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08-18-2011 , 02:04 PM
Hi mate, thx for doing this.

You said that you follow ICM very closely in 180s FT but I'm wondering just how close. I'm pretty sure everyone will agree that the range suggested by WIZ here is ridiculously tight. I feel that ICM implications in this spot should be minimal considering stack sizes distribution.

Therefore, I believe shoving some kind of a hybrid range between CEV and ICM is appropriate.

Toughts on that? Btw I consider 78s to be the rock bottom of my shoving range here.

Last edited by martin_malin; 08-18-2011 at 02:09 PM.
08-18-2011 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by acecatcher26
Say youre utg in a 45 man blinds are 200/400 with how many bbs are you shoving pretty much atc? In the same vein how many bbs are u willing to fold something like 87o utg and go thru the blinds. Say you have 8bbs or even 9bbs are you folding 87o utg?
I only shoved atc utg in specific spots, bascially only when I'm sure i lose most of my FE if i take the blinds, and there isnt a reg in the BB, usually w/ 5-6bbs mid game. 4-5bbs later game. 87o is not any2 however as it has better equity against a lot of calling ranges than say J5o. I'd probably shove 87o from 4.5 to 7.5bbs at a full table at the 400 blinds.
08-18-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by marw842
most interesting replies for me yet, ty for them, it`s something to think over . playing 45s - generally, until final table, i strictly follow wiz in push/fold spots, and even slightly +cEV spot is good spot... on ft, i ofc follow icm and take only +$EV spots.
for example, in the middle stage, do you pass up slightly +cEV spots? why? edge?
I use cEV in the middle stages unless I have a huge stack already(say 8k chips), then I do pass on marginal cEV spots. Basically once you have a close to FT stack cEV=/$EV
08-18-2011 , 03:02 PM
What does =/ mean?
08-18-2011 , 04:19 PM
How big of a stack do you usually want before you start stealing?
08-18-2011 , 05:21 PM
PM sent Dan.
08-18-2011 , 06:03 PM
1)What's the number of BBs when we are not 3b/folding anymore and we just've 3b/c range?
2) Do we ever have a raise/fold range against regulars let's say 14bb deep. Cause if we push a lot, we can sometimes raise/fold w/ trash cause they might think it's monster and if we get caught, we are making note on him not to do this again. Does it have any sense or it's just better to push everything or we're still inducing against regs sometime?
3)Let me describe the situation. Let's say reg is opening w/ 20BB MP, so what must be SB and BB stack's(the higghest possible amount of BBs) that reg could not raise/fold anymore in this spot versus blinds and is like never light. Is it about 13BBs?
4) At what # of BBs we stop inducing and only shove, even w/ Aces?
Thank you if you do mind answering these

Last edited by DzonisJ; 08-18-2011 at 06:24 PM.
08-18-2011 , 08:36 PM
Sorry to hear you can't play. Me either

you were/are one of the best imho.
08-18-2011 , 08:49 PM
hey have u read my pm

gr quadchrazs
08-18-2011 , 09:02 PM
What is my biggest leak

What defines ur strength in 18mans to other regs who are worse

How important is balancing ur minranges,

Why dont u raise fold with <13bb

How do u calculate -EV spots, (IE how much diff%)
+ what are the the main factors for -EV pushes/calls (players, stack layouts, who is the big stack etc)

What is the biggest misconception about ICM

Why arent u moving

What was the hardest from transitioning from STT to MTT SNGs and from MTT sngs to MTT

ICM more important 5 or 4handed in an 18man (so where u can deviate more)

ICM more or less important with or without shorties (in 18man everyone calls wider without shorties, example 10,4,4,4k stacks 400/800/50 gives insane ICM callranges)

Did u gameselect 18-9man

What criteria are the most important into converting a +EV push to a minraise (#players u can call anyway, stacksize #bb, playability)

Why does everyone shove wider over minraises than ICM (including me) in 9/18man endgames.

What criteria have to be met to fold some slightly +EV pushes in a 18man, if ever

How do u construct ur cbet to check behind range in the later levels

When do u start raising +EV shoves OOP in the small blind #bb, hands, player styles.
08-18-2011 , 09:16 PM
hey dna

how much do you think it affects your roi if you are not allowed to play any hand except 99+ AK in the first 3 levels of a turbo tournament no matter what? [by first 3 levels i mean bb=20,30,50 and 1500 starting chips]
08-18-2011 , 09:27 PM
Also say its full ring 100/200 with an ante, folded to you in SB with 4000 chips and BB has the same, say BB is a computer or some regular that is super duper duper duper good, what do you think is the best ranges to have from SB in this spot and how would you play it?
08-18-2011 , 09:42 PM
Why didn't the 90 mans ever go off?

If the structures were more in line with the 180s do you think they would have been more successful?

What ROI do you think was possible in the 60/90's on Sundays in the months leading up to BF?

Why doesn't the current state of MTT's excite you enough to want to move to Mexico or Canada for a few months?

Thoughts on open limping from LP and/or SB?

I don't recall playing many hands with you this year, but any thoughts on my game/what I can improve upon?
08-18-2011 , 09:47 PM
At bb=30, you are playing a $15/180 and it folds to you on the button with 33. Discuss the merits of limping vs raising, and would you ever limp vs two unknowns?
08-18-2011 , 10:15 PM
Back in the good old days, did you classify me as a "good" regular or a "mediocre" regular? What was my biggest leak in MTT SNGs? I recently fired up some 35/180s for nostalgia/screen-filling purposes. What adjustments will I have to catch up on to bring myself up to date, seeing as I hardly played them between 2008 (or, as I like to call it, the "Candy From Babies Era") and now?
08-18-2011 , 10:32 PM
Do you have a headache now?
08-19-2011 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by DzonisJ
1)What's the number of BBs when we are not 3b/folding anymore and we just've 3b/c range?
2) Do we ever have a raise/fold range against regulars let's say 14bb deep. Cause if we push a lot, we can sometimes raise/fold w/ trash cause they might think it's monster and if we get caught, we are making note on him not to do this again. Does it have any sense or it's just better to push everything or we're still inducing against regs sometime?
3)Let me describe the situation. Let's say reg is opening w/ 20BB MP, so what must be SB and BB stack's(the higghest possible amount of BBs) that reg could not raise/fold anymore in this spot versus blinds and is like never light. Is it about 13BBs?
4) At what # of BBs we stop inducing and only shove, even w/ Aces?
Thank you if you do mind answering these
1) in Sngmtts I find the regs are usually so tight that I rarely 3b/f but 25bbs w/o ante is the limit I'd say

2) yes, but it needs to be a small range if you're shoving a lot in that spot b/c I'm sure u have a small r/c range

3) I think people worry about stack sizes of one person in the blinds too much. It's often a decent spot to steal even if you have to look stupid and fold to a randoms 13BB shove (or have to call a 8bb reshove w/q9), because the regs don't expect u to be light. But ya if everyone has 13bb after me, I'm usually not light. If youre talking about other regs, ya they hate folding to <15 BB reshoves

4)12 vs regs. Randoms no rule, whatever u think is most profitable
08-19-2011 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by MUD
1) in Sngmtts I find the regs are usually so tight that I rarely 3b/f but 25bbs w/o ante is the limit I'd say

2) yes, but it needs to be a small range if you're shoving a lot in that spot b/c I'm sure u have a small r/c range

3) I think people worry about stack sizes of one person in the blinds too much. It's often a decent spot to steal even if you have to look stupid and fold to a randoms 13BB shove (or have to call a 8bb reshove w/q9), because the regs don't expect u to be light. But ya if everyone has 13bb after me, I'm usually not light. If youre talking about other regs, ya they hate folding to <15 BB reshoves

4)12 vs regs. Randoms no rule, whatever u think is most profitable
Thanks a lot, I have last question, cause I argued about this borderline w/ my friends, also regulars. At what #of BBs we start to shove ATC from BTN and SB? THANKS !
08-19-2011 , 01:19 PM
how large could your daily swings go up to and how did you keep yourself composed and eager to put in the volume when on these downswings? (both long and short term downswings)
08-19-2011 , 01:36 PM

What was your most effective learning method in 180mans? I just started putting more volume (100 games / day ) and its hard for me to analise every hand history every day and find thin spots in sng wizard becouse it spend a lot of time. Any tips ?
08-19-2011 , 08:27 PM
excellent job OP. thank you very much.
08-20-2011 , 12:12 AM
woahhh bookmarked, thank you. didn't realize we had this forum, haven't played since BF : (
08-20-2011 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by martin_malin
Hi mate, thx for doing this.

You said that you follow ICM very closely in 180s FT but I'm wondering just how close. I'm pretty sure everyone will agree that the range suggested by WIZ here is ridiculously tight. I feel that ICM implications in this spot should be minimal considering stack sizes distribution.

Therefore, I believe shoving some kind of a hybrid range between CEV and ICM is appropriate.

Toughts on that? Btw I consider 78s to be the rock bottom of my shoving range here.

First things first this is definitely a shove, your calling ranges are way too wide in sngwiz. Everyone understands here that you can't call wide behind you ( randoms and regs both).

I do have a hybrid range in these spots btw. It has to do w/ the main drawback of ICM being that it doesn't take blinds into effect (basically an extension of the idea that future edge, or in this case future negative edge, is not accounted for by ICM). And funny enough that fact that you can bust when shoving and not take the 'negative edge' of the blinds is a positive.

Sorry if that is a little vague, but can't give away all the secrets w/o making you guys think a little
08-20-2011 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Mecastyles

Why dont u raise fold with <13bb in 18 man endgames

Why does everyone shove wider over minraises than ICM (including me) in 9/18man endgames.
FYP and you answered your own question
08-20-2011 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by Mecastyles
What is my biggest leak

What defines ur strength in 18mans to other regs who are worse

How important is balancing ur minranges,
Always thought you played well in the small sample I have w/ you. I think it might have to do w/ self confidence and fighting through downswings.

Never really understood why I had so much better stats than everyone else in 18s. Ran hot I think, but I'd like to also think that I played well in most every spot whereas a lot of regs had minor leaks that add up over the course of time

I think important but one reg in particular had good stats and wasnt balanced at all and was super exploitable
