was not allowed. Several people at the table also confirmed.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Dimon
Hey guys,

Does 2-5NL run daily? And if so, what time does it usually get going?
Looking forward to making the drive over and checking out the games.
i don't think ive ever been and not seen at least 1 2/5 nl game running.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by EightFoldPath
Yeah, I leave with a few grand and then return and play with the twenty in whites I left to mark my spot. LOL NooB So they serve steaks at the table?
Ironically, you are the only one who sounds like a live-game noob. Standard practive to leave ALL of you chips on the table when taking a bathroom, dinner, or other break in a cardroom. Of course if you are in the pit playing blackjack or something you don't leave them there, but in a cardroom, there are rules to prevent chipping down, and the chips have to stay on the table. The funniest part is that is a couple of posts you have spoken of taking a few grand off the table - it's specifically in the high limit games where you would definitely be called out for going south. Please don't lie, we know that you are referring to red chips on a 1/2 table.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-08-2010 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by kenster5000
Dealer and floor indicated that this was not allowed. Several people at the table also confirmed.

You guys know that you can ask for a chip cover any time you leave the table? If you're worried and sometimes, depending on how much is there, you should be, simply get a cover. That's not this rooms rule, that's most room's rule. But, ALL poker rooms have covers that prevent players from grabbing a chip or two. Now, understand that if someone does that and gets seen on surveillance, they'll be banned and probably arrested and make no mistake, you are always watched by the sky.

Dealers at any room will make every effort to protect your stack, but they are not be responsible nor is the room. It's not the quickie breaks that are risky, it's the one hour dinner break. I'd never go on one with anything over four hundred without covering the chips in a box.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
