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2.5 , 3.5r and 8 , 180s Steal Stats Review and Oppinions 2.5 , 3.5r and 8 , 180s Steal Stats Review and Oppinions

06-27-2013 , 06:02 AM
Hello to All.
I've been studying some aspects i think i have to improve in my game related with steal aspects and play in the blinds.

After 2k mttsgg 180s here my stats

Steal Stats:

Total Steal %: 32 %
Steal from CO: 24,4 %
Steal from BTN: 31,4 %
Steal from SB: 49,9 %

I think my steal stats are ok , but i would like the know what you think about this stats.

My great doubts starts with play in the blinds.

Fold to Steal Stats:


I think i'm folding too much to steals , what are your thoughts?

I know this situations are player dependents and the game flow in the table are also very important, but would like to hear, in general, some oppinions about this stats and if exist's some standards about the fold to steal stats.

If you consider other stats important for analise this aspect of my game , please tell me that i add to the post.

PS: if you know some posts , videos , articles that you may find usefull to improve this aspect of my game and if you want to share , i appreciate a lot.

Thanks in Advance
06-27-2013 , 02:19 PM
Steal more, specially if there are nits on the blinds, fold less, cause you are a nit on the blinds.
Depending on who is stealling you, call more, or resteall more. By default, i would resteall more, people dont tend to pay 3bets even ip. Pay attention to the stack sizes, the 15-20 bb stacks are perfect for you to start 3b vs steal.
06-28-2013 , 05:25 AM
thanks for your reply.
My problem sometimes is if i should 3bet or i should shove with more or less 15/20 blinds to a steal..
Should i 3bet for value and shove hands that have some showdown value but i prefer win the flop without it, like small pairs , brodways and decent sc? this is right for you? i know this is player dependent but sometimes i fell lost and dont know what to do!

for example: If a agressive reg that steals a lot raise to 2 blinds , both have 15/20 blinds and i have 66 , should i shove directly or min raise to 5.5? usually when i try to resteal with 3 bet he comes over the top and shove and i have to fold.

Other thing that happens a lot is : he have the same stacks 15/20 blinds and i have 99, he min raises to 2 bb and i 3 bet to 5/5.5 blinds and he calls ,the flop is something like A10X , what to do? i have 10/15 blinds and the pot have the size of my remaining stack. if i bet the flop i stay commited.

Sometimes i think i'm loosing value to 3bet shove 15 bbs with 99 but after i have dificulties to play oop with this kind of hands
06-28-2013 , 07:09 AM
Always look to villains 4bet and fold to 3b and act acording to that. If he's bullying you by 4betting allot, you don't want to see a flop with 66, etc, and i think the shove is perfect because you have + fold equity, and 90% of flops sucks to you. Obv, if you have a monster hand, vs this same villain, normal 3b size is fine, give it rope and let it hang him self

Ps: I don't play this 180's a lot, but this situations are equal in all sngs
07-07-2013 , 10:46 AM
I definitely think you should be re-stealing more, it's a key part of accumulating chips in these tournaments because everybody is stealing from late position once they have a stack. Plus even if you re-steal light with say an A3o, you'll be surprised how many players will stack off with worse hands against your re-steal. Apart from that your stats seem fine.
07-08-2013 , 12:38 PM
Think buttonsteal% should be closer to 60%
07-10-2013 , 11:07 AM
Hello. Yeah , i'm trying to adapt to this part of the game!
I have one question:
Its better to resteal with meddium/high sc's that with lower aces right? i ask this because usually when i get called i have 2 live cards to play with, and the calling range of opponents are mainly aces , brodways and pairs.

Sokz, 60 % ? its not to high? i think this is player dependent a lot , if you have nits in blinds you can steal pretty wide , but if you have regs , i think you never will shove 60 % , if both stacks are pretty similar.
