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The Well: Raptor517 The Well: Raptor517

12-21-2011 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by hutch5
1. How much money/bankroll do you think the big game regulars have liquid when the game was 3k-6k mixed games, 100k capped for nl/plo games at the Bellagio a few years ago?

2. What kinda of bankroll would you need to play the Macau 10k-20k hkd game?

3. How much would the biggest winner in the Macau game make a year?

4. The WSOP 1 Million Dollar tourny, how do you feel about this?
1. I have no idea, probably not as much as you would think. People play on pretty short rolls in big live games from what I can tell (also, that game isn't as big as a lot of the stuff that ran this summer).

2. I would take shots at it right now, but I would sell off probably half of my action. I am not really concerned about having the 'bankroll' to go grind it or anything. I would take some shots, if it works out great I run it up and get rich. If not, I lose a few hundred K and go back to Vegas and play 100-200 all summer.

3. Depends how often the game runs. If they play it once per week, 10-20m seems like a solid year (could easily be a lot more I have no idea).

4. I feel like I won't play it Wayyyy too big for me. Plus I suck at tournaments.
12-21-2011 , 01:25 AM
1. I have no idea, probably not as much as you would think. People play on pretty short rolls in big live games from what I can tell (also, that game isn't as big as a lot of the stuff that ran this summer).

I heard the biggest game was 2k-4k plo no cap.. Is that true?

I also heard 50k a point Chinese poker... Is that true also?

What would be a real roll to play the 2k-4k plo game I would figure atleast 4-40 million to be able to take the heat?
12-21-2011 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by hutch5
1. I have no idea, probably not as much as you would think. People play on pretty short rolls in big live games from what I can tell (also, that game isn't as big as a lot of the stuff that ran this summer).

I heard the biggest game was 2k-4k plo no cap.. Is that true?

I also heard 50k a point Chinese poker... Is that true also?

What would be a real roll to play the 2k-4k plo game I would figure atleast 4-40 million to be able to take the heat?
I think the 2k-4k was uncommon. I was in a 500-1k game that was basically straddle restraddle every hand, it got pretty stupid. Generally the buyin was in the 40-80k range though so you could shortstack and run it up (this was me). I am not a huge fan of sitting in for 400k and just being like oh well reload when I lose. Way more fun to run up stacks, and if you lose a 500k pot it still only feels like you lost 50-100k or whatever you sat with (kinda).

As far as a bankroll, I have no idea. I practice aggressive shot taking with no ego issues playing lower stakes, but I can't really speak for anyone else. I also have no idea about the 50k a point chinese poker, that seems insane. Could lose 5 mil on a slightly bad day there that's disgusting.
12-21-2011 , 01:54 AM
Biggest pot you ever seen? explain how it happend roughly
12-21-2011 , 02:00 AM
1)How young were you when you first started playing online?

2)How much money did you lose before you started winning?

3)What stakes did you start at?

4)Do you use adderall while grinding?
12-21-2011 , 03:42 AM

When moving up stakes how many hours in a week did you dedicate to poker or end up playing/studying pokers.
12-21-2011 , 05:45 AM
Pretty late to this party but...
Have you considered ever starting to blog regularly again? Typically I could give two ****s about other peoples day to day (or updates pending, month to month) lives, but I found your blog to be a genuinely good read, and equal parts entertaining and insightful. Also way more personal than most, possibly all, poker blogs are. Which made it infinitely more awesome.
12-21-2011 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by hutch5
Biggest pot you ever seen? explain how it happend roughly
I can't really think of anything now. If I wasn't involved I don't generally remember longer than a few days. I saw Hastings make a really good value bet with a straight on a 3 flush board in plo into bobby baldwin for a ~300k pot. I thought that was cool. Certainly not the biggest I have ever seen, but the most memorable of late.
12-21-2011 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by GGD123
1)How young were you when you first started playing online?

2)How much money did you lose before you started winning?

3)What stakes did you start at?

4)Do you use adderall while grinding?
1. 18 for money, 16 for play.

2. I didn't. I won the first 2 10+1 sngs I played on party and boom, instant bankroll. I used 10 buyin bankroll to move up to the 215's. If I dropped below 10 I dropped back down a level. I went up and down a lot before finally settling. I also realized 10 buyins was probably a little short, though I was mostly 1-2 tabling. I started 4 tabling after ~2 months I think.

3. I guess I kinda answered this already. All sngs, moving up and down depending on bankroll of the day.

4. I have never used it while playing poker. I don't have issues paying attention there, the stimulation is constant so attention problems don't really come into play.
12-21-2011 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by metski

When moving up stakes how many hours in a week did you dedicate to poker or end up playing/studying pokers.
Most weeks probably around 80, possibly more. I didn't really do much other than play or think about poker for the first year.
12-21-2011 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by fbonacci
Pretty late to this party but...
Have you considered ever starting to blog regularly again? Typically I could give two ****s about other peoples day to day (or updates pending, month to month) lives, but I found your blog to be a genuinely good read, and equal parts entertaining and insightful. Also way more personal than most, possibly all, poker blogs are. Which made it infinitely more awesome.
Thanks, glad you liked it.

I am not sure if I will start one again. I can't imagine anyone wanting to read it at this point, I don't do any poker stuff anymore so it would mostly be me talking about being in the library, or being too tired/lazy to work out. I'll think about it.
12-21-2011 , 10:38 AM
Nice well. For the record, I don't think you suck at tournaments. I was at the 2010 wsop I think it was, and I'm pretty sure I was watching you at the final table of the 5k no-limit holdem with Amak and Yellowsub, if I remember correctly.. but now to my question.

Would you say that you are a happier person now that you are done/taking a break from playing a lot of poker? Are there ever times when you're at the library or just doing some mundane life activity and you think "Man, this is not quite as exciting as being a high stakes baller." ??
12-21-2011 , 05:37 PM
Saw you owned a Grand Cherokee SRT8. What did you think of this beast? Worth the price? I currently own an STI and was thinking of selling and purchasing SRT8. Should I? Was gas a bitch?

In the old partypoker days, what did you think of the players: Samolous, LOLTRICKDU, BldSwTrs. BldSwTrs always intrigued me since people said he was so difficult to understand. He also apparently never used any HEM or any other databases while playing many tables. Way ahead of the curve at the time.

Assuming poker gets legalized, do you think it would be wise for a 30yr old to play for a living if he can make around $100k/year. Said person has no debt, owns a condo, car, etc. I'm sure there are many other variables to take into account, but given that this individual just wants to essentially live the "retired life" and live at his leisure and travel, etc before life passes him by working a 9-5.
12-21-2011 , 06:19 PM
Sorry if you have answered the questions already
1. How many much did you make from sngs when you first grinded them and over how many games
2. who do u think the top 3 best PLO players are at the moment and top 3 HUNLHE
12-21-2011 , 06:21 PM
1) Most number of hands played (and approximate time length) of your longest online session? Longest live poker session? Longest chinese character grind session?

2) Most calories consumed in a day? Most nerd ropes?

3) Rank going heads up with Seth in paintball on a 1-10 fear scale.

4) Assuming poker is legalized in the next few years, would you bet on me eventually beating 5/10?

5) If you had to pick up and move somewhere in the US that you have never lived before, where would you move? Internationally?

6) Craziest night out in vegas?
12-21-2011 , 07:40 PM
7) did you ever finish all that crown?
12-21-2011 , 07:57 PM
Just wanna say raptor that you are definitely on the right track as far as getting the most out of yourself/life if you keep this up... we have a lot of things in common so I might shoot you a pm and see if you respond...

In the meantime Merry Xmas to you and great job doing one of the best wells on 2p2.
12-21-2011 , 08:00 PM
i know you still own some, but why did you decide to sell some of your property and take the hit? just couldn't be bothered with the hassle of juggling them all any more?

great thread, thanks.
12-21-2011 , 08:11 PM
Great well and congrats on your success, you are an inspiration.

I'm curious because I'm considering investing in real estate as well atm since the market is so low.

You mention that you lost 400k investing in RE. Since you seem to still have a very comfortable amount of cash available, why did you sell your properties and not rent them out or something while waiting for the market to rebound?

Same question about the index fund. Do you mean that you sold your positions at a significant loss or are you still in and would lose money if you got out now?


edit: just saw Yeti's post, lol. Still interested about the index fund, though.
12-21-2011 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by raptor517
1. I think that is the most important part of poker after getting down the basics.

2. I think if you are a 12 tabling mid stakes guy, it is pretty bad to play when tired or groggy. If you are 2 tabling some high stakes 6max plo (a ton of it was 40x cap) against a decent number of not-so-great players, it would be insane to not play while slightly tired. I definitely play worse when I am not fresh, but I think my hourly playing the bigger games was still pretty high.
ty nice insight- thanks again for doing the thread and best of luck in college and with those start ups
12-21-2011 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by hutch5
Thanks for the reply but...

Could you go into more detail about who told you this (tax accountants, tax lawyers, ect...) and what they told you? I am back in school for a Finance Degree I have less then 26 credits left for a BA, and I asked a few professors and they all look at me they have no idea what I am talking about or can't answer this. I am pretty sure I am reaching and this might be a stupid idea, but I would rather ask a dumb question and learn from it, then be dumb for not asking questions.

My understanding for an S Corp to be made all is required is a tax payer ID or a social security number. So if you make a separate entity for your poker business via a S corp, this should be legal. Its no different then a investment firm or or a check cashing place. Its all margins from my aspect. Or is it the gambling issue that stops everything? I think it was Billy Baxter who fought the IRS years ago about gambling and won about being able to carry over losses and wins via the tax code.

Side note I am not the strongest writer I am a math/concept guy so if anything is worded weird just ask to rewrite or clarify...
There have been a bunch of threads about this, start with this and pay particular attention to Russ Fox's posts:

There's more to it than what I originally said. Some people have done it and afaik they haven't had problems yet. However, the people who know the most about it seem to think it isn't a good idea.

Originally Posted by jpapola
you can't make money off of gambling, but why cant your corporation consult someone who does? hypothetically, of course.
You can't just call it something other than what it is and then treat it accordingly. Russ Fox says

"Gambling income is considered personal income by the IRS; moving it to a business entity would likely be seen as having no economic substance. There's a fundamental rule of tax that any transaction must have economic substance or it is considered null and void."

EDIT: I feel bad about hijacking raptor's sweet well to argue about tax code crap. We should probably drop it from here. If you're still curious about this stuff, PM me or better yet talk to an accountant.
12-21-2011 , 11:45 PM
If you had an opportunity to invest in an online poker room (assuming Online Poker would be legal in the U.S.) but had to sell all your interest in the other startups, would you do it? Why/Why not?
12-22-2011 , 12:50 AM
if you had to play 1/2 and 1/3 live only in Vegas for a full 12 month period and were committed to it, how much do you think you would earn(gross)?
12-22-2011 , 01:14 AM
Awesome read.

1. Best sushi you ever hand, both the restaurant and the specific dish (certain type of nigiri/maki/whatever)?

2. Best Las Vegas sushi place(s)?

3. Also if you somehow happen to know of them since I'm going to there soon, best Miami sushi place?

4. Stupidest thing you've done drunk?

5. Hottest female poker player (has to have at least some sort of merits, tv hosts etc don't count)?

Oh and thanks for helping making CardRunners what it is today too, I'm extremely proud to be a part of it these days
12-22-2011 , 02:24 AM
Excellent read, it is much appreciated and brings a lot of value to someone from your age demographic as well.

You've pretty much gone over everything i'd look to ask, only real question I haven't seen is do you listen to music while playing online, live, or situation dependent at all?

Thanks again for taking so much time to do this!
