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03-09-2013 , 01:15 AM
I really hope this works considering its not going to change
03-09-2013 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by imjustshane
From the numbers we look at the softness extends well into the middle group and isnt exclusive to the lowest group.
what numbers would those be? you've pretty kept much hidden all numbers involved with this mess.

you do realize that after this goes live that the players in the middle group will quickly figure out what players/tables are protected and leech of the bottom groups shield, right?

Last edited by DaycareInferno; 03-09-2013 at 01:29 AM.
03-09-2013 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
what numbers would those be? you've pretty kept much hidden all numbers involved with this mess.

you do realize that after this goes live that the players in the middle group will quickly figure out what players/tables are protected and leech of the bottom groups shield, right?
That's a great point which means a ton less tables will be running for the higher group, since the middle group will be putting most of their action in on the games where they know they have a chance to play with the lower group.

Also another thing about this program is they say it is put in place to protect the new players so they come back. Well if that was true wouldn't you think they wouldn't put players in the lowest group that have been depositing consistently for the past 3+ months but may be a huge fish? From what it sounds like they are protecting players like this that really don't need to be protected since they obviously keep coming back anyways so no need to worry about them not coming back. Also this program makes the fish lose slower so that player thinks he is getting better, but in all reality hes just playing against weaker players and has no idea because the site won't inform these players about the program.

If you were to do this program right you would just give a new player an option for the beginners tables and then take them away after a certain amount of hands played. Also Shane commented that these players in the lowest group can ask to be taken out of this group, but my question to him is how can they ask to be taken out of a group when you don't tell them they're in a group?
03-09-2013 , 02:42 AM
Farewell Lock, it's been fun.

Last 6 months (36% RB):

No hard feelings, I know it's a business. I will be curious to see if you can make back my 40k/year in rake contribution and consistent table starting with the extended lifespans of some rec players.

Good luck with your gamboool.

Last edited by pmuir10; 03-09-2013 at 02:45 AM. Reason: add rb %
03-09-2013 , 03:55 AM
They prob can't make your 40k/yr back but they won't have to cash you out anymore which will leave them with less strain on their already overburdened cashier.
03-09-2013 , 04:43 AM
The amount of money cashed out or not cashed out is really what makes the difference. A losing or breakeven player, not a winning player, paying rake is really who they would miss.
03-09-2013 , 05:15 AM
Ya'all should scroll back & read Xsjado's post. They've delayed when they're gonna release it until next Wed or later. Ya'all been posting very humorous pics of "the Dev team" (lmfao, btw.) What in the world makes anyone believe their software can even support this kind of "stress." I'll wait to see if they can actually implement this & what it actually affects myself.
03-09-2013 , 12:40 PM
What in the world makes anyone believe their software can even support this kind of "stress."
because they're actually motivated to integrate this into the software.
03-09-2013 , 11:56 PM
Granted I haven't read every single page of this 16 page thread, but has it been covered yet how exactly it's going to work having tables of mixed skill levels? For instance, if someone on the top 1/3 sees a game with 4 players at the table, all of which are middle and upper 1/3 players, and a mega fish sits down, will the table suddenly disappear from their lobby because the fish in in the bottom 1/3 tier?
03-10-2013 , 01:02 AM
Does fair play rig the rng? J/k, but I've had an unbelievably bad run since this **** was announced.
03-10-2013 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Does fair play rig the rng? J/k, but I've had an unbelievably bad run since this **** was announced.
Stop digging your own ditch and you probably won't have that problem.
03-10-2013 , 06:23 AM
the hole change is like the starcraftleaguesystem where you get 55% wins at best
so with rake even the best players are now breakeven
03-10-2013 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Ben Lopez
For instance, if someone on the top 1/3 sees a game with 4 players at the table, all of which are middle and upper 1/3 players, and a mega fish sits down, will the table suddenly disappear from their lobby because the fish in in the bottom 1/3 tier?
I'm going to assume that's how it'll work, would indeed definately like more information.. does look somewhat gross if you look at it that way, where it's almost going to be a game of speed aswell whether you get to join a good game or not.. (ofcourse, it was already before to some extent, but at least you could join the waitlist for the given game if you didn't get to join straight away) Nevermind the "issue" of top players starting tables: if you start every single table as a top player, you're not only increasing your odds of getting a game going (obviously) but you're also effectively making the fish see less tables.
03-10-2013 , 02:14 PM
Is this implemented yet? I need to know so the day it goes live I can cash out. I refuse to play on anything but a straight forward poker site, this is unbelievable, just wow. Fair play mechanics of ANY SORT have no place in a internet poker room, at least not for me.
03-11-2013 , 10:50 AM
So... I have a winrate of 15bb on up... So now im stuck playing a bunch of break even "regs" .. You know its the recreational players choice as to who and what they would like to play, reguardless of bankroll or ability. When you go to a casino do they segregate you at the tables? What a joke of a system this is .. Thanks Revolution network, totally the wave of the future!
03-11-2013 , 02:55 PM
As a player who JUST signed up for lock I'll let you know I will be snap cashing out.

This is absolute horse ****. I hope you guys really enjoy my cash loan. Guess I'll be getting my check in a few months!
03-11-2013 , 05:12 PM
All this system does however you word it, is improve locks profitability (if all regs don't leave) by destroying the regs/winning players value on their deposits. were getting raped at both sides, we make them most rake back but yet we lose roi
03-11-2013 , 05:18 PM
This all seems so confusing. The more I read the thread the more I am confused on how this will all work. Lock, I am a losing fish who you're trying to "protect". I don't want the protection, it actually takes away from the game. I try getting better in part by playing against whoever and if I don't win I try (mostly unsuccessfully) to have fun
03-11-2013 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by MicroDonky1
This all seems so confusing. The more I read the thread the more I am confused on how this will all work. Lock, I am a losing fish who you're trying to "protect". I don't want the protection, it actually takes away from the game. I try getting better in part by playing against whoever and if I don't win I try (mostly unsuccessfully) to have fun
Exactly, basically its lock incompetence to improve network stability, improve cash outs and sort out some decent software. They are basically doing this fair play system to limit the amount of cashouts made by winning players while increasing the amount of deposits the fish make (which doesn't improve ecology because all them fish allin's go to other fish not winning or break even players). If I am wrong correct me?
03-11-2013 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by ewhizzle
So... I have a winrate of 15bb on up... So now im stuck playing a bunch of break even "regs" .. You know its the recreational players choice as to who and what they would like to play, reguardless of bankroll or ability. When you go to a casino do they segregate you at the tables? What a joke of a system this is .. Thanks Revolution network, totally the wave of the future!
Exactly. Just like the government is "protecting" us from online poker, so we don't "gamble" away our money. It's all a cruel joke. I think this makes Lock more shady and corrupt than the Bovada anonymous change. I know I won't be playing on Lock anymore, and I REALLY hope no one else does too. They don't deserve my or any one else's action.
03-11-2013 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by spring83
Exactly. Just like the government is "protecting" us from online poker, so we don't "gamble" away our money. It's all a cruel joke. I think this makes Lock more shady and corrupt than the Bovada anonymous change. I know I won't be playing on Lock anymore, and I REALLY hope no one else does too. They don't deserve my or any one else's action.
I remember watching hearings on the Barton bill, maybe a year+ ago. Barton and the "Pro-federal regulation" side took the stance that US players needed consumer protection. I was completely blind-sided when that extended beyond just cheats and bots, and they argued for consumer protection from highly-skilled online "sharks".

My point is that like it or not, this is likely the future of online poker. It may even become law in a federally regulated US market. Lock didn't actually create this concept, nor were they the first to implement it.

I do understand that for many, it is/will be a bitter pill to swallow. That doesn't change the writing on the wall.
03-11-2013 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by ChriSquared
As a player who JUST signed up for lock I'll let you know I will be snap cashing out.

This is absolute horse ****. I hope you guys really enjoy my cash loan. Guess I'll be getting my check in a few months!
Why'd you just sign up for Lock, took a nap and missed online poker like me the past couple years?
03-11-2013 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by MicroDonky1
This all seems so confusing. The more I read the thread the more I am confused on how this will all work. Lock, I am a losing fish who you're trying to "protect". I don't want the protection, it actually takes away from the game. I try getting better in part by playing against whoever and if I don't win I try (mostly unsuccessfully) to have fun
Lock isn't implementing the fair game Tech out of concern for the fish profit margins, it's for their own. This new system has nothing to do with Lock wanting to make fish more money. It has everything to do with Lock making Lock more money. One way for Lock to do that is by keeping fish from getting bank rolled and then the shark who just did it to them cashing out 5 minutes after. They don't get much action on that money so they are trying to prevent it from happening. The idea is that the longer the fish has his money the more action Lock gets on it because fish are less likely to cash out and more likely to re-deposit... tsiu
03-11-2013 , 11:50 PM
Has everyone left Rev. already? Traffic is abysmal right now....
03-11-2013 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by spring83
Exactly. Just like the government is "protecting" us from online poker, so we don't "gamble" away our money. It's all a cruel joke. I think this makes Lock more shady and corrupt than the Bovada anonymous change. I know I won't be playing on Lock anymore, and I REALLY hope no one else does too. They don't deserve my or any one else's action.
lol, where will you be playing then? Ya'all need to stop the bs threats about "I'm gone!!" when we don't even know what's actually going on or to what it actually affects our individual game. As far as your post in particular, if you're an American player...after just whacking the two busiest sites facing us, where exactly are you planning on playing. If you're ROW, why the heck are you playing here anyways? Just keep your crap together until its atleast actually released and stop wasting our time reading your tirades that really, really, are useless threats against a site that probably doesn't care any hoots.
