Originally Posted by tsarast
lol.. this post is hilarious, i can't believe I actually read the whole thing. Onepac, bro, u seem like an alright guy... but listen to what people are telling you, because you are wrong on this one. It's a call. Maybe given some of the factors you were saying, it's close, but it's still a call. The fact that he had total AIR, not even a draw, almost definitely means that you're evaluation of the likelihood of him having A/B/C in his range, weighting strongly towards sets/straight was probably off, and he was more likely to be bluffing/semi-bluffing then you thought anyways.
Your one point that you seem to be hanging on to is risk-management, and honestly the point every poker player is trying to make to you is that if you think the $$ is so big that you are passing up a "60/40" (an offhand estimate u used earlier i believe), then you should not be playing the game. No poker player can pass up 60/40's to "find something better" (PH notwithstanding obv, he can wait for 75/25+). So if the game was so big that you feel that way, then previous posters are right that you should have quit the game because you are -ev if you are going to play so nitty that you should pass up 60/40's for BR management reasons.
Honestly, u probably were -ev playing like a huge nit... u said yourself you were extremely nitty, had never raised a turn... etc... i sincerely doubt that in a 3 handed game, with u super-nitting it up, you were 90% to get the money later if you folded here. That aspect of your analysis is way off. This "fish" was probably running u over to enough of an extent that you weren't as +ev as u thought (if at all).
Alright? And also, about your financial buddies... just because they now help manage a billion-dollar fund does not make them better equipped to answer this question. BR/risk-management is a pretty central part of playing poker, something most pros understand at least theoretically. Additionally, I think there are many intelligent professional poker players that could easily have become "billion-dollar hedge fund managers" if they wanted it and applied themselves... not to mention that based on a lot of things that I have read hedge-fund managing is more luck-based then poker playing, so someone who is "successful" at that is less likely to actually be good at what they are doing.
Food for thought...
Good Reply: The 60/40 and 90% edge numbers were just an example.
Also, it should be clear that I thought I was behind in the hand, I really "felt" like I was an 80/20 dog against his range fwiw. Should also be clear that I AGREE THAT IT WAS A CALL, was just giving the opinion of some fairly intelligent people and what they had to say.
Another point, many people have said, "dont sit if the money......" that is not the question, the question is, given that I AM IN THE GAME AND A PARTICULAR SITUATION HAS ARRIVED, blah, blah, blah.
Also, I havent been raising because of the flow of the game, not because Im playing with scared money. The game is "ABOVE MY ROLL" Not my entire roll. I can afford it, I just dont have 20 buyins.
2 other notes,
1)he did shove like 3 other times prior to my departure after the 555 hand, all 3 were the NUTS (or 2nd).
2) After this hand, I ended up netting an additional 100k-ish, the amount that I felt i could get from him if I folded. People are not acknowledging that he is paying as poorly as one can play, that's somehow been forgotten in this discussion.