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warning to high stakes travelers!! warning to high stakes travelers!!

03-29-2009 , 06:19 PM
You agree with my post and think it's horrible at the same time. OK whatever you say king of politics forum.
03-30-2009 , 01:11 AM
[QUOTE=fish2shark;9647781]So everytime you fly you spend a few extra thousand dollars in first class and call that "life improvement" while I can either choose to put that money into my bankroll, or better yet, spend it on girls, nightclubs, going out, fine dining, clothes, electronics, all of which over a month probably add up to the extra money that you pay for a couple of hours on a plane with more legroom. I think I know whose life is "improved" more than the other for the same money spent.

Its too bad that buying a first class ticket becomes an opportunity cost for you to the point you are afraid if you spend money on first class you might not be able to afford to pay for some pus or go to the club.

So poker skills is determined by how much cash you carry on you? I didn't know that.

Ok I see I am going to have to clarify every point for you to get it... You can't play big cash games with out at least 30k. There are 168 hours in a week, of those banks are open 40 maybe 50 at most... this means for you slow people that they are closed more than 2/3rds of the time. Not to mention that you have to go into a bank to get a wire sent, this will also take you an hour to send, then you have to go through the hassle of picking it up. When you actually gather up a bankroll you might find out these problems the hard way.

Banks will give me the money in my account without making it disappear. It's just a procedure that takes a few minutes of my time... but hey I guess maybe you find banks such a pain because of the attitude you have??

I actually have a personal banker at my banks, another thing you will learn about when you actually put some real money in the bank, and even with this it is still a pain in the ass.

I never said it's my business, but you sure sound super-sensitive over some nameless dude on the Internet who says that he chooses not to spend money on a Rolex or personal jewellery... let me guess, is it because you feel that's a direct attack on your personal self-worth if people don't judge you by what you wear?

I'm not too sensitive, but for a guy who admits he has to spend money on women to get laid, you might wanna invest in a nice watch instead of paying the women u are with to hang out.

In the meantime, while you're flashing wealth in any way possible while living in fear of getting robbed on the street, having money confiscated by DEA, and screwed over by every "low class loser" who's "out to get you", I am happy living life knowing that I mix in with everyone else just fine, Mr. Life-Improvement.

I have a concealed firearm license, im not worried about it.

So you think the majority of population, ie middle/"low" class, are losers? That kind of mentality sure makes you a big winner in life indeed.

The majority of the population is borderline ******ed, so i guess you fit right in.
03-30-2009 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by fish2shark
Is it just me who doesn't have much sympathy for young, brash poker players who think that having won some thousands or a couple of million bucks even, is enough reason to carry cash in bags, flaunt that new Rolex they bought, and act like they got a right to do whatever they want?
um in the US they have the right to do everything you listed.
03-30-2009 , 02:19 AM
thats not why i dont like rich people, its cause i only make about $200-500 a week as a professional $1-2 nl player and i gotta put in about 70 or more hours a week, and i see people with much higher rolls than my measly $3000 sit down and not stress at all about losing $300-500 or $1000 even in one sitting. me id go ballastic and get 86ed. i feel like since im so much better a player i deserve the money alot more, and id have it instead of them, if i could ever learn to stay away from the machines.
makes me upset other people have money when i dont, when i know so much more about how to win at poker, but dont have the money to exercise it. thats why i hate the rich. its cause the money they have deserves to be mine, since im smarter than them.
03-30-2009 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
thats not why i dont like rich people, its cause i only make about $200-500 a week as a professional $1-2 nl player and i gotta put in about 70 or more hours a week, and i see people with much higher rolls than my measly $3000 sit down and not stress at all about losing $300-500 or $1000 even in one sitting. me id go ballastic and get 86ed. i feel like since im so much better a player i deserve the money alot more, and id have it instead of them, if i could ever learn to stay away from the machines.
makes me upset other people have money when i dont, when i know so much more about how to win at poker, but dont have the money to exercise it. thats why i hate the rich. its cause the money they have deserves to be mine, since im smarter than them.
Ahahaha this is so awesome! Thank you Randy Jensen, that is some proficient dream crushing.
03-30-2009 , 05:50 PM

"Its too bad that buying a first class ticket becomes an opportunity cost for you to the point you are afraid if you spend money on first class you might not be able to afford to pay for some pus or go to the club.

Ok I see I am going to have to clarify every point for you to get it... You can't play big cash games with out at least 30k. There are 168 hours in a week, of those banks are open 40 maybe 50 at most... this means for you slow people that they are closed more than 2/3rds of the time. Not to mention that you have to go into a bank to get a wire sent, this will also take you an hour to send, then you have to go through the hassle of picking it up. When you actually gather up a bankroll you might find out these problems the hard way.

I actually have a personal banker at my banks, another thing you will learn about when you actually put some real money in the bank, and even with this it is still a pain in the ass.

I'm not too sensitive, but for a guy who admits he has to spend money on women to get laid, you might wanna invest in a nice watch instead of paying the women u are with to hang out.

I have a concealed firearm license, im not worried about it.

The majority of the population is borderline ******ed, so i guess you fit right in.[/QUOTE]"



Sorry I didn't read any of that.. it's like flipping through radio stations when you hear Rush Limbaugh's voice you know to just move on to the next station.

But I know that you are both 1) nothing in poker, and 2) nothing in life though. I mean, you got your picture right there, and I've never seen you do anything in the poker world.

I'm sure though, that you tried to tell me about the rich lifestyle and how it's better blah blah.. good for you but as I said in my original reply in this thread, money you can make from poker is nothing really, especially when it's a nobody like you. Some of us actually made millions in the real world creating and selling companies.. and some of us actually know a top poker pro or two and know that the real high stakes players are down to earth and not moronic like you.

And we don't come to an Internet website bragging about our money... but you do... so good for you. Maybe one day if I see you at a final table of WSOP WPT or whatever I'll let you know all about it since I know what you look like... but I doubt it'll ever happen because you act like a nobody who wants to be somebody.... who will always remain a nobody.

What's sadder is that while I seriously didn't read a word of your post, I know you've just read my entire post and are clenching your fists waiting to slam the keys on the keyboard and make another reply... so I laugh in advance LOL.

Last edited by fish2shark; 03-30-2009 at 06:05 PM.
03-30-2009 , 06:07 PM
There's a big leap from not liking wealthy people, to saying that the US Gestapo has the right to detain you and confiscate your possessions for no good reason.

The founding fathers would puke. Actually, they would start a war.
03-30-2009 , 08:07 PM
It's wrong of course for DEA to get trigger-happy or revenue-happy and take our money just because we're poker players carrying over $10K.

But it's also stupid if we choose to flaunt our wealth in very visible ways thus inviting DEA to do what they do.

03-30-2009 , 08:10 PM
i completely forgot about "nestegg"... he should be in the "whatever happend to...." thread. do you still play nestegg? i've always enjoyed watching you play.
03-31-2009 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
thats not why i dont like rich people, its cause i only make about $200-500 a week as a professional $1-2 nl player and i gotta put in about 70 or more hours a week, and i see people with much higher rolls than my measly $3000 sit down and not stress at all about losing $300-500 or $1000 even in one sitting. me id go ballastic and get 86ed. i feel like since im so much better a player i deserve the money alot more, and id have it instead of them, if i could ever learn to stay away from the machines.
makes me upset other people have money when i dont, when i know so much more about how to win at poker, but dont have the money to exercise it. thats why i hate the rich. its cause the money they have deserves to be mine, since im smarter than them.
This post is all kinds of amazing. Thank you for imparting your wisdom on us. I miss your B&M thread.
03-31-2009 , 08:40 AM
very interesting story. i'll be more careful with cash in US.

but actually I know an another funny story - how a few Russian players carried over 3M in cash (two big cases) from LV throught LA to Moscow last summer and had no problems (despite it is illegal in Russia). they were asked about the cash in LV and LA, but had no other problems with US custom. Russian custom helped them in Moscow to bring it in. it a quite famous story now in Russia.
03-31-2009 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Tildo49
very interesting story. i'll be more careful with cash in US.

but actually I know an another funny story - how a few Russian players carried over 3M in cash (two big cases) from LV throught LA to Moscow last summer and had no problems (despite it is illegal in Russia). they were asked about the cash in LV and LA, but had no other problems with US custom. Russian custom helped them in Moscow to bring it in. it a quite famous story now in Russia.

04-02-2009 , 03:22 PM
congrats and gl with everything nestegg.....oh and wow you sound like a huge stuck up douche.
04-03-2009 , 02:20 PM
For all seasoned travellers, I'm traveling abroad for the first time to play a poker tournament. What is the most convenient and safest way to bring over 10k? Wire transfer directly to the casino? Is that possible?
04-03-2009 , 02:59 PM
sammy is due for some luckboxing. dont feel bad OP.
04-04-2009 , 02:05 AM
Thank god we live in a free country!

You will see how it will be NAZI Germany very soon!
04-04-2009 , 03:59 AM
Warning to high stakes travelers: those DEA agents love poker and they know how to suck you out.
04-04-2009 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by Prospace
Thank god we live in a free country!

You will see how it will be NAZI Germany very soon!
04-04-2009 , 01:57 PM
This thread in NVG describes a similar misuse of power and also quotes the thread right here.
04-04-2009 , 03:31 PM
I could only handle about half of the video before turning it off. What a douchebag.

Just about every airport and border crossing in the world has people just like this who's job is to be on the lookout for bad people doing bad things. It's not good or bad, just a fact of life.

You've got a right to not be questioned, to not be unreasonably detained, this is a fact. You do not have a right to fly on a plane, or for that matter, drive a car. These are priveledges. And they have a right (actually, a responsibility) to make sure people aren't carry weapons or explosives, or muling drugs or drug money.

And when some guy wants to show his arse and play road-side lawyer, it just makes his job that much harder, and worse, distracts him from the bad guys he's paid to protect you and I from. So he does what he does, passes you off to the FBI or the DEA or whoever, and you get to spend allot more time in windowless rooms going around in circles. When in fact you could just say "Yeah, I was in Cleveland working on a political fundraiser and these are the proceeds and now I'm headed home" and you'd be on your way.

They're not asking those questions to pry into your life and monitor your activities, they ask them to get you talking to get a read on you, to get a feel for whether you're up to no-good. If you get nervous or shifty or evasive, you raise flags, and they start snooping.
04-04-2009 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by viffer

my lawyer in detroit picked up my stuff today, they gave me a check insterad of cash and the amount of 12400 wich is a lil short of what i had but i did get my watch and braclet back.

some bull**** about suspision of drug dealing and bm they took my stuff had to prove where money came from and stuff real head ake
its amazing that everything taken was not documented on the receipt.
04-05-2009 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
When in fact you could just say "Yeah, I was in Cleveland working on a political fundraiser and these are the proceeds and now I'm headed home" and you'd be on your way.

They're not asking those questions to pry into your life and monitor your activities, they ask them to get you talking to get a read on you, to get a feel for whether you're up to no-good. If you get nervous or shifty or evasive, you raise flags, and they start snooping.
It is obvious that you didn't bother to watch the whole video.
04-11-2009 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by nestegg1
Do you guys have any idea how ridiculous this forum is? The monkeys in control of this just erase any and all replies they don't like. I remember they did this back in the day as well. If you follow the same thread from beginning to end you will see that as soon as a thread gets popular they censor it. Someone should create a forum without the ****** nerd police. Does anyone know who is in charge of censorship so I can say hello at the next live tourney i enter?
arent you banned from the USA?
04-11-2009 , 11:12 AM
ouch friend
04-14-2009 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by skier_5

guess i thought checks because of the travellers checks. I've had actual checks counted at borders before tho some of the euro borders seem to be confused with the regulations

Money and Other Monetary Instruments
You may bring into or take out of the country, including by mail, as much money as you wish. However, if it is more than $10,000, you will need to report it to CBP. Ask the CBP officer for the Currency Reporting Form (FinCen 105). The penalties for non-compliance can be severe.
“Money” means monetary instruments and includes U.S. or foreign coins currently in circulation, currency, traveler’s checks in any form, money orders, and negotiable instruments or investment securities in bearer form

---- Easy enough. If the check is Made out to YOU (you are the payee), write in BIG LETTERS: "NON-Negotiable" on the front and back of the check where the endorsement goes. Viola - it is no longer a negotiable instrument. However, you might have to go to the actual bank that is ordered to pay you to get the cash - I'm not sure if interbank transfers require a negotiable instrument.
