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Percentage of regs in 180's? Percentage of regs in 180's?

10-20-2011 , 07:44 AM
Hi all,

I'm just wondering, I don't play 180's very often but from what I've seen it's by far the most popular form of MTT SNG and most definetly the most reg filled.

All I ever see in poker challenges in regards to MTT SNGS is "180 BR build" "$300-1k with 180s's" etcetc sort of challenges.

This led me to wondering how many and at what times, are actually reg filled?

what percentages would you give at any given time as a guestimate with regs vs recreational or just in general "bad players"

I seem to see lots of threads and HH with a 180 hand review and saying "in this spot vs this reg, or that reg etc"

I'm beginning to wonder if these are more reg filled than anything else? I know they are still profitable for some people but hell, I'm beginning to wonder if the vast majority of players in theses are grinders?


Would you say it's like a 50% recreational and 50% regs or way more regs or less regs? I've really no idea...but I just see many of threads and think at any given time there must be even sometimes 60%/70% of regs in a game or am I way off?
10-20-2011 , 09:45 AM
Hi op
I just started playing these at the 2.50 level about a month ago. I started to colour code the players and all the regs are light blue. I usually have about 2 per table in these and that worried me a little at first.
I would guess that about 30% of the field in the 2.50s are regs.
Some of these are Supernovas. I was thinking OMG **** I can't beat these games.
But I can. Many of the regs have major leaks in their games. So I now try to id the different types of regs.

Reg 1. Multitabling ABC nit..... always has it and can be abused on bubbles and ITM
Many of the supernovas fit into this category.
Reg.2 Reasonably decent players who are just over aggro in general pushing and calling far too wide. They understand they have to abuse the bubble but that's it. They turn into spew monkies in the end game and are clueless about ICM.
Reg.3 The crusher... good thinking players who are crushing the games.... aggressive thinking players who play pretty close to optimal... these guys don't hang in the 2.50s for long though as they build up a roll and move up.

Give them a try for a couple hundred games.... who knows you might be a crusher.
10-20-2011 , 11:03 AM
not that many regs in the 35s...I'd guess it's less than 85%
10-20-2011 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by martin_malin
not that many regs in the 35s...I'd guess it's less than 85%
ezzzzzzzeeeeeeee game
10-20-2011 , 11:34 AM
Some regs are good, some regs are fish, they're just regs who play a lot of games.

180s are still profitable if you play well, just play each villain on their merits; don't lump all regs together as one type of player.

Guessing how many regs there is of no strategic value.
