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Where is Shane? Where is Shane?

05-15-2013 , 04:24 AM
So with all that has been happening recently you would think Lock would be hammering people with information and indeed if i recall correctly Lock poker was supposed to be upping the game. "A new Lock representative will come on here and give a more detailed explanation of how they currently see the issues and the steps they will be taking to get everything resolved." and "This representative will take an active role in answering any questions that our posters may have." The new guy lasted ONE post and then good old Shane made his dramatic come back.

here is a count of Shane's posts this month

14/05 -11
13/05 - 5
12/05 - 8
11/05 - 3
10/05 - 2
09/05 - 7
08/05 - 5
07/05 - 0
06/05 - 4
05/05 - 0
04/04 - 0
03/05 - 2
02/05 - 8
01/05 - 5

So that's a total of 60 posts in 15 days or an average of 4 post a day when your company is going through whats probably the biggest crisis it could face. That's some fine customer support you are giving there good job you are not paid by the post.
05-15-2013 , 04:41 AM
They are partying in Europe. Then the Lock team, like last year, will be living it up in Vegas for the WSOP. And will be mostly silent.

Don't expect much of anything from this sorry business
05-15-2013 , 01:53 PM
Lol. I kinda feel bad for the guy, he takes a ton of heat from the people in this forum, if I were him I wouldn't feel to apt to post either.
05-15-2013 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by jay94
Lol. I kinda feel bad for the guy, he takes a ton of heat from the people in this forum, if I were him I wouldn't feel to apt to post either.
Don't feel bad for the guy when we have no idea what he's being paid for this. I'm not even going to speculate because I don't want rumors to spread, but let's be honest and realize that he's paid more than enough to have a bigger presence than 4 posts a day on average this month.

What good does it do for him to "track down our withdrawals" with his time if it still results in us not receiving the money. And hey, to be fair, if/when we do receive our withdrawals, we're not suddenly going to credit Shane, nor does he ask of that. But again, if he's been doing that with his time, why do we not see more payout results for us at 2+2?
05-15-2013 , 02:15 PM
You mean to say you feel bad for a guy who does not do the job he is paid to do with our money? You feel bad for a guy who has been caught lying so many times in these threads that he makes Iraq's chemical Ali look like a spin guru in comparison? You feel bad for a guy who will BLATANTLY toe the company line and lie to everyone knowing that what he says is total BS? You feel sorry for a guy who after he is caught lying will say he technically didn't lie as he worded his reply so he couldn't be accused of lying when it's plain he was?

You feel sorry all you like because all i can feel for this liar is disgust and contempt.
05-16-2013 , 04:15 AM

Shane logs into 2+2 and over the space of 15 hours he makes a total of ten posts.

Disclaimer: I am not claiming that Shane was logged into 2+2 for 15 hours just that he made 10 posts over a 15 hour period.
05-16-2013 , 04:18 AM
i dont disagree w/ the issue but i think this thread is a waste of space.

in before locked thread
05-16-2013 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by pokerjoe561
i dont disagree w/ the issue but i think this thread is a waste of space.

in before locked thread
Unlike these amazing works of art that you started? 2 replies (one of them yours) (2 replies BOTH yours!) (2 replies guess what??)

Both yours

WOW you replied to yourself THREE times in this beauty

And then there is this one

First reply says

Originally Posted by LiarsDice
Read the stickies, there are two of them for you. One for bugs/issues, another for suggestions.
and you reply with

Originally Posted by pokerjoe561
Meh, those threads dont seem to be getting the job done. This one certainly can't hurt the situation.
Hows that working out for you?
