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Live three table turbo SNG Live three table turbo SNG

09-16-2011 , 04:00 AM
14 players left in a live turbo 3 table SNG, most players have around avg stack which was around 10BB at this point. First five paid.

A tight, rather weak player (though seems aggressive when he hits but gives up way to fast when he doesn't) has been waiting for a long time to push it all-in. Finally he pushed UTG for about 7BB. I was at the SB with 10BB and instacalled with pocket sevens.

I decided to call because:
a/ I had the feeling he was desperate. He was sighing and splash-folding hand after hand, b*tching about the fact he didn't catch anything. Now he's UTG, the blinds are about to cripple him and he looked at his hand and he was like "pfft all-in".
b/ I had a medium hand, ahead of quite some hands in his range. I think at this point his range was any PP, any Ace, any two faced cards because he was getting so desperate.
c/ Since a lot of players were about average stack this was to become a real shovefest anytime soon, blinds were going up every twenty minutes. Almost doubling here (from 10BB to 18BB) would put me back in the game and give me a shot to finish deep.

Does this thinking seem ok? Or should I have let this one pass and take advantage of the upcoming btn/co/hj?

09-16-2011 , 04:18 AM
Blinds going up every 20 minutes in a turbo?

From all info provided I'm getting it in vs his 22+ A8o+ JQ/KT+ and probably wider.

Last edited by stim1986; 09-16-2011 at 04:24 AM.
09-16-2011 , 04:26 AM
Blinds going up every 20 minutes in a turbo?
With these levels? In a live game? And players start out with 4K? IMHO this is turbo.

1 25 50
2 50 100
3 75 150
4 100 200
5 150 300
6 200 400
7 300 600
8 400 800
9 600 1200
10 800 1600
11 1000 2000
12 1500 3000
13 2000 4000
14 2500 5000
15 3000 6000
09-16-2011 , 04:47 AM
Ante? Would change a lot
09-16-2011 , 04:54 AM
Ok let's not turn this into a turbo or non turbo discussion, please only the line check.
09-16-2011 , 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by tisa
I was at the SB with 10BB and instacalled with pocket sevens.
If you 'instacalled' you must've thought it was a clear cut/straightforward decision.

Results orientated?
09-16-2011 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by tisa
A tight, rather weak player (though seems aggressive when he hits but gives up way to fast when he doesn't) has been waiting for a long time to push it all-in. Finally he pushed UTG for about 7BB. I was at the SB with 10BB and instacalled with pocket sevens.

I decided to call because:
a/ I had the feeling he was desperate. He was sighing and splash-folding hand after hand, b*tching about the fact he didn't catch anything. Now he's UTG, the blinds are about to cripple him and he looked at his hand and he was like "pfft all-in".


Just wondering which part of the bolded seems to fit with the part in red. On one hand you say he was tight and had been doing nothing but folding, and in the next breath you instacall with 77 because you read him for "pffft, all in"? Seems like a pretty big contradiction in here somewhere.

I'm not saying it's necessarily a fold, and I wouldn't fold online vs a 7BB shove, but vs a live nit who has been routinely folding I think that may be the one time I decide to pitch it. Better to be doing the shoving than the calling imo.
09-16-2011 , 08:35 AM
It really made me feel like he was giving it up. Something like oooh screw this, been waiting all night, blinds are at it again, this will do, jam it, go home, sh*t shower shave and hope to get lucky with the wife.

At no point he looked tricky. It didn't even crossed my mind that he could be playing me.
09-16-2011 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by tisa
At no point he looked tricky. It didn't even crossed my mind that he could be playing me.
Then he probably has it?
09-16-2011 , 09:25 AM
So now because he's folded alot of hands we are instantly assigning him a range of 88+?

There are way too many 7bb utg hands in his shove range that we beat here pre flop to be folding IMO.
09-16-2011 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
Then he probably has it?
?? No... I mean the "pppft all-inn" was genuine, not acting like "I have aces but let's act like I have A3"
09-16-2011 , 09:36 PM
Unless you're significantly better the rest of the field or have some sick read that he's only shoving the nuts, call.
