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First to shove First to shove

02-13-2016 , 10:32 AM

how you play hands :

a) A8-9o
b) JQo/ JKo
c) QTs/ KTs
d) what type of hands do you add

when you are in early position first to act, in money, with 11-9bigs(is ther anny diferenc when you have 12bigs?)
02-13-2016 , 10:54 AM
Far far far to many unmentioned variables to mention. I mean you havent said how many at table, what format, antes?, our image, table dynamics, stack sizes. and just because we are ITM doesnt mean ICM is no longer a factor at all.
02-13-2016 , 04:14 PM
Lets tak 2tables with 8players, antes : yes.
We are about 12position.
Is ther any diference betwen turbo/ non turbo/ live sng?
02-15-2016 , 07:11 AM
The thinking of entering push fold poker at 10bb is not based on an anti format. Generally push folding at 12bb will be better then having a r/f range at all when there are antis in play. You can r/f of 12bb in certain spots but this isnt general play some mass multi tablers look at a min raise of 12bb as super strong but this is really a reg on reg dynamic and not really fathomable when utg.
Regarding all those hands you mentioned they are all folds utg 8 handed with 12bb stack. You are going to be dominated almost always when called and getting it through will only increase your stack by about 2bb depending on anti size. Gaining 2bb will not make as much difference either in terms of icm or chip utility to balance out all those times we are called by hands that dominate us. The table would have to be a nit box to make any of those hands plus EV shoves or r/f.
You really need to be aware of the hand strength you need from various positions. You can shove k3o, j8o, Q3s, 47s, j4s, from the sb for 12bb this may seam super wide but with only one person to get through all these are unexploitable shoves. They would have to be calling wider then nash to make any of these shove -EV. ( generally that is! there are times when shoving maybe +cEV but not +EV, say BB is massive chip leader and can call fairly wide and there are much shorter stacks present, but thats also the point most spots are situational and learning the principles is more important then learning push fold robot ranges.)
02-15-2016 , 07:17 AM
having said that just a little more hand strength could be plus EV shove on some tables. A10 had a slight equity spike due to making broadway also kqo could be +EV as we do have 2 high card blockers and will often be fliping when called by jj 1010 or have about 40% equity vs some AX hands. And also all those hands you mentioned would often be shoves from the Hijack on many tables.
02-16-2016 , 02:26 PM
Personally I would shove KTs QTs JTs but fold the KJo QJo A8o A9o type hands if 12BBs UTG 8 handed.
02-16-2016 , 06:07 PM
op if you havent got an icm equity calculator post a hand in a spot with one of this hands and i will run the numbers.
