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*** MTTSNG forum HUD (HEM/PT3) discussion thread *** *** MTTSNG forum HUD (HEM/PT3) discussion thread ***

10-17-2011 , 01:53 PM
In general i'd just stay clear of worrying about your ev like that. This is just because it really doesn't mean a lot at all. You could have got your chips in in good spots every time and be crushing there calling range but hit the top of their ranges every time.
Obv this doesn't happen but it isn't an indication of how you are playing at all. I'd just look at your game and tourney reviews to make sure you are pushing and calling in the correct spots.

You can easily start using this type of ev to justify you losing over x amounts of games. Don't let variance cover up flaws in your game
10-17-2011 , 02:08 PM
you're only 300k under ev no big deal...I think I was 2.5 million chips under ev over a 1k sample at the 2.20/180 2 years ago

also there are days where you can be up 200$ over 60 games (running above EV) but 150k chips under ev due to losing many flips HU...CEV isn't everything, Lady Variance is very complicated.
10-17-2011 , 03:11 PM
no big deal thats even common for the 45er over that sample, i run like that atm and even though i make 18% roi profit.

Your stats by position, filterd 10BB effective stacksize would be more helpful
10-17-2011 , 03:25 PM
The worst part about the whole HEM EV thing in tournies is that you can get constantly destroyed early game in high % situations over a long span and then you perform a minor suck out at 1 FT and suddenly HEM wants to tell you you're doing great EV wise.
10-17-2011 , 08:48 PM

Hey guys, I thought I'd post my stats just to check up on whether there are any glaring problems anyone can spot. I really appreciate your guys help. Hope this the the right forum for this.

damn.. sorry its so small. I'm new at the posting images thing. Hope it is still readable.

Last edited by TeamTrousers; 10-18-2011 at 09:28 AM. Reason: merging two posts
10-17-2011 , 08:51 PM
SeriousGrindaments, you had a superhot heater from games 150 to 200, so it seems a bit churlish to complain about the rest of it. You can't run at 400% all the time. It's called variance.

As for running under EV, you have no control over what cards come down after you're all in, so it's not really that important.

Just focus on what can control, and that's how you're playing. Pretty much everyone thinks they run bad. What to do now? Well, maybe consider coaching if you want to get the most out of HEM but aren't sure how and don't know anyone else who can help. Other than that, it's the usual - more study, more review, discuss with other good players, post hands etc etc, then once you're playing as well as you can, just be properly rolled and play lots.

Last edited by TeamTrousers; 10-18-2011 at 09:30 AM. Reason: merging two posts
10-19-2011 , 02:33 AM
Hi anyone else come across this problem,

My PT3 is not inputting cash's (I'm def sure this happens from min cash to 4th place in PT3, does anyone know how to fix this problem?
10-19-2011 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by talbot49
Hi poker players,

My username on stars is talbot49, I succeed pretty well in playing 15$ 180mans on stars. I decided to buy HEM and SNGwizz because I plan on some huge multi-tabling and I wanna be sure that before I do that, there is less leaks possible in my shoving/calling ranges.

Question 1:
How do I actually mark the current hand I play with HEM. I'm asking that because I know how to mark the previous hand, I just click on the last pot won, and I mark the hand. The thing is alot of time I wanna mark the hand to see if my push was ok, but when i get called and go out, I can't mark it cause the table close..

I know alot of settings in hem are pretty much useless in playing sit and goes. That's why I only display those stats: Hands, VPIP, PFR, Steal, Fold vs steal, 3-bet, limp/fold, aggression factor. I set that in player preferences so that those are the only stats i see at a glance... But when my mouse go on the window there is so much useless information.. Ive tried to change the hud popup configuration but I dont know how to apply it on stars, just can't get rid of the default confirguration.

Question 3:
For the stats i am displaying (VPIP, PFR, Steal, Fold vs steal, 3-bet, limp/fold, aggression factor) what is the number of hands i need for each stat to be relevant? And how are the stats i get relevant. Like I know VPIP can be relevant but honestly i never really heard about that.. Which number means the guy is tight? or aggro?

Question 4:
I also think it is really important to set filters in order to know the number of BB's since regs will fold 90% of their hands early, which is normal, and start shoving as the antes comes in and stacks get short. So stats early must not be mixed with late stats. I would like to set some nice filters but I can't find where to set them on HEM. If somebody could help me on that i would higly appreciate it.. Also tell me the useful filters that you put if you play the same kind of sng's than I do.

Question 5:
So now ive ran over couple of marked hands in sit and go wizz, and I was pretty excited about it because I think my strenght is to put people on precise ranges, depending of if they are regs or not. So I could have pretty precise shoving/calling ranges with wizz for a given situation. Something really bothered me tho:

I reviewed 2 hands:
The first one was a call I made on the sb vs a btn shove from a reg. Blind were 300/600 i had a 3500 stack btn had a 5k stack. I have A8o obv i snap call, but still mark the hand because I am curious about what are the hands i should call with in that spot. Later, I go trough that hand in sngwizz, who tells me i have to fold A8 there, which was pretty funny to me and proves me that sngwizz is crap if you use the default ranges lol. Actually they said he was shoving 18%.. But he had 45's when he shoved. So I moved the "range bar" from left to right until 45's is in the range (considering 45's is his bottom range and he knows exactly which hand are higher rated than 45's.. He's probably not but still gives me a good idea I think) So the result is he would be shoving 77% of the hands from there. So A8 obv becomes a snap, and i should even call some hands like J6's or T9.

Second hand:
I am in middle position with A2, 3.5k stack blind 400/800, I push. I mark the hand to know with which hand i should shove from there. I set the player's ranges and sngwizz then tell me I have to shove top 50%. I'm like ok so what is the bottom hand in this range? 45's! I'm like what hand before I top 77% would give me 45's as the bottom hand and now top 50% is giving me the same exact thing. I figured out it's probably because of the calling ranges of my opponents that are differents in both situations and it gives same hand different strenght.. But how am I suppose to figure that out when I wanna know which % of hands i should shove or whatever?
If somebody could help me with that so I can move on, I would highly appreciate.

Also thanks in advance for all the players who'll help me with my others questions, And GL at the tables!

And GL at the tables!
1) Should be quite easy, not sure personally because I don't mark hands in game personally

2) Stop putting your mouse over the HUD then.. lol, these are called "pop ups" and you can remove it all. This has never been a problem for me because I don't have any reason to randomly put my mouse over my HUD especially since it's on top of fold/call/raise etc.. That being said this info can actually be pretty useful, sometimes it's nice to have a quick glance at more specific stats or numbers, e.g. what sample size the fold to 3-bet % is, or whatever. You can remove these in the popups configuration, if it really is a problem reply to this post and I'll try make a quick screenshot how to remove it but I don't see why your mouse should be going over this enough for it to be an issue lol

3) This question is a bit too general.. And unless I misread, it sounds like you should reduce the number of stats you use, especially the more "complicated" ones because it sounds like you are saying you don't even know what the stats mean. I don't mean this in a rude way at all btw. Read a few of the other posts I made in this thread, hopefully some of the info will help you. Many of these stats only become remotely relevant over a pretty big sample, and even then most people make the mistake of misinterpreting them/over analysing them...

Things like 3-bet percentage are barely relevant over even 100 hands because 100 hands doesn't = 100 opportunities (so a guy could 3-bet 2 times in 20 opportunities and show 10% over 100 hands when he really just picked up AA twice), and they aren't filtered, meaning if you have 80 hands from 10/20 blind levels on a reg, as well as 20 hands, this stat is going to mostly be based on his 10/20 game where he is 3-betting basically the nuts only, as a standard reg.. Whereas in reality, most people are using this stat without thinking about how many hands are from early game/late game etc (basically, most players, especially regs, don't 3b light at the early levels, and will re-steal significantly wider at high blind levels)...

4) Good that you've thought about this, not sure if it's possible to be honest. For the most part you are gonna require a pretty big sample for these stats, especially filtered, to be relevant enough so imo best is just to not worry about them and rely on notes/mental notes and estimations.. It's pretty rare where one of these stats (unless in some extremely abnormal cases) would make a difference in a decision, unless it's very close in which case the EV between decisions is very close anyway (so it doesn't really matter)..

5) You are using wiz totally incorrectly so read this asap..! You most likely are using the default "$" mode, instead of cEV. Both these hands you described are relatively early in the tournament, at least pretty far away from the bubble, let alone final table. This means ICM is relatively insignificant, and generally most people agree that we should for the most part be playing cEV (chip expected value) until the final table at least (although some bubble spots we should be a bit tighter). $EV assumes the table you are playing on is the final table, and will take into account ICM for the pay jumps.. e.g. if you are using $EV for 180s, the ranges it will recommend will be based on assuming that first pays 30%, second 20%.. etc...! which simply is nowhere near true in the hands you stated..

Also, your default edge/edge in these hands was probably quite high, since the sng wiz default is high in most hands. This "edge" is there so we can shove/call a bit tighter than what is mathematically profitable because we can/should avoid taking really marginally profitable spots in general, since we can use our skill advantage over the average field to find better/more significantly profitable spots later. In general calling in close spots is worse than shoving in close spots. In general I personally always set edge at 0, and sometimes push tighter/set an edge myself later. E.g. I input a hand, it says shove 25% assuming 0 edge, I might just push 22% because of the reasons I said earlier (edge, better spots etc), but I still want to see what is mathematically profitable.

The "tax" you should give yourself (i.e. edge) should depend on what you think your skill level is (in early stages, just in general, but on the final tables specifically vs. the players on the table - so if the final table is full of decent regs, I will tax myself way less than a final table of randoms where I will fold a tonne of marginal spots).... also, the shorter we are, the less of an edge we should set/tax ourselves with. The reason is because the shorter we are, the less likely we will be able to find a better spot/more profitable shove, since we will get blinded etc and eventually blind out. Also, the shorter we are, the more we have to consider other factors other than pure cEV. For example, if we have 5BBs UTG, we have to consider the fact that we are about to be hit by the blinds, and lose a significant amount of fold equity. Also, when we shove and pick up the dead money, or shove and get called but win, we don't just win chips, we also gain additional fold equity (same as avoiding losing it I guess) which is like an "asset" in itself.

So two extreme examples, based on correct ranges you enter, if you have 5BB utg it might say cEV its profitable to shove 30%. I might shove 50% because of the reasons above. It might say shoving JTo is -50 chips, but shoving is actually going to be more profitable than folding, in the long run/for my actual $ in my cashier at the end of the day
On the other hand.. if blind level is 100/200 (no antes) and someone ships into me blind vs. blind for 6,000 (30BB) I need just under 50% equity to make this a break even cEV call. I am snap folding even if I know I have 51% equity even though that would make this profitable by around 1BB... reason being I am pretty deep, and I don't need to risk my tournament life on such a marginal (relatively speaking) edge when I can find a lot of better spots (will see many hands before I get very short/desperate).

ugh very tl;dr. also wanted to talk about something else to other people but will mention this in a following post since this was already so long
10-19-2011 , 05:24 AM
Okay this is a pretty general message to a lot of people..

Note: In respect to all posters, this is definitely not meant to be offensive to anyone, nor is it targeting anyone specifically. It's intended to hopefully help people..
Also I know some regs above already commented on this, but hopefully this more "thorough" explanation makes it more clear to those who still weren't convinced, etc.

Please stop worrying about your +/- chips and your EV chips... In most cases (especially most of the ones who post about it, sample size....) this is a terrible representation of how you are actually running in reality. Checking out your numbers and worrying/feeling bad that you are running bad is pointless and can only hurt your game. I virtually never look at it. It is irrelevant. Over a big sample, if you have a good idea about what your true roi is approximately, how much you are over/under EV is simply going to be the difference between your expected profit (based on number of games and ROI) and your cashier..

The chip +/- and chip ev thing has many flaws. Firstly, it doesn't take into account situational run bad. An extreme example (yes, it's extreme, but it's easier to understand the point) is if you get dealt AA EVERY SINGLE HAND, and someone else gets dealt KK EVERY SINGLE HAND.. you go all in every hand you are getting it in as a 82%~ favourite every hand. If you only win 60%, it says you are MASSIVELY under cEV whereas you are actually running like God.. in reality you should be getting coolered (your KK into their AA) just as often, so you ran situationally well - and still ran really good by winning 60% of the time even though you are running under cev.... Similarly the reverse is also true, and if it says you are running good (above cEV) you could actually be running bad.

Secondly, and this is very important and also related to the first.. is it doesn't take into account when you lost/won flips/races/etc.... If you get AKs vs. QQ in the first hand (10/20 blinds, 1500 stacks) aipf, and lose a flip for 1500 chips forty times, you are below ev by approximately 60,000 (it's a flip so your ev is around 1500 each time).. the equity you are "running bad by" here is going to very different from the following situation where you ran bad by 60,000 chips..

Final Table - blind level 5000/10000
Villain 1 100 chips
Hero 100,000
Villain 2 100,000

Hero shoves with A5o and gets called by KK and we lose (our equity of the pot is 30%, so .3 x 200k is 60k, ev 60k, if we lose we are running approx 60k chips under ev)

also different in every single one of these hands even though every time you are running 60k under ev! you are "running bad" by a different $ value (even though you should remember point 1 whilst considering this)

Final Table - blind level 5000/10000
Villain 1 100,000 chips
Hero 100,000
Villain 2 100,000
Hero shoves with A5o and gets called by KK and we lose

Final Two Tables - blind level 5000/10000
Villain 1 100,000 chips
Hero 100,000
Villain 2 100,000
Hero shoves with A5o and gets called by KK and we lose

Final Tables - blind level 5000/10000
Villain 1 100,000 chips
Hero 200,000
Villain 2 100,000
Hero shoves with A5o and gets called by KK and we lose

And many more....

Flips/races/etc are very different at different stages of the tourney. It just concerns me how many people seem to be worrying about this cEV running below/above ev thing recently...

I'm sure a tonne of regs who are running at EV in terms of actual profit/cashier will be running a LOT below OR above cEV! A lot of ppl running above ev in terms of profit/cashier will be running "bad" in cev and same goes for ppl running below ev in terms of profit/cashier being told by HEM they are running "good".

Oh and finally, not that it's anything near as important as the above, (and doesn't apply to some guys who just play one buy in level) but you could easily be running good in cEV in low stakes, and bad in high, or vice-versa.

Stop looking at your chips +/- and chips EV...
grind, win $ and smile

gl guys

Last edited by OMGClayDol; 10-19-2011 at 05:31 AM.
10-19-2011 , 05:54 AM
2 excellent posts from omgcd again ... well done sir...
cliff notes on 2nd =chip ev.... we cant control it so ....$%*£ it.
10-21-2011 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by deadstack
Hi anyone else come across this problem,

My PT3 is not inputting cash's (I'm def sure this happens from min cash to 4th place in PT3, does anyone know how to fix this problem?
just bumping this... has anyone come across it before?
10-21-2011 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by islander32
2 excellent posts from omgcd again ... well done sir...
cliff notes on 2nd =chip ev.... we cant control it so ....$%*£ it.
All those things even out in the long run and it is worth looking at to see how you're getting your chips in. There must be a long-term optimal percentage for any game. What we need is for one of the top notch players to post their HEM/PT3 numbers for a large game sample.
11-29-2011 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
All those things even out in the long run and it is worth looking at to see how you're getting your chips in. There must be a long-term optimal percentage for any game. What we need is for one of the top notch players to post their HEM/PT3 numbers for a large game sample.
This would be very interesting.
Over ~231k the report show me that i lost 1 051 743 chips and EV adjusted it is + 741 766....but i am a winning player, at least my cashier says so.
11-29-2011 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by OMGClayDol
Okay this is a pretty general message to a lot of people..

Note: In respect to all posters, this is definitely not meant to be offensive to anyone, nor is it targeting anyone specifically. It's intended to hopefully help people..
Also I know some regs above already commented on this, but hopefully this more "thorough" explanation makes it more clear to those who still weren't convinced, etc.

Please stop worrying about your +/- chips and your EV chips... In most cases (especially most of the ones who post about it, sample size....) this is a terrible representation of how you are actually running in reality. Checking out your numbers and worrying/feeling bad that you are running bad is pointless and can only hurt your game. I virtually never look at it. It is irrelevant. Over a big sample, if you have a good idea about what your true roi is approximately, how much you are over/under EV is simply going to be the difference between your expected profit (based on number of games and ROI) and your cashier..

The chip +/- and chip ev thing has many flaws. Firstly, it doesn't take into account situational run bad. An extreme example (yes, it's extreme, but it's easier to understand the point) is if you get dealt AA EVERY SINGLE HAND, and someone else gets dealt KK EVERY SINGLE HAND.. you go all in every hand you are getting it in as a 82%~ favourite every hand. If you only win 60%, it says you are MASSIVELY under cEV whereas you are actually running like God.. in reality you should be getting coolered (your KK into their AA) just as often, so you ran situationally well - and still ran really good by winning 60% of the time even though you are running under cev.... Similarly the reverse is also true, and if it says you are running good (above cEV) you could actually be running bad.

Secondly, and this is very important and also related to the first.. is it doesn't take into account when you lost/won flips/races/etc.... If you get AKs vs. QQ in the first hand (10/20 blinds, 1500 stacks) aipf, and lose a flip for 1500 chips forty times, you are below ev by approximately 60,000 (it's a flip so your ev is around 1500 each time).. the equity you are "running bad by" here is going to very different from the following situation where you ran bad by 60,000 chips..

Final Table - blind level 5000/10000
Villain 1 100 chips
Hero 100,000
Villain 2 100,000

Hero shoves with A5o and gets called by KK and we lose (our equity of the pot is 30%, so .3 x 200k is 60k, ev 60k, if we lose we are running approx 60k chips under ev)

also different in every single one of these hands even though every time you are running 60k under ev! you are "running bad" by a different $ value (even though you should remember point 1 whilst considering this)

Final Table - blind level 5000/10000
Villain 1 100,000 chips
Hero 100,000
Villain 2 100,000
Hero shoves with A5o and gets called by KK and we lose

Final Two Tables - blind level 5000/10000
Villain 1 100,000 chips
Hero 100,000
Villain 2 100,000
Hero shoves with A5o and gets called by KK and we lose

Final Tables - blind level 5000/10000
Villain 1 100,000 chips
Hero 200,000
Villain 2 100,000
Hero shoves with A5o and gets called by KK and we lose

And many more....

Flips/races/etc are very different at different stages of the tourney. It just concerns me how many people seem to be worrying about this cEV running below/above ev thing recently...

I'm sure a tonne of regs who are running at EV in terms of actual profit/cashier will be running a LOT below OR above cEV! A lot of ppl running above ev in terms of profit/cashier will be running "bad" in cev and same goes for ppl running below ev in terms of profit/cashier being told by HEM they are running "good".

Oh and finally, not that it's anything near as important as the above, (and doesn't apply to some guys who just play one buy in level) but you could easily be running good in cEV in low stakes, and bad in high, or vice-versa.

Stop looking at your chips +/- and chips EV...
grind, win $ and smile

gl guys
Great post.

Everytime I see/hear someone moaning about their chip EV I want to smack them.
11-29-2011 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by OMGClayDol

Final Table - blind level 5000/10000
Villain 1 100,000 chips
Hero 100,000
Villain 2 100,000
Hero shoves with A5o and gets called by KK and we lose

Final Two Tables - blind level 5000/10000
Villain 1 100,000 chips
Hero 100,000
Villain 2 100,000
Hero shoves with A5o and gets called by KK and we lose

Final Tables - blind level 5000/10000
Villain 1 100,000 chips
Hero 200,000
Villain 2 100,000
Hero shoves with A5o and gets called by KK and we lose

This looks like my last 3 final tables lol
11-30-2011 , 12:02 PM
What is about bb/100 and EvBB/100 hands?

I read that Double Ice is using these numbers to analize the game.
12-01-2011 , 06:08 AM
Does anyone else have M as a HUD stat?

I've been using it since forever. Sometimes HEM is slow at updating when I'm mass multitabling and it can push me towards making some pretty bad shoves. I considered getting rid of it but when a table pops up and I'm facing an all in I cant just look at the pot and divide my stack by it so I'll probably end up using BBs like most everyone else does. I prefer using M and its what I'm used to. Anyone else in the same boat?
12-01-2011 , 09:03 AM
I also use M as a HUD stat. Same problems here. It will be always the first hand in a new blindlevel or on a new table which isn't showed proper.

I think i will return to tableninja's BB application
01-27-2012 , 04:26 AM
HEM2 any useful updates for MTTSNGs?
Is it worth it?
01-27-2012 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by poporella
HEM2 any useful updates for MTTSNGs?
Is it worth it?
What the ****, why moved here, i wanted a response from the SNG guys not a general advice?!!
01-27-2012 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by liamof
Does anyone else have M as a HUD stat?

I've been using it since forever. Sometimes HEM is slow at updating when I'm mass multitabling and it can push me towards making some pretty bad shoves. I considered getting rid of it but when a table pops up and I'm facing an all in I cant just look at the pot and divide my stack by it so I'll probably end up using BBs like most everyone else does. I prefer using M and its what I'm used to. Anyone else in the same boat?

The trouble with using BBs is that it doesn't include any antes so you have to end up dividing your stack into the pot amount anyway. I prefer using M/BBs in HM rather than Ninja as it shows everyone's M/BBs and that's useful for finding out the eff stack size.
02-08-2012 , 04:32 AM
i am now using HEM2, but it seems not working well for the MTT and SNG for me. the "game tags" are not even correct. it tags every mttsngs as "27-person" games. how can i fix this and how can i take better advantage of HEM2 for MTT and SNG?
02-08-2012 , 06:32 AM
02-08-2012 , 06:54 AM
ya i had the same question, here..
i asked if it would be useful for SNG players to switch to HEM2..

But mods just moved the thread, though it was destined for SNG players and not general HEM forums.
03-02-2012 , 09:13 AM
I've mostly been using trackers to stay result oriented, jerk off to my graph and finding regs to color code blue.....

Anyone have a top 3 list of ways to improve in 180s using the tracker reports?
Thorough step by step explanation needed
