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08-11-2011 , 04:28 AM
Did anyone actually ever coach Girah or did he just inquire to ever notable coach out there? Did JM coach him extensively as was stated before all this?

Was anyone actually ever coached by Girah?
08-11-2011 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by PSUStudent
Also, thought these two statements can be interpreted entirely differently now, given the info. and speculation going on.

That's why I also think Static should reupload their interview and maybe people can catch a thing or two, that can be interpreted entirely differently, given current info.
Pretty sure the post we were looking for was this one:

[7/9/2011 11:32:18 PM] josé maria macedo: i wonder how much a -100k ptr is worth
08-11-2011 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by Marshall28
Pretty sure the post we were looking for was this one:

[7/9/2011 11:32:18 PM] josé maria macedo: i wonder how much a -100k ptr is worth
Pretty sure, that's why I said "Also".

Just cus you're looking for one 'post' doesn't mean other statements have to be ignored. /derail
08-11-2011 , 04:39 AM
Yeah I agreee, I already made statements previously in this thread about my dealings with him. Specifically about requesting to play him at 5/10 HU when I made it clear to him that I did not want to play any higher. So what does he do, he makes playing higher a requirement and we don't play. Seems pretty dodgdy to me and that he thought he was gonna lose a bunch of money to me if he sat down.
08-11-2011 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by Ansky
Ok so just to clarify Haseeb, THIS is what you ACTUALLY expect people to believe. (all facts according to HQ)

1. You believed Girah to be a MASSIVE winner, (1.6m over 800k hands).

2. You were unaware that he was involved in a competition on the site he was sponsored on.

3. You represented him in some capacity, acting as a booster, perhaps a mild advisor, but not a true agent or manager, but received NO compensation for this to date.

4. You staked him for 5/10

5. You intended to send him ONE HUNDRED BUY INS for said stake at 6m NL.

6. Despite him being a sponsored player on said site, you were unable to transfer him necessary funds. (As someone who has been a sponsored pro on a very small site, this is beyond absurd).

7. This coincided with the near conclusion of the competition, but was a pure coincidence.

8. You did not receive any financial compensation from Girah winning this competition.

9. You did not dump 100k to him, at the 11th hour of the competition, with any intention other than to fund the stake.
10. DIH only logged in to joses lock account once to play some 25/50 PLO while he had this samguy account with 100k

kswell is on point. theres a ton of money to be made if they feel with their (JM and DIH) coaching, staking, management, and marketing services they can take almost all of prodigies profit from all sources. JM posted that hes coaching jose and hes going to be a beast. pretty realistic that they thought they could actually make this kid a beast. i posted my theory already

Originally Posted by juan valdez
Wouldnt be surprised if JM's interview was arranged so he could state his case before DIH comes in and takes the fall for any wrong doing in an attempt to at least try and salvage JM's image
the crystal ball's working

its comforting to know that although DIH doesnt know what hes going to do next, hes got lots of money and real estate. it was really nice to casually add that for the sole purpose of giving all the readers peace of mind
08-11-2011 , 04:42 AM
I can't find the relevant posts anywhere, but Haseeb playing PLO on Jose's account occurred before the $100k was chip dumped, correct? Surely, even if by some miracle Haseeb didn't know about the lock poker challenge then, he would have known after?
08-11-2011 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
10. DIH only logged in to joses lock account once to play some 25/50 PLO while he had this samguy account with 100k

kswell is on point. theres a ton of money to be made if they feel with their (JM and DIH) coaching, staking, management, and marketing services they can take almost all of prodigies profit from all sources. JM posted that hes coaching jose and hes going to be a beast. pretty realistic that they thought they could actually make this kid a beast. i posted my theory already

the crystal ball's working

its comforting to know that although DIH doesnt know what hes going to do next but hes got lots of money and real estate. it was really nice to casually add that for the sole purpose of giving all the readers peace of mind
The worst part was when he said he was writing a book that will include the scandal... probably will sell it in paperback only to make us buy it to find out what he really knew.
08-11-2011 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by Omniheart
o come on jungle wtf are u doing? u need better people around you who wont take advantage of u. tell me it isnt true. its entirely possible haseeb was trying to scam jungle too
I mean if Haseeb had an outstanding debt to Jungle at this point of 275K+, then what would be his motive for not coming out with this information by now?
08-11-2011 , 04:44 AM
Im sure that HQ def had some financial motivations, but I think a lot of people are overlooking that he clearly has some sort of big brother/daddy/savior/hero/pappa bear wanna be complex going on and I do think that may have a lot to with why he went to such lengths to help the scumbag out and maybe that blinded him from seeing the full extent of Jose's bull****.
08-11-2011 , 04:53 AM
Why were you so adamant that his results were real when you didn’t verify them before agreeing to stake him?

Me and many other people did. Obviously none of us had verified his results.We just believed them, because people faking results is such a ridiculously rare thing in the poker world. I

I am very surprised that no one spoke about that. Surely, DIH cannot be serious when he writes something like this ? I am just baffled. The guy got (supposedly) hacked, every month or so a big scam is uncovered.... Seriously DIH ?
08-11-2011 , 04:53 AM
lol yes! someone plz call his mom

Originally Posted by JLBorloo
I am very surprised that no one spoke about that. Surely, DIH cannot be serious when he writes something like this ? I am just baffled. The guy got (supposedly) hacked, every month or so a big scam is uncovered.... Seriously DIH ?
well and its not only this sort of unbelievable level of niavety; its that he went out on a limb risking his money (offering to bet any amount PPP was exactly who he said he was, in this post) as well as putting his reputation on the line for someone he barely knew, while the entirety of NVG was crying foul saying this guy is fake for 1,000,000 reasons... and then he swoops in and say's NO ITS REAL GUYS TRUST ME, so its not like he had no inclination that PPP was faking it as his quote would seem to represent

Last edited by kswell; 08-11-2011 at 04:59 AM.
08-11-2011 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by The Iron Sheik
Im sure that HQ def had some financial motivations, but I think a lot of people are overlooking that he clearly has some sort of big brother/daddy/savior/hero/pappa bear wanna be complex going on and I do think that may have a lot to with why he went to such lengths to help the scumbag out and maybe that blinded him from seeing the full extent of Jose's bull****.
This was within the realm of possibility 2 days ago, but not anymore.
08-11-2011 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
From the referenced post by Jose talking about the chip dumping "match" with SamChauhan (HQ):

This is incredibly damning for JM imo.

Here is a guy who is staked for 5/10 who now has >100k in his lock account looking to play people 200/400 HU.

Are we supposed to believe that JM and HQ would be fine with him taking on random nosebleed wizards at 200/400 with their stake?

HQ certainly wouldn't be playing 200/400 HUNL, which only leaves one person who would
Originally Posted by jcl
imo a 100k chipdump is more likely to be to fund the girah acct for any future high stakes hu battles it might partake in.
And who is that battle going to be waged against? Here we have jungleman moving in with Jose, while girah begging durrrr to allow him to play the durrrr challenge.

Which is what some of us said all along.

Last edited by 663366; 08-11-2011 at 05:07 AM.
08-11-2011 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by tommyhawkers
Someone suggested I'm part of the interview team or whatev, but I'm not interested unless no one else legitimate comes forth.
fwiw I think that if YOU think that NoahSD might not go hard, then if he's on the panel SO SHOULD YOU. you can ask the hard questions then, such as just why was jungleman still moving in with Haseeb/Jose when he had already known about the chipdumping, and whether jungleman himself ever played on Girahh and other Jose-related accounts.

basically to me the panel is just a glorified way to make jungleman feel good, because at the end of the day we just want a couple of crucial questions answered, questions he keeps avoiding.

whereas Haseeb took another strategy, he addresses the questions by lying, then admitting once we figure out they were lies.
08-11-2011 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by rothko
This was within the realm of possibility 2 days ago, but not anymore.
I'm not saying he didn't do some really shady stuff, to me this is much more likely then him setting up a super long-con from day 1.

He found a kid who played into the whole needing a big brother thing and Pappa Bear fell right for it. Jose manipulated HQ into doing some really stupid crap, which is still totally inexcusable, and now he's paying the price for it. (rightfully so)
08-11-2011 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by thatpfunk
Did anyone actually ever coach Girah or did he just inquire to ever notable coach out there? Did JM coach him extensively as was stated before all this?

Was anyone actually ever coached by Girah?
I posted bthis before, but ilrg (maxktz1) got coaching, here are his two quotes about it:

On 29th of June he gave me Joses Skype info and I added him. From that day I would try to contact Jose about coaching. He would ignore me first but then after like 2 weeks we finally scheduled a session. I filled out his questionnaire and was good to go. He wouldnt show up to the first session and also missed the 2nd one we scheduled making up excuses. Then he apologized and said he would make it up by coaching me for free for 2 sessions.
On 07/17 we had finally our first session where we talked about some theory. The session was nothing special and I didn,t get the impression that he is as awesome as everyone seems to think he is. He basically send me the links to the hands he posted on 2p2 (also the hands he made his first video for pokerstrategy) and talked about them. He told me to prepare some conceptual hands and send me to him. I would do that but he never really analyzed them. He would then ignore me again for some days and when our next session was due he delayed it during to having so much stress because of his first video being released.
Originally Posted by ilrg
It was the same with me. He didn't tell me how to play or anything. Only feedback I got was: "you should 3bet more in position - especially fish like sauron1989" and "you played that hand perfect". Other than that he just watched it without commenting. I wanted some feedback afterwards but that kinda never happened.
08-11-2011 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez

its comforting to know that although DIH doesnt know what hes going to do next, hes got lots of money and real estate. it was really nice to casually add that for the sole purpose of giving all the readers peace of mind
For real right? That *******.
08-11-2011 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by sauce123
I agree it sounds like Haseeb is under financial stress, and that's the conclusion I would jump to as well from reading the forums, however ...

I've done every single thing in that checklist in the past 2 years and I'm certainly not under severe financial stress nor was I at the time. I mean, hell, I cashed out a ton of money from FTP and grinded .25/.50c with a $1000 deposit for over a year, and prior to doing this I had been on a 1.5mil downswing or so. While anyone with half a brain must have thought I was busto, I wasn't. I played 5/10$ nl in Vegas this year myself for over 25 hours after having had 25/50 to 200/400 nl be my main game on FTP in the previous three months because I wanted to play at a limit where even if I gave off some tells I felt I would be a favorite or small loser. I also took an extended break from poker to focus on school and that coincided with having a huge downswing, but I definitely was not under financial stress at any time.

Circumstantial evidence just isn't proof. It's totally possible Haseeb is telling the whole truth now. People might not think he is likeable, but I don't see any facts ITT which can show that his story is false.
meh, liek someone else said, it's important to define financial stress. does he have 5k liquid? 50k? 500k? does he have 50k in savings/real estate (lolzers)? 500k? 5m?!

either way, we know a few things:
1. he did not have 300k liquid to pay ashton immediately. we do not know if he paid jungleman back, it seems unlikely that he did right away (i use this assumption because jm probably didn't care, it's pretty common for people to owe someone they call a friend, especially someone they live with, some random 5 figure amount. i realize this is much more, but jm is also super paid, so i doubt it was a priority to get 300k when he prob had 5m on ftp at the time).
2. if you've made money from poker, even a lot of money, you know it comes and goes. if he's made 1.5m from poker (probably not a stretch), then how much does he spend? did he buy a house (real estate imo)? did he pay taxes? did he lose 300k in a bet? even before he got scammed, he's unlikely to have had much more than 1/3 of "what he made," then he loses 300k in a prop bet.

sounds like financial distress to me.

Originally Posted by d2themfi
that blog is just pure gold. jesus can not believe this
really is ridiculous, but exactly how i kind of expected it to end. tbh, it's a ridiculously layered scandal and perhaps not over, but it simply would not have been that bad had everyone involved not handled it as poorly as possible. is there a term for lying until it's proven that you're lying and then telling a vague semblance of the truth? if not, there should be, but calling it a quereshi or w/e doesn't roll off the tongue. i guess we can start saying, "are you dogisheading me?"

Originally Posted by Lefort
Here's the thing. Even if miraculously EVERYTHING Haseeb says has been honest and genuine, if somehow EVERY crazy coincidence and tidbit of damning information can be explained, and he's actually SOMEHOW a victim in all of this.. he should still be very very very sorry, and extremely apologetic.

Word Count: 2211
Find: "sorry"
The search item was not found.

Self-absorption is very unbecoming. ; sigh
this is an incredible find.

Originally Posted by Potvaliant
It's time to look at jungleman ... the whole chip dumping acct. name alibi is obvious bs ... I mean, no one really believes that it was just a random joke and he created the acct., right?
i would be fine with being part of a panel that interviewed dan live, i think there are some questions left to be answered, though im not sure if dan can answer them.
08-11-2011 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by aejones
really is ridiculous, but exactly how i kind of expected it to end. tbh, it's a ridiculously layered scandal and perhaps not over, but it simply would not have been that bad had everyone involved not handled it as poorly as possible. is there a term for lying until it's proven that you're lying and then telling a vague semblance of the truth? if not, there should be, but calling it a quereshi or w/e doesn't roll off the tongue. i guess we can start saying, "are you dogisheading me?"
I see some potential in jose/hose. "i got hosed" / "i got jose'd"

08-11-2011 , 06:28 AM
Has anyone tried to get an explanation from Jose himself? I remember reading at least one member of the Skype group was still managing to get in contact with him fairly easily. Would it be worth trying to see if he is ready to reveal a more in depth explanation? Perhaps he would be willing to do a panel interview as well? Or is it just a case of everyone thinks he is a pathological liar now and anything he said wouldn't be believed?
I feel like if DiH was fully aware of Jose faking his results etc there may be a time when he is ready to throw his 'mentor' under the bus so to speak.
08-11-2011 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by aejones

is there a term for lying until it's proven that you're lying and then telling a vague semblance of the truth? if not, there should be, but calling it a quereshi or w/e doesn't roll off the tongue. i guess we can start saying, "are you dogisheading me?"

Are you Dogging me?
08-11-2011 , 06:31 AM
Seriously Haseeb? You expect us to blindly read your blog and assume you're the victim of all of this? You're delusional and guilty.
08-11-2011 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by sparky999
Has anyone tried to get an explanation from Jose himself? I remember reading at least one member of the Skype group was still managing to get in contact with him fairly easily. Would it be worth trying to see if he is ready to reveal a more in depth explanation? Perhaps he would be willing to do a panel interview as well? Or is it just a case of everyone thinks he is a pathological liar now and anything he said wouldn't be believed?
I feel like if DiH was fully aware of Jose faking his results etc there may be a time when he is ready to throw his 'mentor' under the bus so to speak.
i talked to him and started by asking him a question I already knew the answer to (if it was dog or jungle MA'ing on lock) and he lied. then i made him swear on it just for the lols. he did. he then proceeded to say theres nothing more to the story and that everything about him is true blahblahblahblah a bunch of lies. i pressed him pretty hard but he just kept on lying. in the end he asked if i thought he could come back from it in 2-3 years if he tried his hardest. "do you believe in second chances?". finally he said he wasn't reading the threads about it and that he was going on vacation.
08-11-2011 , 07:44 AM
From the looking for prodigy thread, at the time interest was blowing up after everyone (DIH,JM,sauce,etc) had vouched

These are from what I understand his gimmicks, and I'll bold what I find interesting

Originally Posted by fjfrm
After José decides to reveal himself to the world and explain, without raising any doubts, how he turned € 30 into millions in such a short period of time, I bet he will be signed by some major poker site..
1 hour later

Originally Posted by LookingForProdigy
alright. SN's that i got informd of were

but i dont got any conformation on these so idk how true it is. btw jose rejectd my on skype, anyways i can get in contact with some1 who knows him? just wanna propose a deal to him. ty. pm me
This is directed at the ones who speculating whether things were carefully planned, and by who, etc.
Not the scam itself but the publicity/going for deals.

Source: thread
08-11-2011 , 08:03 AM
Any confirmation on who the oovoo99 account is who girah(lookingforprodigy) mentions in that thread? Really suspect account imo. Spins up 355k in 1 and a half months in 15k hands, never to be seen again. Someone also confirmed that his stats are very similar to the ones posted as Girah's in original ppp thread.
This is also the account that beat oldjude for 90k in a match he suspected that something strange was going on. He mentioned it in his pokerstatic interview.
