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My vault is gone My vault is gone

09-10-2011 , 10:18 PM
Yesterday I started playing again for the first time in a few months. I had about 335 dollars in my vault, and took out 50 to play with. After I was done playing I had 65 dollars, but when I went to put it back in my vault, the vault button on the stats page was gone.

I emailed support and they said if you stop being a vip, which i guess happens if you don't play for a month, you lose vault access because the vault is only for vips. I emailed them back asking about the 285 dollars in my vault and if I could have my vault access restored, and if not how am I supposed to access my money, but they never responded to that.

Is this supposed to be how it works? What if I lost my 65 and didn't become a vip by then? Then I would just lose my 285 dollars forever unless I made another deposit and earned vault access? Why did I have access at the start of the day but not later? And if my vault was taken away shouldn't the funds in it have been transferred out?

Last edited by Kiache; 09-10-2011 at 10:33 PM.
09-12-2011 , 11:10 AM
09-12-2011 , 01:50 PM
Don't worry, it will be fine. I am sure Rizen will address this when he sees this thread. You will get your money back.
09-12-2011 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by KingOfAces
Don't worry, it will be fine. I am sure Rizen will address this when he sees this thread. You will get your money back.
You're almost certainly correct but it shouldn't be necessary for Rizen to keep having to get involved and sort out what should really be straightforward matters for support.

What are players who don't visit 2+2 supposed to do? They must just email support and then wonder what the hell is going on.
09-12-2011 , 04:58 PM
If this is still unersolved e-mail me at and I'll make sure it's taken care of ASAP.



Originally Posted by Kiache
Yesterday I started playing again for the first time in a few months. I had about 335 dollars in my vault, and took out 50 to play with. After I was done playing I had 65 dollars, but when I went to put it back in my vault, the vault button on the stats page was gone.

I emailed support and they said if you stop being a vip, which i guess happens if you don't play for a month, you lose vault access because the vault is only for vips. I emailed them back asking about the 285 dollars in my vault and if I could have my vault access restored, and if not how am I supposed to access my money, but they never responded to that.

Is this supposed to be how it works? What if I lost my 65 and didn't become a vip by then? Then I would just lose my 285 dollars forever unless I made another deposit and earned vault access? Why did I have access at the start of the day but not later? And if my vault was taken away shouldn't the funds in it have been transferred out?
09-12-2011 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by JackRandall
You're almost certainly correct but it shouldn't be necessary for Rizen to keep having to get involved and sort out what should really be straightforward matters for support.

What are players who don't visit 2+2 supposed to do? They must just email support and then wonder what the hell is going on.

Exactly. If Rizen is the only one with a brain who can figure this out then maybe you need to hire some more people who actually have a brain.

If it is so painfully obvious that we are laughing about how ridiculous their response is then that probably isn't a good sign.

Still, it is reassuring that Rizen is around to prevent such things from getting too out of control I guess.
09-13-2011 , 09:45 AM
I haven't heard back from this player yet but once you have a vault you have one forever. The only way the vault disappears is if the player enters the wrong PIN or secret answer. As a security measure the vault is then locked and sealed.

I will confirm once I hear from this user, but the most likely scenario is they forgot their PIN/secret answer and were locked out of their vault for that reason.


09-13-2011 , 05:13 PM
Rizen, thanks for clarifying. Hopefully you also informed the misinformed cust service person.
09-13-2011 , 06:41 PM
Hey guys, im apparently having the same problem. I go to my stats page and it shows my vip status on the left hand side but there isn't any vault button like there used to be. And it doesn't allow me to cash in my vip points for cash either. I haven't played in awhile and im not sure if i forgot a step or if something has changed, but iirc there used to be a designated vault button you would click and then you would punch in your pin etc and check out your funds. I no longer have that designated vault button on my stats page.

Any suggestions, am i just over looking something?
09-14-2011 , 09:35 AM
sent a PM, I just need your username and I can have someone look at it ASAP.

Bob - yes the customer service person was informed.



Originally Posted by spillz
Hey guys, im apparently having the same problem. I go to my stats page and it shows my vip status on the left hand side but there isn't any vault button like there used to be. And it doesn't allow me to cash in my vip points for cash either. I haven't played in awhile and im not sure if i forgot a step or if something has changed, but iirc there used to be a designated vault button you would click and then you would punch in your pin etc and check out your funds. I no longer have that designated vault button on my stats page.

Any suggestions, am i just over looking something?
