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The Well: Raptor517 The Well: Raptor517

01-19-2012 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Heyway
Great well man, you seem like a really good guy and you always write interesting stuff.

1. Favorite kettlebell exercise?

2. Are you scared of death? If Yes, Why?

3. What's your best and worst quality?

Thanks for doing this!
1. Jerk. Probably because I got pretty good at it. Front squats are pretty sweet too.

2. I try to avoid putting my life in danger as I don’t really want to die. I realize that death is inevitable, but life is vastly preferable.

3. When I am motivated to do something I am able to devote an enormous amount of energy towards it. I also tend to be pretty good at figuring things out, and I haven’t really come across something that I wanted to learn but haven’t been able to (I don’t care to learn about nuclear physics or insert some insanely complicated thing. It is very possible there are a lot of things I don’t have the capacity to learn). I tunnel vision a bit and in general am not super emotional, so those can be negative in a lot of ways. Oh yea, I also really suck at listening. I have to try really hard and focus 100% on what people are saying to retain anything. I am also horrible at remembering names.
01-19-2012 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Magis
Last time a light-bulb went off in/near your head???
That was scary.
01-19-2012 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by olesho
Do you have any system for note taking/classifying opponents?
Not really. If I see something that sticks out I make a note, that's about it.
01-19-2012 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by NeverThere
Just going to reiterate that this is one of the best threads on 2p2 and will probably be referenced/bumped many times in the future.

I noticed in a few responses you said that you prefer 6max plo to hu plo. From your other responses I gather that it's because you really dislike being out of position in plo.

1.When you're playing hu plo vs a random who is competent but not overly creative, how often are you defending the BB? i.e. not 3bing just flatting.
2.I just assume you're basically never limping the button because I don't think I've ever seen you do it in plo so that being said, do you like the 'never fold to a 3b' line of reasoning? Or do you just not raise really trashy hands vs someone who is 3b a reasonable amount.
3.Since you've said that you don't really look too much in to poker stove/the combinations and such, how light are you calling 4bets 100x deep. Say vs someone who you know is basically only 4betting good aces 100x deep something like AAQ9 at least one suit. Would be cool to hear what your lowest calling type hand would be there (no paired cards, no aces in your hand etc...) or would you be calling 4456ds there?

lastly, and I hope this doesn't sound like I'm attacking you because i think you've stayed pretty far out of the way of the dramas on 2p2 but I'm not sure how you can say that Hastings and crew did not cheat Blom. They had at least 3x the data points on him that he had on Hastings. They knowingly broke the toc of ftp which in a vacuum should have been enough to get the money returned.
There was pretty clear information asymmetry imo and the edge that results from that is enormous. Much like insider trading, or corporate espionage -- when one party at the table has grossly more information on the topic at hand than the other, and when acquired through nefarious tactics, that party is vulnerable to jail time.
Add to that the fact that Hastings goes on 2p2 to cancel all his staking/sharing agreements the night before the match, honestly i think if poker was regulated the way that the stock market/business deals are regulated, there would have been some decent penalties there.
Not to open another 2p2 wound, but it always amazed me how everyone just jumped on dih snap assuming that he was behind some grandiose conspiracy to fake the next best player in the world, but the obvious, blatant cheating that other parties participated in just goes under the rug. It's a case of pretty extreme results oriented (literally, the ones who have made at least a million in the past year get away) thinking.
1. Depends on opening size. I rarely fold to min raises if I have any hope. I also tend to flat a lot more than 3bet, at least based on what I have seen sweating other people play/looking at hands.
2. I don’t limp v often in HUPLO, In general I am happy playing big pots in position with most 4 cards and reasonable stacks. I fold to some 3 bets, but not a ton. I raise almost all of my buttons.
3. I probably call 4 bets less light than most, though I also tend to have a much stronger range when I 3bet, so I probably call a higher % of my 3bets when I get 4bet.

I understand your perspective, but it is such a grey area. If Hastings lost no one would have cared, yet he would have been equally as guilty. I think, in online poker, we should always be prepared to play against people that have access to all of our hands. I mean, there are whole threads and forums dedicated to sweating high stakes games. Am I a cheater if I followed along in the High Stakes sweat thread one day and then played Isildur the next day? It sounds like you would think that I am, and I think that is absurd. How far do we take this? Is it ok for me to sweat my friend playing against someone? There is no 1 person to a hand rule on stars, but if I sweat durrr playing isildur then play him the next day, am I a cheater that should have all of my money taken away and given directly to Isildur? I am interested to hear more opinions, but it seems like a very difficult topic to reach finality on.

I didn’t know much about the whole selling off/staking cancellation stuff, that does seem sketchy.

I also didn’t keep up a ton with the DiH stuff so can’t comment there.
01-19-2012 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
Great well Mr. Raptor

1) What do you think your ROI, in terms of buy ins, is in the PCA super high roller

2) rank the following from good to bad:
Eminem, Snoop dogg, lil wayne, Busta Rhymes, Usher
1. No idea, probably like 25% or something. I felt very confident in the field.

2. Eminem, Lil Wayne, Snoop Dog, Busta Rhymes, Usher
01-19-2012 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Dave47
1 more question raptor- sauce123 said before that climbing up the stakes a second time was really easy because he played 500/1k before. What was it like for you playing low to med stakes for a video you were doing or whatever- did it basically feel like playing with idiots?

Final thing is how did you get so good at game flow? Its seems to be such an intangible quality- its obvious players like isildur have it- is the only explanation for him winning in spite of tilt issues imo- I mean did it come from focusing on the game at hand more than anything else? In a similar context would you regard yourself as a deep thinker in areas other than poker?
I think the regulars at 2-4 to 5-10 are for the most part very good players. I don’t really know what separates them from the people at 25-50+, but the differences are probably smaller than you would think.

Not really sure, it probably comes from playing a ton of hands while actually trying to think about why your opponents are reacting in certain ways. Eventually you start to pick up on the nuances and can focus ranges down better than others.

I consider myself a deep thinker in general, but I would imagine most semi intelligent people feel the same.
01-19-2012 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by smokeandmirrors
Let's say that for some (non-physical) reason I can't do starting strength. What would be your guide to both building muscle and losing fat (doesn't have to be simultaneously)? If you recommend kettlebells, is there a list of exercises or guide you followed when you were getting started with them?
I worked out a lot with KickPushCoast from health and fitness forum. He really knows his stuff. I didn't really follow a list of exercises, he was really good at mixing up workouts. We did a lot of jerks, push press, front squats, swings and high pulls (not in any particular order). We also did some farmer walks, and a lot of weirdo metcons with weight vest. There are probably some pretty good resources out there, but I don't know which ones are the best. Building up to an AKC certification would probably be a good start.
01-19-2012 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Klakteuh
Over a period of say 5 years, what do you think will make you the most money ?

a. Grind your current stake at the maximum hourly by playing 10+ tables

b. Cut down to 4-6 tables, really try to learn a lot move up, and possibly play more tables later on.

I guess i'm in a situation where I don't need to make money from poker in the short term, but Id like to be able to make a lot/make more in the future. Im not sure whether I should try to maximise my gain by playing a lot of tables or really trying to learn so that I can play higher stakes and "give up" some money now to make more later. Im playing midstakes atm if that makes a difference.
B and it isn’t close. Even like 6 hours per week of 4 tabling where you think really hard about every decision will have an enormous impact on your game. Remember, even very small increases in bb/100 will go along way when playing a ton of tables.
01-19-2012 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by KingDan
what openings? how did you go about studying them?
My friend Bob, a poker dealer chess master I met when I was 16 at the underground club, gave me 'Logical Chess Move by Move' by Irving Chernev. I worked through that, and picked up 'Winning Chess: How to see Three Moves Ahead' by Chernev and Fred Reinfeld. I am close to a rank beginner, and I like the style of these books a lot. I am open to other suggestions
01-19-2012 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by sevendeuc24
where has Tom been?
China probably
01-19-2012 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Petey 5thStreet
Raptor, I'm sure you saw the PLO Poker After Dark... I was wondering what you thought of the game? Do you think PLO has a future in televised poker?

Who do you think played best at the table? PA seemed to spew. Ivey crushed with a passive style (atleast preflop)... he limp-called everything. Galfond played great, I thought.

durrrr and BA didn't do too good.

What are your thoughts on the table? How do you think you would have done at that table? Which seat would you want to be in?

Thanks a bunch for answering. This well is awesome. Will go down in 2p2 history, for sure.
I actually watch pretty close to zero poker on TV and didn’t see this. Sorry.
01-19-2012 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by jcl
i think seeing the future would be awful. for starters, ud know when u were going to die. we all know we're going to die, but if i knew the exact date i dont think i could go about living my life the same. ive always said id rather get hit by a car than get cancer and have a year to sort out my affairs because that year would be godawful for so many reasons.

also ud know when everyone else would die but u couldnt change it or tell them ud just have to maybe be extra nice to them just before they died out of guilt

this of course presumes u cant change the future ur seeing. otherwise ur not really seeing it etc.
Always in motion the future is.
01-19-2012 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by rumnchess
A couple fun openings:

1. The Halloween attack: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nxe5?! Lots of theory online but basically white sacs a knight for a pawn and tons of early aggression
2. The French Defense, Winwawer variation: 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4
Lots of cool tactical lines here
Hah, cool.
01-19-2012 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by whatwonder
Will you play me in Super Smash Bros (64) for $100 a game?
No, I don't have delusions of my abilities such that I accept money challenges from people I have never talked to
01-19-2012 , 05:04 PM
You seem like a really cool person. Couple questions

When you win lets say 300k in bobbys room. Whats the best way to cash out. wire, check, cash ect ect

I also read but I dont think you answerd that there is politics in the high stakes game, If I wanted to plop down 500k and play is someone going to tell me NO

01-19-2012 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by chiptricks1
You seem like a really cool person. Couple questions

When you win lets say 300k in bobbys room. Whats the best way to cash out. wire, check, cash ect ect

I also read but I dont think you answerd that there is politics in the high stakes game, If I wanted to plop down 500k and play is someone going to tell me NO

I always deal in wires. Matt Glantz wrote a pretty good article that talks about how a lot of people just walk around with hundreds of thousands in chips or cash, and I agree that is irresponsible and just plain foolish. I won't say I have never walked around with a lot of money in my bag, but I try to avoid it by wiring wherever I am going.

There are a lot of politics, but if there is a seat open and no wait list, anyone can sit and play.
01-19-2012 , 11:09 PM
Thanks for doing this David, it's been a great read.

1) What's the minimum number of meerkats you'd have your little finger amputed (under anaesthetic) to save the lives of?

2) When's the last time you cried?

3) What's your biggest fear?

4) What's your favourite youtube clip?
01-19-2012 , 11:11 PM
Any thoughts on the effects of poker legislation in usa? How it would be "good for poker", any potential negatives?
01-19-2012 , 11:42 PM
thoughts on the politics involved in getting a seat in the best games that run in bobby's room?

did you routinely get shut out? did you have someone calling you to let you know when a game was starting? how did you go about making sure you'd get a seat?
01-20-2012 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by Gorvacofin
Thanks for doing this David, it's been a great read.

1) What's the minimum number of meerkats you'd have your little finger amputed (under anaesthetic) to save the lives of?

2) When's the last time you cried?

3) What's your biggest fear?

4) What's your favourite youtube clip?
1. There is no number.

2. Couple months ago.

3. Not having any direction in life. Waking up in the morning and not having anything to work towards.

4. Hard to say, I don’t really watch a ton of youtube vids. Mostly I see links to mma fights, though those usually aren’t on youtube. I don’t really browse around and watch funny clips or anything.
01-20-2012 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by MikeGotNuts
Any thoughts on the effects of poker legislation in usa? How it would be "good for poker", any potential negatives?
There are probably hundreds of people that will be able to comment better on this. I don’t keep up all the much. It seems that if online poker gets legalized in the US, it will be pretty freaking great for online poker in general (and all of us). I can’t think of any negatives unless they do some ridiculous tax scheme that makes it impossible to win.
01-20-2012 , 01:25 AM
Your response to this question will undoubtedly be a humble one. Something along the lines of there being better or more qualified people to ask, but maybe you have some insight you can share. What do you think is the next big thing available to entrepreneurs to latch onto? There are many way to go about monetizing an idea or an opportunity. Most say it’s not about the idea itself, but mostly about the execution and determination of the person attached to it. A lot of opportunities come and go, and if you are not ahead of the curve you may miss the boat. It does not have to be a specific start up idea or business idea. It could be an entire field or a theory of yours. It could be a trend in the stock market. Anything you feel may help someone who is trying to create wealth. Thanks.
01-20-2012 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
thoughts on the politics involved in getting a seat in the best games that run in bobby's room?

did you routinely get shut out? did you have someone calling you to let you know when a game was starting? how did you go about making sure you'd get a seat?
I probably am not great at this, but I stay friendly with the people in the games as well as the floor guys (sizable tips don’t hurt). In general if you are nice and reasonably fun to play with, you won’t have trouble getting into games. I have never been shut out before, and I feel like I usually know what games are running. I think Bellagio does a good job of keeping everything in line as well. The big game that ran at the Rio last summer was pretty ridiculous with list jumping etc.
01-20-2012 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by jay0582
Your response to this question will undoubtedly be a humble one. Something along the lines of there being better or more qualified people to ask, but maybe you have some insight you can share. What do you think is the next big thing available to entrepreneurs to latch onto? There are many way to go about monetizing an idea or an opportunity. Most say it’s not about the idea itself, but mostly about the execution and determination of the person attached to it. A lot of opportunities come and go, and if you are not ahead of the curve you may miss the boat. It does not have to be a specific start up idea or business idea. It could be an entire field or a theory of yours. It could be a trend in the stock market. Anything you feel may help someone who is trying to create wealth. Thanks.
I think green energy is the next big thing. I don’t know what form it will come in, but everyone seems to be making a transition to cleaner, more efficient energy. I am trying to get involved as much as I can and hopefully ride the wave up like with internet poker. If you can get slightly ahead of the game and stay there, you will be in a very strong position going forward.
01-20-2012 , 12:50 PM
Why did you cry a couple of months ago?
