I think the difference in the jackpot amounts(10k regular vs 40k) and the way that it hadn't been hit so long matters much more than the nominal value of the jackpot. It is the perception that matters, not how much the jackpot amount is. After all, what percentage of people who were there today hit a poker jackpot higher than a $1000? What percentage will ever hit it?
4-5 years ago they used to regularly add amounts like 25k 50k to the jackpot in day time on weekdays. I dont think it ever created similar attraction that we saw in the last two weeks ( it didnt double the business of the room: this is my approximation for last two weeks) For example, if they increased the jackpot starting amount to 25k for good, it would create some attraction for a few weeks, but after that, it would be business as usual. Because after all, it is an illusion with such small probability of hitting something big. The reality will set in soon enough. It is a very strong illusion nonetheless. Everybody, myself included, gets influenced by it when the equation changes and such a pattern emerges (jackpot not being hit for so long)
I think the key to using jackpot fund to create business in a poker room is to change the equation in smart and different ways frequently, so that a different kind of illusion gets created every time. But after all no promotion is stronger than the one created by the players themselves when a long no jackpot streak like this happens. People are pattern finding machines
Last edited by derdo; 07-17-2011 at 01:47 AM.
Reason: Clarification