Originally Posted by Fredo58
Also, WHO just came out today and said people who have the virus but are asymptomatic don't spread the disease. A total 180 degree turn for them.
This is false.
What was being reported today was one misconstrued comment from one person during a live interview -- and that person has subsequently tried to clarify what she meant by her answer. What she was asked about was people who were *completely* asymptomatic -- including even trivial symptoms, like a minor fever or a headache. And again, this was one person off-the-cuff during a live interview, not an official position of the WHO as an organization. But don't take my word for it, please follow up and fact-check this for yourself, because this is important. AZ's numbers are skyrocketing right now, and that is exactly the kind of thing that turns what should have been a safe and careful reopening into a complete nightmare.