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5/10 NLHE: combo draw; play for effective stack? 5/10 NLHE: combo draw; play for effective stack?

09-21-2015 , 06:52 PM
Hero is playing $2800; has a fairly tight and straight forward image; rarely getting out of line
Villain, playing $2000, is a highly skilled TAG and very capable of making moves.

Hero opens from the Lowjack to $25 with Ad5d, Hijack (a very loose and splashy player) calls, folds to V in BB who completes.

Flop ($80): 6d 3d 2s

V checks, Hero bets $50, HJ snap calls, V c/r $200

Hero perceives Vs range to consist of sets/the nuts a majority of the time and combo draws/flush draws the rest of the time.

Is our only option here to 3b? Flatting puts us in a weird spot if we miss the turn and V fires a huge barrel (which he is sure to do). The problem is that if we 3b, then V is likely to 4b shove. Should we be willing to get it in here?

What line would you take? Do you feel that any of my logic is flawed?
09-22-2015 , 08:40 AM
I think flatting is nice here, the splashy player can come along with dominated draws/other weak stuff and were in position on the villain
09-22-2015 , 02:17 PM
Definitely calling for multiple reasons. As stack depth increases, the value of position goes up. This is one of the reasons. Another is that we're calling 150 to win a pot of 380, ie getting around 2.5/1 and needing to win 1:3.5 or slightly less than 30%. Add to that the implied odds when we get flush vs flush and it's quite clear cut to me. B/3B is just spewing here with such deep stacks, we're pretty much getting smashed in a 400bb pot against the range a highly skilled TAG gets it in with on the flop.
09-22-2015 , 04:12 PM
Would put my sunglasses on and wager all my chips into the middle of the pot. If Villain starts asking you any questions, just respond with "Let them come..."
09-25-2015 , 08:36 PM
You Should Just flat, since stacks are deep the value of position grows up, and since he cant shove the turn, you can put pressure on him on a later street, plus you can get the player behind to call with weaker flush draws.
plus, in that flop, that arent many hands you would play for stacks except the 54s, but there are many of this combos on your range, so raising will likely seems as a draw, and calling puts some strong hands in your range when the FD completes allowing you the play well on most turns.
09-25-2015 , 10:09 PM
I don't see how we have any fold equity here by 3betting - Also its almost impossible for him to have worse combo draws since we have 5d

I'd be much more inclined to 3bet on 643dd or 478dd type flops where he will stack off with alot of worse draws.

Calling is just so good because if he has sets we will definitely get paid both streets if a 4 peels, and if flush hits turns he's atleast paying 1 street if not 2 sometimes.

Also we let the other player in for cheap and we basically have direct odds to try and hit, and can get the worse player to stack off to us with worse flushes sometimes.
10-04-2015 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by drawingdeadd7
I think flatting is nice here, the splashy player can come along with dominated draws/other weak stuff and were in position on the villain
My thoughts exactly so I'll just bink it in
10-23-2015 , 07:57 PM
Smallish 3b (sub-3x) with next to 0 FE is fine. Snapcheck turn.

1 and done. Thanks for the ban, RBK.
10-24-2015 , 06:26 PM
5/10 is medium stakes.
